142 research outputs found

    Implementing the Deep Q-Network

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    The Deep Q-Network proposed by Mnih et al. [2015] has become a benchmark and building point for much deep reinforcement learning research. However, replicating results for complex systems is often challenging since original scientific publications are not always able to describe in detail every important parameter setting and software engineering solution. In this paper, we present results from our work reproducing the results of the DQN paper. We highlight key areas in the implementation that were not covered in great detail in the original paper to make it easier for researchers to replicate these results, including termination conditions and gradient descent algorithms. Finally, we discuss methods for improving the computational performance and provide our own implementation that is designed to work with a range of domains, and not just the original Arcade Learning Environment [Bellemare et al., 2013]

    Deep Abstract Q-Networks

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    We examine the problem of learning and planning on high-dimensional domains with long horizons and sparse rewards. Recent approaches have shown great successes in many Atari 2600 domains. However, domains with long horizons and sparse rewards, such as Montezuma's Revenge and Venture, remain challenging for existing methods. Methods using abstraction (Dietterich 2000; Sutton, Precup, and Singh 1999) have shown to be useful in tackling long-horizon problems. We combine recent techniques of deep reinforcement learning with existing model-based approaches using an expert-provided state abstraction. We construct toy domains that elucidate the problem of long horizons, sparse rewards and high-dimensional inputs, and show that our algorithm significantly outperforms previous methods on these domains. Our abstraction-based approach outperforms Deep Q-Networks (Mnih et al. 2015) on Montezuma's Revenge and Venture, and exhibits backtracking behavior that is absent from previous methods

    Estimation for Quadrotors

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    This document describes standard approaches for filtering and estimation for quadrotors, created for the Udacity Flying Cars course. We assume previous knowledge of probability and some knowledge of linear algebra. We do not assume previous knowledge of Kalman filters or Bayes filters. This document derives an EKF for various models of drones in 1D, 2D, and 3D. We use the EKF and notation as defined in Thrun et al. [13]. We also give pseudocode for the Bayes filter, the EKF, and the Unscented Kalman filter [14]. The motivation behind this document is the lack of a step-by-step EKF tutorial that provides the derivations for a quadrotor helicopter. The goal of estimation is to infer the drone's state (pose, velocity, acceleration, and biases) from its sensor values and control inputs. This problem is challenging because sensors are noisy. Additionally, because of weight and cost issues, many drones have limited on-board computation so we want to estimate these values as quickly as possible. The standard method for performing this method is the Extended Kalman filter, a nonlinear extension of the Kalman filter which linearizes a nonlinear transition and measurement model around the current state. However the Unscented Kalman filter is better in almost every respect: simpler to implement, more accurate to estimate, and comparable runtimes

    Advantages and Limitations of using Successor Features for Transfer in Reinforcement Learning

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    One question central to Reinforcement Learning is how to learn a feature representation that supports algorithm scaling and re-use of learned information from different tasks. Successor Features approach this problem by learning a feature representation that satisfies a temporal constraint. We present an implementation of an approach that decouples the feature representation from the reward function, making it suitable for transferring knowledge between domains. We then assess the advantages and limitations of using Successor Features for transfer

    Scanning the Internet for ROS: A View of Security in Robotics Research

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    Because robots can directly perceive and affect the physical world, security issues take on particular importance. In this paper, we describe the results of our work on scanning the entire IPv4 address space of the Internet for instances of the Robot Operating System (ROS), a widely used robotics platform for research. Our results identified that a number of hosts supporting ROS are exposed to the public Internet, thereby allowing anyone to access robotic sensors and actuators. As a proof of concept, and with consent, we were able to read image sensor information and move the robot of a research group in a US university. This paper gives an overview of our findings, including the geographic distribution of publicly-accessible platforms, the sorts of sensor and actuator data that is available, as well as the different kinds of robots and sensors that our scan uncovered. Additionally, we offer recommendations on best practices to mitigate these security issues in the future.Comment: 10 page

    pomdp_py: A Framework to Build and Solve POMDP Problems

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    In this paper, we present pomdp_py, a general purpose Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) library written in Python and Cython. Existing POMDP libraries often hinder accessibility and efficient prototyping due to the underlying programming language or interfaces, and require extra complexity in software toolchain to integrate with robotics systems. pomdp_py features simple and comprehensive interfaces capable of describing large discrete or continuous (PO)MDP problems. Here, we summarize the design principles and describe in detail the programming model and interfaces in pomdp_py. We also describe intuitive integration of this library with ROS (Robot Operating System), which enabled our torso-actuated robot to perform object search in 3D. Finally, we note directions to improve and extend this library for POMDP planning and beyond.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to ICAPS 2020 Planning and Robotics (PlanRob) Worksho

    Accurately and Efficiently Interpreting Human-Robot Instructions of Varying Granularities

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    Humans can ground natural language commands to tasks at both abstract and fine-grained levels of specificity. For instance, a human forklift operator can be instructed to perform a high-level action, like "grab a pallet" or a low-level action like "tilt back a little bit." While robots are also capable of grounding language commands to tasks, previous methods implicitly assume that all commands and tasks reside at a single, fixed level of abstraction. Additionally, methods that do not use multiple levels of abstraction encounter inefficient planning and execution times as they solve tasks at a single level of abstraction with large, intractable state-action spaces closely resembling real world complexity. In this work, by grounding commands to all the tasks or subtasks available in a hierarchical planning framework, we arrive at a model capable of interpreting language at multiple levels of specificity ranging from coarse to more granular. We show that the accuracy of the grounding procedure is improved when simultaneously inferring the degree of abstraction in language used to communicate the task. Leveraging hierarchy also improves efficiency: our proposed approach enables a robot to respond to a command within one second on 90% of our tasks, while baselines take over twenty seconds on half the tasks. Finally, we demonstrate that a real, physical robot can ground commands at multiple levels of abstraction allowing it to efficiently plan different subtasks within the same planning hierarchy.Comment: Updated with final version - Published as Conference Paper in Robotics: Science and Systems 201

    Planning with State Abstractions for Non-Markovian Task Specifications

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    Often times, we specify tasks for a robot using temporal language that can also span different levels of abstraction. The example command ``go to the kitchen before going to the second floor'' contains spatial abstraction, given that ``floor'' consists of individual rooms that can also be referred to in isolation ("kitchen", for example). There is also a temporal ordering of events, defined by the word "before". Previous works have used Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) to interpret temporal language (such as "before"), and Abstract Markov Decision Processes (AMDPs) to interpret hierarchical abstractions (such as "kitchen" and "second floor"), separately. To handle both types of commands at once, we introduce the Abstract Product Markov Decision Process (AP-MDP), a novel approach capable of representing non-Markovian reward functions at different levels of abstractions. The AP-MDP framework translates LTL into its corresponding automata, creates a product Markov Decision Process (MDP) of the LTL specification and the environment MDP, and decomposes the problem into subproblems to enable efficient planning with abstractions. AP-MDP performs faster than a non-hierarchical method of solving LTL problems in over 95% of tasks, and this number only increases as the size of the environment domain increases. We also present a neural sequence-to-sequence model trained to translate language commands into LTL expression, and a new corpus of non-Markovian language commands spanning different levels of abstraction. We test our framework with the collected language commands on a drone, demonstrating that our approach enables a robot to efficiently solve temporal commands at different levels of abstraction

    Grounding Language Attributes to Objects using Bayesian Eigenobjects

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    We develop a system to disambiguate object instances within the same class based on simple physical descriptions. The system takes as input a natural language phrase and a depth image containing a segmented object and predicts how similar the observed object is to the object described by the phrase. Our system is designed to learn from only a small amount of human-labeled language data and generalize to viewpoints not represented in the language-annotated depth image training set. By decoupling 3D shape representation from language representation, this method is able to ground language to novel objects using a small amount of language-annotated depth-data and a larger corpus of unlabeled 3D object meshes, even when these objects are partially observed from unusual viewpoints. Our system is able to disambiguate between novel objects, observed via depth images, based on natural language descriptions. Our method also enables view-point transfer; trained on human-annotated data on a small set of depth images captured from frontal viewpoints, our system successfully predicted object attributes from rear views despite having no such depth images in its training set. Finally, we demonstrate our approach on a Baxter robot, enabling it to pick specific objects based on human-provided natural language descriptions

    Generating Handwriting via Decoupled Style Descriptors

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    Representing a space of handwriting stroke styles includes the challenge of representing both the style of each character and the overall style of the human writer. Existing VRNN approaches to representing handwriting often do not distinguish between these different style components, which can reduce model capability. Instead, we introduce the Decoupled Style Descriptor (DSD) model for handwriting, which factors both character- and writer-level styles and allows our model to represent an overall greater space of styles. This approach also increases flexibility: given a few examples, we can generate handwriting in new writer styles, and also now generate handwriting of new characters across writer styles. In experiments, our generated results were preferred over a state of the art baseline method 88% of the time, and in a writer identification task on 20 held-out writers, our DSDs achieved 89.38% accuracy from a single sample word. Overall, DSDs allows us to improve both the quality and flexibility over existing handwriting stroke generation approaches.Comment: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 202
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