73 research outputs found

    Complexity confers stability: Climate variability, vegetation response and sand transport on longitudinal sand dunes in Australia’s deserts

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    Abstract The relationship between antecedent precipitation, vegetation cover and sand movement on sand dunes in the Simpson and Strzelecki Deserts was investigated by repeated (up to four) surveys of dune crest plots (≈25 × 25 m) over a drought cycle (2002–2012) in both winter (low wind) and spring (high wind). Vegetation varied dramatically between surveys on vegetated and active dune crests. Indices of sand movement had significant correlations with vegetation cover: the depth of loose sand has a strong inverse relationship with crust (cyanobacterial and/or physical) while the area covered by ripples has a strong inverse relationship with the areal cover of vascular plants. However, the relationship between antecedent rainfall and vegetation cover was found to be complex. We tentatively identify two thresholds; (1) >10 mm of rainfall in the preceding 90 days leads to rapid and near total cover of crust and/or small plants <50 cm tall, and (2) >400 mm of rainfall in the preceding three years leads to higher cover of persistent and longer-lived plants >50 cm tall. These thresholds were used to predict days of low vegetation cover on dune crests. The combination of seasonality of predicted bare-crest days, potential sand drift and resultant sand drift direction explains observed patterns of sand drift on these dunes. The complex vegetation and highly variable rainfall regime confer meta-stability on the dunes through the range of responses to different intervals of antecedent rainfall and non-linear growth responses. This suggests that the geomorphic response of dunes to climate variation is complex and non-linear.Abstract The relationship between antecedent precipitation, vegetation cover and sand movement on sand dunes in the Simpson and Strzelecki Deserts was investigated by repeated (up to four) surveys of dune crest plots (≈25 × 25 m) over a drought cycle (2002–2012) in both winter (low wind) and spring (high wind). Vegetation varied dramatically between surveys on vegetated and active dune crests. Indices of sand movement had significant correlations with vegetation cover: the depth of loose sand has a strong inverse relationship with crust (cyanobacterial and/or physical) while the area covered by ripples has a strong inverse relationship with the areal cover of vascular plants. However, the relationship between antecedent rainfall and vegetation cover was found to be complex. We tentatively identify two thresholds; (1) >10 mm of rainfall in the preceding 90 days leads to rapid and near total cover of crust and/or small plants <50 cm tall, and (2) >400 mm of rainfall in the preceding three years leads to higher cover of persistent and longer-lived plants >50 cm tall. These thresholds were used to predict days of low vegetation cover on dune crests. The combination of seasonality of predicted bare-crest days, potential sand drift and resultant sand drift direction explains observed patterns of sand drift on these dunes. The complex vegetation and highly variable rainfall regime confer meta-stability on the dunes through the range of responses to different intervals of antecedent rainfall and non-linear growth responses. This suggests that the geomorphic response of dunes to climate variation is complex and non-linear

    The cold climate geomorphology of the Eastern Cape Drakensberg: A reevaluation of past climatic conditions during the last glacial cycle in Southern Africa

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: The cold climate geomorphology of the Eastern Cape Drakensberg: A reevaluation of past climatic conditions during the last glacial cycle in Southern Africa journaltitle: Geomorphology articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.11.011 content_type: article copyright: Crown Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Catchment changes in response to tectonics and climate: using river terraces and DEM data in the southern High Atlas Mountains (Morocco)

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    Tectonics and climate drive the generation and transport of sediment in mountain rivers as these evolve over time. On a glacial-interglacial scale, in particular catchment reorganisation and catchment incision dynamics control these processes, and affect fan deposition in sedimentary basins. The Atlas Mountains in Morocco exhibit ongoing catchment reorganisation and an abundance of river terraces recording glacial fluvial aggradation and interglacial-glacial incisional periods, opening up insight into the processes behind catchment evolution over geological timescales. Topography and river profiles across drainage divides are similar in a stable divide, and if they are unequal they indicate active catchment reorganisation. When reorganisation occurs, it results in irregularities in river long profiles and changes in river valley erosion. River strath terraces are formed by transition between valley widening and downcutting of terraces in response to local divergence of sediment-transport capacity 3. Consequently, they record changes in catchments due to river capture, climate and tectonics. The presence of river terraces enables catchment processes over time to be investigated. A combination of remote sensing and field mapping and logging was completed in May 2018. River terraces have been mapped with newly released high resolution DEM data in the southern High Atlas in Morocco, and additional surveying was done in the field. Geomorphological indices suggest river catchment capture is a key control on the development of drainage networks. River long profiles suggest tectonic controls have also influenced landscape development over the last few million years. Logging of terrace sediments together with high-resolution sampling for OSL dating enables these catchment-wide effects to be compared with paleo-hydrological and sediment transport characteristics of the fluvial system. The combination of geomorphological DEM and sedimentological field data enables us to explore drivers of catchment change, and will contribute to the wider understanding of fluvial system response to climate and tectonic controls, and to its transport into the sedimentary record

    Rock strength and structural controls on fluvial erodibility: Implications for drainage divide mobility in a collisional mountain belt

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    Numerical model simulations and experiments have suggested that when migration of the main drainage divide occurs in a mountain belt, it can lead to the rearrangement of river catchments, rejuvenation of topography, and changes in erosion rates and sediment flux. We assess the progressive mobility of the drainage divide in three lithologically and structurally distinct groups of bedrock in the High Atlas (NW Africa). The geological age of bedrock and its associated tectonic architecture in the mountain belt increases from east to west in the study area, allowing us to track both variations in rock strength and structural configuration which influence drainage mobility during erosion through an exhuming mountain belt. Collection of field derived measurements of rock strength using a Schmidt hammer and computer based extraction of river channel steepness permit estimations of contrasts in fluvial erodibilities of rock types. The resulting difference in fluvial erodibility between the weakest and the strongest lithological unit is up to two orders of magnitude. Published evidence of geomorphic mobility of the drainage divide indicates that such a range in erodibilities in horizontal stratigraphy of the sedimentary cover may lead to changes in erosion rates as rivers erode through strata, leading to drainage divide migration. In contrast, we show that the faulted and folded metamorphic sedimentary rocks in the centre of the mountain belt coincide with a stable drainage divide. Finally, where the strong igneous rocks of the crystalline basement are exposed after erosion of the covering meta-sediments, there is a decrease in fluvial erodibility of up to a factor of three, where the drainage divide is mobile towards the centre of the exposed crystalline basement. The mobility of the drainage divide in response to erosion through rock-types and their structural configuration in a mountain belt has implications for the perception of autogenic dynamism of drainage networks and fluvial erosion in mountain belts, and the interpretation of the geomorphology and downstream stratigraphy.</p

    Using GLUE to pull apart the provenance of atmospheric dust

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    © 2018 Identifying the sources of aeolian dust is a crucial step in mitigating the associated hazards. We apply a Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) model to constrain the uncertainties associated with sediment fingerprinting of atmospheric dust in the Sistan region on the Iran-Afghanistan border, one of the world's dustiest places. 57 dust samples were collected from the rooftop of the Zabol Department of Environmental Protection during a summer dusty period from June to October 2014, in addition to 31 surface soil samples collected from potential sources nearby, including cultivated land (n = 8), uncultivated rangeland (n = 7), and two dry lakes: Hamoun Puzak (n = 10) and Hamoun Saberi (n = 6). Dust and soil samples were analyzed for 24 tracers including 16 geochemical elements and 8 water-soluble ions. Five optimum composite fingerprints (Fe, Sr, Mn, Cr and Pb) were selected for discriminating sources by a two-stage statistical process involving a Kruskal-Wallis test and stepwise discriminant function analysis (DFA). Uncertainty ranges for source contributions of dust determined by the GLUE model showed that the dry lake Hamoun Puzak is the dominant source for all dust samples from Zabol and cultivated land is a secondary source. We found marked spatial variance in the importance of regional dry lake beds as dust sources, and temporal persistence in dust emissions from Hamoun Puzak, despite very large areas of adjacent lake beds drying during the study period. Aeolian sediment fingerprinting studies can benefit considerably from the constraints provided by modelling frameworks, such as GLUE, for quantifying the uncertainty in dust provenance data

    Desertification of Iran in the early twenty-first century: assessment using climate and vegetation indices

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    AbstractRemote sensing of specific climatic and biogeographical parameters is an effective means of evaluating the large-scale desertification status of drylands affected by negative human impacts. Here, we identify and analyze desertification trends in Iran for the period 2001–2015 via a combination of three indices for vegetation (NPP—net primary production, NDVI—normalized difference vegetation index, LAI—leaf area index) and two climate indices (LST—land surface temperature, P—precipitation). We combine these indices to identify and map areas of Iran that are susceptible to land degradation. We then apply a simple linear regression method, the Mann–Kendall non-parametric test, and the Theil–Sen estimator to identify long-term temporal and spatial trends within the data. Based on desertification map, we find that 68% of Iran shows a high to very high susceptibility to desertification, representing an area of 1.1 million km2 (excluding 0.42 million km2 classified as unvegetated). Our results highlight the importance of scale in assessments of desertification, and the value of high-resolution data, in particular. Annually, no significant change is evident within any of the five indices, but significant changes (some positive, some negative) become apparent on a seasonal basis. Some observations follow expectations; for instance, NDVI is strongly associated with cooler, wet spring and summer seasons, and milder winters. Others require more explanation; for instance, vegetation appears decoupled from climatic forcing during autumn. Spatially, too, there is much local and regional variation, which is lost when the data are considered only at the largest nationwide scale. We identify a northwest–southeast belt spanning central Iran, which has experienced significant vegetation decline (2001–2015). We tentatively link this belt of land degradation with intensified agriculture in the hinterlands of Iran’s major cities. The spatial and temporal trends identified with the three vegetation and two climate indices afford a cost-effective framework for the prediction and management of future environmental trends in developing regions at risk of desertification.</jats:p

    Morphodynamics, boundary conditions and pattern evolution within a vegetated linear dunefield

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Morphodynamics, boundary conditions and pattern evolution within a vegetated linear dunefield journaltitle: Geomorphology articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.03.024 content_type: article copyright: © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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