6 research outputs found

    Kuzeybatı Anadolu'da Hava Tipleri

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    Weather types that were observed in the North-west Anatolian sub-region of Turkey during the period 1988-1995 were examined in the study. Method of determination for weather types in the research area was developed based on different methods of weather types that were used for the various regions of the world. Determination of weather types in the Northwest Anatolia was carried out by interpretations of the synoptic maps (00:00 GMT), atmospheric events and climatic elements. Thirteen weather types that are occurred depending on seven genetic systems were determined for the study area. Different parts of the pressure systems and weather fronts together led to occurring of various weather types. Determined weather types are divided into three groups: a) Annual: front of the mid-latitude depressions; north of the mid-latitude depressions; south of the mid-latitude depressions; middle of the Azores high; north of the Azores high; south of the Azores high. b) Cold period: the Azores high/the Siberian high; middle of the Siberian high; west of the Siberian high; south of the Siberian high. c) Warm period: the Azores high/the Basra low, and the Basra low. Weather types that were determined for the North-west Anatolia has a great ability to explain occurrence of the climatic features and conditions. However, validity of such an approach should be questioned by applying it to different regions of Turkey. If the sufficient data can be reached, it should also be studied for longer periods

    Kaz Dağı’nda Yüzeye Gelen Güneş Enerjisinin Dağılışında Topografyanın Etkisi

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    The interaction between the components of Earthsystem and resultant arised from that interaction show significant variations in the zone/time dimensions. The spatial differentiation within Earthsystem is due basicaly to the spato-temporal dispersion of solar energy. Giving special reference to the Kaz Mountain, we aimed at explaining the impacts of topography on dispersion of solar energy, which controls the whole components of earth system. Thus, in order to determine specialization of ecosystem together with this forming of regional featurs of earth-system with the help of differentiation of energy convection in the Earthsystem and with the regional differentiations of all convections and process tried to be created a scientific basic. In Kaz Mountain, sun energy taken by surface differentiatiates basicly to inspection factor and secondly to slope attributes. It is thought that in Kaz Mountain, with the effect of topography, the change of energy taken by surface in short distances is the main source of biological diversion. With this work, it is tried that for use and improvement of natural/social sources which is sustainable in Kaz Mountain and knowing of energy taken by surface in every situation by using monthly maps. It is thought that the method which is improved and tested for Kaz Mountain can bu used in every region and has a benefit in deciding use of the source subjec


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    The aim of this study is to determine the reflection of the climate change to the forest of the Kaz Mount and its vicinity via regional climate scenarios. It is used temperature and precipitation data. It is derived the modeled temperature and precipitation values in the points of the surface of Kaz Mount from arranged data after reducing them to the sea level in GIS. Spatial analysis has been applied using Erinç, De-Martonne and Emberger indexes and gained the changing climate maps of Kaz Mount according to the three climate classification methods. On the other hand, trees which forms the forest of Kaz Mount have been classified according to their xerophilous or hygrophilous types. Thus, it is gained 5 groups of tree species, hygrophilous, xerophilous, transition which includes hygrophilous dominant and also xerophilous but less relatively, and pure and mixed oak for which has many of types and absent in forest management plans. Finaly, climatical movements in the tree formation areas are determined analyzing both climate maps and the areas of formation groups. According to findings, Arid and semi-arid climate areas expand; semi-humid, humid/low rainy, rainy climate areas shrink dramatically in all climate classifications. Results in the RCP 8.5 are similar but more apparent

    Spatial Distribution of Snowfall Days in Turkey

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    In observing the effects of global climate change on Turkey, it is important to determine the frequency of snowfall and its spatial distribution. This study concerns the spatial distribution of snowy days in Turkey utilizing measurements provided by the Turkish State Meteorological Service. The homogeneity of 217 stationspecific and constructed data was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis Test. The longest data sets are 75 years old covering the years 1932-2006 while the shortest is 25 year-old data covering 1982-2006. Figures were mapped with GIS taking the mean values and variability coefficients of the long-term data from the stations. The factors that affect spatial distribution and variance of snowfall days in Turkey are location, continentality, altitude and exposure. The snowfall observed in most of the northeast Anatolia stations decreases to the south and west. Due to local climatic conditions, snowy days increase in Edirne and Kastamonu, while Iğdır and Malatya decrease towards the periphery. This introductory study on the climatology of snowfall days in Turkey is considered a guide for handling data, taking precautions, and creating solutions. The study’s findings will serve as a basis for interpreting the results of future studies

    The Earth System Approach In Plannıng: Judıcıous/Realıstıc Plannıng (J/Rp)

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    Yeryüzünün bütün ortamları (katı, sıvı, gaz, canlı ve insan) ile bunların etkileşimlerini ifade edecek sistem kavramı, yer sistemi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Doğal kaynakların tükenmesi ve çevre sorunlarının hızla artması; yaşamakta olduğumuz sistemde planlama çalışmalarının giderek önem kazanmasına neden olmaktadır. Planlama anlayışındaki gelişmeler günümüzde stratejik ve ekolojik (çevreyle ilgili/çevresel) planlama anlayışlarıyla temsil edilmektedir. Mekansal planlama çalışmalarında, doğal ve toplumsal faktörlerin daha fazla dikkate alınması gerektiği farklı disiplinler tarafından ele alınmaktadır. Fakat güncel planlama yaklaşımlarının sürdürülebilir kaynak kullanımı açısından ihtiyaca yanıt vermekten uzak oldukları düşünülmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmada, Türkiye örneğinden hareketle, planlama yaklaşımlarındaki eksikler sorgulanarak ve yer sistemi bilgilerinden de yararlanılarak bir planlama yaklaşımı oluşturulmuştur. Türkiye’de kaynak kullanımı sürdürülebilirlik açısından sorgulandığında tam anlamıyla tıkanma görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda; insanlığın doğal ve sosyal bilimler konusundaki birikimleri, yaşadıklarından anladıkları, güncel çevre sorunlarından öğrendikleri sonucunda “Hakça/gerçekçi planlama (HG/P)” olarak tanımlanan bir yaklaşım geliştirilmiştir. Türkiye’de gündeme gelecek her türlü girişimde, öncelikle bu sahada yapılan planlamalar konusundaki tıkanmanın dikkate alınması gerekmektedir. Sonuç olarak çalışmada önerilen “Hakça/gerçekçi planlama” yaklaşımının yer sistemi bütünü ve ülke geneli dikkate alınarak uygulanması; tıkanmanın giderilmesindeki birincil adım olarak görülmektedir. Bu adımla; ülke kaynaklarının sürdürülebilir planlamasının gerçekleştirilebileceği ve doğal kaynak tahribatının önüne geçileceği düşünülmektedir.So-called the Earth system refers to the system which comprises all (solids, fluids, gasses, organisms and human as well) components of geosphere and theirinteractions. The consumption of natural resources and subsequent emergence of environmental problems led to growth of human’s interest to planning studies. Recently, developments in understanding of planning are represented by strategic and ecological planning approaches. In this contribution, we interrogate deficiencies in various planning practices and then we propose a morerational Earth system-based planning approach in the example of Turkey. It is thought that the present planning approaches are far from meeting the need for sustainable use of resources. A new “judicious/realistic planning approach” is proposed here considering the fact that human’s knowledge on natural and social sciences is based upon what they learned from their environs and environmental problems that occur around them. When Turkey’s natural resources is considered from the view point of sustainableuse, it is possible to mention an obvious decrease in this sub-region. This exhaustion in the matter of planning should be taken into account in any future attempt that may be put on the agenda in Turkey. In this study, we anticipate that sustainable planning of resources of Turkey can be realized using our judicious/realistic planning approach on