1,440 research outputs found
Analyzing the determinants of financial distress in Indonesian mining companies
Purpose: The objective of the study is to analyze the effect of leverage, liquidity and managerial ownership on financial distress at mining companies in Indonesia. The study also examines the moderating role of profitability on the effects of leverage, liquidity and managerial ownership on financial distress. Design/Methodology/Approach: The population of this study is 41 mining sector companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013-2015. There are 17 companies as the sample of the study taken by purposive sampling method; then there are 51 units of analysis which are suitable to the predetermined criteria. Data are analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis and logistic regression for inferential conclusions. Findings: The results of the study show that the leverage has a positive effect on financial distress. Then, liquidity and managerial ownership do not have any effect on financial distress. Furthermore, profitability as the moderating variable is not proven to moderate the effect of leverage and managerial ownership on financial distress. However, profitability is proven to moderate significantly the effect of liquidity on financial distress. Practical Implications: This study has the guidance and or feedback to the company management to avoid financial distress. Originality/Value: The research places profitability as the moderating variable to analyze the simultaneous effect among leverage, liquidity, managerial ownership with profitability on financial distress. Then, it takes the mining sector companies as the sample to be analysed.peer-reviewe
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang Penyakit Ginjal Kronis (PGK) merupakan suatu masalah kesehatan yang global, penyakit ini dihubungkan dengan morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Komplikasi kardiovaskular merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada penderita PGK. Disfungsi endotel merupakan prekursor munculnya ateroskerosis dan berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko terjadinya komplikasi kardiovaskular. Tujuan Penelitian Penelitian ini menganalisa pengaruh pemberian Vitamin C terhadap penurunan kadar C Reactive Protein (CRP) dan peningkatan Flow Mediated Dilatation (FMD) pada pasien PGK stadium V yang menjalani hemodialisa. Metode Penelitian Randomized double blind placebo-controlled trial, dengan sampel 32 orang yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Vitamin C diberikan secara oral 500 mg/hari selama 4 minggu pada 16 pasien kelompok perlakuan dan sisanya sebagai kelompok kontrol diberikan plasebo. Kadar CRP diukur menggunakan metode imunochemiluminescent High sensitivity CRP (HsCRP) dan FMD menggunakan USG Doppler sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Analisa statistik menggunakan uji t dan Mann Whitney dengan signifikansi p<0,05. Hasil Penelitian Kadar CRP pada kelompok plasebo: (sebelum vs sesudah: 5,10±0,78 mg/l vs 5,13±0,81 mg/l, p:0,71), dan kadar CRP pada kelompok perlakuan vitamin C: (sebelum vs sesudah : 4,84±0,69 mg/l vs 4.57±0,64 mg/l, p:0,016). Dengan selisih rata-rata kadar CRP kelompok plasebo dan kelompok perlakuan vitamin C ( plasebo vs perlakuan : -0,02±0,24mg/l vs 0,28±0,41mg/l, p:0,007). Sedangkan hasil FMD pada kelompok plasebo: (sebelum vs sesudah: 7,57±5,58 % vs 5,84±4,16 %,p:0,08), dan FMD pada kelompok perlakuan vitamin C: (sebelum vs sesudah : 6,51±3,99 % vs 12,15±7,24 %, p: 0,001). Dengan selisih rata-rata hasil FMD kelompok plasebo dan kelompok perlakuan vitamin C ( plasebo vs perlakuan :6,51±3,99% vs 12,09±7,24%, p:0,001). Kesimpulan Terapi Vitamin C secara signifikan menurunkan kadar CRP dan meningkatkan FMD pada pasien PGK stadium V yang menjalani hemodialisa Kata kunci: Vitamin C, CRP, Flow Mediated Dilatation, Penyakit Ginjal Kroni
Concessions to PPC?
Public private cooperation (further PPC) is frequently presented as the solution for budgetary shortages for governments at national and regional level. A PPC invests in infrastructure whereby efficient cooperation enables advantages for both public and private parties is claimed. It proves to be difficult to really interest private businesses for investments in infrastructure. Therefore, the central question, which we answer in this paper, is: 'From a theoretical perspective, is PPC an option for investments in infrastructure?' In this paper, a literature review is presented on the subject of public private cooperation for the development of infrastructure projects. The main findings are that firstly, there is a large diversity in projects that might qualify for PPC. More specific, each infrastructure project is unique, making it even more difficult to implement cooperation. Secondly, the role of the national and regional governments in financing infrastructure is changing. This changing role means that the governments withdraw themselves on core functions and that they strive for private party risk-bearing in infrastructure investments. Thirdly, the theoretical definition of PPC and the more practical definition differ. In Europe, most PPCs are worked out as a concession (and therefore not a real PPC). Fourthly, from a cost point of view it is possible that the government is more efficient in cost terms and the private party is more efficient in terms of turnover. Fifthly, there are several reasons for the government to interfere in economic living. Reasons concerning infrastructure might be the public goods characterise and the external impacts. Sixthly, the public characteristics of infrastructure are decreasing. Seventhly, in general it is unattractively for private parties to invest in infrastructure. In order to make it more attractive, profits can be offered to the private parties. However, this will increase the total costs of the project. Eighthly, process management shows that it is no simple task to turn a PPC into a success. When the participating parties are persuaded of the advantages that the cooperation between public and private parties can offer, have chosen consciously for the PPC, and are prepared to invest in cooperation for the long-term, then PPC can offer means to pursue the defined objectives. If true cooperation is aimed for, costs, risks, and profits must be shared instead of divided. The joint venture can provide insights into the process of sharing. Ninthly, the construction businesses are production ventures, whereas banking services and the government operate in the service industry. Finally, the market of the most important private parties that are involved in PPC is an oligopoly. This suggests quite some market power for the private businesses involved.
Institusionalisasi pemikiran pendidikan Mohammad Natsir ke dalam lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Islam di Indonesia
This research aims to investigate the institutionalization process of Mohammad Natsir's educational thoughts in Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia. Qualitative research method was used in this study with document analysis technique as the main data source. The data obtained were then analyzed using content analysis. The results of the study show that Mohammad Natsir's educational thoughts were institutionalized through various efforts, one of which was the establishment of the Islamic College as a higher education institution that adopted Mohammad Natsir's vision and ideas, especially in the development of curriculum and the provision of education that integrates Islamic and Western education models. This institutionalization was also carried out through the development of a curriculum that emphasizes the provision of academic education in a balanced practice. In conclusion, Mohammad Natsir's educational thoughts were successfully institutionalized through the establishment of the Islamic College which later evolved into the Indonesian Islamic University, and provided important contributions to the development of modern and quality Islamic education in Indonesia.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi proses institusionalisasi pemikiran pendidikan Mohammad Natsir dalam lembaga pendidikan tinggi Islam di Indonesia. Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik analisis dokumen sebagai sumber data utama. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis konten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemikiran Pendidikan Mohammad Natsir diinstitusionalisasikan melalui berbagai upaya, salah satunya adalah dengan pendirian Sekolah Tinggi Islam sebagai lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang mengadopsi visi dan gagasan Mohammad Natsir, utamanya dalam pengembangan kurikulum dan penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang mengintegrasikan model pendidikan Islam dan Pendidikan Barat. Institusionalisasi tersebut juga dilakukan melalui pengembangan kurikulum yang menekankan pada penyelenggaraan pendidikan akademik dalam praktik yang seimbang. Kesimpulannya, pemikiran pendidikan Mohammad Natsir berhasil diinstitusionalisasikan melalui pendirian Sekolah Tinggi Islam yang kemudian berevolusi menjadi Universitas Islam Indonesia, dan memberikan kontribusi penting dalam pengembangan pendidikan Islam modern dan berkualitas di Indonesia.This research aims to investigate the institutionalization process of Mohammad Natsir's educational thoughts in Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia. Qualitative research method was used in this study with document analysis technique as the main data source. The data obtained were then analyzed using content analysis. The results of the study show that Mohammad Natsir's educational thoughts were institutionalized through various efforts, one of which was the establishment of the Islamic College as a higher education institution that adopted Mohammad Natsir's vision and ideas, especially in the development of curriculum and the provision of education that integrates Islamic and Western education models. This institutionalization was also carried out through the development of a curriculum that emphasizes the provision of academic education in a balanced practice. In conclusion, Mohammad Natsir's educational thoughts were successfully institutionalized through the establishment of the Islamic College which later evolved into the Indonesian Islamic University, and provided important contributions to the development of modern and quality Islamic education in Indonesia.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi proses institusionalisasi pemikiran pendidikan Mohammad Natsir dalam lembaga pendidikan tinggi Islam di Indonesia. Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik analisis dokumen sebagai sumber data utama. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis konten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemikiran Pendidikan Mohammad Natsir diinstitusionalisasikan melalui berbagai upaya, salah satunya adalah dengan pendirian Sekolah Tinggi Islam sebagai lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang mengadopsi visi dan gagasan Mohammad Natsir, utamanya dalam pengembangan kurikulum dan penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang mengintegrasikan model pendidikan Islam dan Pendidikan Barat. Institusionalisasi tersebut juga dilakukan melalui pengembangan kurikulum yang menekankan pada penyelenggaraan pendidikan akademik dalam praktik yang seimbang. Kesimpulannya, pemikiran pendidikan Mohammad Natsir berhasil diinstitusionalisasikan melalui pendirian Sekolah Tinggi Islam yang kemudian berevolusi menjadi Universitas Islam Indonesia, dan memberikan kontribusi penting dalam pengembangan pendidikan Islam modern dan berkualitas di Indonesia
Book & Film Reviews
Book & Film Reviews is a column in "MELINTAS" containing reviews of books and films published recently that bring different interpretation and inspiration to the fields of philosophy and religion
Membuat Media Pembelajaran yang Menarik
Dunia pendidikan dewasa memasuki era dunia media, di mana kegiatan pembelajaran menuntut dikuranginya metode ceramah dan diganti dengan pemakaian banyak media. Lebih-lebih pada kegiatan pembelajaran saat ini yang menekankan pada keterampilan proses dan aktif learning, maka kiranya peranan media pembelajaran (yang dalam uraian selanjutnya sering disebut media), menjadi semakin penting. Dalam kaitannya dengan fungsi media pembelajaran, dapat ditekankan beberapa hal berikut ini: sebagai alat untuk membuat pembelajaran yang lebih efektif, mempercepat proses belajar, meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar-mengajar, mengkongkretkan yang abstrak sehingga dapat mengurangi terjadinya penyakit verbalisme. Perencanaan dalam pembuatan media meliputi: Identifikasi kebutuhan dan karakteristik siswa, Perumusan tujuan, memilih, merubah dan merancang media pembelajaran, Perumusan materi, pelibatan siswa dan evaluasi (Evaluation). Untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran perlu diperhatikan prinsip VISUALS, yang dapat digambarkan sebagai singkatan dari kata-kata: Visible: mudah dilihat, Interesting: menarik, Simple: sederhana, Useful: isinya berguna/bermanfaat, Accurate: Benar (dapat dipertanggungjawabkan), Legitimate: masuk akal/sah, Structured: terstruktur/tersusun dengan baik. Beberapa media yang dapat dibuat dan dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran ekonomi antara lain: flipchart, flannel graph, flash card, barang bekas, powerpoint dan lain-lain
Tatapan Medusa dan Okularsentrisme: Budaya Visual dan Persoalan Sinema Kontemporer
This article presents some fundamental matters in visual culture. Philosophy has been grappling with important issues of image and ocularcentrism. These matters have shaped and brought impacts on the world’s visual culture. On the one hand, an image with all its possible interpretations today tends to be captured as an object and not so much as something that is at the same time plural and moving. On the other hand, people’s way of seeing tends to be blurred by the ocularcentrism. This might be a crucial problem that brings significant implications on one of the most important aspects of human life, that is, art activity, and particularly on cinema. The author of this article invites the readers to be aware of the negative inclinations around the issues of image and ocularcentrism. Some of the important challenges in the cinematic world are how people continually reformulate their experience of an image and how the ocularcentrism character in our visual culture can be positioned in the heart of the matter. In an effort to respond to these challenges, one can approach philosophy in a different way in order to refresh his or her way of seeing that might have been tiresome and cloudy
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