12,499 research outputs found

    Measurement errors and uncertainty estimation of an experimental set up using a 2D PIV technique

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    The study of the flow interaction and the heat transfer between air jets and a surface is of paramount importance in industrial processes that apply multiple air jet impingement. To ensure a good performance of the process, high heat transfer rates and uniformization of the flow over the target plate are required. To perform this analysis, a PIV technique was implemented for the measurement of the velocity fields of the flow. However, as any real experiment, the values recorded by the PIV method are subjected to several errors that compromise the reliability and accuracy of the measurements. These errors can have different sources, from the installation and alignment to the particles seeding and calibration procedure. To determine an interval that contains the measurement error, the uncertainty quantification is crucial. In that sense, this paper focus on the identification of measurement errors and uncertainty quantification of an experimental set up specially built for the analysis of the interaction between a non-isothermal jets and non-flat surfaces moving perpendicularly to the jet axis. To ensure the reliability of the results, preliminary tests were performed to guarantee a uniform and stable flow and to determine the range and conditions of operation. In addition, this work presents an analysis of the system, and the source of errors are identified, quantified and, when possible, corrected. The particle seeding, which consists of olive oil droplets, is characterized and its efficiency for the flow tracking is analysed. The test facility was tested to fully characterize the flow field in terms of mean velocity profile and turbulence intensity over a wide range of Reynolds numbers and temperature. Several velocity fields are then measured until convergence of the flow quantities is reached. The combination of these measurements with high spatial resolution and low measurement errors allow to obtain accurate and precise measurement values.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Research Grant PD/BD/128216/2016. This work has been supported by FCT within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2019 (ALGORITMI) and Project Scope UID/EMS/04077/2019 (METRICS)

    Measurement of gas phase characteristics using amonofibre optical probe in a three-phase flow

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    The study of gas–liquid–solid systems structure requires reliable measurement tools. In this paper, preliminary results on the potential use of a monofibre optical probe to investigate such flow are presented. This probe, manufactured at LEGI, allows the simultaneous measurement of the gas phase residence time and gas phase velocity. This specificity makes this probe more interesting than classical single tip probes (which measure only the gas residence time) or double tip probes (which are more intrusive). Although extensively used in two-phase gas–liquid, this probe was never used in gas–liquid–solid systems. First, the probe signal response is studied for three-phase flow conditions in the presence of solids. Results show that for soft solids, the probe tips can be contaminated when the probe pierces the solid. The signal processing procedure was modified accordingly to take into account these events. Second, the probe results are validated by comparing global results (global void fraction, gas flowrate) deduced from profile measurements with measurements performed by independent means. Lastly, void fraction profiles and interfacial area are studied more in detail. Depending on the solid loading, these profiles exhibit different behaviours. These features are associated to characteristics of the flow such as the transition from an homogeneous regime to an heterogenous regime, and are consistent with global observation performed by independent means. This demonstrates the ability of the probe to connect local information to the global behaviour and structure of the flow.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Methotrexate and Cyclosporine Treatments Modify the Activities of Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV and Prolyl Oligopeptidase in Murine Macrophages

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    Analysis of the effects of cyclosporine A (25–28 mgkg−1) and/or methotrexate (0.1 mgkg−1) treatments on dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) and prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) activities and on algesic response in two distinct status of murine macrophages (Mφs) was undertaken. In resident Mφs, DPPIV and POP were affected by neither individual nor combined treatments. In thioglycolate-elicited Mφs, methotrexate increased DPPIV (99–110%) and POP (60%), while cyclosporine inhibited POP (21%). Combined treatment with both drugs promoted a rise (51–84%) of both enzyme activities. Only cyclosporine decreased (42%) the tolerance to algesic stimulus. Methotrexate was revealed to exert prevalent action over that of cyclosporine on proinflammatory Mφ POP. The opposite effects of methotrexate and cyclosporine on POP activity might influence the availability of the nociceptive mediators bradykinin and substance P in proinflammatory Mφs. The exacerbated response to thermally induced algesia observed in cyclosporine-treated animals could be related to upregulation of those mediators

    Rendimento de grãos de soja: efeito do espaçamento e da densidade.

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    Contribute to a Definition of Extensive Grazing (Mediterranean)

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    The subject of this paper is a definition of Extensive Grazing from Extensive Systems of Animal Production in Mediterranean environments. The edaphoclimatic characterization is essential to understand the low level of primary productivity as a consequence of irregular precipitation over the year and its absence during the long, dry and hot summer. The powerless of soils justify the limited contribution of plants and make clear the necessary recovery of the soil and storage of water naturally (soil) or artificially (irrigation). Considering the IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) definition of extensive grazing it has been used the National Statistics from 1999 – 2019 to calculate the Portuguese Stocking Rates related with pasture and forage production which means the potential productivity of each region. The correlations between these criterions are at the base of the definition of stocking rates. The systems of extensive animal production have been characterized in two distinct regions: the south, with larger farms and the feeding scheme of extensive animal production adapted and the north, with small farms and fluxes evolved in production system where the forage is replaced by “lameiros”(small parcels in rich/wet soils of swards of grass-legume mixtures of forage). Clearly the effects of management differed between regions. Local breeds of all domestic animal species are well adapted to these specific systems of production and higher levels of productivity can be achieved by crossing with selected pure breeds. The evaluation of environmental sustainability was calculated by C sequestration and GEE effects on global warming and finally the Balance of Energy of the system have been the indicators to use for the classification of the system. The conclusions refer that stoking rates cannot surpass 1,4 NH/ha with a feeding scheme based on natural resources and forage products. When stoking rates surpass this value, systems should have GEE balance below 0 and BE upper 1

    Testes de conforto térmico aplicados a uma malha multifuncional desenvolvida com novos materiais

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    Os produtores europeus, os engenheiros têxteis e os designers devem, no desenvolvimento de novas peças de vestuário, terem em consideração as novas exigências dos consumidores em relação ao conforto. Uma grande variedade de áreas de investigação foram, nos últimos tempos, criadas e desenvolvidas permitindo atingir as exigências relacionadas com o conforto, nomeadamente, considerando os aspectos funcionais e estéticos, entre outros. O conforto térmico humano é, de certa forma, um dos componentes mais importantes a considerar, podendo ser definido como a principal troca de calor e massa e calor do corpo humano com o meio ambiente, através da roupa. Um dos objectivos deste trabalho foi, através do trabalho de uma equipa multidisciplinar, desenvolver uma malha funcional de forma a permitir o conforto termo-fisiológico a quem a utilizar. O presente trabalho permite assim investigar as várias etapas relacionadas com o estudo do conforto no desenvolvimento de novas peças de vestuário: o desenvolvimento de novas malhas, a execução de testes num manequim térmico; a simulação numérica do corpo humano com e sem roupa e o desenvolvimento de testes subjectivos de conforto térmico. A nova malha produzida foi caracterizada e testada em laboratório, em termos de quantidade de vapor de água e da permeabilidade ao ar e outros parâmetros físicos. A malha produzida foi aplicada como forro de botas de caminhada e para o fabrico de t-shirts. Os protótipos das botas de caminhada foram avaliados de forma subjectiva através de questionários. Um manequim térmico foi utilizado para medir o isolamento térmico das t-shirts e a distribuição de temperatura na pele. Juntamente com este trabalho experimental, um modelo de termo regulação do corpo humano foi desenvolvido para validar os dados experimentais obtidos. Alguns dos resultados são apresentados e discutidos

    Novel 1-hydroxy-1,1-bisphosphonates derived from indazole: synthesis and characterization

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    Bisphosphonates (BPs) are an important class of drugs used in the treatment of abnormal calcium metabolism diseases. The first syntheses of bisphosphonates derived from indazole, substituted at the N-1, N-2 and C-3 positions are reported. The 1-hydroxy-1,1-bisphosphonates were synthesized from the corresponding carboxylic acid or acyl chloride compounds, by two different methods. These BPs have a side chain with different lengths ((CH2)n, n = 0-5) between the indazole ring and the bisphosphonate group