82 research outputs found

    A Study of Support and Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Developmental disorders: A Questionnaire Survey of Faculty Members of A University

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    本アンケート調査は,独立行政法人日本学術振興会科学研究費基盤研究(C)[基金]「研究課題名:発達障害学生に必要となる支援の実際と合理的配慮に関する研究」[課題番号26380931,研究代表者: 吉良安之(九州大学)研究分担者:内野悌司(広島大学)・高石恭子(甲南大学)・菊池悌一郎(九州工業大学)・福留留美(甲南大学)・福盛英明(九州大学)・松下智子(九州大学)]を受けて行われた。倫理審査[承認番号201601R]

    How are peer support activities utilized in society?: A Survey of University A Peer Supporter Alumni

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    Early support for university students with ADHD tendencies

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    近年,注意欠如/ 多動性障害(ADHD)の大学生の存在が注目されるようになってきている。ADHD の主症状には,不注意,多動性,衝動性があるが,多動性は成長とともに軽減するため,成人例は小児例と比較して不注意が目立つ傾向が多く,大学生においては,学業不振が顕著となりやすい。ADHD に関する社会的な認知度も少しずつ高まりつつあるが,学生生活に困難さを感じながらも,相談に至らない学生は少なくない。われわれは,大学生を対象にADHD の症状に関するアンケート調査を実施した。不注意さや集中力の困難さ,落ち着きのなさにより,大学生活で困る頻度が高いと回答した学生も多く,ADHD の症状を有する学生の存在も考えられる。ADHD に関する知識を得ることで,ADHD の学生が自分自身の特性の気づきにつながることもあり,学生や教職員に対してADHD の知識や情報の提供,早期の相談を呼びかけていくことが必要であると思われる。Recently, problems in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been an attention-getting topic in campus mental health. ADHD is characterized by inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms. Adult ADHD is especially characterized by inattention. Poor academic performance is significant in university students with ADHD. Comorbidities with other psychiatric disorders are common and can lead to further impairments. Social recognition about ADHD is increasing little by little, but there is little consultation from students who are troubled with inattention. In this study, a questionnaire about ADHD was conducted to university students. Many students were troubled by inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity which made their lives difficult. On campus, it would be important to provide the students with appropriate information about ADHD, and to offer them with early support

    Preventive intervention in eating disorders among university students : Utility of BMI and EAT-26 measures

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    Eating disorders (ED) is a topic in campus mental health in recent years. ED is characterized by aberrant patterns in eating behaviors, including extreme restriction of food intake or binge eating, and disturbance in attitudes toward weight. ED is an important cause of physical and psychosocial morbidity in young women. The symptoms of ED are important issues in campus mental health. As ED is associated with school absence, the prevention and early detection of ED is of extreme importance. We investigated the body mass index and prevalence of aberranteating attitudes among university students. On campus, it may be important to provide students with appropriate information regarding ED, and offer early support to individuals suffering from, or at risk of, ED

    Development of an adaptation scale for university students with developmental disorders (including the tendency): Extraction of the items

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    We developed an adaptation scale for university students with developmental disorders. 1) Subjects comprised 62 university students with developmental disorders (including tendency) who consulted the health support room at University A from April, 2010 to April, 2015. We obtained data regarding issues and situations reported by the students themselves. 2) We obtained data regarding issues reported by university staff. 3) We retrospectively examined behavioral problems and psychiatric symptoms. On the basis these data, we made the adaptation scale. The tool which evaluates the annoyance in the campus life, psychiatric symptoms, coping behavior, and social support is useful for 1) integrated evaluation, 2) common understanding of the supporters, 3) visualization of difficult concepts, and 4) grasping of the change