2 research outputs found

    Analyzing USDA Forest Service Appeals: Phase I, the Database

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    A full accounting of the current administrative appeals process would begin with some basic questions: who, what, where, and when. The database we have compiled begins to answer some of these questions, especially 1) who files appeals, 2) what types of projects are appealed, 3) where the most appeals are filed, and 4) when most appeals are decided. It is important to note that there really was no easy way to answer these questions prior to construction of this database

    Designing a framework for evaluating the impacts and outcomes of Forest Service appeals

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    USDA Forest Service administrative appeals have recently been a focus of considerable political debate. Congressional legislation and new administrative rules to change the appeals process and exclude certain fuel reductions projects from environmental review and appeal are under consideration. Meanwhile, there has been little systematic analysis of the claims and counterclaims being put forward about the ecological, social, economic, and administrative impacts of appeals. The workshop, Designing a Framework for Evaluating the Impacts and Outcomes of Forest Service Appeals, engaged researchers, agency representatives, and various affected interests who use appeals, or are affected by their use, to discuss development of a framework by which the impacts and outcomes of Forest Service appeals can be systematically documented and analyzed. Participants identified what is important to evaluate about the appeals process, and discussed how to realistically conduct such evaluations so that results are credible to all. The purpose of the workshop was to focus research and analysis on critical issues surrounding the appeals process to better inform ongoing policy debates