33 research outputs found

    A closer look at metaphysic strategies and language achievement of tertiary level Arabic learners

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    Surveys have shown that there is a significant relationship between the use of Language Learning Strategies (LLS) and the level of language mastery.There are also studies that attempt to explore whether students who are excellent in language use the LLS frequent and a lot.Therefore, this paper describes a study which has been designed to analyze the relationship between the application of metaphysic strategies and the Arabic language level of achievement.The research data was collected by using the self access questionnaire and Arabic language test.The research subjects consist of 385 undergraduate students who are taking an Arabic language course at the Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu.Descriptive statistics, including Pearson and Independent Sample T-Test were used to analyze the relationship between metaphysic strategies used and the level of Arabic language achievement.The findings from this study were:1) there was a significant correlation between metaphysic strategies used and the language achievement.2) there were significant differences in metaphysic strategies used based on the level of Arabic language achievement.3) Overall, good language learners possess a richer repertoire of strategies and employ metaphysic strategies more frequently than did their counterparts in lower achievement level categories

    Korelasi Strategi Dengan Motivasi Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab (The Correlation Between Language Learning Strategies And Motivation In Arabic Language Learning)

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    Beberapa kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perkaitan yang signifikan antara penggunaan Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa (SPB) dengan Motivasi Pembelajaran Bahasa (Oxford & Nyikos, 1989; Ehrman, 1990; Macaro, 2001). Kertas ini memerihalkan satu kajian yang direka bentuk untuk mengkaji korelasi di antara SPB dengan Motivasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Data kajian dikumpul dengan menggunakan soal selidik kendiri yang diubah suai daripada Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (Oxford, 1990) dengan tambahan satu konstruk baru, dan soal selidik motivasi daripada Affective Survey (Ehrman & Oxford, 1991). Seramai 457 orang pelajar Tingkatan empat yang dipilih secara rawak daripada 13 buah sekolah menengah agama di Terengganu terlibat dengan kajian ini. Ujian statistik Pearson digunakan bagi menjawab soalan kajian dan menguji hipotesis berkaitan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat korelasi positif yang tinggi di antara SPB secara keseluruhan dengan Motivasi Pembelajaran Bahasa secara keseluruhan. Korelasi bermagnitud positif yang signifikan di antara penggunaan kategori SPB dengan kategori Motivasi Pembelajaran Bahasa turut dapat dikesan. Pelajar yang bermotivasi tinggi lebih kerap dan banyak menggunakan SPB berbanding pelajar yang bermotivasi rendah

    [The Concept of Islamic Children’s Literature from al-Nadwi’s Perspective] Tasawur Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami Menurut Perspektif al-Nadwi

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    Literature is one of the mediums in conveying knowledge to human beings. This shows that literature is inseparable from education. Indeed, the literary works that contains knowledge is a manifestation of the writer’s understanding towards the function of literature. Therefore, it is a must for society to expose with a good quality of literary works, including for the children. The literary books for the Muslim children that carries Islamic teachings and suitable for their ages must be considered as the main reading materials. The understanding of the concept of Islamic Children’s Literature based on Muslim scholars’ perspectives is considered as a guideline for writers and readers to understand this concept. Al-Nadwi was one of the Islamic scholars who had a clear understanding on the idea of Islamic Children’s Literature. Thus, this paper will analyse al-Nadwi’s perspective on the Islamic Children’s Literary books. This study uses text analysis methods which involve several materials, including primary and secondary sources. The findings of this study show that al-Nadwi had outlined at least three elements representing his idea on the Islamic Children’s Literature, which are the empowerment of “al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah”, the use of “al-qissah” as literary genre and the emphasis on values in the literary works for the children. These three elements are not only stated by al-Nadwi as his theoretical point of views, but also applied in producing of his literary works for the children. Sastera adalah antara medium penyampaian ilmu untuk manusia. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahawa sastera tidak boleh dipisahkan daripada pendidikan. Sememangnya penghasilan bahan karya sastera yang mengandungi mesej ilmu adalah manifestasi kefahaman karyawan tentang fungsi sastera. Maka wajarlah segenap lapisan masyarakat didedahkan dengan karya sastera yang bermutu termasuk golongan kanak-kanak. Bagi kanak-kanak Muslim pula, bahan sastera yang membawa mesej Islam perlu dijadikan bahan bacaan utama yang bersesuaian dengan peringkat umur mereka. Pemahaman terhadap konsep Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami berdasarkan kupasan para sarjana berautoriti dilihat dapat memandu karyawan dan pembaca untuk memahami konsep ini sebaiknya. Al-Nadwi adalah antara sarjana Islam yang mempunyai ufuk pandangan jelas berkenaan Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami. Justeru, makalah ini akan menghuraikan perspektif al-Nadwi tentang tasawur Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis teks melibatkan bahan-bahan penulisan merangkumi sumber primer dan sekunder. Hasil kajian mendapati al-Nadwi antara lain menggariskan tiga elemen yang mendasari pemikirannya mengenai Sastera Kanak-Kanak Islami iaitu, pemerkasaan tema “al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah”, pemanfaatan genre “al-qissah” dan penekanan terhadap aspek nilai murni dalam karya. Ketiga-tiga elemen ini bukan sahaja dinyatakan oleh al-Nadwi secara teori, malah turut diterapkan dalam penghasilan karya sasteranya untuk golongan kanak-kanak

    Kajian rintis strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa Arab

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    Penggunaan strategi pembelajaran bahasa merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat membantu pelajar mempelajari dan menguasai pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tahap kebolehpercayaan instrumen yang digunakan bagi mengenal pasti penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar. Selain itu, kajian berbentuk tinjauan deskriptif ini turut mengenal pasti tahap penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar. Seramai 30 orang pelajar daripada salah sebuah sekolah menengah agama di Kedah terlibat dalam kajian rintis ini. Data kajian pula diperoleh melalui soal selidik. Tahap kebolehpercayaan soal selidik ini adalah tinggi dengan nilai Alfa Cronbach 0.956. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap penggunaan strategi secara keseluruhan dan berdasarkan kategori dalam kalangan pelajar adalah rendah. Justeru, pelajar diharapkan dapat mempelbagaikan aktiviti pembelajaran bahasa Arab di dalam dan di luar kelas supaya mereka mempunyai lebih banyak peluang untuk menggunakan strategi dengan lebih bijak


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    Gender is one of the factors that distinguish the use of language learning strategies among students. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the level and types of language learning strategies used by male and female students. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 350 form four students from 12 religious secondary schools in Kedah, Malaysia. Descriptive findings showed that both groups of students used the strategies at a moderate level except for the reading strategies which were highly employed by female students. The results of t-test analysis show that there is a significant difference on the overall use of the strategies and in the five main constructs of strategies based on gender. Overall, the female students were found to surpass the male students in the use of language learning strategies. However, the construct of listening strategies did not show significant difference result. In conclusion, the female students used language learning strategies more frequently than the male students. The implication of this study is that teachers can plan a variety of language activities to encourage the use of certain strategies by different genders.Keywords: Language learning strategies, language skills, strategies for language learning skills, Arabic language, gender.Cite as: Abdul Pisal, N. & Mat Teh, K.S. (2018). Perbezaan jantina dalam penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa Arab [Gender differences in the use of strategies for Arabic language learning]. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 3(1), 143-153.http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol3iss1pp143-153  AbstrakPerbezaan jantina merupakan salah satu faktor yang didapati turut membezakan penggunaan strategi pembelajaran bahasa dalam kalangan pelajar. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan tahap dan jenis penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa (SPKB) oleh pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan. Data kajian diperoleh melalui soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada 350 orang pelajar tingkatan empat dari 12 buah sekolah menengah agama sekitar Kedah, Malaysia. Dapatan kajian deskriptif menunjukkan kedua-dua kumpulan pelajar menggunakan strategi pada tahap sederhana sama ada secara keseluruhan mahupun berdasarkan konstruk, kecuali pada konstruk strategi membaca, pelajar perempuan menggunakannya pada tahap tinggi. Hasil analisis ujian-t pula menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan signifikan penggunaan SPKB secara keseluruhan dan mengikut lima konstruk strategi utama berdasarkan jantina. Pelajar perempuan didapati mendahului pelajar lelaki dalam penggunaan strategi secara keseluruhan dan berdasarkan lima konstruk strategi utama tersebut. Sementara itu, baki satu konstruk strategi utama iaitu strategi mendengar tidak menunjukkan perbezaan signifikan. Kesimpulannya, pelajar perempuan didapati lebih banyak dan kerap menggunakan strategi pembelajaran bahasa berbanding pelajar lelaki. Implikasi kajian ini, guru boleh merancang pelbagai aktiviti bahasa yang dapat menggalakkan penggunaan sesuatu strategi dengan lebih kerap kepada kumpulan pelajar yang berlainan jantina.Kata kunci: Strategi pembelajaran bahasa, kemahiran berbahasa, strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa, bahasa Arab, jantina


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    The Theory of Nahu al-Quran which emphasizes on the impact of using Koran in Arabic grammar has attracted a lot of research. Within 31 years after the emergence of this theory (1984-2015), there were over 19 studies that used the term shahid al-Quran either in research conducted to qualify for an academic certificate, articles published in journals or seminar papers. This qualitative study aims to explore the literature review of shahid al-Quran through document analysis and the matrix of Systematic Literature Review (SLR). In doing so, a systematic analysis is conducted on the background, issues or gap pertaining to this study as well as methodology and findings on previous research. This study has found that the study of shahid al-Quran was popular among Arab researchers especially on the major works written by Arabic scholars and the qualitative study using content analysis technic was the most preferred method chosen by these researchers. The studies on Shahid al-Quran should continue and develop to explore both the obvious and the underlying reasons behind its usage among scholars of Arabic grammar. Keywords: shahid al-Quran, tatabahasa Arab, the theory of nahu al-Quran, systematic literature review.Cite as: Rajab, Z., Ab. Halim, Z., & Mat Teh, K.S. (2016).  Shahid al-Quran in Arabic grammar works: A systematic literature review (Shahid al-Quran dalam karya tatabahasa Arab: Satu sorotan literatur secara sistematik). Journal of Nusantara Studies, 1(1), 18-33.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol1iss1pp18-33 AbstrakTeori Nahu al-Quran yang menekankan impak al-Quran dalam tatabahasa Arab telah menarik banyak kajian dilakukan. Dalam tempoh 31 tahun  selepas munculnya teori tersebut (1984-2015), terdapat lebih 19 kajian menggunakan istilah shahid al-Quran dihasilkan sama ada kajian bagi memenuhi syarat memperoleh ijazah akademik, artikel yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal mahupun kertas seminar. Kajian kualitatif ini meninjau literatur kajian shahid al-Quran dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis dokumen dan berpandukan jadual matrik “Systematic Literature Review (SLR)”. Analisis sistematik berkenaan memfokuskan kepada latar belakang, isu atau lompang, metodologi dan dapatan kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati kajian shahid al-Quran telah popular dalam kalangan pengkaji Arab dengan fokus kepada karya utama karangan ulama tatabahasa berketurunan Arab, manakala bentuk kajian kualitatif menggunakan kaedah analisis dokumen atau kandungan lebih mendominasi kajian shahid al-Quran. Kajian shahid al-Quran perlu terus dikembangkan seperti meneroka sebab yang tersurat dan tersirat di sebalik penggunaannya dalam kalangan sarjana tatabahasa. Kata kunci: shahid al-Quran, tatabahasa Arab, teori nahu al-Quran, sorotan literatur secara sistematik

    Strengthening divine values for self-regulation in religiosity: insights from Tawakkul (trust in God)

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    Purpose Reflections about fostering moral and spiritual qualities are the key point of view when considering the essence of religious beliefs in the theories about moral foundations. As a part of the spiritual values aimed at instructing human beings, mainly Muslims, tawakkul (trust in God) and tawhid (belief to God) are to be enhanced to situate the core religious foundation as the basic element for life at individual and social levels in the Muslim communities. This paper aims to critically examine tawakkul and tawhid to strengthening divine values as a foundation of self-regulation in religiosity. Design/methodology/approach This paper aims to critically examine tawakkul and tawhid to strengthening divine values as a foundation of self-regulation in religiosity. The literature review from referred journals was conducted using keywords on divine values, self-regulation in religiosity and tawakkul and tawhid. In order to obtain such literature, the critical analysis was conducted by organising substantive keywords. Then, extraction of data with deep literature analysis was carried out to interpret the findings. The key elements were analysed and synthesised into a new interpretation, conceptualisation and modelling of conceptualising tawakkul and tawhid concerns for sustainability of divine values for self-regulation in religiosity. Findings The finding reveals that the significance of conceptualising tawakkul and tawhid refers to as sustainability of divine involvement, as an emotionally religious commitment and as a consciously held religious discipline. Primarily, as the religious principle founded on a basic element transferred into individual and social levels, Islamic insights from tawakkul and tawhid offer valuable considerations for the understanding and amelioration of development by contributing a model that bases the “mental” and “spiritual” elements on a religious foundation, as an ultimate component for faith, a religious commitment and a belief in an authoritarian God to foster moral and spiritual qualities amidst the society. Originality/value Regulating tawakkul and tawhid to enhance dynamically constructive system for moral personality through critical examination as a foundation for religious-based self-regulation offers valuable considerations for the understanding and amelioration of development. Critical examination of tawakkul and tawhid as a foundation for religious self-regulation is considerably engaged to enhance the understanding and amelioration of development. It does so by contributing a model that bases mental and spiritual elements on a religious foundation, as an ultimate component for faith, religious commitment and belief in an authoritarian God to foster moral and spiritual qualities among human beings. Keywords Consciously held beliefs with religiosity, Foundation of religiosity, Sustainability of divine Involvement, Tawakkul (trust in God), Tawhid (belief in God), Emotionally religious commitment

    [Mastery of The Phrase Al-Idhafah (Annex) Among Students of The University of Sultan Zainal Abidin] Penguasaan Frasa Al-Idhafah (Aneksi) dalam Kalangan Pelajar Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin

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    Proficient phrase mastery in a language is very important to further strengthen the mastery of the language. This is because, various aspects need to be considered before a phrase can be mastered either in writing or speech. Various studies have reported on students' weaknesses in phrase mastery. Thus, this study focuses on mastery in one type of noun phrase only, namely the phrase al-idhāfah or also known as annexation phrase. This descriptive quantitative study was conducted on 186 final year students, majoring in Islamic studies, Faculty of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Sultan Zainal Abidin University. Study data were collected through the implementation of a set of written test questions related to the phrase al-idhāfah. The findings show that the majority of students are at a low level (weak) in the mastery of the phrase al-idhāfah as a whole, either according to the division of marks, grades, level of mastery, and also according to the construct of questions that have been built. It is hoped that this study can be a source of ideas for researchers in further developing a more innovative teaching and learning industry in the future. Keywords: phrase al-idhafah, annex, Arabic language, al-idhafah Penguasaan frasa yang mantap dalam sesuatu bahasa adalah sangat penting bagi memperkukuhkan lagi penguasaan terhadap bahasa tersebut. Ini kerana, pelbagai aspek perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum sesuatu frasa itu dapat dikuasai sama ada dalam penulisan mahupun pertuturan. Pelbagai kajian telah melaporkan tentang kelemahan para pelajar dalam penguasaan frasa. Justeru, kajian ini memberi pemfokusan kepada penguasaan dalam satu jenis frasa nama sahaja iaitu frasa al-idhāfah ataupun juga dikenali sebagai frasa aneksi. Kajian kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif ini dijalankan ke atas 186 orang pelajar tahun akhir, jurusan pengajian Islam, Fakulti Pengajian Kontemporari Islam, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. Data kajian dikumpul melalui pelaksanaan satu set soalan ujian bertulis berkaitan dengan frasa al-idhāfah. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa majoriti pelajar berada pada tahap rendah (lemah) dalam penguasaan frasa al-idhāfah secara keseluruhannya, sama ada mengikut pembahagian markah, gred, tahap penguasaan, dan juga mengikut konstruk-konstruk soalan yang telah dibina. Kajian ini diharap dapat menjadi satu pencetus idea kepada pengkaji-pengkaji dalam memajukan lagi industri pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang lebih inovatif pada masa akan datang.   Kata kunci: frasa al-idhāfah/ frasa aneksi; bahasa Arab; al-idhāfah

    [Disagreement of Scholars' Views on The Biography of Imam Al-Shatibi] Perselisihan Pandangan Ulama Tentang Biografi Imam Al-Shatibi

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    This article aims to discuss about the differences between scholar's views on Imam al-Shatibi. These differences are divided into four parts: the origin of names, titles, sight defects, and migration to Egypt. These differences have led to misunderstanding among people about the real facts on Imam al-Shatibi. One of the factors that lead to this misunderstanding is attributed to some of the members of the al - Qur'an and al - Qiraat who are ignorant of this matter. This study will also present the answers to the differences so as to provide a complete explanation for this problem. This study is a qualitative study. Therefore, the findings are based on the documentation and investigation that has been analyzed using the text and content analysis methods. The findings suggest that the origin of the name of Imam al-Shatibi is closely related to heredity, language and marriage factors. The differences over his title were derived from several factors in the field of writing. The dispute over sight defects involves a period of time, while his migration factor to Egypt is not merely due to the pilgrimage.Keywords: Imam al-Shatibi, Qiraat Science, Qurra Biography, Imam Qiraat   Artikel ini bertujuan membincangkan tentang perselisihan pandangan ulama tentang Imam al-Shatibi. Perselisihan tersebut dibahagikan kepada empat bahagian, iaitu asal usul nama, gelaran, kecacatan penglihatan, dan penghijrahan ke Mesir. Perselisihan ini telah menimbulkan salah faham dalam kalangan masyarakat tentang perkara sebenar berkenaan Imam al-Shatibi. Antara faktor berlaku salah faham adalah berpunca daripada sebahagian ahli al-Quran dan al-Qiraat sendiri yang tidak arif tentang perkara tersebut. Kajian juga akan mengemukakan jawapan kepada perselisihan terbabit seterusnya memberi penjelasan yang tuntas bagi permasalahan ini. Kajian ini adalah merupakan kajian kualitatif. Dapatan kajian adalah bersumberkan dokumentasi dan persejarahan yang dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis teks dan kandungan. Hasil kajian mendapati asal usul nama Imam al-Shatibi ini berkait rapat dengan faktor keturunan, bahasa dan perkahwinan. Perselisihan tentang gelaran beliau pula didapati berpunca daripada beberapa faktor antaranya dalam bidang penulisan. Perselisihan berkenaan kecacatan penglihatan adalah melibatkan tempoh umur, manakala faktor penghijrahan beliau ke Mesir bukan semata-mata kerana ingin menunaikan haji.   Kata kunci: Imam al-Shatibi, Ilmu Qiraat, Biografi Qurra, Imam Qiraat &nbsp

    Hubungan gender dengan strategi pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah agama di Terengganu

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    Female students have reported that they use Language Learning Strategies (LLS) more often than male students in many studies across different cultures (Ehrman & Oxford, 1989; Green & Oxford, 1995). However, some studies have demonstrated no statistically significant difference between gender in the use of LLS(Chang, 1990; Chou, 2002). Yet others have shown that male students use more LLS than female students in certain strategy categories(Oxford, 1994; Wharton, 2000). Linguistics differences are also known to influence strategy use (Douglas, 1992; Grabe, 1986). This paper describes the LLS employed by students of Arabic language based on gender. The subjects comprised 460 Form 4 students from 13 religious secondary schools in Terengganu. Data were collected using an Arabic language learning strategy questionnaire adapted and modified from SILL (Oxford, 1990). The results of the study indicate that overall, female students of Arabic language tended to use LLS more frequently than male students. The result also showed that female students use more LLS than male students in the following three categories: memory, affective and metaphysical. However, no statistically significant differences were found in the use of cognitive, metacognitive, compensation and social strategies