48 research outputs found

    Cosmological mass limits on neutrinos, axions, and other light particles

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    The small-scale power spectrum of the cosmological matter distribution together with other cosmological data provides a sensitive measure of the hot dark matter fraction, leading to restrictive neutrino mass limits. We extend this argument to generic cases of low-mass thermal relics. We vary the cosmic epoch of thermal decoupling, the radiation content of the universe, and the new particle's spin degrees of freedom. Our treatment covers various scenarios of active plus sterile neutrinos or axion-like particles. For three degenerate massive neutrinos, we reproduce the well-known limit of m_nu < 0.34 eV. In a 3+1 scenario of 3 massless and 1 fully thermalized sterile neutrino we find m_nu < 1.0 eV. Thermally produced QCD axions must obey m_a < 3.0 eV, superseding limits from a direct telescope search, but leaving room for solar eV-mass axions to be discovered by the CAST experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, matches version in JCA

    The sensitivity of BAO Dark Energy Constraints to General Isocurvature Perturbations

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    Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) surveys will be a leading method for addressing the dark energy challenge in the next decade. We explore in detail the effect of allowing for small amplitude admixtures of general isocurvature perturbations in addition to the dominant adiabatic mode. We find that non-adiabatic initial conditions leave the sound speed unchanged but instead excite different harmonics. These harmonics couple differently to Silk damping, altering the form and evolution of acoustic waves in the baryon-photon fluid prior to decoupling. This modifies not only the scale on which the sound waves imprint onto the baryon distribution, which is used as the standard ruler in BAO surveys, but also the shape, width and height of the BAO peak. We discuss these effects in detail and show how more general initial conditions impact our interpretation of cosmological data in dark energy studies. We find that the inclusion of these additional isocurvature modes leads to an increase in the Dark Energy Task Force Figure of merit by 140% and 60% for the BOSS and ADEPT experiments respectively when considered in conjunction with Planck data. We also show that the incorrect assumption of adiabaticity has the potential to bias our estimates of the dark energy parameters by 3σ3\sigma (1σ1\sigma) for a single correlated isocurvature mode, and up to 8σ8\sigma (3σ3\sigma) for three correlated isocurvature modes in the case of the BOSS (ADEPT) experiment. We find that the use of the large scale structure data in conjunction with CMB data improves our ability to measure the contributions of different modes to the initial conditions by as much as 100% for certain modes in the fully correlated case.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    Analyze This! A Cosmological Constraint Package for CMBEASY

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    We introduce a Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation and data analysis package that extends the CMBEASY software. We have taken special care in implementing an adaptive step algorithm for the Markov Chain Monte Carlo in order to improve convergence. Data analysis routines are provided which allow to test models of the Universe against measurements of the cosmic microwave background, supernovae Ia and large scale structure. We present constraints on cosmological parameters derived from these measurements for a Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology and discuss the impact of the different observational data sets on the parameters. The package is publicly available as part of the CMBEASY software at www.cmbeasy.org.Comment: Published version, JCAP style, 16 pages, 7 figures. The software is available at http://www.cmbeasy.or

    Prospect for relic neutrino searches

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    Unlike the relic photons, relic neutrinos have not so far been observed. The Cosmic Neutrino Background (Cν\nuB) is the oldest relic from the Big Bang, produced a few seconds after the Bang itself. Due to their impact in cosmology, relic neutrinos may be revealed indireclty in the near future through cosmological observations. In this talk we concentrate on other proposals, made in the last 30 years, to try to detect the Cν\nuB directly, either in laboratory searches (through tiny accelerations they produce on macroscopic targets) or through astrophysical observations (looking for absorption dips in the flux of Ultra-High Energy neutrinos, due to the annihilation of these neutrinos with relic neutrinos at the Z-resonance). We concentrate mainly on the first of these two possibilities.Comment: Talk given at the Nobel Symposium on Neutrino Physics, Enkoping, Sweden, Augus 19-24, 2004; 16 page

    Observational constraints in scalar tensor theory with tachyonic potential

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    We study the dynamics of the scalar tensor cosmological model in the presence of tachyon field. In an alternative approach, in two exponential and power law form of the scalar field functions in the model, field equations are solved by simultaneously best fitting the model parameters with the most recent observational data. This approach gives us an observationally verified interpretation of the dynamics of the universe. We then discuss the best fitted of equation of state parameter, the statefinder parameters and the reconstructed scalar field in the model.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figures, Will be published in JCA

    Stability analysis and Observational Measurement in Chameleonic Generalised Brans--Dicke Cosmology

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    We investigate the dynamics of the chameleonic Generalised Brans--Dicke model in flat FRW cosmology. In a new approach, a framework to study stability and attractor solutions in the phase space is developed for the model by simultaneously best fitting the stability and model parameters with the observational data. The results show that for an accelerating universe the phantom crossing does not occur in the past and near future.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Investigating dark energy experiments with principal components

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    We use a principal component approach to contrast different kinds of probes of dark energy, and to emphasize how an array of probes can work together to constrain an arbitrary equation of state history w(z). We pay particular attention to the role of the priors in assessing the information content of experiments and propose using an explicit prior on the degree of smoothness of w(z) that is independent of the binning scheme. We also show how a figure of merit based on the mean squared error probes the number of new modes constrained by a data set, and use it to examine how informative various experiments will be in constraining the evolution of dark energy.Comment: A significantly expanded version with an added PCA for weak lensing, a new detailed discussion of the correlation prior proposed in this work, and a new discussion outlining the differences between the Bayesian and the frequentist approaches to reconstructing w(z). Matches the version accepted to JCAP. 8 pages, 2 figure

    Reconstructing the primordial power spectrum - a new algorithm

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    We propose an efficient and model independent method for reconstructing the primordial power spectrum from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and large scale structure observations. The algorithm is based on a Monte Carlo principle and therefore very simple to incorporate into existing codes such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The algorithm has been used on present cosmological data to test for features in the primordial power spectrum. No significant evidence for features is found, although there is a slight preference for an overall bending of the spectrum, as well as a decrease in power at very large scales. We have also tested the algorithm on mock high precision CMB data, calculated from models with non-scale invariant primordial spectra. The algorithm efficiently extracts the underlying spectrum, as well as the other cosmological parameters in each case. Finally we have used the algorithm on a model where an artificial glitch in the CMB spectrum has been imposed, like the ones seen in the WMAP data. In this case it is found that, although the underlying cosmological parameters can be extracted, the recovered power spectrum can show significant spurious features, such as bending, even if the true spectrum is scale invariant.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, matches JCAP published versio

    Limiting the dimming of distant type Ia supernovae

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    Distant supernovae have been observed to be fainter than what is expected in a matter dominated universe. The most likely explanation is that the universe is dominated by an energy component with negative pressure -- dark energy. However, there are several astrophysical processes that could, in principle, affect the measurements and in order to be able to take advantage of the growing supernova statistics, the control of systematic effects is crucial. We discuss two of these; extinction due to intergalactic grey dust and dimming due to photon-axion oscillations and show how their effect on supernova observations can be constrained using observed quasar colours and spectra. For a wide range of intergalactic dust models, we are able to rule out any dimming larger than 0.2 magnitudes for a type Ia supernova at z=1. The corresponding limit for intergalactic Milky Way type dust is 0.03 mag. For the more speculative model of photons mixing with axions, we find that the effect is independent of photon energy for certain combinations of parameter values and a dimming as large as 0.6 magnitudes cannot be ruled out. These effects can have profound implications for the possibility of constraining dark energy properties using supernova observations.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures Matches version accepted in JCAP. Some corrections due to minor bug in simulations, major conclusions unchange

    Tomography from the Next Generation of Cosmic Shear Experiments for Viable f(R) Models

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    We present the cosmic shear signal predicted by two viable cosmological models in the framework of modified-action f(R) theories. We use f(R) models where the current accelerated expansion of the Universe is a direct consequence of the modified gravitational Lagrangian rather than Dark Energy (DE), either in the form of vacuum energy/cosmological constant or of a dynamical scalar field (e.g. quintessence). We choose Starobinsky's (St) and Hu & Sawicki's (HS) f(R) models, which are carefully designed to pass the Solar System gravity tests. In order to further support - or rule out - f(R) theories as alternative candidates to the DE hypothesis, we exploit the power of weak gravitational lensing, specifically of cosmic shear. We calculate the tomographic shear matrix as it would be measured by the upcoming ESA Cosmic Vision Euclid satellite. We find that in the St model the cosmic shear signal is almost completely degenerate with LCDM, but it is easily distinguishable in the HS model. Moreover, we compute the corresponding Fisher matrix for both the St and HS models, thus obtaining forecasts for their cosmological parameters. Finally, we show that the Bayes factor for cosmic shear will definitely favour the HS model over LCDM if Euclid measures a value larger than ~0.02 for the extra HS parameter n_HS.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables; tomographic and Bayesian analyses updated and modified according to reviewer's suggestions; references update