6 research outputs found

    Developments in Structuring of Reformed Theology:The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) as Example

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    The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625), an influential handbook of Reformeddogmatics, began as a cycle of disputations. A comparison of it with the cyclesthat were held previously in Leiden reveals some shifts in the structure of Reformeddogmatics. After introducing the Synopsis, this paper highlights thefunction of prolegomena, the place of predestination, and the relationship betweenthe magistrate and eschatology. It concludes that the choices made in theSynopsis illustrate tensions in Reformed theology. After the conflict with theRemonstrants it became urgent to carefully define the character of theology inthe prolegomena, to relate predestination to the person and work of Christ, andto connect the task of the magistrate to the doctrine of the church

    The Relevance of Reformed Scholasticism for Contemporary Systematic Theology

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    This article examines how Reformed scholasticism can be relevant for systematic theology today. ‘Reformed Scholasticism’ denotes the academic practice in which the doctrines of the Reformation are expounded, explained, and defended. It is primarily a method and attitude in search of the truth, based on a careful reading of Scripture, drawing on patristic and medieval traditions, and interacting with philosophy and other academic disciplines. In addition to these methodological features, important contributions on various doctrinal topics can be discovered. The doctrine of God has a foundational role in the sense that God is the primary subject of the other topics (creation, salvation, etc.). Reformed scholastic theology not only examines God’s inner essence, but also the concrete relation and operation of God toward his world. In a Trinitarian understanding of God’s essence, a distinction is maintained between God’s immanent relatedness as three divine Persons, and his outward relation to created reality. The doctrines of creation and providence gave occasion for Reformed scholastics to engage in debates with the emerging natural sciences, and also articulated important theological insights concerning the involvement of God in creaturely affairs. In Christology, the Reformed orthodox maintained the classic doctrine of the two natures of Jesus Christ, against Socinians and other opponents. These ontological statements are the necessary conditions for a proper understanding of the salvation by Christ. While the doctrinal positions of Reformed scholastic theology cannot be automatically transmitted to contemporary discussions, we can profit from this tradition on several levels of method and content

    New development opportunities for the craft brewing segment: the case study of a micro-malthouse

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    In Italy in the past few years, the number of small breweries penetrating the craft beer sector has grown exponentially. Craft producers intend to give a strong added value and a local character to their production in different ways. One of these is the use of malt derived from small batches of local cereals and pseudo cereals. The aim of this study is the assessment of investment profitability, through a cost-benefit analysis (CBA), for a compact and a modular micro-malting plant in Sicily (Southern Italy). The CBA for a micro-malthouse was carried out considering both installation and operating costs. Net present value (NPV), discounted benefit-cost ratio (DBCR) and internal rate of return (IRR) highlight the feasibility of an investment in a compact 2-tonnes micro-malthouse. Sensitivity analysis shows positive results of the above financial indices up to a 15% increase in the raw material costs, while with a 10% reduction of malt selling price, the same indices start being negative