17 research outputs found

    Clothianidin-resistant Anopheles gambiae adult mosquitoes from Yaoundé, Cameroon, display reduced susceptibility to SumiShieldŸ 50WG, a neonicotinoid formulation for indoor residual spraying

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    Background: Chronic exposure of mosquito larvae to pesticide residues and cross-resistance mechanisms are major drivers of tolerance to insecticides used for vector control. This presents a concern for the efficacy of clothianidin, an agricultural neonicotinoid prequalified for Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS). Methods: Using standard bioassays, we tested if reduced susceptibility to clothianidin can affect the efficacy of SumiShieldŸ 50WG, one of four new IRS formulations containing clothianidin. We simultaneously monitored susceptibility to clothianidin and to SumiShield 50WG, testing adults of Anopheles gambiae, An. coluzzii and Culex sp sampled from urban, suburban and agricultural areas of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Results: We found that in this geographic area, the level of susceptibility to the active ingredient predicted the efficacy of SumiShield 50WG. This formulation was very potent against populations that reached 100% mortality within 72 h of exposure to a discriminating concentration of clothianidin. By contrast, mortality leveled off at 75.4 ± 3.5% within 7 days of exposure to SumiShield 50WG in An. gambiae adults collected from a farm where the spraying of the two neonicotinoids acetamiprid and imidacloprid for crop protection is likely driving resistance to clothianidin. Conclusions: Despite the relatively small geographic extend of the study, the findings suggest that cross-resistance may impact the efficacy of some new IRS formulations and that alternative compounds could be prioritized in areas where neonicotinoid resistance is emerging

    Investigation of the influence of a glutathione S-transferase metabolic resistance to pyrethroids/DDT on mating competitiveness in males of the African malaria vector, Anopheles funestus [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Background: Metabolic resistance is a serious challenge to current insecticide-based interventions. The extent to which it affects natural populations of mosquitoes including their reproduction ability remains uncharacterised. Here, we investigated the potential impact of the glutathione S-transferase L119F-GSTe2 resistance on the mating competitiveness of male Anopheles funestus, in Cameroon. Methods: Swarms and indoor resting collections took place in March, 2018 in Tibati, Cameroon. WHO tube and cone assays were performed on F1 mosquitoes from indoor collected females to assess the susceptibility profile of malaria vectors. Mosquitoes mated and unmated males collected in the swarms were genotyped for the L119F metabolic marker to assess its association with mating male competitiveness. Results: Susceptibility and synergist assays, showed that this population was multiple resistant to pyrethroids, DDT and carbamates, likely driven by metabolic resistance mechanisms. Cone assays revealed a reduced efficacy of standard pyrethroid-nets (Olyset and PermaNet 2.0) with low mortality (80%). The L119F-GSTe2 mutation, conferring pyrethroid/DDT resistance, was detected in this An. funestus population at a frequency of 28.8%. In addition, a total of 15 mating swarms were identified and 21 An. funestus couples were isolated from those swarms.  A comparative genotyping of the L119F-GSTe2 mutation between mated and unmated males revealed that heterozygote males 119L/F-RS were less able to mate than homozygote susceptible (OR=7.2, P<0.0001). Surprisingly, heterozygote mosquitoes were also less able to mate than homozygote resistant (OR=4.2, P=0.010) suggesting the presence of a heterozygote disadvantage effect. Overall, mosquitoes bearing the L119-S susceptible allele were significantly more able to mate than those with 119F-R resistant allele (OR=2.1, P=0.03). Conclusion: This study provides preliminary evidences that metabolic resistance potentially exerts a fitness cost on mating competiveness in resistant mosquitoes

    Marked aggravation of pyrethroid resistance in major malaria vectors in Malawi between 2014 and 2021 is partly linked with increased expression of P450 alleles

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    Background: Increased intensity of pyrethroid resistance is threatening the effectiveness of insecticide-based interventions to control malaria in Africa. Assessing the extent of this aggravation and its impact on the efficacy of these tools is vital to ensure the continued control of major vectors. Here we took advantage of 2009 and 2014 data from Malawi to establish the extent of the resistance escalation in 2021 and assessed its impact on various bed nets performance. Methods: Indoor blood-fed and wild female Anopheles (An) mosquitoes were collected with an electric aspirator in Chikwawa. Cocktail and SINE PCR were used to identify sibling species belonging to An. funestus group and An. gambiae complex. The susceptibility profile to the four classes of insecticides was assessed using the WHO tubes bioassays. Data were saved in an Excel file. Analysis was done using Vassarstats and figures by Graph Pad. Results: In this study, a high level of resistance was observed with pyrethroids (permethrin, deltamethrin and alpha-cypermethrin with mortality rate at 5x discriminating concentration (DC) < 50% and Mortality rate at 10x DC < 70%). A high level of resistance was also observed to carbamate (bendiocarb) with mortality rate at 5x DC < 25%). Aggravation of resistance was also noticed between 2009 and 2021. For pyrethroids, the mortality rate for permethrin reduced from 47.2% in 2009 to 13% in 2014 and 6.7% in 2021. For deltamethrin, the mortality rate reduced from 42.3% in 2009 to 1.75% in 2014 and 5.2% in 2021. For Bendiocarb, the mortality rate reduced from 60% in 2009 to 30.1% in 2014 and 12.2% in 2021. The high resistance observed is consistent with a drastic loss of pyrethroid-only bed nets efficacy although Piperonyl butoxide (PBO)-based nets remain effective. The resistance pattern observed was linked with high up-regulation of the P450 genes CYP6P9a, CYP6P9b and CYP6M7 in An. funestus s.s. mosquitoes surviving exposure to deltamethrin at 1x, 5x and 10x DC. A significant association was observed between the 6.5 kb structural variant and resistance escalation with homozygote resistant (SV+/SV+) more likely to survive exposure to 5x and 10x (OR = 4.1; P < 0.001) deltamethrin than heterozygotes. However, a significant proportion of mosquitoes survived the synergist assays with PBO suggesting that other mechanisms than P450s are present. Conclusions: This resistance aggravation in An. funestus s.s. Malawian population highlights an urgent need to deploy novel control tools not relying on pyrethroids to improve the effectiveness of vector control

    Comparative study of the effect of solvents on the efficacy of neonicotinoid insecticides against malaria vector populations across Africa

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    Background: New insecticides with a novel mode of action such as neonicotinoids have recently been recommended for public health by WHO. Resistance monitoring of such novel insecticides requires a robust protocol to monitor the development of resistance in natural populations. In this study, we comparatively used three different solvents to assess the susceptibility of malaria vectors to neonicotinoids across Africa. Methods: Mosquitoes were collected from May to July 2021 from three agricultural settings in Cameroon (Njombe-Penja, Nkolondom, and Mangoum), the Democratic Republic of Congo (Ndjili-Brasserie), Ghana (Obuasi), and Uganda (Mayuge). Using the CDC bottle test, we compared the effect of three different solvents (ethanol, acetone, MERO) on the efficacy of neonicotinoids against Anopheles gambiae s.l. In addition, TaqMan assays were used to genotype key pyrethroid-resistant markers in An. gambiae and odds ratio based on Fisher exact test were used to evaluate potential cross-resistance between pyrethroids and clothianidin. Results: Lower mortality was observed when using absolute ethanol or acetone alone as solvent for clothianidin (11.4‒51.9% mortality in Nkolondom, 31.7‒48.2% in Mangoum, 34.6‒56.1% in Mayuge, 39.4‒45.6% in Obuasi, 83.7‒89.3% in Congo and 71.1‒95.9% in Njombe pendja) compared to acetone + MERO for which 100% mortality were observed for all the populations. Similar observations were done for imidacloprid and acetamiprid. Synergist assays (PBO, DEM and DEF) with clothianidin revealed a significant increase of mortality suggesting that metabolic resistance mechanisms are contributing to the reduced susceptibility. A negative association was observed between the L1014F-kdr mutation and clothianidin resistance with a greater frequency of homozygote resistant mosquitoes among the dead than among survivors (OR = 0.5; P = 0.02). However, the I114T-GSTe2 was in contrast significantly associated with a greater ability to survive clothianidin with a higher frequency of homozygote resistant among survivors than other genotypes (OR = 2.10; P = 0.013). Conclusions: This study revealed a contrasted susceptibility pattern depending on the solvents with ethanol/acetone resulting to lower mortality, thus possibly overestimating resistance, whereas the MERO consistently showed a greater efficacy of neonicotinoids but it could prevent to detect early resistance development. Therefore, we recommend monitoring the susceptibility using both acetone alone and acetone + MERO (4 ”g/ml for clothianidin) to capture the accurate resistance profile of the mosquito populations. Graphical Abstract

    Genome-Wide Transcriptional Analysis and Functional Validation Linked a Cluster of Epsilon Glutathione S-Transferases with Insecticide Resistance in the Major Malaria Vector Anopheles funestus across Africa

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    Resistance is threatening the effectiveness of insecticide-based interventions in use for malaria control. Pinpointing genes associated with resistance is crucial for evidence-based resistance management targeting the major malaria vectors. Here, a combination of RNA-seq based genome-wide transcriptional analysis and RNA-silencing in vivo functional validation were used to identify key insecticide resistance genes associated with DDT and DDT/permethrin cross-resistance across Africa. A cluster of glutathione-S-transferase from epsilon group were found to be overexpressed in resistant populations of Anopheles funestus across Africa including GSTe1 [Cameroon (fold change, FC: 2.54), Ghana (4.20), Malawi (2.51)], GSTe2 [Cameroon (4.47), Ghana (7.52), Malawi (2.13)], GSTe3 [Cameroon (2.49), Uganda (2.60)], GSTe4 in Ghana (3.47), GSTe5 [Ghana (2.94), Malawi (2.26)], GSTe6 [Cameroun (3.0), Ghana (3.11), Malawi (3.07), Uganda (3.78)] and GSTe7 (2.39) in Ghana. Validation of GSTe genes expression profiles by qPCR confirmed that the genes are differentially expressed across Africa with a greater overexpression in DDT-resistant mosquitoes. RNAi-based knock-down analyses supported that five GSTe genes are playing a major role in resistance to pyrethroids (permethrin and deltamethrin) and DDT in An. funestus, with a significant recovery of susceptibility observed when GSTe2, 3, 4, 5 and GSTe6 were silenced. These findings established that GSTe3, 4, 5 and 6 contribute to DDT resistance and should be further characterized to identify their specific genetic variants, to help design DNA-based diagnostic assays, as previously done for the 119F-GSTe2 mutation. This study highlights the role of GSTes in the development of resistance to insecticides in malaria vectors and calls for actions to mitigate this resistance

    Elevated Plasmodium sporozoite infection and multiple insecticide resistance in the principal malaria vectors Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae in a forested locality close to the Yaoundé airport, Cameroon

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    Background: Reducing the burden of malaria requires better understanding of vector populations, particularly in forested regions where the incidence remains elevated. Here, we characterized malaria vectors in a locality near the Yaoundé international airport, Cameroon, including species composition, abundance, Plasmodium infection rate, insecticide resistance profiles and underlying resistance mechanisms. Methods: Blood-fed adult mosquitoes resting indoors were aspirated from houses in April 2019 at Elende, a village located 2 km from the Yaoundé-Nsimalen airport. Female mosquitoes were forced to lay eggs to generate F1 adult progeny. Bioassays were performed to assess resistance profile to insecticides. The threshold of insecticide susceptibility was defined above 98% mortality rate and mortality rates below 90% were indicative of confirmed insecticide resistance. Furthermore, the molecular basis of resistance and Plasmodium infection rates were investigated. Results: Anopheles funestus s.s. was most abundant species in Elende (85%) followed by Anopheles gambiae s.s. (15%) with both having a similar sporozoite rate. Both species exhibited high levels of resistance to pyrethroids (<40% mortality). An. gambiae s.s. was also resistant to DDT (9.9% mortality) and bendiocarb (54% mortality) while susceptible to organophosphate. An. funestus s.s. was resistant to dieldrin (1% mortality), DDT (86% mortality) but susceptible to carbamates and organophosphates. The L119F-GSTe2 resistance allele (8%) and G119S ace-1 resistance allele (15%) were detected in An. funestus s.s. and An. gambiae s.s., respectively. Furthermore, the high pyrethroid/DDT resistances in An. gambiae s.s. corresponded with an increase frequency of 1014F kdr allele (95%). Transcriptional profiling of candidate cytochrome P450 genes reveals the over-expression of CYP6P5, CYP6P9a and CYP6P9b. Conclusion: The resistance to multiple insecticide classes observed in these vector populations alongside the high Plasmodium sporozoite rate highlights the challenges that vector control programs encounter in sustaining the regular benefits of contemporary insecticide-based control interventions in forested areas

    Exploring the molecular mechanisms of increased intensity of pyrethroid resistance in Central African population of a major malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii

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    Molecular mechanisms driving the escalation of pyrethroid resistance in the major malaria mosquitoes of Central Africa remain largely uncharacterized, hindering effective management strategies. Here, resistance intensity and the molecular mechanisms driving it were investigated in a population of Anopheles coluzzii from northern Cameroon. High levels of pyrethroid and organochloride resistance were observed in An. coluzzii population, with no mortality for 1× permethrin; only 11% and 33% mortalities for 5× and 10× permethrin diagnostic concentrations, and <2% mortalities for deltamethrin and DDT, respectively. Moderate bendiocarb resistance (88% mortality) and full susceptibility to malathion were observed. Synergist bioassays with piperonyl butoxide recovered permethrin susceptibility, with mortalities increasing to 53.39%, and 87.30% for 5× and 10× permethrin, respectively, implicating P450 monooxygenases. Synergist bioassays with diethyl maleate (DEM) recovered permethrin and DDT susceptibilities (mortalities increasing to 34.75% and 14.88%, respectively), implicating glutathione S‐transferases. RNA‐seq‐based genome‐wide transcriptional analyses supported by quantitative PCR identified glutathione S‐transferase, GSTe2 (RNA‐seqFC = 2.93 and qRT‐PCRFC = 8.4, p < 0.0043) and CYP450, CYP6Z2 (RNA‐seqFC = 2.39 and qRT‐PCRFC = 11.7, p < 0.0177) as the most overexpressed detoxification genes in the pyrethroid‐resistant mosquitoes, compared to mosquitoes of the susceptible Ngousso colony. Other overexpressed genes include P450s, CYP6M2 (FC = 1.68, p < 0.0114), CYP4G16 (FC = 2.02, p < 0.0005), and CYP4G17 (FC = 1.86, p < 0.0276). While high frequency of the 1014F kdr mutation (50%) and low frequencies of 1014S (6.61%) and 1575Y (10.29%) were observed, no ace‐1 mutation was detected in bendiocarb‐resistant populations, suggesting the preeminent role of metabolic mechanism. Overexpression of metabolic resistance genes (including GSTe2 and CYP6Z2 known to confer resistance to multiple insecticides) in An. coluzzii from the Sudan Savannah of Cameroon highlights the need for alternative management strategies to reduce malaria burden in northern Cameroon

    Multiple insecticide resistance and Plasmodium infection in the principal malaria vectors Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae in a forested locality close to the Yaoundé airport, Cameroon

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    Background: Reducing the burden of malaria requires better understanding of vector populations, particularly in forested regions where the incidence remains elevated. Here, we characterized malaria vectors in a locality near the Yaoundé international airport, Cameroon, including species composition, abundance, Plasmodium infection rate, insecticide resistance profiles and underlying resistance mechanisms. Methods: Blood-fed adult mosquitoes resting indoors were aspirated from houses in April 2019 at Elende, a locality situated 2 km from the Yaoundé-Nsimalen airport. Female mosquitoes were forced to lay eggs to generate F 1 adults. Bioassays were performed to assess resistance profile to the four insecticides classes. The threshold of insecticide susceptibility was defined above 98% mortality rate and mortality rates below 90% were indicative of confirmed insecticide resistance. Furthermore, the molecular basis of resistance and Plasmodium infection rates were investigated. Results: Anopheles funestus s.s. was the most abundant species in Elende (85%) followed by Anopheles gambiae s.s. (15%) with both having similar sporozoite rate. Both species exhibited high levels of resistance to the pyrethroids, permethrin and deltamethrin (&lt;40% mortality). An. gambiae s.s. was resistant to DDT (9.9% mortality) and bendiocarb (54% mortality) while susceptible to organophosphate. An. funestus s.s. was resistant to dieldrin (1% mortality), DDT (86% mortality) but susceptible to carbamates and organophosphates. The L119F-GSTe2 resistance allele (8%) and G119S ace-1 resistance allele (15%) were detected in An. funestus s.s. and An. gambiae s.s., respectively. Furthermore, the high pyrethroid/DDT resistances in An. gambiae corresponded with an increase frequency of 1014F kdr allele (95%). Transcriptional profiling of candidate cytochrome P450 genes reveals the over-expression of CYP6P5, CYP6P9a and CYP6P9b. Conclusion: The resistance to multiple insecticide classes observed in these vector populations alongside the significant Plasmodium sporozoite rate highlights the challenges that vector control programs encounter in sustaining the regular benefits of contemporary insecticide-based control interventions in forested areas

    Anopheles funestus Populations across Africa Are Broadly Susceptible to Neonicotinoids but with Signals of Possible Cross-Resistance from the GSTe2 Gene

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    Evaluating the susceptibility of malaria vectors to the new WHO-recommended products is a key step before large-scale deployment. We mapped the susceptibility profile of Anopheles funestus to neonicotinoids across Africa and established the diagnostic doses of acetamiprid and imidacloprid with acetone + MERO as solvent. Indoor resting An. funestus were collected in 2021 in Cameroon, Malawi, Ghana and Uganda. Susceptibility to clothianidin, imidacloprid and acetamiprid was evaluated using CDC bottle assays and offsprings of the field-caught adults. The L119F-GSTe2 marker was genotyped to assess the potential cross-resistance between clothianidin and this DDT/pyrethroid-resistant marker. Mosquitoes were susceptible to the three neonicotinoids diluted in acetone + MERO, whereas low mortality was noticed with ethanol or acetone alone. The doses of 6 ”g/mL and 4 ”g/mL were established as diagnostic concentrations of imidacloprid and acetamiprid, respectively, with acetone + MERO. Pre-exposure to synergists significantly restored the susceptibility to clothianidin. A positive correlation was observed between L119F-GSTe2 mutation and clothianidin resistance with the homozygote resistant mosquitoes being more able to survive than heterozygote or susceptible. This study revealed that An. funestus populations across Africa are susceptible to neonicotinoids, and as such, this insecticide class could be effectively implemented to control this species using IRS. However, potential cross-resistance conferred by GSTe2 calls for regular resistance monitoring in the field