63 research outputs found
Performance Comparison of MATLAB and Neuro Solution Software on Estimation of Fuel Economy by Using Artificial Neural Network
In the world, scientific studies increase day by day and computer programs facilitate the human’s life.
Scientists examine the human’s brain’s neural structure and they try to be model in the computer and they give
the name of artificial neural network. For this reason, they think to develop more complex problem’s solution. The
purpose of this study is to estimate fuel economy of an automobile engine by using artificial neural network (ANN)
algorithm. Engine characteristics were simulated by using “Neuro Solution” software. The same data is used in
MATLAB to compare the performance of MATLAB is such a problem and show its validity. The cylinder,
displacement, power, weight, acceleration and vehicle production year are used as input data and miles per
gallon (MPG) are used as target data. An Artificial Neural Network model was developed and 70% of data were
used as training data, 15% of data were used as testing data and 15% of data is used as validation data. In
creating our model, proper neuron number is carefully selected to increase the speed of the network. Since the
problem has a nonlinear structure, multi layer are used in our model
Düşük ısı kayıplı turbo doldurmalı bir dizel motorunda ısı kayıplarının deneysel incelenmesi
Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.Düşük ısı kayıplı motor, seramik kaplama, dizel motoru. 1970'li yıllardaki petrol krizi ile birlikte tüm alanlarda enerji tasarrufu gündeme gelmiştir. Petrol esaslı yakıt rezervlerinin hızla tükenmesi, yeni enerji kaynakları maliyetlerinin yüksek olması, çevre kirliliği problemleri bütün ülkelerini hızla tehdit etmeye başlamıştır. Bütün ülkelerde ulusal enerji tasarrufu bilinci yaygınlaştırılmaya çalışılıp, yeni kanuni düzenlemelere gidilmektedir. İçten yanmalı motorlar tüm dünya ülkelerinde çok yaygın olarak kullanılıp, petrol esaslı yakıtları tüketmektedir. Günümüzde, içten yanmalı motorlar üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar, genellikle yakıt ekonomisi ve daha hafif motorlardan daha fazla güç alma üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Motor ağırlıklarının ve özgül yakıt sarfiyatlarının azaltılması için motorlar üzerinde seramik esaslı malzemeler kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. İçten yanmalı motorların yanma odası elemanlarını düşük ısı iletim katsayısına sahip seramik esaslı yalıtım malzemeleri ile kaplayarak, yanma odası sıcaklıkları arttırılmakta, buna paralel olarak soğutma sistemine giden ısı kayıpları azaltılmakta ve egzoz gazları sıcaklıkları arttırılarak egzoz enerjisinden yararlanıp motorların efektif verimleri belirli oranlarda yükseltilebilmektedir. Düşük ısı kayıplı motor olarak adlandırılan bu teknoloji, yüksek sıcaklıklara dayanıklı seramik esaslı malzemelerin geliştirilmesiyle paralel olarak hızla yaygınlaşmaktadır. Seramik malzemeler; yüksek ergime sıcaklığı, yüksek sertlik ve aşınma mukavemeti, iyi korozyon dayanımı ve düşük ısıl iletkenlik gibi üstün özellikleri sayesinde içten yanmalı motorların yanma odası elemanlarının ince bir termal bariyer olarak kaplanmasında kullanılırlar. Bu çalışmada, türbo doldurmalı bir dizel motorunun yanma odası elemanlarını teşkil eden, silindir kafası, piston yüzeyleri, emme ve egzoz supapları seramik esaslı kaplama malzemeleri ile kaplanarak düşük ısı kayıplı motor haline dönüştürülerek ısı kayıpları incelenmiştir. Bu amaç için silindir kafası, supaplar ve pistonlar 0.5 mm kalınlığında zirkonya ile kaplanmıştır. Kaplama işleminde plazma püskürtme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalar için öncelikle motor standart halde yani yanma odası elemanları seramik esaslı malzemeler ile kaplanmadan, değişik motor hızı ve yüklerinde teste tabi tutulmuştur. Daha sonra kaplama işlemi gerçekleştirilmiş olup standart haldeki testler aynen tekrarlanmıştır. Deneysel çalışma sonucunda elde edilen veriler bir bilgisayar programı ile değerlendirilip gerekli büyüklükler hesaplanmıştır. Tüm sonuçlar detaylı bir şekilde grafiklerle açıklanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda düşük ısı kayıplı motorda soğutma sistemine giden ısı kayıplarının azaldığı, egzoz gazlan ile atılan ısı miktarlarında artış olduğu ve türbo doldurmalı motor olması sebebiyle de bu artışın volumetrik verim üzerinde iyileşmeler sağladığı tespit edilmiştir. Soğutucu akışkana geçen ısı miktarının azalması, motor soğutma yükünü azalttığından soğutma sisteminin daha küçük seçilmesi mümkün olacaktır. Daha küçük soğutma sistemi, motorun hacim ve ağırlık bakımından daha küçük tasarlanmasına imkan sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca, yanma odası sıcaklıklarının artmasıyla iyileşen yanma verimi özgül yakıt sarfiyatlarının da azalmasını sağlamıştır.THE EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF HEAT LOSSES IN A TURBOCHARGED LOW HEAT REJECTION DIESEL ENGINE Keywords: Low heat rejection, ceramic coating, diesel engine. In the context of the energy crisis, it has become necessary to find ways of using petroleum fuel more efficiently in the internal combustion engine. A new trend in the field of the internal combustion engine is to make it adiabatic by insulating various parts such as the cylinder wall, combustion chamber, cylinder head, piston body, valves, etc. With ceramic insulating materials. The diesel engine is undergoing a dramatic technological transformation by the world-wide activity in the area of Adiabatic Engine Technology. One approach towards this goal is to insulate the heat transfer surfaces, thus making an adiabatic engine. Early internal combustion engine developers realized the advantages of increased combustion chamber temperatures. The efficiency of the theoretical Otto cycle depends directly upon the temperature difference between the hot and cold portions of the engine cycle. If combustion gas energy can be contained through the expansion cycle then the efficiency of internal combustion engines can be increased. To increas the efficiency of internal combustion engines and generate higher chamber temperatures, low-heat rejections consepts are being investigated The term adiabatic is also given to these types of engines. Absolute zero heat flow, as the name implies, is not possible thus this description is used mainly to categorize this type of effort. The basic means of reduction heat rejection and loss in engines is to insulate the combustion engines [6]. In a conventional internal combustion engine, approximately one-third of the total fuel input energy is converted to useful work. Since the working gas in a practical engine cyle is not exhausted at ambient temperature, a major part of the energy is lost with the exhaust gases. In addition another major part of the energy input is rejected in the form of heat via the cooling system (which usually absorbs some extra parasitic work). The requirement to cool the components of the engine combustion chamber arises because of: XV
Emissions and fuel economy for a hybrid vehicle
Conventional vehicles play a big role in city transportation all over the world. These vehicles run on energy obtained from fossils fuels such as petroleum oils that pollute environment with the gases that are emitted after burning. In addition, the cost of this fuel type will increase because of decreasing reserves; therefore, these petroleum oils must be used very efficiently. Due to environmental and financial problems, the development of clear and efficient city transportation has accelerated. Hence, hybrid electrical vehicles gain significant importance because they are environmentally friendly and efficient in fuel usage. In this study, a conventional commercial vehicle was chosen for design to a mixed hybrid systems. A simulation program was created for road simulation of these vehicles and with acceleration included; the consumption and emission values were also approximately calculated. As a result, it was seen that the mixed hybrid vehicles possess the same performance values with low fuel and CO2 emission. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
The effect of thermal barrier coatings on diesel engine performance
Ceramic coatings hold significant promise in the reduction of wear and abrasion failure in reciprocating and rotary engines for transportation and stationary power. They also have application as thermal barriers to improve the efficiency of the engines, by reducing energy loss and cooling requirements. In this study, the effects of ceramic coating on the performance of the diesel engine were investigated. The research engine was a four-stroke, direct injected, six cylinder, turbo-charged and inter-cooled diesel engine. This engine was tested at different speeds and loads conditions without coating. Then, the combustion chamber surfaces, cylinder head, valves and piston crown faces were coated with ceramic materials. The layers were made of CaZrO3 and MgZrO3 and plasma coated onto the base of the NiCrAl bond coat. The ceramic-coated research engine was tested at the same operation conditions as the standard (without coating) engine. The results indicate a reduction in fuel consumption and an improving effective efficiency of the engine. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Numerical study of assembly pressure effect on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell
The performance of the fuel cell is affected by many parameters. One of these parameters is assembly pressure that changes the mechanical properties and dimensions of the fuel cell components. Its first duty, however, is to prevent gas or liquid leakage from the cell and it is important for the contact behaviors of fuel cell components. Some leakage and contact problems can occur on the low assembly pressures whereas at high pressures, components of the fuel cell, such as bipolar plates (BPP), gas diffusion layers (GDL), catalyst layers, and membranes, can be damaged. A finite element analysis (FEA) model is developed to predict the deformation effect of assembly pressure on the single channel PEM fuel cell in this study. Deformed fuel cell single channel model is imported to three-dimensional, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model which is developed for simulating proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Using this model, the effect of assembly pressure on fuel cell performance can be calculated. It is found that, when the assembly pressure increases, contact resistance, porosity and thickness of the gas diffusion layer (GDL) decreases. Too much assembly pressure causes GDL to destroy; therefore, the optimal assembly pressure is significant to obtain the highest performance from fuel cell. By using the results of this study, optimum fuel cell design and operating condition parameters can be predicted accordingly. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
An experimental study of energy balance in low heat rejection diesel engine
In a conventional internal combustion engine, approximately one-third of total fuel input energy is converted to useful work. Since the working gas in a practical engine cycle is not exhausted at ambient temperature, a major part of the energy is lost with the exhaust gases. In addition, another major part of energy input is rejected in the form of heat via the cooling system. If the energy normally rejected to the coolant could be recovered instead on the crankshaft as useful work, then a substantial improvement in fuel economy would result. In this study, the effect of insulated heat transfer surfaces on diesel engine energy balance system was investigated. The research engine was a four-stroke, direct injected, six cylinder, turbocharged and inter-cooled diesel engine. This engine was tested at different speeds and load conditions without coating. Then, combustion chamber surfaces, cylinder head, valves and piston crown faces were coated with ceramic materials. Ceramic layers were made of CaZrO3 and MgZrO3 and plasma coated onto base of the NiCrAl bond coat. The ceramic-coated research engine was tested at the same operation conditions as the standard (without coating) engine. The results indicate a reduction in fuel consumption and heat losses to engine cooling system of the ceramic-coated engine. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Cell temperature and selection of the reactant gases are crucial parameters for the design and optimization of fuel cell performance. In this study, effect of operating conditions on the performance of solid oxide fuel cell has been investigated. Application of response surface methodology was applied to optimize operations conditions in solid oxide fuel cell. For this purpose, an experimental set-up for testing of solid oxide fuel cell has been established to investigate the effect of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen flow rates and cell temperature parameters on cell performance. Hydrogen flow rate, oxygen flow rate, nitrogen flow rate, and cell temperature were the main parameters considered and they were varied between 0.25 and 1 L/min, 0.5 and 1 L/min, 0 and 1 L/min, and 700-800 degrees C in the analyses, respectively. The maximum power density was found as 0.572 W/cm(2) in the experiments
Performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine using esters of palm olein/soybean oil blends
In this experimental study, the engine performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel direct injection engine using mixed palm olein soybean vegetable oil ethyl ester (POSEE) and methyl ester (POSME) have been examined. The results of experimental studies have shown that the torque and brake power output of an engine, which uses biodiesels, is slightly lower and specific fuel consumption is higher than in an engine using conventional diesel fuel. It has also been observed that there is a decrease in both carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions, which indicates an advantage of exhaust emissions. Although methyl ester's CO(2) emissions decreased compared with those of diesel fuel, NO and NO(X) emissions were higher with the biodiesels
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