20 research outputs found

    Geração, tratamento e disposição final dos resíduos das estações de tratamento de água do estado de Pernambuco

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    This article deals with the generation, quantification and final disposal of the sludge generated at existing Water Treatment Plants (WTPs), operating in the state of Pernambuco. The research was carried out in the period between January 2015 and December 2016 by the collection, systematization and interpretation of data that showed 246 WTPs that generate residues, of which 69 in decanters and filters, 176 only in the filters and one in the desalination system. The largest number of conventional WTPs is in the metropolitan region of Recife and the highest production of sludge was observed in the Capibaribe river basin, which receives a load of between 50 and 50,000 kg / (m3day). It was verified that approximately 75% of the states WTPs discard their residues in water bodies and 22% in the soil, without any kind of treatment. Only 3% perform the degassing process, yet discarding the solid mass in the soil, without any control at the final disposal of the same.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Fundação de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco (FACEPE), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), COMPESA, ARPEinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conjectura de parâmetros operacionais na remoção de cor aparente e de turbidez de um efluente têxtil por meio da tecnologia de adsorção

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    Creating a sustainable textile industry involves correctly disposing of production waste. The treatment by adsorption for effluents containing high levels of dyes is widely used compared to other conventional methods. Activated carbon is the adsorbent that receives more attention due to its high capacity to capture molecules by chemical interaction. Among the various factors that can influence adsorption, pH is very important because it determines the electrostatic interactions between the adsorbate and the adsorbent. In this context, it is necessary to know the pH at which the charge balance is null on the surface of the solid, that is, the point of zero charge (PZC). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the PZC of the activated carbon, by the "11 points experiment" method, and to evaluate the efficiency of the adsorption technique for treating a textile effluent. The parameters of apparent color and turbidity were used as response variables. Thus, the best pH range activated carbon dosage, and shaking time for the treatment were defined. The conjecture of the ideal amount of adsorbent it was observed as the best result with the concentration of 5 g/L, which reached a maximum removal of 91.22% and 91.04% in shaking time of 20 min, for turbidity and apparent color, respectively.A criação de uma indústria têxtil sustentável passa pela destinação correta dos resíduos da produção. O tratamento por adsorção para efluentes que contém alta carga de corantes é amplamente utilizado em relação aos outros métodos convencionais. O carvão ativado é o adsorvente que recebe mais destaque devido a sua elevada capacidade de captura de moléculas por interação química. Dentre as várias condições que podem influenciar a adsorção, o pH adquire grande importância, pois este governa as interações eletrostáticas entre o adsorvato e o adsorvente. Nesse contexto, é necessário conhecer o pH para o qual o balanço de cargas é nulo na superfície do sólido, ou seja, o ponto de carga zero (PCZ). Portanto, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficiência da técnica de adsorção para o tratamento de um efluente têxtil com carvão ativado, na remoção de cor aparente e turbidez. Utilizaram-se, como variáveis de respostas, os parâmetros cor aparente e turbidez. Assim, foram definidos a melhor faixa de pH, dosagem de carvão ativado e tempo de agitação para o tratamento. Na conjectura da quantidade de adsorvente ideal, observou-se como melhor resultado a concentração de 5 g L-1, no qual atingiram-se remoções máximas de 91,22% e 91,04% no tempo de agitação de 20 min, para turbidez e cor aparente, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que o uso do carvão ativado pode ser uma alternativa aos processos existentes para o tratamento de efluentes industriais

    Remoção de ferro em sistemas e subsistemas de distribuição de água potável em um estado do Nordeste, Brasil

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    Nesta avaliação, foi verificado o teor de ferro contido na água bruta e tratada para fins de abastecimento público. Tal observação é relevante, pois o excesso de ferro acarreta problemas de caráter operacional e econômico devido a corrosão de tubulações que transportam a água; prejuízos quanto ao aspecto estético que acarreta rejeição para consumo por parte da população, pois em alta concentração o ferro confere à água coloração avermelhada. Os dados secundários apresentaram resultados do teor de ferro de amostras pontuais no período de 2009 e 2013 dos principais Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água da Região Metropolitana de Recife-PE, Brasil e sua conformidade com a Portaria do Ministério da Saúde N°. 2.914/2011, bem como, a caracterização desses sistemas. Em 2009 e 2013, os sistemas Caixa D'Água e Gurjáu evidenciaram valores de concentração de ferro acima dos 0,3 mg/L estabelecido como limite pela legislação vigente. Tais sistemas obtiveram eficiência de remoção inferior a 50% para o parâmetro ferro, nas amostras analisadas


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    The increasing use of natural resources, the advancement of technology, changes in the needs established by the modern population, constituted by cultural aspects contribute significantly to the increase of solid waste generation in the urban and rural environment, thus necessitating more and more of adequate disposal end. Therefore, the objective of this work was to diagnose the final destination / treatment of the solid waste generated in two rural settlements, located in the municipality of Pombal-PB. Field visits were made in the settlements, in order to know the forms of solid waste disposal. It was possible to verify that more than 80% of the residents of the settlements, burn waste as an alternative for the disposal / treatment of solid waste. With this result, it was observed the need for an environmental awareness regarding the sustainable disposition of these residues in rural settlements

    Série histórica das perdas nos sistemas de abastecimento de água dos municípios do Sertão pernambucano

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    As perdas de água é um dos temas de interesse da gestão sustentável de recursos hídricos. Desta forma, o presente artigo faz uma avaliação temporal (2008 a 2017) das perdas do sistema de abastecimento de água dos municípios da mesorregião do Sertão de Pernambuco. Para tanto, foram utilizados os Índices de Micromedição (IM), de Perdas no Faturamento (IPF) e de Perdas de Água (IPA) com base nos meses representativos de inverno (junho) e verão (dezembro). Os dados foram fornecidos pela Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento (Compesa). Os resultados apontaram um aumento do IM e uma redução do IPF e do IPA ao longo do período estudado. Ademais, notou-se que os percentuais de perdas de água foram maiores no verão (IPA = 28,35%) do que no inverno (IPA = 27,60%), fato preocupante devido às longas estiagens características destas áreas, ao baixo volume útil dos mananciais e ao elevado consumo de água pela população devido ao calor. Embora as perdas de água no Sertão tenham sido inferior à realidade de alguns municípios brasileiros, a continuidade de medidas gerenciais, como investimentos e monitoramento da rede de abastecimento, é crucial para reduzir progressivamente as perdas de água e aumentar o desempenho do sistema de abastecimento

    Production and Perception of Agricultural Reuse in a Rural Community

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    There is a growing competition among the various sectors of society in the world for the use of water where agriculture stands out as a major consumer. Since it is carried out in a controlled manner, irrigation with effluents from a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is a very attractive practice, as it allows a greater supply of water for nobler purposes. This work had the general objective of evaluating the perception of a rural community in the municipality of Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Brasil, in terms of consumption and production of products cultivated with the practice of agricultural reuse. The local population showed acceptance for the cultivation and consumption of products through agricultural reuse, above all, with reliable information on the appropriate quality of the effluents used for irrigation. In the estimated data, the same community had a potential of production of corn, beans and cotton in the order of 19.8 tons, 3.4 tons and 7.7 tons respectively, with the use of treated sewage in irrigation

    Physical-Chemical Characterization of Solid Waste Generated in the Water Industry: Case Study of the Water Treatment Stations of the Metropolitan Region of Recife

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    The objective of this research is to characterize the solid waste, commonly known as sludge, from the water treatment industry. Six main water treatment plants (Alto do Céu, Botafogo, Caixa d'água, Gurjaú, Suape and Tapacurá) were selected from the Metropolitan Region of Recife, managed by Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento. Nine samples were collected in the eleven month period in the discharge of the sludge from the decanters. These samples were characterized physico-chemically, based on the methodology of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (2012). The results indicated average humidity of 93%, average COD around 30 g/L and BOD of 4.5 g/L, indicating sludge of low biodegradability. The average values of total solids were 72 g/L, with 75% corresponding to fixed residues and 25% to volatiles. High concentrations of aluminum (1000 mg/L) were observed, due to the use of aluminum sulphate as a coagulant, and iron, around 500 mg/L. This study assists the manager in the decision making of the sustainable management of the sludge, mainly in relation to the final disposal

    Professional Satisfaction Of Nurses Working In Operating Room Of A Hospital School

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    Objective: to characterize in a sociodemographic way the nursing staff of the surgical center; Check the degree of importance assigned to each component of satisfaction: autonomy, interaction, professional status, task requirements, organizational policies, and pay; verify job satisfaction perceived by nurses. Method: exploratory, descriptive, quantitative study, consisting of 9 nurses working in the operating room. The research project was approved by the CEP/HULW, CAAE Nº 24597513.2.0000.5183. Data were collected through questionnaires and then analyzed using descriptive statistics in SPSS 20. Results: We found that the standby component was considered the most important for job satisfaction and Professional Status least important. Conclusion: nurses have a low level of job satisfaction, impacting the performance of its activities. Descriptors: Job Satisfaction. Perioperative Nursing. Quality of Life