8 research outputs found

    The Grammar of Singapore English Used in Skype Conversation

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    This article aims at investigating the grammar of conversation occurred among PT. BSI staffs and Cocomas Singapore (CMS) staffs. Since it was a cross cultural communication, the conversations were mostly taken place via Skype. Most of the time, CMS staffs used Singapore English (Singlish) during the interaction in the workplace while the government of Singapore has encouraged Singaporeans to speak grammatically correct English in formal settings such as workplaces. In this article, the researchers analyzed the conversation by describing tha grammar used in the Skype conversation. The data were collected from Skype chat history derived from daily conversation among the staffs of BSI and CMS. Then, the data were analyzed and described based on the grammatical characteristics of Singlish proposed by [1]. The findings reveal that the grammatical features of Singlish mostly appeared in the conversations were copula deletion, agreement, and the use of particles. In short, all participants fully utilized Singlish rather than SSE in discussing their work.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki tata bahasa percakapan yang terjadi di antara staf PT. BSI dan Cocomas Singapore (CMS). Karena percakapan ini merupakan komunikasi lintas budaya, sebagian besar percakapan dilakukan melalui Skype. Staf CMS menggunakan Bahasa Inggris Singapura (Singlish) selama berinteraksi di tempat kerja sementara pemerintah Singapura telah mendorong warga Singapura untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang benar secara tata bahasa dalam situasi formal seperti ditempat kerja. Pada artikel ini, para peneliti menganalisis percakapan dengan menjelaskan tata bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan Skype. Data dikumpulkan dari riwayat obrolan Skype yang berasal dari percakapan harian antara staf BSI dan CMS. Kemudian, data dianalisis dan disajikan berdasarkan karakteristik tata bahasa Singlish yang diusulkan oleh [1]. Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa fitur tata bahasa Singlish sebagian besar muncul dalam percakapan adalah penghapusan kopula, kesepakatan, dan penggunaan partikel. Singkatnya, semua peserta sepenuhnya menggunakan Singlish daripada SSE dalam mendiskusikan pekerjaan mereka.[1] Leimgruber (2011)[1] Leimgruber (2011

    Constitutionality of State Control Meaning on Mineral and Coal Mining Field

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    The constitutionality of state control meaning is the regulatory concept contained in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In this case, the context of control concerns on mineral and coal mining which will be further regulated by the laws and regulations. Act No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining in Article 92 gives authority in the form of rights for the holders of Mining License (hereinafter referred to as ML) and Special Mining License (hereinafter referred to as SML) to own minerals, including associated minerals, or coal that has been produced if they have fulfilled exploration fees or production fees except for radioactive minerals. Such an arrangement shows that the authority of the ML/SML holder is a form of freedom to trade these mining materials so that it has the potential to obscure the constitutional rights of the state to control, and causes the position of the state is subordinated to business actors. Through normative juridical research types with various approaches, this research was conducted in dealing with legal issues, especially on examining the philosophical meaning of state control and the consistency of the constitutionality of the rights of ML/SML holders to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The result has disclosed that the actual meaning of the right of state control is the embodiment of positioning the people as subjects to gain prosperity. Meanwhile, the regulation giving the ML/SML holder the authority to legally own minerals and coal is contrary to the constitution. Keywords: constitutionality, state control, authority, sub-ordination DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/111-02 Publication date:July 31st 202


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    This article discusses about how to implement local wisdom  in English language teaching.  One of the burning issues in global science and education which have been begun since five years ago is about local wisdom.  This issue is predicted to be the wise way to overcome some problems in human life such as economics, education, politics and social life for the future especially in 5.0 society era.  The scientific rason for using local wisdom is all people have their own way and belief to manage their life based on their culture.  It can create their own identity and personality.  In language teaching for example, the practitioners have ignored the use of local wisdom.  Teachers just teach all about the target language without considering the local culture and local wisdom.  For the society of 5.0. it is suggested to use the local wisdom in language teaching in order to preserve our culture and to create our national identity and character


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    Hedonism refers to an understanding considering that pleasure is the only way to achieve happiness in the world. Today, many students are willing to do anything in order to achieve that pleasure even though they have to violate the ethics and moral values applied in society. Nowadays, students no longer uphold the ethics and moral values of the nation. In this paper, the authors discussed the phenomenon of hedonism which is prevalent among Indonesian students according to the basic concepts of the philosophy of hedonism and the view of Islam. This study was conceptual research. Based on the discussion of the study, it can be concluded that hedonism begins to develop in Indonesian students at this time. They are willing to do anything to get their personal desires and pleasures, even if they have to do the actions contrary to the noble values of the nation, such as promiscuity and criminal acts. From the viewpoint of Islam, hedonism clearly contradicts the teachings of Islam since Islam does not teach its people to be wasteful and do useless things, and even commit disgraceful acts. Moreover, hedonism also has negative influences on the students. Therefore, the stdents should be well behaved in order not not fall into negative things. Besides, students are also expected to be able to fortify themselves by strengthening their faith so that they are not deceived by negative lifestyles, one of which is hedonism

    Pemanfaatan Intranet Sebagai Sarana Informasi di Epistema Institute

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    Intranet is a private network owned by a company or organization that functions as a medium for sharing confidential information for a company or organization with its employees or employees. Intranet is a communication medium for all employees in an effort to increase work productivity and effectiveness, as well as a sense of belonging and a sense of kinship among members of the organization, especially at the episteme institute.The purpose of this study is to find out and understand the development of organizational information theory that occurs at the episteme institute. This study uses Karl Weick's organizational information theory, in which this theory discusses how the dissemination of information has an important role in an organization to maintain the continuity of its activities. This theory focuses on the process of collecting, managing and using information carried out by individuals in accordance with procedures established by the organization to process information sent and received.The results of the research show that in the application of the Intranet as a cyber-PR-based communication medium, the Epistema Institute's Knowledge and Media Division integrates with various divisions within the organization. Each division within the organization has a main focus on its main tasks, but the goals of the organization also need to be a concern for all divisions so adjustments need to be made to the tasks of each division. The Knowledge and Media Division of the Epistema Institute needs other divisions to obtain additional information as a whole


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    Industri pertahanan dalam negeri menghadapi beberapa permasalahan yang ada, baik dari segi manajerial maupun dari segi finansial. Sehingga industri pertahanan nasional dinilai kurang mampu bersaing dengan industri pertahanan dari negara lain. Untuk membangun segi manajerial tersebut dibutuhkan supply chain industri pertahanan yang terorganisir dengan baik agar permintaan alat peralatan pertahanan dan keamanan dapat diproduksi dengan baik dan maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis strategi pengembangan rantai pasok industri pertahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil rekondisi diperoleh nilai IFAS yaitu 3,01 sedangkan EFAS yaitu 3,1. Nilai tersebut lebih besar dari 2, maka strategi yang tepat untuk diterapkan yaitu strategi SO (Strenght-Opportunity), dimana berada dikuadran I dengan strategi agresif. Sehingga strategi yang sesuai dengan kelemahan supply chain industri pertahanan di Indonesia adalah strategi SO. Strategi SO yang bisa diaplikasikan yaitu menggunakan kebijakan baru mengenai anggaran industri pertahanan yang mendukung pengembangan dan kemajuan teknologi, membuat kebijakan industri pertahanan melalui KKIP untuk pengadaan kontrak jangka panjang, serta memanfaatkan sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya alam domestik untuk pengolahan bahan mentah sampai barang jadi dengan manajemen rantai pasok. Hasil akhir dari analisa SWOT berupa alternatif strategi yang nantinya bisa dipakai sebagai pertimbangan dalam menentukan STP: segmentasi – targeting – positioning

    The Influence of Instructional Leadership and Change Leadership on School Achievement in the City of Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the impact of instructional leadership (X1) and change leadership (X2) on school achievement (Y). In this study, we used a quantitative approach. Data collected through questionnaires and documents. The survey sample consisted of 91 teachers and 21 schools. The data was analyzed by multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the variable that instructional leadership (X1), change leadership (X2), had an influence on school Achievement (Y), and the regression coefficient was 0.718. The format of the regression equation is: Ŷ = 52.71 + 0.519 X1 + 0.718 X2. The effective contribution of the instructional leadership (X1), change leadership (X2), on school Achievement (Y) variables was 30.22%. Keywords: instructional leadership, change leadership, and school achievement

    Student's perception toward digital based learning in welcoming the era of society 5.0 at IAIN Padangsidimpuan

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    The excellence of technology in education has transported the community to the digital transformation in Society 5.0. Advanced digital technology becomes essential in creating an imaginative, innovative, productive and creative society. This condition will have implications such as the role of educators which shifts to become facilitators, students as active learners, more intensive interaction between educators and students, and increasingly diverse and easily accessible learning resources. Society era needs no feared; instead, it can be utilized as the opportunity for the education advancement in Indonesia. This study emphasized on the students’ perception toward the use of digital in the learning process in the era of Society 5.0. This research applied qualitative methods. The results revealed that students presented adequately good perceptions towards the use of digital in the learning process (digital based learning). This study also obtained the aspirations and expectations from students concerning the needs for trainings or special guidance outside learning process (excluding SKS), such as workshops. Therefore, the reinforcement and supports from the LPTK is necessary to prepare the students to welcome the era of Society 5.0