12 research outputs found
Response to John Mabry
The author reflects on John Mabry's article from her own experience as a spiritual director offering long-distance direction, supervision and education. She has passed from mildly resisting long distance listening ministry to thoroughly enjoying it
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui seberapa pengaruh metode reward dan punishment terhadap peningkatan motivasi belajar pengaruh metode reward dan punishment terhadap peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa di SDN 195 Isola Bandung. Dengan adanya tata cara pembelajaran diharapkan aktivitas belajar mengajar bisa berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan, tetapi dalam realitasnya masih terdapat siswa yang tidak fokus pada pelajaran, untuk itu dibutuhkan tata cara yang cocok serta bisa tingkatkan minat belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang mana analisis datanya dilakukan dengan cara non statistic, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggambarkan data yang diperoleh dengan kata-kata atau kalimat untuk memperoleh kesimpulan. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan trianggulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi reward dan punishment yang dilakukan di SDN 195 Isola Bandung sudah berjalan dengan variatif. Reward yang diimplementasikan oleh guru berupa pemberian pujian, pemberian penghargaan dan hadian bagi siswa yang disiplin dan berprestasi. Bentuk punishment yang diterapkan di kelas adalah teguran, pemberian tambahan tugas, surat perjanjian dan surat peringatan. Hasil dari penerapan sistem reward dan punishment di SDN 195 Isola Bandung adalah meningkatnya motivasi belajar peserta didik di dalam kelas dilihat dari adanya peningkatan perhatian siswa ketika belajar, meningkatnya prestasi siswa serta peningkatan disiplin siswa di kelas.
This study aims to determine how much influence the reward and punishment method has on increasing learning motivation. The effect of the reward and punishment method on increasing student motivation at SDN 195 Isola Bandung. With the learning procedures, it is expected that teaching and learning activities can run in accordance with educational goals, but in reality, there are still students who do not focus on lessons, for that we need suitable procedures and can increase student interest in learning. The research method used in this study is a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach where the data analysis is carried out in a non-statistical way, namely research conducted by describing the data obtained in words or sentences to obtain conclusions. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation studies. Check the validity of the data is done by the triangulation technique. The results showed that the implementation of reward and punishment carried out at SDN 195 Isola Bandung has been running with various variations. Rewards implemented by teachers are in the form of giving praise, giving awards, and prizes for students who are disciplined and excel. The forms of punishment applied in the classroom are reprimands, additional assignments, agreement letters, and warning letters. The result of the application of the reward and punishment system at SDN 195 Isola Bandung is the increase in students' learning motivation in the classroom seen from the increase in students' attention when studying, increasing student achievement, and increasing student discipline in class
Profil Pengobatan Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) Pada Balita Di Puskesmas Rambangaru Tahun 2015
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an acute disease with a variety of symptoms that often occur in infants. In 2015, ARI was ranked first in the 10 most disease patterns in Rambangaru Health Center with a total of 4350 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of ARI treatment in infants in Rambangaru Health Center based on age, gender, weight, diagnosis, type of drug, duration of treatment, dosage form, frequency, dose and suitability of the implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI). The type of research used is a retrospective descriptive collection of data in the Register and Recipe book, data is recorded, grouped and presented in tables. The results of the study of 366 samples showed that infants aged 1-> 3 years were the most cases with 151 cases (41.25%), male gender 185 cases (50.54%), based on weight 10 kg- <16 kg as many as 258 cases (70.51%), based on the diagnosis is moderate pneumonia ARI 340 cases (90.9%), the type of drug used in ARI rather than pneumonia is 26 cases of ARI (7.10%), in ARI pneumonia while antibiotic Amoxicillin was 263 (71.88%), based on treatment duration was 4 days 306 cases (83.60%), the most widely given dosage forms were pulmonary ARI and Amoxicillin tablets 263 cases (71.88%), the highest frequency is 3 times a day 170 cases (46.44%). Based on the suitability of the implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) on dose, frequency, and duration of treatment 262 cases (78.44%) paracetamol, 263 cases (100%) Amoxicillin tablets, 25 cases (80.64%) Amoxicillin syrup, and 45 Case (97.83%) Cotrimoxazole does not match IMCI.Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) adalah penyakit akut dengan berbagai macam gejala yang sering terjadi pada balita. Pada tahun 2015, ISPA menduduki peringkat pertama dalam 10 pola penyakit terbanyak di Puskesmas Rambangaru dengan jumlah 4350 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Profil pengobatan ISPA pada balita di Puskesmas Rambangaru berdasarkan umur, jenis kelamin, berat badan, diagnosa, jenis obat, lama pengobatan, bentuk sediaan, frekuensi, dosis serta kesesuaian pelaksanaan Managemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif retrospektif yaitu pengumpulan data pada buku Register dan Resep, data dicatat, dikelompokkan dan disajikan dalam tabel. Hasil penelitian dari 366 sampel menunjukkan bahwa balita umur 1->3 tahun merupakan kasus terbanyak dengan jumlah 151 kasus (41,25%), jenis kelamin laki-laki 185 kasus (50,54%), berdasarkan berat badan 10 kg-< 16 kg sebanyak 258 kasus (70,51%) ,berdasarkan diagnosa adalah ISPA Pneumonia sedang 340 kasus (90,9%), jenis obat yang digunakan pada ISPA bukan pneumonia adalah pulvis ISPA sebanyak 26 kasus (7,10%), pada ISPA pneumonia sedang adalah antibiotik Amoksisilin sebanyak 263 (71,88%), berdasarkan lama pengobatan adalah 4 hari s 306 kasus (83,60%), bentuk sediaan yang paling banyak diberikan adalah pulvis ISPA dan tablet Amoksisilin 263 kasus (71,88%), frekuensi paling banyak yakni 3 kali sehari 170 kasus (46,44%). Berdasarkan kesesuaian pelaksanaan Managemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS) terhadap dosis, frekuensi, dan lama pengobatan 262 kasus (78,44%) parasetamol, 263 kasus (100%) Amoksisilin tablet, 25 kasus (80,64%) Amoksisilin sirup, dan 45 kasus (97,83%) Kotrimoksazol tidak sesuai MTBS
Three new PAX6 mutations including one causing an unusual ophthalmic phenotype associated with neurodevelopmental abnormalities
The PAX6 gene was first described as a candidate for human aniridia. However, PAX6 expression is not restricted to the eye and it appears to be crucial for brain development. We studied PAX6 mutations in a large spectrum of patients who presented with aniridia phenotypes, Peters' anomaly, and anterior segment malformations associated or not with neurological anomalies.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
Vaccination en médecine générale (proposition d'un outil d'information du patient destiné au médecin dans le cadre d'une démarche de qualité de soins)
BESANCON-BU Médecine pharmacie (250562102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
Les récepteurs à activité tyrosine - kinase (une cible intéressante dans la thérapie anticancéreuse)
STRASBOURG ILLKIRCH-Pharmacie (672182101) / SudocSudocFranceF
Disease Detection Using Artificial Intelligence
Currently, artificial intelligence is widely used to aid humans in a variety of ways. One area where artificial intelligence is particularly beneficial is medical image detection where diagnostic procedures require the collection and processing of large amounts of data for particular diseases. The topics covered in this paper include Pneumonia, Lung Cancer, and Brain Tumors. Early detection and treatment are crucial when treating these types of diseases. The paper describes the use of a convolutional neural network algorithm in order to process medical images so that it can aid in decision making process and help save time. Machine learning is useful in increasing consistency and accuracy in detection. The highest accuracy that the model has achieve 94.297%
Characteristics Of The Yogurt Being Incubated In Green Coconut Shell (Cocos Nucifera L. Var. Viridis Hassk)
The study aims to identify characteristics of the yogurt being incubated in green coconut shell (Cocos nucifera L. var. viridis Hassk). It was conducted in March 2020 at the Laboratory of Animal Product Technology and Mic- robiology Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University. This studies used a Complete Random Design (CDR) with three treatments and five replications. The three treatments were incubated in a jar container (control) (P0), incubated in green coconut shell nonflesh (P1) and incubated in green coconut shell with flesh (P2). The variables observed were lactoce level, fat level, protein level and pH value. The results of this study have shown that yogurt's characteristic indicated lactose and protein levels was not significantly different (P>0,05) in all treatments, but P2 fat levels was higher significantly (P<0,05) different than P1 and P0. pH values was not significantly different (P>0,05) with P1 and significantly different (P<0,05) with P0. Conclusing in this study that the characteristics of yogurt incubated in green coconut shell getting good results at lactose level 2,32,42%; fat level 10,60-12,50%; pro- tein level 4,80-4,90%; and value pH 4,14-4,24%