28 research outputs found


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    金沢大学人間社会研究域歴史言語文化学系本年度の目的は,氷河流動モデルのチューニングパラメータ用に使用する現存の氷河の流動を観測し,モデルに適用すること,氷河地形から復元した日本列島の最終氷期の氷河について質量収支を検討し,これと現在の気候条件とを地理情報システム(GIS)上で組み合わせて検討し,日本列島の氷期の古環境を復元検討することにある。この目的に基づいて,以下の調査・検討を行った.(1)氷期の日本と同様に,相対的に温暖・多雪環境にあるパタゴニア地域の氷河に於いて,チューニングパラメータ用の氷河流動の観測,氷河末端変動の観測を行い,解析を行った.(2)気象庁から公表されている気候値メッシュデータを利用して,現在の気候環境と氷河地形の分布との関係について検討を行った.(3)日本アルプスの氷河地形について,現地調査を行い,その分布範囲の検討を行った.これらの解析のうち,(1)については,GPSを用いた高精度な反復観測を行うことができ,充分な成果が得られ,モデルとの関係の検討に入ることができた(青木ほか,2005など).また,国内外の研究会等で発表した.(2)については,現段階においては充分な解析に至ることができなかった.今後の課題と考える.(3)については,飛騨山脈白馬岳周辺に於いて現地調査を行い,氷河末端付近に氷河変動と関連すると考えられる堆積物を見いだした.これについては,研究会等で議論を行い,今後継続的に検討する課題であることを確認した.さらに,昨年度までに作成した氷河地形データベースとの関連性についても,合わせて検討した.研究課題/領域番号:15700543, 研究期間(年度):2003 – 2005出典:「氷河地形と氷河流動モデルに基づく日本列島の古気候復元」研究成果報告書 課題番号15700543(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))(https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-15700543/)を加工して作

    Study of interleukin-6 in the spread of colorectal cancer: the diagnostic significance of IL-6.

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    We investigated the diagnostic significance of IL-6 for lymph node metastasis and/or hepatic metastasis from colorectal cancer in 65 patients and evaluated the contributions of 8 factors (IL-6, HGF, IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, TGF-beta1, ELAM-1, ICAM-1, VCAM-1) toward Dukes.s classification of 53 patients. We also examined IL-6 expression in tumor tissue. From the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, an optimal cutoff value of 5.8 pg/ml was determined to classify lymph node and/or hepatic metastasis, and that of 6.3 pg/ml was determined to classify hepatic metastasis. These values indicated sensitivities of 55.0% and 71.4%, and specifi cities of 100% and 88.6%, respectively. IL-6, HGF, and ELAM-1 were very useful for distinguishing among Dukes.s A/B group, C group, and D group. In all cases with high IL-6 values (more than 25.0 pg/ml), immunohistochemical staining was positive for IL-6 in the cytoplasm of cancer cells. IL-6 is strongly suspected to be involved in lymph node and/or hepatic metastasis by promoting it through HGF, and serum IL-6 value (pg/ml) would be useful diagnostically to estimate whether or not there is a high risk of lymph node and/or hepatic metastasis

    Relationships between vegetation change and geomorphic conditions in suburban forests of Japan: Analysis by means of digital aerial photogrammetry and geographical information systems

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    金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系The relationships between successional vegetation change and geomorphic conditions were analyzed by using a high-resolution digital terrain model (DTM) and a time series of converted digital vegetation maps combined within a geographical information system (GIS). The results of the analysis confirmed that the pattern of vegetation change is a function of geomorphic conditions (measured in terms of spatio-statistical values of various parameters and time series of those values). Current geoecological studies are usually carried out by means of detailed field observations with high spatial resolution, and the results of our study suggest that a GIS can easily deal with such data over a large area and long time period. In the study area, unforested s ites were reforested using Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora) as part of the forest rehabilitation work that occurred in the early 1950s. After that, two main patterns of vegetation change from pine forest to deciduous broadleaved forest occurred. In one type, the deciduous broadleaved forest reappeared quickly. In the other, the pine forests remained for a long time. Stands that underwent relatively rapid succession were found on north-facing gentle slopes close to large bodies of water. Stands that did not undergo rapid succession were found on steeper, warmer, and drier slopes (often south-facing slopes farther from bodies of water). The rate of forest succession towards deciduous broadleaved forest is a function of these geomorphic conditions. This suggests that forest succession is influenced by intermediate factors controlling by geomorphic conditions of site, such as soil moisture and soil thickness


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    At the time of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan (also known as the Great East Japan Earthquake) on March 11th 2011, it is well known that the judgment and behavior of school teachers on that day had a great influence on the safety of school children and students. The improvement of disaster prevention education and disaster prevention countermeasures at schools requires the improvement of awareness as well as a better knowledge of disaster prevention among the teachers themselves. Meanwhile, at the educational level in Japanese schools, the work rate of teachers is hectic due to countless tasks, and there have been stress-related problems that illustrate the necessity of reducing excessive workloads. Based on these circumstances, it can be pointed out that it is important to more effectively conduct teacher training on disaster prevention education and disaster prevention countermeasures. This research conducted investigations in order to devise better teacher training vis-a-vis practical disaster prevention, to properly comprehend the actual condition of teacher training in each prefecture, and to find successful cases. We also conducted a questionnaire-survey related to the above objectives for each prefectural board of education in Japan. As a result of these surveys, we discovered the following information. Most prefectures with a history of severe disasters and those based in the precarious Nankai Trough/ megathrust zone responded to the questionnaire-survey. These areas are categorized as Types A, B and Cl (according to the earthquake risk). In these areas, the law states that prefectures must take disaster prevention and preparation measures. During the research, those prefectures in Japan without a recent history of disasters (Type C2) did not respond to the questionnaire-survey. The research also found that only a few prefectures organized disaster mitigation and preparations for all its teachers. Even in those prefectures that fully prepare and train all their teachers under programs like the "training for newly appointed teachers" and "training for middle-level teachers " (the so-called "ten-years recurrent training"), some but not all teachers participate. This is despite the fact that the participation of all teachers is compulsory under Japanese law. Even among teachers who are school principals and school vice-principals, not all have participated in the required training. Another problem is that training often involves the attendees just sitting passively while listening to lectures. Only a small number of prefectures hold active practical training programs such as the Disaster Imagination Game (DIG) I Hinanjo Unei Game (HUG)

    多様な自然環境を有する自治体における住民の防災意識について: 石川県白山市におけるアンケート調査に基づいて

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