222 research outputs found


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    The legal framework in each country is one of the fundamental, and at the same time on of the key conditions for the preservation and enhancement of environment. In Serbia, the system of legal norms in the field of protection and improvement of environment consists of a number of laws and regulations. Certainly, the most important and structurally the most complex system law in this area is the Environmental Protection Act. Given the importance of this law, and that it regulates the integrated system environment protection which enables the exercise of the human right to live and develop in a healthy environment and a balance between economic development and environmental protection in our country, the provisions prescribing penalties are an important part of this statute. The paper describes the provisions on economic crimes and misdemeanors and criminal actions that may be taken against the perpetrators of these environmental crimes, according to this law, as well as their application, based on available data from the Republic Environmental Inspection.Zakonodavni okvir u svakoj zemlji predstavlja jedan od elementarnih, a u isto vreme i ključnih uslova za očuvanje i unapređenje životne sredine. U Republici Srbiji sistem pravnih normi u oblasti zaštite i unapređenja životne sredine, čini veliki broj zakona i drugih propisa. Svakako najvažniji i po svojoj strukturi najsloženiji sistemski zakon iz ove oblasti je Zakon o zaštiti životne sredine. Imajući u vidu značaj ovog zakona, odnosno da se njime uređuje integralni sistem životne sredine kojim se obezbeđuje ostvarivanje prava čoveka na život i razvoj u zdravoj životnoj sredini i uravnotežen odnos privrednog razvoja i životne sredine u našoj zemlji, odredbe koje utvrđuju kaznene mere predstavljaju bitan segment ovog propisa. U radu su prikazane odredbe koje utvrđuju privredne prestupe i prekršaje i kaznenopravne mere koje se mogu preduzimati protiv učinilaca ovih ekoloških delikata, prema ovom zakonu, kao i njihova primena, na osnovu dostupnih podataka republičke inspekcije za zaštitu životne sredine

    Pre-Service EFL Teachers as Reflective Practitioners: Student Portfolios as Evidence of Emerging Professional Identities

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    The purpose of the present study is to get a better understanding of the reflection process of pre-service EFL teachers at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš during their theoretical TEFL Methodology course, before entering the EFL classroom. An important element of students’ individual work in this course is their portfolio which consists of the students’ views and opinions on the most important principles of TEFL, recorded at the beginning and the end of the 12-week course, as well as a reflective essay on how and why their beliefs have changed during the course. This qualitative case study employs an in-depth content analysis of these reflective portfolios collected in 2020 and 2021, aiming to identify the themes pertaining to the participants’ emerging teacher identities as well as examine changes in their beliefs about various aspects of language teaching and their own professional development. The findings suggest that reflective thinking should be an essential component of pre-service teacher education courses from the very beginning, and not only during the teaching practice

    Dental status of institutionalized persons with special needs who live in Special institution “Srce u jabuci” in Pancevo

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    Introduction. Dental status of most people with special needs is not satisfactory. Many of them are edentulous or toothless, with acute extensive caries lesions present, high DMFT index and severe periodontal disease. The objective of this study was to examine the dental status of mentally impaired persons who live in the special institution “Srce u jabuci” in Pancevo. Material and Methods. Clinical examination was performed on 114 institutionalized patients (68 male and 46 female), age 22 to 71 years. Patients were divided in two groups; the first group consisted of 71 persons who had a moderate mental disorder (F71), while the second group included 43 respondents with severe mental retardation (F72). Oral examination revealed: the number of present teeth, caries lesions, the presence of restorations, the number of extracted teeth, the presence of residual roots, fractures and the presence and number of fixed restorations. Results. The mean DMFT of total examined teeth was 20.33±7.63. The greatest percentage found for extracted teeth (63.76%): in the first group 63.23%, and in the second 64.06%. The percentage of teeth that had caries lesions of all examined teeth was 33.48%, while the lowest percentage was for restored teeth (2.76%). In majority of examined people, initial caries, deep caries, or tooth with the exposed pulp (K1 - 51.74% K2 - 40.35%, K3 - 51.75%) were not found. A high percentage of examined people had more than 10 extracted teeth (52.63%). Most of them did not have any restoration in the mouth (81%) and only three persons had fixed denture. Conclusion. Dental status of institutionalized mentally impaired persons showed high prevalence of extracted teeth, significant presence of carious lesions and small percentage of restored teeth with inadequate oral hygiene

    Pokazatelji kvaliteta - kvalitet polutki i mesa svinja različitih genotipova

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    In the paper, lean meat and quality of meat from pigs of 5 different genotypes were investigated: pure Landrace breed (L), genotype A; two hybrid combinations (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Duroc (LY x L) x D, genotype B; (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Pietrain (LY x L) x P, genotype C; and tow recurrent mating combinations: (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Large Yorkshire (F1x LY, genotype D) and (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Landrace (F1 x L, genotype E). Relevant indicators of lean meat were analyzed early post mortem and by method of partial dissection on cooled left carcass sides according to recommendation of EU. By analysis of obtained results it was established that the best indicator of lean meat of pig carcass sides mass of muscle tissue in four main parts. This conclusion derives from the fact that fatteners (genotype C) which had the greatest mass of muscle tissue in four main parts (15,33kg) also had the highest lean meat share in leg, shoulder, back-loin part (BLP) and belly-rib part (BRP) (69,67%, 57,71%, 54,42% and 44,99%) and highest share of muscle tissue in carcass sides when any of the mentioned investigation methods was applied (51,23 and 60,73%) compared to fatteners of other investigated genotypes. The quality of meat was investigated by determination of its technological quality and chemical composition of the MLD. Technological quality and chemical composition of MLD meat exhibited significant (*p (lt) 0,05) differences in WBC and pigment content between genotypes B and C, as well as B and E. Average values for content of ashes and share of pigments corresponds with average values characterizing muscles of normal properties. By analysis of obtained results we can conclude that fatteners of genotype E had the highest meat yield in carcass sides, but of slightly lower quality, which indicates the need for further work on improvement of meat quality.U radu su vršena ispitivanja mesnatosti i kvaliteta mesa svinja 5 različitih genotipova, od čega jedna čista rasa landras (L) dve hibridne kombinacije: (veliki jorkšir x landras) x durok (VJ x L) x D, genotip B; (veliki jorkšir x landras) x pietren (VJ x L) x P, genotip C; i dve povratne kombinacije parenja: (veliki jorkšir x landras) x veliki jorkšir (F1x VJ, grenotip D) i (veliki jorkšir x landras) x landras (F1 x L, genotip E). Analizirani su i relevantni pokazatelji mesnatosti ocenjeni rano post mortem na liniji klanja FOM metodom i metodom parcijalne disekcije na ohlađenim levim polutkama po preporuci EU. Analizom dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da je najbolji indikator mesnatosti svinjskih polutki masa mišićnog tkiva u četiri osnovna dela. Ovakav zaključak proizilazi iz činjenice zato što su tovljenici (genotip C), imali najveću masu mišićnog tkiva u četiri osnovna dela (15,33kg) i najveći udeo mišićnog tkiva u butu, plećki, LSD i TRD (69,67%, 57,71%, 54,42% i 44,99%) i najveći udeo mišićnog tkiva u polutkama pri korišćenju bilo koje od navedenih metoda ispitivanja (51,23 i 60,73%) u odnosu na tovljenike ostalih ispitivanih genotipova. Ispitivan je i kvalitet mesa određivanjem tehnološkog kvaliteta i hemijskog sastava MLD-a. Tehnološki kvalitet i hemijski sastav mesa MLD-a ispoljio je značajne (*p (lt) 0,05) razlike u SVV i sadržaju pigmenata između genotipova B i C i B i E. Prosečne vrednosti za sadržaj pepela i udeo pigmenata odgovara prosečnim vrednostima koje karakteriše mišiće normalnih svojstava. Analizom dobijenih rezultata zaključujemo da su tovljenici genotipa E imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama no nešto umanjenog kvaliteta, što iziskuje dalji rad na poboljšanju kvaliteta mesa

    Korelativni odnosi između nekih pokazatelja kvaliteta svinjskih trupova u nekonvencionalnim uslovima držanja

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    Major qualitative parameters of Landrace pig carcasses are presented in this paper. Phenotypic correlation between carcass quality indices and meat yield of carcass sides was investigated. Fatteners included in this research (117) were reared in non-conventional conditions, on deep litter, and as litter straw was used. Meat yield of pig carcass sides was evaluated on the slaughter line using the 'two point' method (Džinić et al. 2004) and mathematical model using FOM-device (defined by Petrović et al. 1996). Meat yield of carcass sides estimated using FOM was 56,29%, and by method of 'two points' 53,16%. Of basic quality parameters of pig carcasses the strongest correlation assessed using FOM device was established between meat yield of carcass side and thickens of fat tissue - LF and RF, and using the method of two points, between meat yield of carcass side and thickness of fat tissue - X1 i X2. Established correlations were negative, strong and statistically significant (-0,85**; -0,87**and -0,97**; -0,77**). Results of the assessment of quality of pig carcasses obtained using method of two points (53,16%) and by instrumental method on right carcass sides using FOM device (56,29%) differed, which indicates need to develop new equations for evaluation/assessment of share of muscle tissue in pig carcasses.U radu su prikazani važniji kvalitativni parametri svinjskih trupova rase švedski landras. Ispitivana je i fenotipska povezanost pokazatelja kvaliteta svinjskih trupova sa mesnatošću polutki. Tovljenici obuhvaćeni ovim ispitivanjem (117) držani su u nekonvencionalnim uslovima, na dubokoj prostirci, a kao prostirka u tovu korišćena je slama. Na liniji klanja ocenjena je mesnatost svinjskih polutki metodom 'dve tačke (Džinić et al. 2004) i matematičkim modelom FOM-uređajem (koji su definisali Petrović et al. 1996). Mesnatost polutki procenjena FOM-uređajem iznosila je 56,29%, a metodom 'dve tačke' 53,16%. Od osnovnih pokazatelja kvaliteta svinjskih trupova u najjačoj povezanosti s mesnatošću polutki (procenjene FOM-uređajem) bila je debljina masnog tkiva LF i RF i debljina slanine X1 i X2 (ocenjena metodom 'dve tačke'). Ustanovljene korelacije su bile negativne, jake i statistički značajne (-0,85**; -0,87**i -0,97**; - 0,77**).Dobijeni rezultati vrednovanja kvaliteta svinjskih trupova metodom 'dve tačke' (53,16%) i instrumentalnom metodom na toplim desnim polutkama, FOM-uređajem (56,29%) odstupaju, što ukazuje na potrebu izrade novih jednačina za procenu udela mišićnog tkiva u trupovima svinja

    Predgovor. Životopis Aleksandre Horvat. Bibliografija radova Aleksandre Horvat

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    U knjizi su okupljeni radovi dvadeset i jednog vrsnog stručnjaka koji su surađivali s Aleksandrom Horvat u raznim hrvatskim, ali i inozemnim projektima i raspravama. Njihovi tekstovi, napisani posebno za ovu prigodu, tematiziraju one misli i ideje koje je Aleksandra Horvat, zaokupljena stvarnošću, a vođena svojom vizijom, promicala u svojem znanstvenom, stručnom radu, ali i u neposrednom djelovanju u knjižničarstvu. Vjerujemo da će svojom kvalitetom ti tekstovi pridonijeti daljnjem razvitku profesije i djelatnosti

    Mogućnost primene homeopatskog leka heparsulfuris u terapiji endoparodontalnih lezija

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    The aim of this paper was to, on the basis of everyday clinical practice analize the effect of a homeopathic remedy, as a complementary remedy in endodontic therapy of endoperiodontal lesions and chronic apical periodontitis and to radiologically check its effect on the flow and speed of reparation of damaged periodontal tissues. Endodontic therapy was done according to the usual protocol for the therapy of infectious canals with root canal preparation, medication with calcium hydroxide points and hermetic obturation with AH-26 paste. During endodontic treatment patients were taking homeophatic remedy Hepar sulfuris per os three times daily. The remedy stimulates the natural defences mechanism of the organism. Radiological follow up after three months period showed obvious reductiont of radiologic radiolucency in periapical region.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se na osnovu slučajeva iz svakodnevne kliničke prakse analizira efikasnost homeopatskog leka kao komplementarnog sredstva u endodontskoj terapiji endoparodontalnih lezija i rendgenografski proveri njegov efekat na tok i brzinu reparacije oštećenih tkiva parodoncijuma. Endodontska intervencija sprovedena je po uobičajenom protokolu za terapiju inficiranih kanala, uz pravilnu preparaciju ograničenu na unutrašnjost kanala, medikaciju kanala štapićima kalcijum hidroksida i kvalitetnom obturacijom pastom AH-26. Tokom endodontske intervencije pacijent je tri puta dnevno uzimao per os homeopatski lek Hepar sulfuris koji utiče na stimulisanje prirodnih odbranbenih snaga organizma. Rendgenografska kontrola posle tri meseca ukazala je na znatno smanjenje radiološkog rasvetljenja u periapeksu


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    Republic of Serbia’s obligations in process of joining European Union include harmonizing national regulations, institutions and operational practices with the requirements in the EU, legal inheritance of EU (acquis communautaire). Republic of Serbia, in the previous period, significantly improved its position in the transposition of legal inheritance of EU within environmental field and this significant process was initiated by the adoption of a number of systematic laws and laws within fled. In the EU states and our country, authorities in charge of inspection ensure the implementation of existing regulations in the area of environment. Recommendation of the minimal criteria for the ecological inspection in the EU countries (RMCEI) takes significant role in the area of supervision. Subject of this thesis are features of this Recommendation and harmonizing of Republic of Serbia ecological inspections with its directives.Obaveze Republike Srbije u procesu pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji, podrazumevaju usklađivanje nacionalnih propisa, institucionalnih organizacija i radnih praksi sa zahtevima propisanim u EU propisima, pravnim tekovinama EU (acquis communautaire). U prethodnom periodu Republika Srbija je znatno napredovala u transpoziciji pravnih tekovina EU iz oblasti životne sredine i to usvajanjem brojnih sistemskih i sektorskih zakona, na koji način je ovaj značajan proces započet. U državama članicama EU i u našoj državi, inspekcijski organi svojim kontrolama obezbeđuju primenu važećih propisa iz oblasti životne sredine. Preporuka o minimalnim kriterijumima za inspekciju za zaštitu životne sredine u državama članicama EU (RMCEI), zauzima značajnu ulogu u oblasti inspekcijskog nadzora. Tema ovog rada su karakteristike ove Preporuke i usaglašenost inspekcije za zaštitu životne sredine Republike Srbije sa njenim smernicama

    Kvalitet svinjskih trupova na liniji klanja, prema prethodnom i tekućem pravilniku EU

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    Investigation was carried out on 135 pig carcasses/carcass sides of both sexes, in several slaughterhouses in Vojvodina. Stratification of carcass sides was done based on coefficient of linear regression of traits in relation to mass of cooled carcass sides. Analysis 'General regression Models'/Statistika 8 was applied. Percentage of muscle tissue was evaluated in three ways: simulation of instrumental FOM method according to formula defined by Petrović et al. (2009) and application of dissection method, using formula issued in EU Regulation from 1994 (Commission Regulation, 3127/94) and 2006 (Commission Regulation, 1197/2006). Obtained results showed that relative share of muscle tissue in carcass sides determined according to previous EU1 regulation was significantly (p (lt) 0,05) lower (49,90%) than established share of muscle tissue determined according to mathematical FOM model (53,71%) and current regulation EU2 (54,03 %). The greatest share of muscle tissue was determined in leg/ham (67,67 %), and the lowest in BRP (48,65%). In BRP the highest share of KoPo and IMMT (31,10% and 13,72 %) were established, and the lowest in leg/ham (18,67 % and 5,60%). In cooled pig carcass sides, share of leg meat was 16,05%, share of muscle tissue of shoulder 7,11%, BLP 8,49% and BRP 4,95%. Leg contributes to the highest share of KoPo in carcass side (4,42 %), and shoulder to the lowest (2,63 %). The highest share of IMMT in carcass side was established in BRP, and the lowest in shoulder (0,87 %). For the purpose of distribution of pig carcasses into commercial classes according to SEUROP system using FOM and EU2 methods, all carcass sides were categorized into medium commercial classes (E and U), whereas according to EU1 formula only 36,30% of carcass sides were categorized in the same commercial classes, and 63,70% in lower class (R). None of the formulas applied resulted in classification of carcasses into meat class of highest meat ratio 'S' or lowest meat ratios 'O' and 'P'. Based on this we concluded that investigated sample was of medium quality, i.e. that carcass sides can be categorized as commercial classes (E, U and R). Finally, it can be concluded that because of the established differences in regard to obtained lean meat ratio by application of previous (EU1) and current (EU2) formula, additional research are necessary.Istraživanje je urađeno na 135 svinjskih polutki različitih genotipova, oba pola u nekoliko klanica u Vojvodini. Stratifikacija polutki prema telesnoj masi izvršena je na osnovu koeficijenta linearne regresije osobina na masu ohlađenih polutki. Primenjena je analiza 'General regression Models'/statistika 8. Procenat mišićnog tkiva procenjivan je na tri načina: simulacijom instrumentalne metode FOM i primenom metode disekcije (Commission Regulation, 3127/94 (EU1) et Commission Regulation, 1197/2006 (EU2). Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je relativni udeo mišićnog tkiva u polutkama svinja određen prema prethodnom pravilniku (EU1) signifikantno (p (lt) 0,05) niži (49.90%) od utvrđenog udela mišićnog tkiva prema matematičkom modelu FOM (53.71%) i prema važećem pravilniku EU2 (54.03 %). Na ohlađenim polutkama zaklanih svinja udeo mesa buta čini 16.05%, udeo mišićnog tkiva plećke 7.11%, LSD 8.49% i TRD 4.95%. Distribucijom svinjskih trupova u tržišne klase prema SEUROP sistemu primenom FOM i EU2 metode sve ispitivane polutke svrstane su u srednje trgovačke klase (E i U), dok je EU1 formula klasifikovala samo 36.30% svinjskih polutki u istu trgovačku klasu, a 63.70% u nižu trgovačku klasu (R). Nijedna formula nije klasifikovala nijedan trup u tržišne klase mesa sa najvišim 'S' i najnižim udelom mesa 'O' i 'P'. Na osnovu toga, zaključeno je da je ispitivani uzorak srednjeg kvaliteta, tj. polutke su klasifikovane u srednje kvalitetne trgovačke klase (E, U i R). Na kraju, može se zaključiti da zbog ustanovljenih razlika dobijenog procenta mesa primenom prethodne (EU1) i važeće (EU2) jednačine neophodna su dalja istraživanja na ovu temu

    Baktericidno delovanje nekih Bacillus spp. i Trichoderma harzianum na fitopatogene bakterije

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    Biological control is an innovative, cost effective and eco-friendly approach for control of many plant diseases. Bacillus sp. and Trichoderma sp. were known for its mycoparasitic and antagonistic mechanism in the control of wide range of phytopathogenic diseases in many types of crops. This research is based on the antibacterial activities of some Bacillus spp. and Trichoderma harzianum in relation to the 10 selected phytopathogenic bacteria in vitro study. The results indicated that among 52 strains of Bacillus spp. presented against phytopathogenic bacteria, only 6 of them showed inhibition but only against Xanthomonas genera. Other Bacillus spp. strains weren't effective against tested phytopathogenic bacteria. Results of testing of T. harzianum efficacy against the growth of selected phytopathogenic bacteria showed that this fungi could be effective to strains from genera Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas but for other tested genera was ineffective. In further work, all of this trial need to be supported by evaluation of antimicrobial activity in vivo.Biološka kontrola predstavlja inovativni, isplativ, ekološki pristup za suzbijanje mnogih biljnih bolesti. Vrste roda Bacillus i Trichoderma su poznati po svom mikoparazitskom i antagonističkom mehanizmu suzbijanja širokog spektra fitopatogenih prouzrokovača bolesti kod brojnih poljoprivrednih kultura. U ovom radu proučavano je baktericidno delovanje nekih vrsta roda Bacillus, kao i gljive Trichoderma harzianum na 10 odabranih fitopatogenih bakterija u in vitro uslovima. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, od ukupno 52 testirana izolata iz roda Bacillus, samo 6 je inhibiralo porast fitopatogenih bakterija i to samo iz roda Xanthomonas. Rezultati ispitivanja efikasnosti gljive T. harzianum su ukazali na mogućnost delovanja ove gljive na bakterije iz roda Pseudomonas i Xanthomonas, ali ne i na druge rodove fitopatogenih bakterija testirane u ovom radu. Dalja istraživanja treba bazirati na proučavanjima antimikrobne aktivnosti testiranih agenasa prema fitopatogenim bakterijama u in vivo ogledima