35 research outputs found

    NADP-Dependent Aldehyde Dehydrogenase from Archaeon Pyrobaculum sp.1860

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    We present the functional and structural characterization of the first archaeal thermostable NADP-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase AlDHPyr1147. In vitro, AlDHPyr1147 catalyzes the irreversible oxidation of short aliphatic aldehydes at 60–85°С, and the affinity of AlDHPyr1147 to the NADP+ at 60°С is comparable to that for mesophilic analogues at 25°С. We determined the structures of the apo form of AlDHPyr1147 (3.04 Å resolution), three binary complexes with the coenzyme (1.90, 2.06, and 2.19 Å), and the ternary complex with the coenzyme and isobutyraldehyde as a substrate (2.66 Å). The nicotinamide moiety of the coenzyme is disordered in two binary complexes, while it is ordered in the ternary complex, as well as in the binary complex obtained after additional soaking with the substrate. AlDHPyr1147 structures demonstrate the strengthening of the dimeric contact (as compared with the analogues) and the concerted conformational flexibility of catalytic Cys287 and Glu253, as well as Leu254 and the nicotinamide moiety of the coenzyme. A comparison of the active sites of AlDHPyr1147 and dehydrogenases characterized earlier suggests that proton relay systems, which were previously proposed for dehydrogenases of this family, are blocked in AlDHPyr1147, and the proton release in the latter can occur through the substrate channel

    Deconvolution of the MBP-Bri2 Interaction by a Yeast Two Hybrid System and Synergy of the AlphaFold2 and High Ambiguity Driven Protein-Protein Docking

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    Myelin basic protein (MBP) is one of the key proteins in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS). However, very few intracellular MBP partners have been identified up to now. In order to find proteins interacting with MBP in the brain, an expression library from the human brain was screened using a yeast two-hybrid system. Here we showed that MBP interacts with the C-terminal 24-residue peptide of Integral transmembrane protein II associated with familial British and Danish dementia (ITM2B/Bri2 or Bri2). This peptide (Bri23R) was one residue longer than the known Bri23 peptide, which is cleaved from the C-terminus of Bri2 during its maturation in the Golgi and has physiological activity as a modulator of amyloid precursor protein processing. Since the spatial structures for both MBP and Bri2 were not known, we used computational methods of structural biology including an artificial intelligence system AlphaFold2 and high ambiguity driven protein-protein docking (HADDOCK 2.1) to gain a mechanistic explanation of the found protein-protein interaction and elucidate a possible structure of the complex of MBP with Bri23R peptide. As expected, MBP was mostly unstructured, although it has well-defined α-helical regions, while Bri23R forms a stable β-hairpin. Simulation of the interaction between MBP and Bri23R in two different environments, as parts of the two-hybrid system fusion proteins and in the form of single polypeptides, showed that MBP twists around Bri23R. The observed interaction results in the adjustment of the size of the internal space between MBP α-helices to the size of the β-hairpin of Bri23R. Since Bri23 is known to inhibit aggregation of amyloid oligomers, and the association of MBP to the inner leaflet of the membrane bilayer shares features with amyloid fibril formation, Bri23 may serve as a peptide chaperon for MBP, thus participating in myelin membrane assembly

    Deconvolution of the MBP-Bri2 Interaction by a Yeast Two Hybrid System and Synergy of the AlphaFold2 and High Ambiguity Driven Protein-Protein Docking

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    Myelin basic protein (MBP) is one of the key proteins in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS). However, very few intracellular MBP partners have been identified up to now. In order to find proteins interacting with MBP in the brain, an expression library from the human brain was screened using a yeast two-hybrid system. Here we showed that MBP interacts with the C-terminal 24-residue peptide of Integral transmembrane protein II associated with familial British and Danish dementia (ITM2B/Bri2 or Bri2). This peptide (Bri23R) was one residue longer than the known Bri23 peptide, which is cleaved from the C-terminus of Bri2 during its maturation in the Golgi and has physiological activity as a modulator of amyloid precursor protein processing. Since the spatial structures for both MBP and Bri2 were not known, we used computational methods of structural biology including an artificial intelligence system AlphaFold2 and high ambiguity driven protein-protein docking (HADDOCK 2.1) to gain a mechanistic explanation of the found protein-protein interaction and elucidate a possible structure of the complex of MBP with Bri23R peptide. As expected, MBP was mostly unstructured, although it has well-defined α-helical regions, while Bri23R forms a stable β-hairpin. Simulation of the interaction between MBP and Bri23R in two different environments, as parts of the two-hybrid system fusion proteins and in the form of single polypeptides, showed that MBP twists around Bri23R. The observed interaction results in the adjustment of the size of the internal space between MBP α-helices to the size of the β-hairpin of Bri23R. Since Bri23 is known to inhibit aggregation of amyloid oligomers, and the association of MBP to the inner leaflet of the membrane bilayer shares features with amyloid fibril formation, Bri23 may serve as a peptide chaperon for MBP, thus participating in myelin membrane assembly

    Comparative structural analysis of a histone-like protein from Spiroplasma melliferum in the crystalline state and in solution

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    A solution of a histone-like protein from Spiroplasma melliferum (HUSpm) was examined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The experimental SAXS curve was compared with those calculated for the HUSpm structures from the PDB databank obtained by both X-ray diffraction analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The model of the HUSpm structure in solution, which best agrees with the experimental SAXS data, has a shorter distance between the centers of mass of the HUSpm monomers compared to the crystal structure, indicating that the HUSpm monomers can be located closer to each other in solution than in the crystalline state

    The nature of the ligand's side chain interacting with the S1'-subsite of metallocarboxypeptidase T (from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris) determines the geometry of the tetrahedral transition complex.

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    The carboxypeptidase T (CPT) from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris has an active site structure and 3D organization similar to pancreatic carboxypeptidases A and B (CPA and CPB), but differs in broader substrate specificity. The crystal structures of CPT complexes with the transition state analogs N-sulfamoyl-L-leucine and N-sulfamoyl-L-glutamate (SLeu and SGlu) were determined and compared with previously determined structures of CPT complexes with N-sulfamoyl-L-arginine and N-sulfamoyl-L-phenylalanine (SArg and SPhe). The conformations of residues Tyr255 and Glu270, the distances between these residues and the corresponding ligand groups, and the Zn-S gap between the zinc ion and the sulfur atom in the ligand's sulfamoyl group that simulates a distance between the zinc ion and the tetrahedral sp3-hybridized carbon atom of the converted peptide bond, vary depending on the nature of the side chain in the substrate's C-terminus. The increasing affinity of CPT with the transition state analogs in the order SGlu, SArg, SPhe, SLeu correlates well with a decreasing Zn-S gap in these complexes and the increasing efficiency of CPT-catalyzed hydrolysis of the corresponding tripeptide substrates (ZAAL > ZAAF > ZAAR > ZAAE). Thus, the side chain of the ligand that interacts with the primary specificity pocket of CPT, determines the geometry of the transition complex, the relative orientation of the bond to be cleaved by the catalytic groups of the active site and the catalytic properties of the enzyme. In the case of CPB, the relative orientation of the catalytic amino acid residues, as well as the distance between Glu270 and SArg/SPhe, is much less dependent on the nature of the corresponding side chain of the substrate. The influence of the nature of the substrate side chain on the structural organization of the transition state determines catalytic activity and broad substrate specificity of the carboxypeptidase T

    Elucidation of the Conformational Transition of Oligopeptidase B by an Integrative Approach Based on the Combination of X-ray, SAXS, and Essential Dynamics Sampling Simulation

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    Oligopeptidase B (OPB) is the least studied group from the prolyl oligopeptidase family. OPBs are found in bacteria and parasitic protozoa and represent pathogenesis factors of the corresponding infections. OPBs consist of two domains connected by a hinge region and have the characteristics of conformational dynamics, which include two types of movements: the bridging/separation of α/β-hydrolase catalytic and β-propeller-regulatory domains and the movement of a loop carrying catalytic histidine, which regulates an assembly/disassembly of the catalytic triad. In this work, an elucidation of the interdomain dynamics of OPB from Serratia proteamaculans (SpOPB) with and without modification of the hinge region was performed using a combination of X-ray diffraction analysis and small-angle X-ray scattering, which was complemented with an essential dynamics sampling (EDS) simulation. The first crystal structure of catalytically deficient SpOPB (SpOPBS532A) with an intact hinge sequence is reported. Similarly to SpOPB with modified hinges, SpOPBS532A was crystallized in the presence of spermine and adopted an intermediate conformation in the crystal lattice. Despite the similarity of the crystal structures, a difference in the catalytic triad residue arrangement was detected, which explained the inhibitory effect of the hinge modification. The SpOPBS532A structure reconstituted to the wild-type form was used as a starting point to the classical MD followed by EDS simulation, which allowed us to simulate the domain separation and the transition of the enzyme from the intermediate to open conformation. The obtained open state model was in good agreement with the experimental SAXS data

    Elucidation of the Conformational Transition of Oligopeptidase B by an Integrative Approach Based on the Combination of X-ray, SAXS, and Essential Dynamics Sampling Simulation

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    Oligopeptidase B (OPB) is the least studied group from the prolyl oligopeptidase family. OPBs are found in bacteria and parasitic protozoa and represent pathogenesis factors of the corresponding infections. OPBs consist of two domains connected by a hinge region and have the characteristics of conformational dynamics, which include two types of movements: the bridging/separation of α/β-hydrolase catalytic and β-propeller-regulatory domains and the movement of a loop carrying catalytic histidine, which regulates an assembly/disassembly of the catalytic triad. In this work, an elucidation of the interdomain dynamics of OPB from Serratia proteamaculans (SpOPB) with and without modification of the hinge region was performed using a combination of X-ray diffraction analysis and small-angle X-ray scattering, which was complemented with an essential dynamics sampling (EDS) simulation. The first crystal structure of catalytically deficient SpOPB (SpOPBS532A) with an intact hinge sequence is reported. Similarly to SpOPB with modified hinges, SpOPBS532A was crystallized in the presence of spermine and adopted an intermediate conformation in the crystal lattice. Despite the similarity of the crystal structures, a difference in the catalytic triad residue arrangement was detected, which explained the inhibitory effect of the hinge modification. The SpOPBS532A structure reconstituted to the wild-type form was used as a starting point to the classical MD followed by EDS simulation, which allowed us to simulate the domain separation and the transition of the enzyme from the intermediate to open conformation. The obtained open state model was in good agreement with the experimental SAXS data

    Myelin Basic Protein Attenuates Furin-Mediated Bri2 Cleavage and Postpones Its Membrane Trafficking

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    Myelin basic protein (MBP) is the second most abundant protein in the central nervous system and is responsible for structural maintenance of the myelin sheath covering axons. Previously, we showed that MBP has a more proactive role in the oligodendrocyte homeostasis, interacting with membrane-associated proteins, including integral membrane protein 2B (ITM2B or Bri2) that is associated with familial dementias. Here, we report that the molecular dynamics of the in silico-generated MBP-Bri2 complex revealed that MBP covers a significant portion of the Bri2 ectodomain, assumingly trapping the furin cleavage site, while the surface of the BRICHOS domain, which is responsible for the multimerization and activation of the Bri2 high-molecular-weight oligomer chaperone function, remains unmasked. These observations were supported by the co-expression of MBP with Bri2, its mature form, and disease-associated mutants, which showed that in mammalian cells, MBP indeed modulates the post-translational processing of Bri2 by restriction of the furin-catalyzed release of its C-terminal peptide. Moreover, we showed that the co-expression of MBP and Bri2 also leads to an altered cellular localization of Bri2, restricting its membrane trafficking independently of the MBP-mediated suppression of the Bri2 C-terminal peptide release. Further investigations should elucidate if these observations have physiological meaning in terms of Bri2 as a MBP chaperone activated by the MBP-dependent postponement of Bri2 membrane trafficking

    The Crystal Structure of Nα-p-tosyl-lysyl Chloromethylketone-Bound Oligopeptidase B from Serratia Proteamaculans Revealed a New Type of Inhibitor Binding

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    A covalent serine protease inhibitor—Na-p-Tosyl-Lysyl Chloromethylketone (TCK) is a modified lysine residue tosylated at the N-terminus and chloromethylated at the C-terminus, one molecule of which is capable of forming two covalent bonds with both Ser and His catalytic residues, was co-crystallized with modified oligopeptidase B (OpB) from Serratia proteomaculans (PSPmod). The kinetics study, which preceded crystallization, shows that the stoichiometry of TCK-dependent inhibition of PSPmod was 1:2 (protein:inhibitor). The crystal structure of the PSPmod-TCK complex, solved at a resolution of 2.3 Å, confirmed a new type of inhibitor binding. Two TCK molecules were bound to one enzyme molecule: one with the catalytic Ser, the other with the catalytic His. Due to this mode of binding, the intermediate state of PSPmod and the disturbed conformation of the catalytic triad were preserved in the PSPmod-TCK complex. Nevertheless, the analysis of the amino acid surroundings of the inhibitor molecule bound to the catalytic Ser and its comparison with that of antipain-bound OpB from Trypanosoma brucei provided an insight in the structure of the PSPmod substrate-binding pocket. Supposedly, the new type of binding is typical for the interaction of chloromethylketone derivatives with two-domain OpBs. In the open conformational state that these enzymes are assumed in solution, the disordered configuration of the catalytic triad prevents simultaneous interaction of one inhibitor molecule with two catalytic residues