11 research outputs found

    Outcomes of the multicenter monitoring of the causative agent of invasive listeriosis in the metropolis

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    Introduction. Invasive listeriosis is a rare disease posing a threat to high-risk groups and often leading to a fatal outcome. Its causative agent is Listeria monocytogenes, a ubiquitous saprophyte that has turned into an important foodborne pathogen with the growing industry of semi-cooked and ready-to-eat products. The aim of the study is the characterization of L. monocytogenes isolates in the Moscow region and identification of possible causes of susceptibility to infection Materials and methods. The multicenter monitoring of L. monocytogenes was conducted in the Moscow metropolitan area, using bacteriological and genomic methods for description of the pathogen, medical history collection and detailed analysis of patient case summaries. Results. In the cohorts of patients with perinatal listeriosis (PL) and meningitis-septicemia (MS), invasive listeriosis had a year-round occurrence with slight upswings in MarchApril and JulyNovember. During the COVID-19 pandemic, in the MS group, the minimum age of patients decreased to 31 years and the proportion of deaths increased 1.57-fold compared to 20182019. During the pandemic, an increase in the diversity of L. monocytogenes genotypes was observed, along with changes in the spectrum of pathogen genotypes throughout the pandemic stages. During the monitoring, a total of 73 L. monocytogenes clinical isolates belonging to 24 genotypes were described. Seven genotypes belonged to the first phylogenetic lineage (PLI); 14 genotypes belonged to PLII. The PL cohort had the highest proportion of PLI genotypes (52%). In the MS cohort, the group of men had the widest diversity of genotypes, 6 of which were identical to genotypes of food isolates. In the analysed set of isolates, 12 new profiles of internalin genes were identified and described. The whole genome sequencing detected the presence of plasmids in 9 of 58 genomes of clinical isolates. The comparison of core genomes revealed an epidemic relationship between isolates of the same genotype for ST4, ST21, and ST425. Conclusion. The performed study presents a detailed description of the diversity and virulence of L. monocytogenes circulating in the Moscow metropolitan area, thus providing information for timely diagnosis and treatment of invasive listeriosis

    RIAM: A Universal Accessible Protocol for the Isolation of High Purity DNA from Various Soils and Other Humic Substances

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    A single universal open protocol RIAM (named after Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology) for the isolation of high purity DNA from different types of soils and other substrates (high and low in humic, clay content, organic fertilizer, etc.) is proposed. The main features of the RIAM protocol are the absence of the sorption–desorption stage on silica columns, the use of high concentrations of phosphate in buffers, which prevents DNA sorption on minerals, and DNA precipitation using CTAB. The performance of RIAM was compared with a reference commercial kit and showed very good results in relation to the purity and quantity of DNA, as well as the absence of inhibitory activity on PCR. In all cases, the RIAM ensured the isolation of DNA in quantities much greater than the commercial kit without the effect of PCR inhibition up to 50 ng DNA per reaction in a volume of 15 µL. The latter circumstance along with the ability of the protocol to extract low molecular weight DNA fractions makes the method especially suitable for those cases where quantitative assessments, detection of minor components of soil microbiota, and completeness of isolation of all DNA fractions are required

    Multicomponent Non-Woven Fibrous Mats with Balanced Processing and Functional Properties

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    The mimicking of the architectonics of native tissue, biodegradable non-woven fibrous mats is one of the most promising forms of scaffolding for tissue engineering. The key properties needed for their successful application in vivo, such as biodegradability, biocompatibility, morphology, mechanical properties, etc., rely on their composition and appropriate 3D structure. A multicomponent system based on biodegradable synthetic (polycaprolactone, oligo-/polylactide) and natural (chitosan, gelatin) polymers, providing the desired processing characteristics and functionality to non-woven mats fabricated via the electrospinning technique, was developed. The solid-state reactive blending of these components provided a one-step synthesis of amphiphilic graft copolymer with an ability to form stable ultra-fine dispersions in chlorinated solvents, which could be successfully used as casting solvents for the electrospinning technique. The synthesized graft copolymer was analyzed with the aim of fractional analysis, dynamic laser scattering, FTIR-spectroscopy and DSC. Casting solution characteristics, namely viscosity, surface tension, and electroconductivity, as well as electrospinning parameters, were studied and optimized. The morphology, chemical structure of the surface layer, mechanical properties and cytocompatibility were analyzed to confirm the appropriate functionality of the formed fibrous materials as scaffolds for tissue engineering

    The Structure of Stable Cellulolytic Consortia Isolated from Natural Lignocellulosic Substrates

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    Recycling plant matter is one of the challenges facing humanity today and depends on efficient lignocellulose degradation. Although many bacterial strains from natural substrates demonstrate cellulolytic activities, the CAZymes (Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes) responsible for these activities are very diverse and usually distributed among different bacteria in one habitat. Thus, using microbial consortia can be a solution to rapid and effective decomposition of plant biomass. Four cellulolytic consortia were isolated from enrichment cultures from composting natural lignocellulosic substrates—oat straw, pine sawdust, and birch leaf litter. Enrichment cultures facilitated growth of similar, but not identical cellulose-decomposing bacteria from different substrates. Major components in all consortia were from Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriota and Bacteroidota, but some were specific for different substrates—Verrucomicrobiota and Myxococcota from straw, Planctomycetota from sawdust and Firmicutes from leaf litter. While most members of the consortia were involved in the lignocellulose degradation, some demonstrated additional metabolic activities. Consortia did not differ in the composition of CAZymes genes, but rather in axillary functions, such as ABC-transporters and two-component systems, usually taxon-specific and associated with CAZymes. Our findings show that enrichment cultures can provide reproducible cellulolytic consortia from various lignocellulosic substrates, the stability of which is ensured by tight microbial relations between its components

    The Succession of the Cellulolytic Microbial Community from the Soil during Oat Straw Decomposition

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    The process of straw decomposition is dynamic and is accompanied by the succession of the microbial decomposing community, which is driven by poorly understood interactions between microorganisms. Soil is a complex ecological niche, and the soil microbiome can serve as a source of potentially active cellulolytic microorganisms. Here, we performed an experiment on the de novo colonization of oat straw by the soil microbial community by placing nylon bags with sterilized oat straw in the pots filled with chernozem soil and incubating them for 6 months. The aim was to investigate the changes in decomposer microbiota during this process using conventional sequencing techniques. The bacterial succession during straw decomposition occurred in three phases: the early phase (first month) was characterized by high microbial activity and low diversity, the middle phase (second to third month) was characterized by low activity and low diversity, and the late phase (fourth to sixth months) was characterized by low activity and high diversity. Analysis of amplicon sequencing data revealed three groups of co-changing phylotypes corresponding to these phases. The early active phase was abundant in the cellulolytic members from Pseudomonadota, Bacteroidota, Bacillota, and Actinobacteriota for bacteria and Ascomycota for fungi, and most of the primary phylotypes were gone by the end of the phase. The second intermediate phase was marked by the set of phylotypes from the same phyla persisting in the community. In the mature community of the late phase, apart from the core phylotypes, non-cellulolytic members from Bdellovibrionota, Myxococcota, Chloroflexota, and Thermoproteota appeared. Full metagenome sequencing of the microbial community from the end of the middle phase confirmed that major bacterial and fungal members of this consortium had genes of glycoside hydrolases (GH) connected to cellulose and chitin degradation. The real-time analysis of the selection of these genes showed that their representation varied between phases, and this occurred under the influence of the host, and not the GH family factor. Our findings demonstrate that soil microbial community may act as an efficient source of cellulolytic microorganisms and that colonization of the cellulolytic substrate occurs in several phases, each characterized by its own taxonomic and functional profile

    Search for Ancestral Features in Genomes of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae Strains Isolated from the Relict Legume Vavilovia formosa

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    Vavilovia formosa is a relict leguminous plant growing in hard-to-reach habitats in the rocky highlands of the Caucasus and Middle East, and it is considered as the putative closest living relative of the last common ancestor (LCA) of the Fabeae tribe. Symbionts of Vavilovia belonging to Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae compose a discrete group that differs from the other strains, especially in the nucleotide sequences of the symbiotically specialised (sym) genes. Comparison of the genomes of Vavilovia strains with the reference group composed of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae strains isolated from Pisum and Vicia demonstrated that the vavilovia strains have a set of genomic features, probably indicating the important stages of microevolution of the symbiotic system. Specifically, symbionts of Vavilovia (considered as an ancestral group) demonstrated a scattered arrangement of sym genes (>90 kb cluster on pSym), with the location of nodT gene outside of the other nod operons, the presence of nodX and fixW, and the absence of chromosomal fixNOPQ copies. In contrast, the reference (derived) group harboured sym genes as a compact cluster (<60 kb) on a single pSym, lacking nodX and fixW, with nodT between nodN and nodO, and possessing chromosomal fixNOPQ copies. The TOM strain, obtained from nodules of the primitive “Afghan” peas, occupied an intermediate position because it has the chromosomal fixNOPQ copy, while the other features, the most important of which is presence of nodX and fixW, were similar to the Vavilovia strains. We suggest that genome evolution from the ancestral to the derived R. leguminosarum bv. viciae groups follows the “gain-and-loss of sym genes” and the “compaction of sym cluster” strategies, which are common for the macro-evolutionary and micro-evolutionary processes. The revealed genomic features are in concordance with a relict status of the vavilovia strains, indicating that V. formosa coexists with ancestral microsymbionts, which are presumably close to the LCA of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae

    <i>Listeria monocytogenes</i> ST37 Distribution in the Moscow Region and Properties of Clinical and Foodborne Isolates

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    Listerias of the phylogenetic lineage II (PLII) are common in the European environment and are hypovirulent. Despite this, they caused more than a third of the sporadic cases of listeriosis and multi-country foodborne outbreaks. L. monocytogenes ST37 is one of them. During the COVID-19 pandemic, ST37 appeared in clinical cases and ranked second in occurrence among food isolates in the Moscow region. The aim of this study was to describe the genomic features of ST37 isolates from different sources. All clinical cases of ST37 were in the cohort of male patients (age, 48–81 years) with meningitis–septicemia manifestation and COVID-19 or Influenza in the anamnesis. The core genomes of the fish isolates were closely related. The clinical and meat isolates revealed a large diversity. Prophages (2–4/genome) were the source of the unique genes. Two clinical isolates displayed pseudolysogeny, and excided prophages were A006-like. In the absence of plasmids, the assortment of virulence factors and resistance determinants in the chromosome corresponded to the hypovirulent characteristics. However, all clinical isolates caused severe disease, with deaths in four cases. Thus, these studies allow us to speculate that a previous viral infection increases human susceptibility to listeriosis

    Round-the-World Voyage of the Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus): Phylogeographic Data Covering the Entire Species Range

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    A total of 205 COI sequences and 310 cyt b sequences of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from basins of all seas throughout the vast range of this species were analyzed. Median networks of haplotypes constructed in this study, combined with the results of reconstruction of paleogeographic conditions, led to the conclusion that the threespine stickleback emerged as a species in the Pacific Ocean basin and spread to Europe from the south, populating the system of water bodies that existed in the Oligocene. The main water body was the Paratethys Ocean (Sea), which existed 5&ndash;34 Mya. In the area of the modern North Sea, stickleback populations, part of which later migrated to the eastern and western coasts of North America, gave rise to the group of haplotypes that has the widest distribution in northern Europe. The stickleback populations belonging to the lineage that dispersed along the Arctic and western coasts of North America displaced the carriers of the haplotypes of the ancient phylogenetic lineage that inhabited the Pacific coast. The ancestors of G. wheatlandi dispersed from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean via the Arctic to meet G. aculeatus, which circled the globe from east to west

    Round-the-World Voyage of the Threespine Stickleback (<i>Gasterosteus aculeatus</i>): Phylogeographic Data Covering the Entire Species Range

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    A total of 205 COI sequences and 310 cyt b sequences of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from basins of all seas throughout the vast range of this species were analyzed. Median networks of haplotypes constructed in this study, combined with the results of reconstruction of paleogeographic conditions, led to the conclusion that the threespine stickleback emerged as a species in the Pacific Ocean basin and spread to Europe from the south, populating the system of water bodies that existed in the Oligocene. The main water body was the Paratethys Ocean (Sea), which existed 5–34 Mya. In the area of the modern North Sea, stickleback populations, part of which later migrated to the eastern and western coasts of North America, gave rise to the group of haplotypes that has the widest distribution in northern Europe. The stickleback populations belonging to the lineage that dispersed along the Arctic and western coasts of North America displaced the carriers of the haplotypes of the ancient phylogenetic lineage that inhabited the Pacific coast. The ancestors of G. wheatlandi dispersed from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean via the Arctic to meet G. aculeatus, which circled the globe from east to west