30 research outputs found

    Asia Science and Technology Portals

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    The article presents the information about science and technology portals in Asian countries and their role in dissemination of science and technology-related information. The article describes a new Lao Science and Technology Web Portal launched by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Lao PDR in 2017. The authors analyze goals, content, functions, and benefits of the Lao Science and Technology Web portal as well as problems suppressing its further development

    Methods of increasing the productivity of various varieties and hybrids of variegated alfalfa in the conditions of arable farming biologization

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    Two-year studies of variegated alfalfa (Medicago varia Mart.) of the following varieties and hybrids were carried out: Pastbischnaya 88, Taisia, Agnia VIC, 506 and SGP, as well as observations of their reaction to inoculation. Strains of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti were used as inoculants: SHM1-105, 415, A-1, A-5, and a control variant without inoculation. As a result of research, it was revealed that the minimum length of stems in 2021 was fixed in the Pastbischnaya 88 + 415 variant, and amounted to 12.5 cm, in 2022 — Taisia with A1 and SHM1-105, 8.8 cm each. The maximum length of stems in 2021 was marked by a hybrid 506 in a combination of A1 and SHM1-105 strains, the indicator was 40.4 and 40.3, respectively, in 2022 — Agnia VIC + A5, 28 cm. In 2021, the Pastbischnaya 88 variety with the strain SHM1-105 turned out to be the most competitive, its share prevailed over the unseeded admixture, and reached 54.8%, in 2022 variant Agnia VIC + 415 was distinguished with this indicator, with a mass fraction of 65.45%. The positive effect of inoculation was revealed, the best symbiotic varietal microbial systems were determined. The strain of nodule bacteria 415 is marked by a complex effect on all varieties of variegated alfalfa. According to the yield of dry weight (3.3 t/ha on average), the Taisia variety and the SGP hybrid were distinguished

    Review and analysis of extrusion technology in the production of feed additives based on probiotic microorganisms

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    Ensuring a well-organised and sustainable feed base is the main condition for the development of animal husbandry, increasing its productivity and product quality. To ensure active growth and high productivity, probiotic feed additives are added to the feed, which increase the immune response of the host organism to pathogenic microorganisms, increases the conversion of feed and live weight gain. One of the main processes of feed production is extrusion, which can be cold, warm and hot. The hot extrusion process takes place at a temperature above 130℃ and cannot be used in the production of compound feeds with probiotics that withstand temperatures up to 85℃. During cold extrusion, the temperature reaches no higher than 70℃, which allows the extrusion of mixed feed mass, which contains probiotic feed additives

    A study of the possibility of using animal feed additives and probiotic feed additives in the diet of fish

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    The shortage of fish meal and fish oil provokes the search for alternative sources of these feed components. Insects that are part of the diet of animals, birds and fish, rich in protein and fat, can serve as such an alternative. The article presents the results of testing of compound feed for fish containing the fat of the larvae of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) and a feed additive with probiotic activity. The use of the fat of the larva of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) and a probiotic feed additive allows increasing the survival rate of fish from 90 to 95%, increase the conversion of feed and the average daily increase. The calculation of the economic efficiency from the use of compound feed, which includes feed additives of animal origin and additives with probiotic activity, showed an increase in profit when replacing compound feed made according to a standard recipe with compound feed with new feed additives. The economic effect of using compound feed with new feed additives amounted to more than 650 thousand rubles per year on small and medium-sized trout farms up to 20 tons per year

    Moral philosophy as an object of Hegel’s debate with Kant in

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    The history of Hegel’s critical controversy with Kant’s moral philosophy starts with the Frankfurt period of his work, when Hegel first opposed what he believed to be Kant’s absolutisation of the concept of duty and his neglect of the social content of morality. Although Hegel more than once addressed Kant’s moral philosophy, it is only in “Phenomenology of Spirit” that he formulated a more systemic and radical criticism. The basis of his critical argumentation is an attempt to reveal the main contradiction in Kant’s ethics by showing that the fulfilment of unconditional moral requirements leads to the complete elimination of morality itself. By uncovering the internal contradictions in Kant’s unconditional duty, Hegel demonstrates a certain kind of pragmatism in the interpretation of moral duty and offers instead a religious faith in the transcendental power of “communal” consciousness, which will become a principle that supposedly removes all contradictions of a moral worldview. These debates between the two most prominent classics of German idealism on the issue of whether moral demands are universal in nature or are always socially determined, has not lost its significance even today. This is because they present two substantially different ethical doctrines: one affirms the idea of the autonomy of moral consciousness and its formal unconditional character, while the other assumes that a certain moral duty can be legitimate only under specific socio-historical conditions

    A Competence-Based Approach to Training Specialists in the Digital Society

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    The article analyzes the influence of digital technologies on transformation of the labor market in social services. Modern professions require workers with advanced digital skills as well as technical and engineering specialists with advanced soft skills. The article analyzes official documents and global trends in the future labor market and presents the experience of National Research Tomsk State University (TSU) in developing transprofessional skills of students in different specialties. The authors conclude that modern society and the labor market demand new forms and methods of education aimed to develop interdisciplinary competence

    Asia Science and Technology Portals

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    The article presents the information about science and technology portals in Asian countries and their role in dissemination of science and technology-related information. The article describes a new Lao Science and Technology Web Portal launched by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Lao PDR in 2017. The authors analyze goals, content, functions, and benefits of the Lao Science and Technology Web portal as well as problems suppressing its further development

    Asia Science and Technology Portals

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    The article presents the information about science and technology portals in Asian countries and their role in dissemination of science and technology-related information. The article describes a new Lao Science and Technology Web Portal launched by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Lao PDR in 2017. The authors analyze goals, content, functions, and benefits of the Lao Science and Technology Web portal as well as problems suppressing its further development

    A Competence-Based Approach to Training Specialists in the Digital Society

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    The article analyzes the influence of digital technologies on transformation of the labor market in social services. Modern professions require workers with advanced digital skills as well as technical and engineering specialists with advanced soft skills. The article analyzes official documents and global trends in the future labor market and presents the experience of National Research Tomsk State University (TSU) in developing transprofessional skills of students in different specialties. The authors conclude that modern society and the labor market demand new forms and methods of education aimed to develop interdisciplinary competence

    A Competence-Based Approach to Training Specialists in the Digital Society

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    The article analyzes the influence of digital technologies on transformation of the labor market in social services. Modern professions require workers with advanced digital skills as well as technical and engineering specialists with advanced soft skills. The article analyzes official documents and global trends in the future labor market and presents the experience of National Research Tomsk State University (TSU) in developing transprofessional skills of students in different specialties. The authors conclude that modern society and the labor market demand new forms and methods of education aimed to develop interdisciplinary competence