25 research outputs found

    Hemispheric sunspot numbers 1874--2020

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    We create a continuous series of daily and monthly hemispheric sunspot numbers (HSNs) from 1874 to 2020, which will be continuously expanded in the future with the HSNs provided by SILSO. Based on the available daily measurements of hemispheric sunspot areas from 1874 to 2016 from Greenwich Royal Observatory and NOAA, we derive the relative fractions of the northern and southern activity. These fractions are applied to the international sunspot number (ISN) to derive the HSNs. This method and obtained data are validated against published HSNs for the period 1945--2020. We provide a continuous data series and catalogue of daily, monthly mean, and 13-month smoothed monthly mean HSNs for the time range 1874--2020 that are consistent with the newly calibrated ISN. Validation of the reconstructed HSNs against the direct data available since 1945 reveals a high level of consistency, with a correlation of r=0.94 (0.97) for the daily (monthly) data. The cumulative hemispheric asymmetries for cycles 12-24 give a mean value of 16%, with no obvious pattern in north-south predominance over the cycle evolution. The strongest asymmetry occurs for cycle no. 19, in which the northern hemisphere shows a cumulated predominance of 42%. The phase shift between the peaks of solar activity in the two hemispheres may be up to 28 months, with a mean absolute value of 16.4 months. The phase shifts reveal an overall asymmetry of the northern hemisphere reaching its cycle maximum earlier (in 10 out of 13 cases). Relating the ISN and HSN peak growth rates during the cycle rise phase with the cycle amplitude reveals higher correlations when considering the two hemispheres individually, with r = 0.9. Our findings demonstrate that empirical solar cycle prediction methods can be improved by investigating the solar cycle dynamics in terms of the hemispheric sunspot numbers.Comment: Accepted by Astron. Astrophys. 12 page

    Genesis and impulsive evolution of the 2017 September 10 coronal mass ejection

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    The X8.2 event of 10 September 2017 provides unique observations to study the genesis, magnetic morphology and impulsive dynamics of a very fast CME. Combining GOES-16/SUVI and SDO/AIA EUV imagery, we identify a hot (T≈10−15T\approx 10-15 MK) bright rim around a quickly expanding cavity, embedded inside a much larger CME shell (T≈1−2T\approx 1-2 MK). The CME shell develops from a dense set of large AR loops (≳\gtrsim0.5 RsR_s), and seamlessly evolves into the CME front observed in LASCO C2. The strong lateral overexpansion of the CME shell acts as a piston initiating the fast EUV wave. The hot cavity rim is demonstrated to be a manifestation of the dominantly poloidal flux and frozen-in plasma added to the rising flux rope by magnetic reconnection in the current sheet beneath. The same structure is later observed as the core of the white light CME, challenging the traditional interpretation of the CME three-part morphology. The large amount of added magnetic flux suggested by these observations explains the extreme accelerations of the radial and lateral expansion of the CME shell and cavity, all reaching values of 5−105 - 10 km s−2^{-2}. The acceleration peaks occur simultaneously with the first RHESSI 100−300100-300 keV hard X-ray burst of the associated flare, further underlining the importance of the reconnection process for the impulsive CME evolution. Finally, the much higher radial propagation speed of the flux rope in relation to the CME shell causes a distinct deformation of the white light CME front and shock.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Advancing solar magnetic field extrapolations through multi-height magnetic field measurements

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    Non-linear force-free extrapolations are a common approach to estimate the 3D topology of coronal magnetic fields based on photospheric vector magnetograms. The force-free assumption is a valid approximation at coronal heights, but for the dense plasma conditions in the lower atmosphere, this assumption is not satisfied. In this study, we utilize multi-height magnetic field measurements in combination with physics-informed neural networks to advance solar magnetic field extrapolations. We include a flexible height-mapping, which allows us to account for the different formation heights of the observed magnetic field measurements. The comparison to analytical and simulated magnetic fields demonstrates that including chromospheric magnetic field measurements leads to a significant improvement of our magnetic field extrapolations. We also apply our method to chromospheric line-of-sight magnetograms, from the Vector Spectromagnetograph (VSM) on the Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) observatory, in combination with photospheric vector magnetograms, from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). The comparison to observations in extreme ultraviolet wavelengths shows that the additional chromospheric information leads to a better agreement with the observed coronal structures. In addition, our method intrinsically provides an estimate of the corrugation of the observed magnetograms. With this new approach, we make efficient use of multi-height magnetic field measurements and advance the realism of coronal magnetic field simulations