930 research outputs found

    The Portfolio as an Evaluation Tool: an Analysis of its Use in an Undergraduate Nursing Program

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    This qualitative study was carried out between April and August 2007. It analyzed the use of portfolios in the academic community. A total of nine full-time professors and 119 students enrolled in their third semester were interviewed through a semi-structured interview. Content analysis was used to analyze data. Learning evaluations are seen as a verification of knowledge and efficacy of pedagogical method, and also as an incentive to study. Evaluations are procedural, that is, evaluation is continuous, or one-time, e.g. semester end tests. The portfolio is defined as a gradual and continuous evaluation tool. The faculty members and students need to accept the use of portfolios and evaluate the possibilities of this resource. This study is a first attempt to appraise the evaluation process of an undergraduate program, and the use of portfolios and other strategies needs to be consolidated in order to improve the educational process in undergraduate nursing programs.Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, realizado en el período de abril a agosto de 2007. El objetivo fue analizar la utilización del portafolio por la comunidad académica. Se entrevistó a través de un guión a nueve docentes efectivos y 119 discentes matriculados a partir del tercer período. En el análisis de datos se utilizó el análisis de contenido. La evaluación del aprendizaje es considerada como verificación del conocimiento, como eficacia del método pedagógico e incentivo al estudio. Con relación al tipo de evaluación son procesuales y puntuales. El portafolio es definido como un instrumento de evaluación gradual y continuo. Es necesario que el cuerpo docente y discente acepte experimentar la utilización del portafolio y así evaluar las posibilidades de este recurso. Representa una primera aproximación al proceso de evaluación en la graduación y de esa forma el portafolio y otras estrategias necesitan ser consolidadas de forma a mejorar el proceso de formación en la graduación de enfermería.Este é um estudo qualitativo, realizado no período de abril a agosto de 2007. O objetivo foi analisar a utilização do portfólio pela comunidade acadêmica. Entrevistaram-se, através de um roteiro, nove docentes efetivos e 119 discentes matriculados a partir do terceiro período. Na análise de dados utilizou-se da análise de conteúdo. A avaliação da aprendizagem é considerada como verificação do conhecimento, como eficácia do método pedagógico e incentivo ao estudo. Com relação aos tipos de avaliação são eles processuais e pontuais. O portfólio é definido como instrumento de avaliação gradual e contínuo. É necessário que o corpo docente e discente aceite experimentar a utilização do portfólio e assim avaliar as possibilidades desse recurso. Representa a primeira aproximação ao processo de avaliação na graduação e, dessa forma, o portfólio e outras estratégias precisam ser consolidadas de forma a melhorar o processo de formação na graduação de enfermagem

    Characterization of leaves and barks of Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reissek

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    As folhas e cascas da Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reissek (Rhamnaceae), conhecida como cafezinho, são utilizadas popularmente no Brasil para reduzir o prurido das gengivas de crianças no início da dentição e para dores estomacais. O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar a caracterização das folhas, cascas do caule e cascas da raiz da R. elaeocarpum. Observou-se que as folhas são opostas cruzadas simples, hipoestomáticas, apresentando tricomas tectores sobre as nervuras. As cascas das raízes possuem cicatrizes ou fendas na face externa e fratura fibrosa na face interna. Verificou-se a presença de flavonóides, alcalóides, saponinas e taninos em todas as amostras. Esses resultados podem subsidiar estudos futuros, pois contribuiram para a obtenção de dados padrão visando o controle de qualidade da matéria-prima dessa espécie.The leaves and barks of Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reissek (Rhamnaceae), known as cafezinho, are popularly used in Brazil to reduce gums itching of the children at the teeth beginning and the stomach pain. The work was a characterization the leaves, stem bark and root bark of R. elaeocarpum. It was observed that the leaves are cross-opposite simple, hypostomatic, showing trichomes on the veins. The roots bark have scars or cracks on the outside and fibrous fracture on the inner side. It was detected the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins and tannins in all samples. These results may support future studies, allowing to obtain data to the standard quality control of raw material of this species.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Purification of a lectin from Cratylia mollis crude extract seed by a single step PEG/phosphate aqueous two-phase system

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    The partitioning and purification of lectins from the crude extract of Cratylia mollis seeds (Cramoll 1,4) was investigated in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS). A factorial design model (24) was used to evaluate the influence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) molar mass (15008000g/mol), PEG concentration (12.517.5% w/w), phosphate (1015% w/w) concentration, and pH (68) on the differential partitioning, purification factor, and yield of the lectin. Polymer and salt concentration were the most important variables affecting partition of lectin and used to find optimum purification factor by experimental BoxBehnken design together with the response surface methodology (RSM). ATPS showed best conditions composed by 13.9% PEG1500, 15.3% phosphate buffer at pH 6, which ensured purification factor of 4.70. Sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed a single band of protein with 26.1kDa. Furthermore, results demonstrated a thermostable lectin presenting activity until 60°C and lost hemagglutinating activity at 80°C. According to the obtained data it can be inferred that the ATPS optimization using RSM approach can be applied for recovery and purification of lectins.We are grateful to the following bodies for the grants awarded: CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Level Personnel Superior); FACEPE (Pernambuco Science and Technology Foundation): Researcher's scholarship grant: BFP-0017-5.05/18 CNPq (National Council for Scientific Development and Technological) process: 427153/2016-6 and we also thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions as these helped us to improve the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enhanced Leishmania braziliensis Infection Following Pre-Exposure to Sandfly Saliva

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    Parasites of the genus Leishmania cause a variety of diseases known as leishmaniasis, that are transmitted by bites of female sand flies that, during blood-feeding, inject humans with parasites and saliva. It was shown that, in mice, immunity to sand-fly saliva is able to protect against the development of leishmaniasis. We have investigated, in the present study, whether this finding extends the sand fly species Lutzomyia intermedia, which is responsible for transmission of Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite species able to cause destructive skin lesions that can be fatal if left untreated. We observed that mice injected with sand fly saliva develop a specific immune response against salivary proteins. Most importantly, however, this immune response was unable to protect mice against a challenge infection with L. braziliensis, indicating that exposure to this sand fly saliva is harmful to the host. Indeed, subjects with cutaneous leishmaniasis have a higher immune response against L. intermedia saliva. These findings indicate that the anti-saliva immune response to sand fly saliva plays an important role in the outcome of leishmaniasis caused by L. braziliensis, in both mice and humans, and emphasize possible hurdles in the development of vaccines based on sand fly saliva

    Análise da estrutura fatorial dos Testes de Torrance em estudantes portugueses

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    In order to verify the factorial structures of the Torrance verbal and figural tests, two activities of each instrument were applied with 193 students from the 10th and 12th years of education in Portugal. We tried to demonstrate that the collinearity of the fluency and flexibility variables could create methodological artifacts that hinder the understanding of the internal structure underlying the test. The principal component analysis without control of collinearity indicated a solution composed of four basic factors that separeted activities. Controlling for collinearity, we found a new solution, which also contained four factors that, unlike the previous result, grouped variables with similar processes but of different activities. The verbal and figural content is also an important element in the factor structure. This new arrangement makes more sense with the theory that underlies the instruments separating the different processes and content which are being measured by the activities.Com a finalidade de verificar a estrutura fatorial dos testes de Torrance, duas atividades verbais e duas figurais foram aplicadas em 193 estudantes do 10º e 12º ano do ensino secundário de Portugal. Tentou-se demonstrar que a colinearidade das variáveis fluência e flexibilidade podem criar artefatos metodológicos que dificultam o entendimento da estrutura interna subjacente ao teste. A análise fatorial dos componentes principais, sem controle da colinearidade, indicou uma solução composta por quatro fatores que separam basicamente as atividades. Controlando-se a colinearidade, encontrou-se uma nova solução, também composta por quatro fatores, que, diferentemente da anterior, organizou variáveis com processos semelhantes, mas de diferentes atividades. O tipo de conteúdo, verbal e figural, mostrou-se ainda um importante elemento na organização dos fatores. Esse novo arranjo fez mais sentido diante da teoria que embasa os instrumentos, ao separar os diferentes processos e conteúdos por eles avaliados

    Effects of endurance racing on horse plasma extracellular particle miRNA

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    Background: Physical exercise is an essential factor in preventing and treating metabolic diseases by promoting systemic benefits throughout the body. The molecular factors involved in this process are poorly understood. Micro RNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that inhibit mRNA transcription. MiRNAs, which can participate in the benefits of exercise to health, circulate in plasma in extracellular particles (EP). Horses that undergo endurance racing are an excellent model to study the impact of long-duration/low intensity exercise in plasma EP miRNAs. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of 160 km endurance racing on horse plasma extracellular particles and their miRNA population. Study design: Cohort study. Methods: We collected plasma from five Arabian horses during five time-points of an endurance ride. Extracellular particles were purified from plasma and characterised by electron microscopy, resistive pulse sensing (qNano) and western blotting. Small RNAs were purified from horse plasma EP, and sequencing was performed. Results: Endurance racing increased EP concentration and average diameter compared to before the race. Western blotting showed a high concentration of extracellular vesicles proteins 2 hours after the race, which returned to baseline 15 hours after the race. MicroRNA differential expression analysis revealed increasing levels of eca-miR-486-5p during and after the race, and decreasing levels of eca-miR-9083 after the end. Conclusions: This study adds new data about the variation in plasma EP concentrations after long-distance exercise and brings new insights about the roles of exercise-derived EP miRNAs during low-intensity endurance exercise

    Immunity to Lutzomyia intermedia Saliva Modulates the Inflammatory Environment Induced by Leishmania braziliensis

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    Transmission of Leishmania parasites occurs during blood feeding, when infected female sand flies inject humans with parasites and saliva. Chemokines and cytokines are secreted proteins that regulate the initial immune responses and have the potential of attracting and activating cells. Herein, we studied the expression of such molecules and the cellular recruitment induced by salivary proteins of the Lutzomyia intermedia sand fly. Of note, Lutzomyia intermedia is the main vector of Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite species that causes cutaneous leishmaniasis, a disease associated with the development of destructive skin lesions that can be fatal if left untreated. We observed that L. intermedia salivary proteins induce a potent cellular recruitment and modify the expression profile of chemokines and cytokines in mice. More importantly, in mice previously immunized with L. intermedia saliva, the alteration in the initial inflammatory response was even more pronounced, in terms of the number of cells recruited and in terms of gene expression pattern. These findings indicate that an existing immunity to L. intermedia sand fly induces an important modulation in the initial immune response that may, in turn, promote parasite multiplication, leading to the development of cutaneous leishmaniasis
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