3 research outputs found

    Serviciile de asistență medicală primară în opinia beneficiarilor

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    Aprecierea satisfacției beneficiarilor constituie un aspect esențial în optimizarea calităţii procesului medical și unul din rezultatele dorite ale acestui proces. Analiza așteptărilor beneficiarilor ar trebui să fie obligatorie pentru planificarea, îmbunătăţirea și dirijarea procesului medical. Factorul indispensabil care determină satisfacţia pacienţilor de servicii medicale este direct proporțional influențat de personalul medical care prestează servicii medicale. A fost condus un studiu calitativ în scopul obținerii opiniilor beneficiarilor despre servicii medicale primare. Anchetarea pacienţilor cu boli cronice spitalizaţi la Spitalul Clinic Republican în perioada februarie-martie 2017 a fost realizată în baza chestionarului dezvoltat de autori. Rezultatele studiului au pus în evidenţă factorii care sunt priviţi negativ de către beneficiari în cadrul serviciilor de asistenţă medicală primară (timp de aşteptare mare, informarea insuficientă despre drepturi şi cu privire la problema medicală) şi factorii ce influenţează pozitiv opiniile pacienţilor despre serviciile prestate (folosirea adecvată a deprinderilor de comunicare, inclusiv non-verbală de către personalul medical). Aprofundarea pentru cunoaşterea opiniei beneficiarilor este o sursă potenţială slab utilizată pentru îmbunătăţirea calităţii serviciilor medicale

    Students’ Attitude Towards the Sustainable Use of Mobile Technologies in Higher Education

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    Our study aims to identify students’ attitudes towards the use of mobile technologies (MT) during learning activities in higher education. Data were collected using the Mobile Technologies Questionnaire/MTQ, a ten-item brief questionnaire that was designed to determine attitudes towards the use of mobile technologies in the learning process among university students and academic staff. The MTQ was completed by 575 students from a state university in the northeastern region of Romania. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed two latent factors: MT facilities for study resources and communication and MT facilities for learning. Along with general analysis of the statistical indicators regarding the attitude towards the use of MT, the relationships between the use of MT and five socio-demographic variables (gender, age, place of residence, year of study, academic status and study program) were analyzed. Comparative data showed some statistically significant differences but with small or modest effect sizes, depending on age, year of study, place of residence, academic status and the study program in which the students were enrolled. This study provides additional support for the construct validity of a brief tool that was designed to measure students’ attitudes towards the use of MT during learning activities carried out in higher education.Ministry of Education and Research, through the National Council for the Financing of Higher Education, Romania, grant number CNFIS-FDI-2021-0285

    Pattern of Primary Resistance of <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> to Clarithromycin among Pediatric Patients from North-Eastern Romania

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance has increased worldwide and affects the effectiveness of current therapies. The recommended first-line empiric treatment should be tailored to the local clarithromycin resistance rate. This study aimed to determine the pediatric patient profile and rate of clarithromycin resistance for patients diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori by gastric biopsy. Methods: We studied 84 positive gastric samples for Helicobacter pylori. Positive results were confirmed by a rapid urease test and histopathological examination, with the type of gastritis established according to the Sydney System. Gastric biopsy samples were stored in RNA saver. Clarithromycin resistance was determined by a real-time polymerase chain reaction-based molecular assay after RNA-DNA extraction. Results: Of the 84 biopsy samples analyzed, 35 (41.6%) were resistant to clarithromycin. Clarithromycin resistance was found mainly in girls (80%) with a mean age of 15 years (range 6–17 years). The history of prior exposure to clarithromycin was 91.6%. The concordance between the histopathological examination and the PCR test was 100%. Conclusions: One in 2.4 children infected with Helicobacter pylori had a strain resistant to clarithromycin. This resistant strain may be a reason for treatment failure in Romanian children, yet this is uninvestigated. The high rate of bacterial resistance to this antibiotic among children indicates the need for susceptibility testing before therapy