467 research outputs found

    Assessment of energy expenditure in individuals with post-poliomyelitis syndrome

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    The objective of this study was to identify energy expenditure, retrospectively, in individuals with post-poliomyelitis syndrome (PPS) in the Brazilian population. Methods: The Baecke questionnaire for the evaluation of habitual physical activity (HPA), assessment of quality of life (WHOQOL-Bref), and the Fatigue Severity Scale were administered to patients with PPS, poliomyelitis sequelae (PS) and to a control group (CG). Participated in the study 116 individuals (PPS=52,PS= 28,CG=36). Results: Patients with PPS tended to increase their HPA from 10 to 20 years of age, compared with those in the PS group and the CG. In the period from 21 to 30 years of age, there was significant increase in the PPS group's occupational physical activity compared to the PS group, and the occupational physical activity (21-30 years of age) correlated with the onset of symptoms of PPS. Conclusion: Patients with PPS had a higher energy expenditure during life, especially in occupational physical activity at ages 21-30 years, suggesting this decade is critical for the development of PPS.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Setor Invest Doencas Neuromusculares, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilCtr Univ Augusto Motta, Mestrado Ciencias Reabilitacao, Bonsucesso, RJ, BrazilUniv Severino Sombra, Mestrado Ciencias Aplicadas Saude, Vassouras, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Anesthesiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Setor Invest Doencas Neuromusculares, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Anesthesiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Pharmaceutical services in primary health care : are pharmacists and users on the same page?

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    This study investigated structural and organizational characteristics of the Pharmaceutical Services based on Primary Health Care (PHCPS) from the viewpoints of users and pharmacists. A mixed method design was applied, combining one-to-one semi-structured interviews with four pharmacists in charge of five public dispensing facilities and 69 users, with a secondary database analysis. Data were collected from February to August 2014 in Divinopolis, a municipality in Minas Gerais State. PHCPS were similar in terms of general activities performed and staff profile and background. While users were concerned about medicines' availability and improvements related to the PHCPS' conveniences and personnel, pharmacists pointed out problems regarding infrastructure to storage. Despite most users had low information on how to use their medicines, no pharmacists declared to participate in medicines dispensing activities. There was a low match between users and pharmacists viewpoints and advantages for concentrate medicines dispensing in a smaller number of facilities were not clear

    Frequência e manifestações clínicas da síndrome pós-poliomielite em um centro terciário brasileiro

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency and clinical manifestations of patients with post-poliomyelitis syndrome (PPS) in a Brazilian division of neuromuscular disorders. METHODS: A total of 167 patients with prior history of paralytic poliomyelitis was investigated for PPS, based on international diagnostic criteria. Other variables analyzed were: gender, race, age at poliomyelitis infection, age at PPS onset, and PPS symptoms. RESULTS: One hundred and twenty-nine patients presented PPS, corresponding to 77.2% of the studied population. 62.8% were women and 37.2% were men. Mean age of patients with PPS at onset of PPS symptoms was 39.9±9.69 years. Their main clinical manifestations were: new weakness in the previously affected limbs (69%) and in the apparently not affected limbs (31%); joint pain (79.8%); fatigue (77.5%); muscle pain (76%); and cold intolerance (69.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Most patients of our sample presented PPS. In Brazil, PPS frequency and clinical features are quite similar to those of other countries.OBJETIVO: Determinar a frequência e as manifestações clínicas de pacientes com síndrome pós-poliomielite (SPP) em um setor terciário de doenças neuromusculares brasileiro. MÉTODOS: Um total de 167 pacientes com história prévia de poliomielite paralítica foi estudado para diagnóstico de SPP, de acordo com critérios diagnósticos internacionais. Além da SPP, as variáveis analisadas foram: gênero, raça, idade à época da poliomielite aguda e idade no início dos sintomas da SPP. RESULTADOS: Cento e vinte e nove pacientes apresentaram SPP, correspondendo a 77,2% da população estudada. Mulheres constituíram 62,8% dos pacientes e os homens, 37,2%. A média de idade dos pacientes com SPP à época do início dos sintomas foi de 39,9±9,69 anos. Suas principais manifestações clínicas foram: manifestações novas de fraqueza em membros previamente afetados (69%) e em membros aparentemente não afetados (31%); dores articulares (79,8%); fadiga (77,5%); dor muscular (76%) e intolerância ao frio (69,8%). CONCLUSÕES: A maioria dos pacientes da presente casuística apresentou SPP. No Brasil, a frequência e as características clínicas da SPP são similares às observadas em outros países.Federal University of São Paulo Division of Neuromuscular Disorders Department of Neurology and NeurosurgeryCentro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo Neurologic Rehabilitation Service of the PoliclínicaUNIFESP, Division of Neuromuscular Disorders Department of Neurology and NeurosurgerySciEL

    Avaliação laboratorial do tipo e teor de ligante e da granulometria na deformação permanente de misturas asfálticas

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    Este trabalho avaliou a influência na deformação permanente do tipo e teor de ligante asfáltico e da granulometria quanto ao método Bailey, Faixa de Agregado Dominante (FAD) e faixas granulométricas B e C por meio do ensaio uniaxial de carga repetida. Para isso utilizaram-se três ligantes asfálticos, 50/70, AMP 60/85 e o Highly Modified Asphalt (HiMA), quatro granulometrias, sendo duas Faixa B e duas C, e dois métodos de dosagem, Superpave e Marshall, totalizando 24 misturas asfálticas. Os resultados indicaram que as modificações no tipo e no teor dos ligantes asfálticos foram mais influentes na deformação permanente do que a granulometria das misturas, inclusive encontrou-se boa correlação entre a reologia dos ligantes e os Flow Numbers (FNs) obtidos. O método Bailey apresentou-se mais efetivo em conferir ganho de resistência comparado ao método FAD e a utilização da granulometria faixa B não resultou em um melhor comportamento comparado a uma granulometria faixa C

    Fatores associados à ocorrência de infecção e internação por COVID-19 em professores de Minas Gerais em 2020

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    The aim of the study was to identify factors associated with the occurrence of infection and hospitalization for COVID-19 among public education teachers in Minas Gerais. Cross-sectional study carried out between August and September 2020, via internet. The dependent variables were report of a positive test for COVID-19 and the occurrence of hospitalization. Poisson Regression was performed. 15,600 adults participated, of which 1.2% were infected. There was a higher prevalence among women, with income of 10 salaries or more, private health insurance, who did not receive information about COVID-19, obese and whose friend or family member developed severe symptoms of COVID-19. Among those infected, 6.5% were hospitalized, there was a higher prevalence among risk groups for COVID-19. The occurrence of the infection was related to sociodemographic issues, access to information, health and previous contacts. Hospitalization was more prevalent in groups considered at risk for COVID-19.O objetivo do estudo foi identificar fatores associados à ocorrência de infecção e internação por COVID-19 entre professores da educação pública de Minas Gerais. Estudo transversal realizado entre agosto e setembro de 2020, via internet. As variáveis dependentes foram relato de teste positivo para COVID-19 e ocorrência de internação. Realizou-se Regressão de Poisson. Participaram 15.600 adultos, desses 1,2% foram infectados. Houve maior prevalência entre mulheres, com renda de 10 salários ou mais, plano privado de saúde, que não receberam informações sobre a COVID-19, obesos e cujo amigo ou familiar desenvolveu com sintomas graves da COVID-19. Entre os infectados, 6,5% foram internados, houve maior prevalência entre grupos de risco da COVID-19. A ocorrência da infecção relacionou-se às questões sociodemográficas, acesso a informações, saúde e contatos prévios. Já a internação foi mais prevalente nos considerados grupos de risco para COVID-19

    Mortality reduction with use of oral beta-blockers in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: Recent studies have revealed a relationship between beta-blocker use and worse prognosis in acute coronary syndrome, mainly due to a higher incidence of cardiogenic shock. However, the relevance of this relationship in the reperfusion era is unknown. The aim of this study was to analyze the outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome that started oral beta-blockers within the first 24 hours of hospital admission (group I) compared to patients who did not use oral beta-blockers in this timeframe (group II). METHODS: This was an observational, retrospective and multicentric study with 2,553 patients (2,212 in group I and 341 in group II). Data regarding demographic characteristics, coronary treatment and medication use in the hospital were obtained. The primary endpoint was in-hospital all-cause mortality. The groups were compared by ANOVA and the chi-square test. Multivariate analysis was conducted by logistic regression and results were considered significant when

    Análise da estrutura fatorial dos Testes de Torrance em estudantes portugueses

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    In order to verify the factorial structures of the Torrance verbal and figural tests, two activities of each instrument were applied with 193 students from the 10th and 12th years of education in Portugal. We tried to demonstrate that the collinearity of the fluency and flexibility variables could create methodological artifacts that hinder the understanding of the internal structure underlying the test. The principal component analysis without control of collinearity indicated a solution composed of four basic factors that separeted activities. Controlling for collinearity, we found a new solution, which also contained four factors that, unlike the previous result, grouped variables with similar processes but of different activities. The verbal and figural content is also an important element in the factor structure. This new arrangement makes more sense with the theory that underlies the instruments separating the different processes and content which are being measured by the activities.Com a finalidade de verificar a estrutura fatorial dos testes de Torrance, duas atividades verbais e duas figurais foram aplicadas em 193 estudantes do 10º e 12º ano do ensino secundário de Portugal. Tentou-se demonstrar que a colinearidade das variáveis fluência e flexibilidade podem criar artefatos metodológicos que dificultam o entendimento da estrutura interna subjacente ao teste. A análise fatorial dos componentes principais, sem controle da colinearidade, indicou uma solução composta por quatro fatores que separam basicamente as atividades. Controlando-se a colinearidade, encontrou-se uma nova solução, também composta por quatro fatores, que, diferentemente da anterior, organizou variáveis com processos semelhantes, mas de diferentes atividades. O tipo de conteúdo, verbal e figural, mostrou-se ainda um importante elemento na organização dos fatores. Esse novo arranjo fez mais sentido diante da teoria que embasa os instrumentos, ao separar os diferentes processos e conteúdos por eles avaliados

    Association between the use of total dental prosthesis (denture) and the type of oral health care service used by toothless elderly individuals

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    A reabilitação protética foi prevista pela política nacional de saúde bucal em função da alta prevalência de perda de todos os dentes e do baixo uso de prótese dentária entre idosos. Há necessidade de se avaliar o impacto dessa política de reabilitação. Portanto, objetivou-se investigar se o tipo de serviço odontológico utilizado foi um dos fatores associados ao uso de prótese dentária total entre idosos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal conduzido em uma amostra probabilística de idosos (60 anos ou mais) residentes na zona urbana de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte populacional por examinadores calibrados. Realizaram-se análises descritiva, bivariada e múltipla (Regressão logística - odds ratio - OR). Participaram 287 idosos, destes, 186 (64,8%) faziam uso de prótese dentária total. O uso de prótese dentária total foi associado a maiores chances de uso de serviços odontológicos supletivos ou particulares (OR = 4,19; p < 0,001) e a presença de lesão no palato (OR = 7,52; p = 0,002) e, também, a menores chances em idades maiores ou iguais a 73 anos (OR = 0,52; p = 0,023) e entre os com comprometimento na dimensão incapacidade física do OHIP-14 (OR = 0,20; p = 0,002). O uso de prótese dentária total foi associado ao tipo de serviço odontológico entre idosos, sendo maior o uso entre usuários dos serviços supletivos ou particulares24933453356Oral rehabilitation with dental prosthesis was mandated by national oral health policy in Brazil, due to the high prevalence of total teeth loss and low use of dental prosthesis among the elderly. There is a pressing need to assess the impact of this rehabilitation policy. An attempt was therefore made to investigate if the dental service used was one of the factors associated with the use of total dental prosthesis among the elderly. To achieve this, a cross-sectional study using a probabilistic sample of elderly (60 years and above) urban-area residents of a small city was conducted by qualified examiners. Descriptive, bivariate and multiple (logistic regression/odds ratio - OR) analyses were conducted on 287 elderly people, of which 186 (64.8%) used dental prosthesis. The use of total dental prosthesis was associated with a higher probability of being attended by private dental services (OR = 4.19; p < 0.001) and the presence of lesions on the palate (OR = 7.52; p = 0.002). Conversely, it was associated with lower probability in ages greater than or equal to 73 years (OR = 0.52; p = 0.023) and among those with impairment of OHIP-14 (OR = 0.20; p = 0.002) in the physical disability dimension. The use of total dental prosthesis was associated with the type of dental service used by the elderly, it being greater among private service user

    Energy Metabolism in H460 Lung Cancer Cells: Effects of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor cells are characterized by accelerated growth usually accompanied by up-regulated pathways that ultimately increase the rate of ATP production. These cells can suffer metabolic reprogramming, resulting in distinct bioenergetic phenotypes, generally enhancing glycolysis channeled to lactate production. In the present work we showed metabolic reprogramming by means of inhibitors of histone deacetylase (HDACis), sodium butyrate and trichostatin. This treatment was able to shift energy metabolism by activating mitochondrial systems such as the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation that were largely repressed in the untreated controls. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Various cellular and biochemical parameters were evaluated in lung cancer H460 cells treated with the histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACis), sodium butyrate (NaB) and trichostatin A (TSA). NaB and TSA reduced glycolytic flux, assayed by lactate release by H460 cells in a concentration dependent manner. NaB inhibited the expression of glucose transporter type 1 (GLUT 1), but substantially increased mitochondria bound hexokinase (HK) activity. NaB induced increase in HK activity was associated to isoform HK I and was accompanied by 1.5 fold increase in HK I mRNA expression and cognate protein biosynthesis. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and pyruvate kinase (PYK) activities were unchanged by HDACis suggesting that the increase in the HK activity was not coupled to glycolytic flux. High resolution respirometry of H460 cells revealed NaB-dependent increased rates of oxygen consumption coupled to ATP synthesis. Metabolomic analysis showed that NaB altered the glycolytic metabolite profile of intact H460 cells. Concomitantly we detected an activation of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). The high O(2) consumption in NaB-treated cells was shown to be unrelated to mitochondrial biogenesis since citrate synthase (CS) activity and the amount of mitochondrial DNA remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: NaB and TSA induced an increase in mitochondrial function and oxidative metabolism in H460 lung tumor cells concomitant with a less proliferative cellular phenotype
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