76 research outputs found

    Preclinical Analysis of JAA-F11, a Specific Anti-Thomsen-Friedenreich Antibody via Immunohistochemistry and In Vivo Imaging.

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    The tumor specificity of JAA-F11, a novel monoclonal antibody specific for the Thomsen-Friedenreich cancer antigen (TF-Ag-alpha linked), has been comprehensively studied by in vitro immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of human tumor and normal tissue microarrays and in vivo biodistribution and imaging by micro-positron emission tomography imaging in breast and lung tumor models in mice. The IHC analysis detailed herein is the comprehensive biological analysis of the tumor specificity of JAA-F11 antibody performed as JAA-F11 is progressing towards preclinical safety testing and clinical trials. Wide tumor reactivity of JAA-F11, relative to the matched mouse IgG3 (control), was observed in 85% of 1269 cases of breast, lung, prostate, colon, bladder, and ovarian cancer. Staining on tissues from breast cancer cases was similar regardless of hormonal or Her2 status, and this is particularly important in finding a target on the currently untargetable triple-negative breast cancer subtype. Humanization of JAA-F11 was recently carried out as explained in a companion paper "Humanization of JAA-F11, a Highly Specific Anti-Thomsen-Friedenreich Pancarcinoma Antibody and In Vitro Efficacy Analysis" (Neoplasia 19: 716-733, 2017), and it was confirmed that humanization did not affect chemical specificity. IHC studies with humanized JAA-F11 showed similar binding to human breast tumor tissues. In vivo imaging and biodistribution studies in a mouse syngeneic breast cancer model and in a mouse-human xenograft lung cancer model with humanized 124I- JAA-F11 construct confirmed in vitro tumor reactivity and specificity. In conclusion, the tumor reactivity of JAA-F11 supports the continued development of JAA-F11 as a targeted cancer therapeutic for multiple cancers, including those with unmet need

    Prospek Pembibitan Ate Sebagai Unit Ipteks Bagi Inovasi Kreativitas Kampus Di Universitas Udayana

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    Kerajinan ate merupakan salah satu etnik Bali yang sangat unik dan diminati oleh wisatawan.  Keunikan dan keindahan hasil kerajinan ini telah menjadikan kerajinan ate sebagai komoditi ekspor unggulan Provinsi Bali. Sentra produksi kerajinan Ate di Bali adalah Kabupaten Karangasem. Jumlah USAha kerajinan Ate di Kabupaten Karangasem mencapai 4.022 unit USAha dan menyerap 6.171 orang tenaga kerja dengan total investasi Rp 1 milyar dan nilai produksi sekitar Rp 9,397 milyar. Diperkirakan dalam sehari kebutuhan Ate kering untuk keperluan bahan baku USAha kerajinan tersebut rata-rata mencapai Rp 30 juta . atau mencapai 180 ton per tahun (Karangasem Dalam Angka, 2010). Namun demikian, produktivitas kerajinan tersebut kian menurun karena kesulitan memperoleh bahan baku yang memicu harga produk menjadi mahal sehingga menurunkan daya saing produk tersebut. Tujuan dari kegiatan ipteks bagi inovasi kreativitas kampus bibit ate ini adalah untuk menyediakan bibit ate dalam jumlah besar, dalam waktu singkat dan harga yang relatif murah. Perbanyakan tanaman ate dilakukan dengan penumbuhan spora. Proses produksi diawali dengan mengumpulkan spora yang terletak pada bagian bawah daun. Hal yang penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam perbanyakan tanaman dengan spora adalah memilih spora yang telah masak ditandai dengan warna coklat atau kehitam-hitaman. Spora ditumbuhkan pada media, setelah tumbuh selanjutnya disapih dan ditanam dalam polybag. Bibit yang sduah berukuran tinggi 30 cm selanjutnya siap untuk ditanam. Selain proses produksi yang diuraian di atas juga dilakukan serangkaian kegiatan lain untuk menunjang USAha IbIKK. Termasuk dalam kegiatan tersebut diantaranya: pengembangan Ipteks, promosi, pemasaran, dan evaluasi kinerja USAha. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Unit IbIKK Bibit Ate sudah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan target capaian yang teah ditetapkan di bawah PS Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana; (2) Unit IbIKK telah memiliki sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, berupa laboratorium, ruang kantor 24 m2, balai nursery 200 m2, balai seedling 34 m2, dengan investasi sebesar Rp. 58.365.000; (3) Kapasitas produksi telah mencapai target sebesar 6000 pohon; (4) Omset penjualan telah mencapai 3000 pohon; (5) Arus kas bersih pada tahun 2014 sebesar Rp. 18.324.000,-; (6) IbIKK bibit Ate memiliki prospek USAha yang bagus dengan terjalinnya pemasaran dengan Pemda Karangasem, Gianyar dan Industri Kerajinan Ate dari Lombok Barat

    Therapeutic Efficacy of the Humanized Jaa-F11 Anti-Thomsen-Friedenreich Antibody Constructs H2aL2a and H3L3 in Human Breast and Lung Cancer Xenograft Models

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    The Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (TF-Ag-α) is found on ~85% of human carcinomas but is cryptic on normal tissue. The humanized highly specific hJAA-F11-H2aL2a and -H3L3 antibodies target TF-Ag-α without binding to TF-Ag-beta (found on surface glycolipids of some normal cells). The relative affinity of H3L3 is 17 times that of H2aL2a, which would seem to favor superior efficacy, however, increased affinity can result in less tumor penetration. To assess the potential therapeutic efficacy of these antibodies, four human cancer- mouse xenograft models were treated with H2aL2a and H3L3. The tumor xenograft models used were human non-small cell lung cancer, H520, and small cell lung cancer, HTB171 in nude mice and human triple negative breast cancer, MDA-MB-231 and HCC1806 in SCID mice. H2aL2a significantly decreased tumor growth in both breast and both lung cancer models. H2aL2a showed statistically equal or better efficacy than H3L3 and has superior production capabilities. These results suggest that H2aL2a may be superior as a naked antibody, as an antibody drug conjugate or as a radiolabeled antibody, however the higher affinity of H3L3 may lead to better efficacy in bi-specific therapies in which the binding is decreased due to the presence of only one TF-Ag-α binding site

    Reproducibility of Standing Posture for X-Ray Radiography: A Feasibility Study of the BalancAid with Healthy Young Subjects

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    Unreliable spinal X-ray radiography measurement due to standing postural variability can be minimized by using positional supports. In this study, we introduce a balancing device, named BalancAid, to position the patients in a reproducible position during spinal X-ray radiography. This study aimed to investigate the performance of healthy young subjects’ standing posture on the BalancAid compared to standing on the ground mimicking the standard X-rays posture in producing a reproducible posture for the spinal X-ray radiography. A study on the posture reproducibility measurement was performed by taking photographs of 20 healthy young subjects with good balance control standing on the BalancAid and the ground repeatedly within two consecutive days. We analyzed nine posterior–anterior (PA) and three lateral (LA) angles between lines through body marks placed in the positions of T3, T7, T12, L4 of the spine to confirm any translocations and movements between the first and second day measurements. No body marks repositioning was performed to avoid any error. Lin’s CCC test on all angles comparing both standing postures demonstrated that seven out of nine angles in PA view, and two out of three angles in LA view gave better reproducibility for standing on the BalancAid compared to standing on the ground. The PA angles concordance is on average better than that of the LA angles

    Regional development planning and the role of secondary cities as migration centres in Cameroon

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN032979 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Alternatif Arang Aktif Sebagai Soil Conditioning Pada Tanaman

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    This paper deals with experimental results of utilizing activated charcoal of bamboo and candle nut as a plan 'ts soil conditioning. In this regard the plant species for the experiment was Eucalyptus urophylla with respect to the growth of its seedlings. Further, this experiment was intended to evaluate the effect of activated charcoal to as added to the media of Eucalyptus urophylla seedlings on their growth, and to asses the role of activated charcoal in improving soilfertility.The media for the seedling growth consisted of top soil mixed with activated charcoal of either bamboo or candlenut, compost, and mycorrhiza. The mixture was manipulated into various compo­ sition and further regarded as a treatment. The media consisting of only topsoil was also used as a control.The parameters as observed were number of leaves, increase in height of Eucalyptus urophylla seedlings, weight and dry weight ofplant, weight of root portion infected by mycorrhiza, and weight ratio of the top to root portion of the plant (T/R ratio). Further, the analyses of nutrients in the media consisted of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg contents before and after experiment.Result showed that the media containing activated charcoal of bamboo are more preferable than that of candlenut, this is because the former media could stimulate the increase in the height of plant seedlings by 27 percent, enhance the additional number of leaves by 29, increase the T/R ratio by 28 percent, and provide better mycorrhyzza growth than the latter media (i.e. containing activated charcoal of candlenut). Further, when the media containing top soil and activated charcoal of bamboo were added with compost, it could stimulate the growth in 4.8 times as much as height of E. urophylla plant