11 research outputs found

    Overthinking: Necessity or Luxury

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    The Fallacies of Scientific Paradigms

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    The world of physical sciences and mathematics have been dealing with universal phenomena for a long time. Over centuries, many theories and hypotheses have been formed to explain each of the observed and explainable natural events. All though the truth beyond this is still uncertain. With, upcoming experimental and observed results, the theories get changed over time for multiple turns. Also, the complexity of these theories is another significant aspect. All the theories vary from each other in structure, work of action, notion and expression. This suggests about the heterogeneity of universal events. But is it necessary for nature to act according to so many different principles in different occasions? Indeed, this disturbs the notion of simplicity. We try to discuss this perspective in the following article

    Quality Meshing for Polyhedra with Small Angles

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    We present an algorithm to compute a Delaunay mesh conforming to a polyhedron possibly with small input angles. The radius-edge ratio of most output tetrahedra are bounded by a constant, except possibly those that are provably close to small angles. Furthermore, the mesh is not unnecessarily dense in the sense that the edge lengths are at least a constant fraction of the local feature sizes at the edge endpoints. This algorithm is simple to implement as it eliminates most of the computation of local feature sizes and explicit protective zones. Our experimental results validate that few skinny tetrahedra remain and they lie close to small acute input angles.

    Sampling and meshing a surface with guaranteed topology and geometry

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    This paper presents an algorithm for sampling and triangulating a generic C-2-smooth surface Sigma subset of R-3 that is input with an implicit equation. The output triangulation is guaranteed to be homeomorphic to Sigma. We also prove that the triangulation has well-shaped triangles, large dihedral angles, and a small size. The only assumption we make is that the input surface representation is amenable to certain types of computations, namely, computations of the intersection points of a line and Sigma, computations of the critical points in a given direction, and computations of certain silhouette points

    Sampling and meshing a surface with guaranteed topology and geometry

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    Abstract This paper presents an algorithm for sampling and triangulating a smooth surface\Sigma ae R 3 where the triangulation is homeomorphic to \Sigma. The only assumption we make is that the input surface representation is amenable to certain types of computations, namelycomputations of the intersection points of a line with the surface, computations of the critical points of some height functions defined on the surface and its restriction to a plane,and computations of some silhouette points. The algorithm ensures bounded aspect ratio, size optimality, and smoothness of the output triangulation. Unlike previous algorithms,this algorithm does not need to compute the local feature size for generating the sample points which was a major bottleneck. Experiments show the usefulness of the algorithm inremeshing and meshing CAD surfaces that are piecewise smooth. 1 Introduction The need for triangulating a surface is ubiquitous in science and engineering. A set of points from the input surface needs to be generated and be connected with triangles for such a triangulation. The underlying space of the resulting triangulation should have the exact topology and approximate geometry of the input. Variety in input specifications of the surface leads to different problems in surface triangulations. When the surface is given only through a set of point samples, the problem requires to approximate the surface with guaranteed topology and geometry from these samples. This problem, called surface reconstruction, has been recently addressed [1, 2, 4, 14]. When the surface is polyhedral, i.e. made out of planar patches, the Delaunay refinement techniques [7, 9, 10, 12, 20] solve the problem elegantly

    Pharmacological applications of diacerein: A review

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    IL-1β is one of the important IL-1 superfamily cytokines that shows crucial role in the pathogenesis of various inflammatory disorders like osteoarthritis, epidermolysis bullosa, psoriasis and type II diabetes. Dugs with IL-1βinhibitory effect can show promising results in these types of inflammatory disorders. Diacerein and its active metabolite rhein prevent the generation of active IL-1 and are consequently used to treat inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis, epidermolysis bullosa, psoriasis, and Type II diabetes


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    A common molecular and cellular pathway in developing Alzheimer and cancer

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    Globally cancer and Alzheimer's disease (AD) are two major diseases and still, there is no clearly defined molecular mechanism. There is an opposite relation between cancer and AD which are the proportion of emerging cancer was importantly slower in AD patients, whereas slow emerging AD in patients with cancer. In cancer, regulation of cell mechanisms is interrupted by an increase in cell survival and proliferation, while on the contrary, AD is related to augmented neuronal death, that may be either produced by or associated with amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau deposition. Stated that the probability that disruption of mechanisms takes part in the regulation of cell survival/death and might be implicated in both diseases. The mechanism of actions such as DNA-methylation, genetic polymorphisms, or another mechanism of actions that induce alteration in the action of drugs with significant roles in resolving the finding to repair and live or die might take part in the pathogenesis of these two ailments. The functions of miRNA, p53, Pin1, the Wnt signaling pathway, PI3 KINASE/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway GRK2 signaling pathway, and the pathophysiological role of oxidative stress are presented in this review as potential candidates which hypothetically describe inverse relations between cancer and AD. Innovative materials almost mutual mechanisms in the aetiology of cancer and AD advocates novel treatment approaches. Among these treatment strategies, the most promising use treatment such as tyrosine kinase inhibitor, nilotinib, protein kinase C, and bexarotene