146 research outputs found

    Motivating Weight Loss Among Black Adults in Relationships: Recommendations for Weight Loss Interventions

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    Background Black men and women have the highest rates of obesity in the United States. Behavioral weight loss programs incorporating intimate partners may be effective in combating obesity among this population. Yet, current participation in these programs is low. Identifying motivations and triggers to weight loss may provide insight in designing programs to increase participation.AimTo determine triggers and motivations for weight loss among Black men and women in committed relationships to inform development of weight loss interventions. Method Twenty semi-structured interviews, based on an integrated theoretical framework of interdependence and communal coping and the social cognitive theory, were conducted among Black heterosexual couples where one or both individuals intentionally lost ≥5% of their body weight in the last 6 months in a metropolitan region in a southern state. Interviews were transcribed and coded. Themes were identified following multi-rater coding and direct and conventional content analysis. Recommendations were developed from emergent themes. Results Among individuals with recent weight loss, personal relevancy and awareness (health awareness and self-awareness) were identified as personal triggers for weight loss initiation. Health concerns and appearance were general motivations among the total sample. Conclusion Emphasizing the impact of weight on daily functioning and quality of life, and increasing awareness of personal weight status and health consequences, may increase weight loss initiation and participation in weight loss programs among Black men and women in committed relationships. Findings also highlight strategies to improve recruitment and retention and guide intervention development and implementation for this population

    Racial Differences in weight loss Mediated by engagement and behavior change

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    Objective: We set out to determine if a primarily Internet-delivered behavioral weight loss intervention produced differential weight loss in African American and non-Hispanic White women, and to identify possible mediators. Design: Data for this analysis were from a randomized controlled trial, collected at baseline and 4-months. Setting: The intervention included monthly face-to-face group sessions and an Internet component that participants were recommended to use at least once weekly. Participants: We included overweight or obese African American and non-Hispanic White women (n=170), with at least weekly Internet access, who were able to attend group sessions. Intervention: Monthly face-to-face group sessions were delivered in large or small groups. The Internet component included automated tailored feedback, self-monitoring tools, written lessons, video resources, problem solving, exercise action planning tools, and social support through message boards. Main outcome measure: Multiple linear regression was used to evaluate race group differences in weight change. Results: Non-Hispanic White women lost more weight than African American women (-5.03% vs.-2.39%, P=.0002). Greater website log-ins and higher change in Eating Behavior Inventory score in non-Hispanic White women partially mediated the race-weight loss relationship. Conclusions: The weight loss disparity may be addressed through improved website engagement and adoption of weight control behaviors

    Physical activity opportunities within the schedule of early care and education centers

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    Background: Physical activity has many benefits for young children's health and overall development, but few studies have investigated how early care and education centers allot time for physical activity, along with measured individual physical activity levels for indoor/outdoor activities during a typical day. Methods: Fifty early care and education centers in central North Carolina participated in 4 full-day observations, and 559 children aged 3-5 years within centers wore accelerometers assessing physical activity during observation days. Observation and physical activity data were linked and analyzed for associations between child activity and type of classroom activity. Results: Children averaged 51 (13) minutes per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity and 99 (18) minutes per day of light physical activity while in child care. Children averaged 6 (10) and 10 (13) minutes per day of observed outdoor and indoor daily teacher-led physical activity, respectively. Outdoor time averaged 67 (49) minutes per day, and physical activity levels were higher during outdoor time than during common indoor activities (center time, circle time, and TV time). Conclusions: Physical activity levels varied between indoor and outdoor class activities. Policy and program-related efforts to increase physical activity in preschoolers should consider these patterns to leverage opportunities to optimize physical activity within early care and education centers

    Comparative effectiveness of a standard behavioral and physical activity enhanced behavioral weight loss intervention in Black women

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    Black women typically lose small amounts of weight in behavioral weight loss interventions, partially due to low engagement in physical activity. Culturally relevant enhancement of the physical activity component may improve weight loss. This study compared the effectiveness of a culturally-relevant, physical activity-enhanced behavioral weight loss intervention to a standard behavioral weight loss intervention in Black women (n = 85) over 6 months. The study was conducted in two cohorts from March 2016 to February 2017 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Participants had an average age of 48.30 ± 11.02 years with an average body mass index of 36.46 ± 4.50 kg/m2. Standard and enhanced groups’ weight change (−2.83 kg and −2.08 kg, respectively) and change in physical activity (43.93 min/ week and 15.29 min/week, respectively) did not differ between groups. Significantly more standard group participants lost 5% of baseline weight compared to enhanced group participants. This study produced typical weight loss results in Black women. Behavioral weight loss treatment remains moderately effective for Black women. Strategies to increase attendance and self-monitoring, and the inclusion of cultural contexts to weight-related behaviors are needed to improve outcomes

    The CLIMPACTS synthesis report: An assessment of the effects of climate change and variation in New Zealand using the CLIMPACTS system

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    In the late 1980s, New Zealand undertook the first national assessment of climate change and its possible impacts on the country.The landmark report, reflecting the judgement of scores of national experts, called for greater efforts in building the national research capacity in order to better quantify the range of impacts that could occur in New Zealand from climate change and variability. In response, the collaborative CLIMPACTS Programme was established to provide this capacity. Ten years on from the first national assessment, the present synthesis offers some results from, as well as a demonstration of, the capacity developed by the CLIMPACTS Programme. The purpose of the present document is to provide a summary report from the CLIMPACTS Programme on climate change and its effects on New Zealand.The chapters and their contents are not comprehensive. Rather, they are focused on a specific set of questions, which conform to the particular expertise of the CLIMPACTS Programme members and which employ a limited set of the wide range of tools available within the CLIMPACTS Model. Other important areas such as forests, indigenous ecosystems and pests and diseases are not yet covered