32 research outputs found

    Strategi Percepatan Adopsi Dan Difusi Inovasi Pertanian Mendukung Prima Tani

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    Kemampuan computational thinking siswa pada materi garis dan sudut ditinjau dari self-efficacy

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    Computational thinking is a person's ability to present problems and their solutions through certain algorithms so that the algorithms can be reused by other people and computers to solve the same problems. This study aims to comprehensively examine students' computational thinking skill reviewed from different self-efficacy levels. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects in this study were 3 seventh grade students of Bumi Cendekia Junior High School in the 2022/2023 school year who were selected based on low, medium, and high self-efficacy levels. The instruments used were test, questionnaire, and interview. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative data analysis which included data reduction, data presentation, verification, and conclusion.  The results showed that students with low self-efficacy level were only able to fulfill 2 indicators of computational thinking ability, students with moderate self-efficacy level fulfilled 3 indicators of computational thinking ability. Meanwhile, students with high self-efficacy level have excellent computational thinking ability by being able to fulfill 4 indicators of computational thinking ability

    Pembuatan Komposit Carbon Nanotube-polyvinyl Alcohol (Cnt-pva) Serta Evaluasi Sifat Mekaniknya

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    Perkembangan teknologi nanomaterial mendukung teknologi komposit. Komposit yang menggunakannanomaterial menghasilkan sifat mekanik yang lebih baik daripada komposit biasa. Komposit carbon nanotubes(CNT) berpotensi memiliki kekuatan tarik yang tinggi oleh adanya struktur tabung nanonya yang baik sebagaimatrik. Komposit CNT-PVA telah dibuat dengan metode pelarutan. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) dilarutkan dalam airbertemperatur 80°C, selanjutnya material CNT ditambahkan ke dalam larutan tersebut dengan variasi fraksi massaCNT terhadap PVA sebesar 10%, 20% dan 30%. Komposit CNT-PVA terbentuk setelah dikeringkan padatemperatur 80°C. Selanjutnya sifat mekanik komposit dikarakterisasi dengan uji kekuatan tarik. Hasil ujimenunjukkan bahwa komposit CNT-PVA dengan fraksi massa 20% CNT terhadap PVA menghasilkan modulusYoung yang paling besar yaitu 137,71MPa. Ketebalan komposit 0,94 mm yang dibangun oleh tiga lapis tipiskomposit CNT-PVA menghasilkan peningkatan modulus Young hingga 107,30%

    Produksi Minuman Kesehatan Teh Uirame di Kampung Koya Tengah, Distrik Muara Tami, Jayapura

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    Koya Tengah is one of the villages in Muara Tami District, Jayapura City. KKN organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Cenderawasih University took the theme “Papua Tangguh”. Which aims to contribute to build Papuan community into a resilient community in the health sector. KKN participants provide program about the benefits of spices that are around that can be used to make herbal product “Uirame Tea” that are useful for increase body immunity. Uirame Tea is made from a mixture of various herbal plants from leaves, twigs, and wood shavings. Herbal plants with many benefits can be processed into a health food or beverage product such as Uirame Tea which needs to be developed because the composition come from spices with antioxidant content. Therefore, in the implementation of Thematic KKN Papua Tangguh, there will be socialization about the benefits and ways of making Uirame Tea to the community, with the aim of understanding the efficacy of uirame tea spice ingredients and knowing how to make Uirame Tea traditionally. This program is carried out for 21 days starting from August 16 to September 5, 2021.Keyword: Uirame tea; Koya Tengah village; Papua

    Bayesian calibration, validation and uncertainty quantification for predictive modelling of tumour growth: a tutorial

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    In this work we present a pedagogical tumour growth example, in which we apply calibration and validation techniques to an uncertain, Gompertzian model of tumour spheroid growth. The key contribution of this article is the discussion and application of these methods (that are not commonly employed in the field of cancer modelling) in the context of a simple model, whose deterministic analogue is widely known within the community. In the course of the example we calibrate the model against experimental data that is subject to measurement errors, and then validate the resulting uncertain model predictions. We then analyse the sensitivity of the model predictions to the underlying measurement model. Finally, we propose an elementary learning approach for tuning a threshold parameter in the validation procedure in order to maximize predictive accuracy of our validated model

    Attenuation Coefficients for Water Quality Trading

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    Water quality trading has been proposed as a cost-effective approach for reducing nutrient loads through credit generation from agricultural or point source reductions sold to buyers facing costly options. We present a systematic approach to determine attenuation coefficients and their uncertainty. Using a process-based model, we determine attenuation with safety margins at many watersheds for total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) loads as they transport from point of load reduction to the credit buyer. TN and TP in-stream attenuation generally increases with decreasing mean river flow; smaller rivers in the modeled region of the Ohio River Basin had TN attenuation factors per km, including safety margins, of 0.19-1.6%, medium rivers of 0.14-1.2%, large rivers of 0.13-1.1%, and very large rivers of 0.04-0.42%. Attenuation in ditches transporting nutrients from farms to receiving rivers is 0.4%/km for TN, while for TP attenuation in ditches can be up to 2%/km. A 95 percentile safety margin of 30-40% for TN and 6-10% for TP, applied to the attenuation per km factors, was determined from the in-stream sensitivity of load reductions to watershed model parameters. For perspective, over 50 km a 1% per km factor would result in 50% attenuation = 2:1 trading ratio