1,723 research outputs found

    Fermion Dipole Moments in Supersymmetric Models with Explicitly Broken R-parity

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    We present a simple analysis that allows us to extract the leading mass dependence of the dipole moment of matter fermions that might be induced by new physics. We present explicit results for the supersymmetric model with broken R-parity as an illustration. We show that the extra contributions to the electric dipole moment (edm) of fermions from R-parity violating interactions can occur only at two loop level, contrary to claims in the literature. We further find that unlike the generic lepto-quark models, the extra contributions to the dipole moments of the leptons can only be enhanced by m_b/m_l and not by m_t/m_l relative to the expectations in the Standard Model. An interesting feature about this enhancement of these dipole moments is that it does not involve unknown mixing angles. We then use experimental constraints on the electric dipole moments of electron and neutron to obtain bounds on (the imaginary part of) products of R-parity violating couplings, and show that bounds claimed in the literature are too stringent by many orders of magnitude.Comment: 16 pages latex, 7 figure

    Looking for the Mechanism of Action of Thyroid Hormone

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    The mechanisms of action of thyroid hormone (TH), characterized by multiple physiological activities, proposed over the last 80 years are a reflection of the progression of our knowledge about eukaryotic signalling processes. The cumulative knowledge gained raises the question as to what is so special about the action of this hormone. The discovery in the 1980s that TH receptors belong to the family of nuclear transcription factors that regulate the expression of hormonal target genes was an important milestone. TH receptors are highly organized within the chromatin structure, which itself is modified by several chromosomal and nonchromosomal factors, in the presence and absence of the hormone. Recently, some investigators have suggested that TH acts via both genomic and nongenomic mechanisms and introduced the concept of networking within cellular complexes. While one cannot as yet precisely describe the mechanism of thyroid hormone action, I will attempt here to point out the present thinking and future directions to achieve this goal in the light of the historical background

    Third generation sfermions decays into Z and W gauge bosons: full one-loop analysis

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    The complete one-loop radiative corrections to third generation scalar fermions into gauge bosons Z and W^\pm is considered. We focus on \wt{f}_2 \to Z \wt{f}_1 and \wt{f}_i \to W^\pm \wt{f'}_j (f,f'=t,b). We include both SUSY-QCD, QED and full electroweak corrections. It is found that the electroweak corrections can be of the same order as the SUSY-QCD corrections. The two sets of corrections interfere destructively in some region of parameter space. The full one loop correction can reach 10% in some SUGRA scenario, while in model independent analysis like general MSSM, the one loop correction can reach 20% for large \tan\beta and large trilinear soft breaking terms A_b.Comment: Latex file, 18 pages, 8 figures, version to appear in PR

    Real Coded Binary Artificial Bee Colony (RC-BABC) Based Feature Selection and Relieff Based Feature Extraction Techniques for Heart Disease Prediction

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    Diagnosing heart disease is really a challenging task for which several intelligent diagnostic systems were developed for enhancing the performance of diagnosing heart disease. However, in these systems, low accuracy of predicting heart disease is still a challenging task. To provide better accuracy in predicting heart risks, a novel feature selection approach is proposed which employs Real Coded Binary Artificial Bee Colony (RC-BABC) optimization algorithm with adaptive size for feature elimination. This method has the advantages of reducing algorithmic computational time, improving prediction accuracy, enhanced data quality, and saves resources in successive data collection phases. Once the features are selected, the important feature extraction phase uses ReliefF based feature extraction method to extract the features from the heart disease data set. The scores of features are computed by estimating a comparison of feature values and class values neighbor samples. The proposed Real Coded Binary Artificial Bee Colony (RC-BABC) optimization algorithm is compared with three well known methods namely an artificial neural network (ANN), K-means clustering approach and Classification and Regression Algorithm (C&RT) with measures like accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score. The proposed method achieved 96.77% of accuracy,98.8% of recall, 97.8% of precision and 98.34% of F1-score

    Electrophoretic Properties of Highly Charged Colloids: A Hybrid MD/LB Simulation Study

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    Using computer simulations, the electrophoretic motion of a positively charged colloid (macroion) in an electrolyte solution is studied in the framework of the primitive model. Hydrodynamic interactions are fully taken into account by applying a hybrid simulation scheme, where the charged ions (i.e. macroion and electrolyte), propagated via molecular dynamics (MD), are coupled to a Lattice Boltzmann (LB) fluid. In a recent experiment it was shown that, for multivalent salt ions, the mobility μ\mu initially increases with charge density σ\sigma, reaches a maximum and then decreases with further increase of σ\sigma. The aim of the present work is to elucidate the behaviour of μ\mu at high values of σ\sigma. Even for the case of monovalent microions, we find a decrease of μ\mu with σ\sigma. A dynamic Stern layer is defined that includes all the counterions that move with the macroion while subject to an external electrical field. The number of counterions in the Stern layer, q0q_0, is a crucial parameter for the behavior of μ\mu at high values of σ\sigma. In this case, the mobility μ\mu depends primarily on the ratio q0/Qq_0/Q (with QQ the valency of the macroion). The previous contention that the increase in the distortion of the electric double layer (EDL) with increasing σ\sigma leads to the lowering of μ\mu does not hold for high σ\sigma. In fact, we show that the deformation of the EDL decreases with increase of σ\sigma. The role of hydrodynamic interactions is inferred from direct comparisons to Langevin simulations where the coupling to the LB fluid is switched off. Moreover, systems with divalent counterions are considered. In this case, at high values of σ\sigma the phenomenon of charge inversion is found.Comment: accepted in J. Chem Phys., 10 pages, 9 figure

    Addressing \mu-b_\mu and proton lifetime problems and active neutrino masses in a U(1)^\prime-extended supergravity model

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    We present a locally supersymmetric extension of the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) based on the gauge group SU(3)C×SU(2)L×U(1)Y×U(1)SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y\times U(1)^\prime where, except for the supersymmetry breaking scale which is fixed to be 1011\sim 10^{11} GeV, we require that all non-Standard-Model parameters allowed by the {\it local} spacetime and gauge symmetries assume their natural values. The U(1)U(1)^\prime symmetry, which is spontaneously broken at the intermediate scale, serves to ({\it i}) explain the weak scale magnitudes of μ\mu and bμb_\mu terms, ({\it ii}) ensure that dimension-3 and dimension-4 baryon-number-violating superpotential operators are forbidden, solving the proton-lifetime problem, ({\it iii}) predict {\it bilinear lepton number violation} in the superpotential at just the right level to accommodate the observed mass and mixing pattern of active neutrinos (leading to a novel connection between the SUSY breaking scale and neutrino masses), while corresponding trilinear operators are strongly supppressed. The phenomenology is like that of the MSSM with bilinear R-parity violation, were the would-be lightest supersymmetric particle decays leptonically with a lifetime of 1012108\sim 10^{-12}-10^{-8} s. Theoretical consistency of our model requires the existence of multi-TeV, stable, colour-triplet, weak-isosinglet scalars or fermions, with either conventional or exotic electric charge which should be readily detectable if they are within the kinematic reach of a hadron collider. Null results of searches for heavy exotic isotopes implies that the re-heating temperature of our Universe must have been below their mass scale which, in turn, suggests that sphalerons play a key role for baryogensis. Finally, the dark matter cannot be the weakly interacting neutralino.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, Discussion on proton decay and radiative neutrino masses augmented, and references adde