3 research outputs found
Особенности ДНК-идентификации потожировых следов на кожных покровах трупов
The paper presents the results of a pilot molecular genetic study of sweat and oil residue left by the fingertips and hand palms of male volunteers (donors) on various regions of the skin surface of dead bodies (recipients) of both sexes. In cases of contact with female recipients donor-specific allele combinations were obtained for only 11.6% of autosomal loci and 12.9% of Y-chromosomal loci. Donor-specific traits were absent in 68.4% of autosomal loci and 87.1% of Y-chromosomal loci. In cases of contact with male recipients the full genetic profile was obtained for 18.6% of autosomal loci, and 64.2% of loci showed a lack of donor-specific alleles. Meanwhile, allelic combinations specific to female recipients were encountered in 40.5% of autosomal loci, and to male recipients – in 34.2% of autosomal loci. Results demonstrate poor adhesion of sweat and oil compounds from donors’ hands to the corpses’ skin, probably due to significant temperature differences between contact surfaces. Представлены результаты экспериментального молекулярно-генетического исследования следов потожирового вещества, оставленного подушечками пальцев рук и ладонями добровольцев (доноров) мужского пола на кожных покровах различных частей тел трупов (реципиентов) обоего пола. Аллельные комбинации, свойственные донорам, при контакте с реципиентами женского пола получены только для 11,6 % аутосомных локусов и 12,9 % локусов Y-хромосомы. В 68,4 % аутосомных и 87,1 % локусов Y-хромосомы отсутствовали генетические признаки, присущие донорам. В случае контакта доноров с реципиентами мужского пола полный генетический профиль получен для 18,6 % аутосомных локусов, а в 64,2 % отсутствовали свойственные донорам аллели. При этом аллельные комбинации, свойственные реципиентам женского пола, встречались в 40,5 %, а реципиентам мужского пола – в 34,2 % аутосомных локусов. Полученные результаты могут свидетельствовать о слабой адгезии потожирового вещества доноров на кожных покровах трупов, вероятно, из-за высокой разницы температур контактирующих поверхностей
DNA Identification from Sebaceous Sweat Fingerprint Deposits on Corpse Integuments
The paper presents the results of a pilot molecular genetic study of sweat and oil residue left by the fingertips and hand palms of male volunteers (donors) on various regions of the skin surface of dead bodies (recipients) of both sexes. In cases of contact with female recipients donor-specific allele combinations were obtained for only 11.6% of autosomal loci and 12.9% of Y-chromosomal loci. Donor-specific traits were absent in 68.4% of autosomal loci and 87.1% of Y-chromosomal loci. In cases of contact with male recipients the full genetic profile was obtained for 18.6% of autosomal loci, and 64.2% of loci showed a lack of donor-specific alleles. Meanwhile, allelic combinations specific to female recipients were encountered in 40.5% of autosomal loci, and to male recipients – in 34.2% of autosomal loci. Results demonstrate poor adhesion of sweat and oil compounds from donors’ hands to the corpses’ skin, probably due to significant temperature differences between contact surfaces