16 research outputs found

    The insecure airway: a comparison of knots and commercial devices for securing endotracheal tubes

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    BACKGROUND: Endotracheal Tubes (ETTs) are commonly secured using adhesive tape, cloth tape, or commercial devices. The objectives of the study were (1) To compare degrees of movement of ETTs secured with 6 different commercial devices and (2) To compare movement of ETTs secured with cloth tape tied with 3 different knots (hitches). METHODS: A 17 cm diameter PVC tube with 14 mm "mouth" hole in the side served as a mannequin. ETTs were subjected to repeated jerks, using a cable and pulley system. Measurements: (1) Total movement of ETTs relative to "mouth" (measure used for devices) (2) Slippage of ETT through securing knot (measure used for knots). RESULTS: Among commercial devices, the Dale(® )showed less movement than other devices, although some differences between devices did not reach significance. Among knots, Magnus and Clove Hitches produced less slippage than the Cow Hitch, but these differences did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Among devices tested, the Dale(® )was most secure. Within the scope offered by the small sample sizes, there were no statistically significant differences between the knots in this study

    Monitoring and humidification during Tracheal Gas Insufflation

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    In order to use tracheal gas insufflation (TGI) in a safe and effective manner, it is important to understand potential interactions between TGI and the mechanical ventilator that may impact upon gas delivery and carbon dioxide (CO2) elimination. Furthermore, potentially serious complications secondary to insufflation of cool, dry gas directly into the airway and the possibility of tube occlusion must be considered during use of this adjunct modality to mechanical ventilation. Regardless of the delivery modality (continuous TGI, expiratory TGI, reverse TGI, or bidirectional TGI), conventional respiratory monitoring is required. However, TGI with mechanical ventilation can alter tidal volume and peak inspirator) pressure and can lead to the development of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure. Therefore, depending on the gas delivery technique used, it is important to carefully monitor these ventilatory parameters for TGI-induced changes and understand the potential need for adjustments to ventilator settings to facilitate therapy and avoid problems. Optimally, gas insufflated by the TGI catheter should be conditioned by addition of heat and humidity to prevent mucus plug formation and potential damage to the tracheal mucosa. Finally, patients must be closely monitored for increases in peak inspiratory pressure from obstruction of the tracheal tube and should have the TGI catheter removed and inspected every 8-12 hours to assess for plugs

    Effect of tracheal gas insufflation during weaning from prolonged mechanical ventilation: A preliminary study

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    • BACKGROUND: Tracheal gas insufflation reduces inspired tidal volume and minute ventilation in spontaneously breathing patients and may facilitate weaning from mechanical ventilation. • OBJECTIVE: To determine if tracheal gas insufflation can reduce ventilatory demand during weaning trials in patients who require prolonged mechanical ventilation. • METHODS: A reduction in ventilatory demand was defined as a relative decrease in tidal volume, minute ventilation, and mean inspiratory flow during trials with tracheal gas insufflation compared with the values during trials without this therapy. A total of 14 subjects underwent T-piece trials with and without insufflation (flow rate 6 L/min) on 2 consecutive days; the order of insufflation was randomized. Tidal volume, minute ventilation, and mean inspiratory flow were measured at baseline (without insufflation) and 2 hours later. • RESULTS: Differences in ventilatory demand were not significant when comparisons were made for condition (tracheal gas insufflation vs no flow) or time (baseline vs 2 hours) for the total group (P=.48). Subjects were classified post hoc as responders (n=9) or nonresponders (n=5). Comparisons between responders and nonresponders indicated a significant (P=.02) 3-way multivariate interaction for group (responder vs nonresponder), condition (tracheal gas insufflation vs no flow), and time (baseline vs 2 hours) for ventilatory demand variables. • CONCLUSION: Tracheal gas insufflation can reduce ventilatory demand during weaning trials in some patients who require mechanical ventilation

    Continuous and expiratory tracheal gas insufflation produce equal levels of total PEEP

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    BACKGROUND: Tracheal gas insufflation (TGI) used in conjunction with mechanical ventilation can increase total positive end-expiratory pressure (total PEEP). We tested the theory that TGI delivered throughout the entire respiratory cycle (c-TGI) increases total PEEP more than expiratory phase TGI (e-TGI). We also studied whether a pressure relief valve in the ventilator circuit could prevent increase in total PEEP during TGI. METHODS: Using an artificial lung model and pressure control ventilation, we studied the effect of c-TGI and e-TGI, with and without a pressure relief valve, and with and without maintenance of a constant minute ventilation (V̇(E)), at 3 different inspiratory-expiratory ratios. RESULTS: Under constant V̇(E) conditions, the increase in total PEEP was equivalent with c-TGI and e-TGI. Without adjustments to maintain V̇(E) constant, V̇(E) increased during c-TGI and decreased during e-TGI. Under all conditions increasing the inspiratory- expiratory ratio increased total PEEP. CONCLUSION: When V̇(E) is maintained constant, c-TGI and e-TGI produce equivalent levels of total PEEP. Failure to adjust the ventilator settings during TGI creates changes in ventilatory parameters that are unique to each delivery system

    Effects of continuous, expiratory, reverse, and bi-directional tracheal gas insufflation in conjunction with a flow relief valve on delivered tidal volume, total positive end-expiratory pressure, and carbon dioxide elimination: A bench study

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    INTRODUCTION: Tracheal gas insufflation (TGI) can increase total positive end-expiratory pressure (total-PEEP) when flow is delivered in a forward direction, necessitating adjustments to maintain total-PEEP constant. When TGI is delivered throughout the respiratory cycle, additional adjustments are needed to maintain tidal volume (VT) constant. OBJECTIVE: Determine if bidirectional TGI (bi-TGI) (simultaneous flows toward the lungs and upper airway) in combination with a flow relief valve eliminates the increase in total-PEEP and maintains a constant VT, thus simplifying TGI administration. METHODS: Using an artificial lung model and pressure control ventilation, we studied the effect of TGI at 10 L/min on inspired VT, total-PEEP, and CO2 elimination during 6 conditions: (1) control (no TGI, no catheter in the airway), (2) baseline (catheter in the airway but no TGI), (3) continuous TGI, (4) expiratory TGI, (5) reverse TGI, and (6) bi-TGI. Each condition was studied under 3 inspiration-expiration ratios (1:1, 1:2, and 2:1). A preset flow relief valve was inserted into the ventilator circuit during all TGI conditions with continuous flow. SETTING: University research laboratory. RESULTS: CO2 elimination efficiency was similar under all conditions. Total-PEEP increased with continuous TGI and expiratory TGI, decreased during reverse TGI, and was unchanged during bi-TGI. With the flow relief valve in place, and no adjustment in mechanical ventilation, the change in minute ventilation ranged from 0% to 10%, with the least change during bi-TGI (0-5%). During bi-TGI, gas flow was equivalent in both directions during dynamic conditions and the flow relief valve consistently removed gas at 10 L/min under various pressures. CONCLUSIONS: Our data from an artificial lung model support that continuous bi-TGI minimizes the change in total-PEEP seen during other TGI modalities. The flow relief valve compensated for the extra gas volume delivered by the TGI catheter, thereby eliminating the need to make ventilator adjustments. Used in combination with a flow relief valve, bi-TGI appears to offer unique advantages by providing a simpler method to deliver TGI. Further testing is indicated to determine if similar benefits occur in the clinical setting

    Tracheal gas insufflation during pressure-control ventilation: Effect of using a pressure relief valve

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    Objectives: Pressure-control ventilation minimizes alveolar overdistention by limiting peak airway pressure, but a consequence of this pressure limitation may be a reduction in tidal volume with subsequent hypercarbia. Tracheal gas insufflation (TGI) can be used in combination with pressure-control ventilation to augment CO2 elimination. During pressure- control ventilation with continuous TGI, we observed that peak airway pressure increased above the set inspiratory pressure. Based on this observation, we investigated the ability of the pressure-control ventilator circuit to compensate for continuous TGI and the effect of insertion of a pressure relief valve to eliminate over-pressurization. Setting: University research laboratory. Design: Using an artificial lung model, we studied the effects of continuous TGI with varying catheter flows (0, 2, 6, and 10 L/min); ventilator frequencies (10 and 20 breaths/min); inspiratory duty cycles (0.33, 0.50, and 0.67); lung compliance (0.01, 0.02, and 0.04 L/cm H2O); and airway resistance (5, 20, and 50 cm H2O/L/sec) on: a) peak airway pressure; b) total inspiratory tidal volume; c) ventilator-derived tidal volume; and d) intrapulmonary pressure at end-exhalation (auto-PEEP). Tests were performed with and without a pressure relief valve whose threshold 'pop- off' pressure was adjusted to match the set inspiratory pressure (35 cm H2O) for a total of 432 experimental conditions. Measurements and Main Results: Our data demonstrate that pressure-control ventilation augmented with continuous TGI can increase peak airway pressure above set inspiratory pressure due to delivery of a higher than intended tidal volume. Predisposing conditions include catheter flow rates of 6 and 10 L/min, long inspiratory time, low compliance, and low resistance. With the pressure relief valve, peak airway pressure was maintained at the set inspiratory pressure and total inspiratory tidal volume remained constant. Conclusion: A pressure relief valve is a necessary adjunct to maintain peak airway pressure at set inspiratory pressure and keep total inspiratory tidal volume constant when continuous TGI is administered in conjunction with pressure-control ventilation

    Auto-positive end-expiratory pressure during tracheal gas insufflation: Testing a hypothetical model

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    Objective: The major benefit of tracheal gas insufflation (TGI) is an increase in CO2 elimination efficiency by removal of CO2 from the anatomical deadspace. In conjunction with mechanical ventilation, TGI may also alter variables that affect CO2 elimination, such as minute ventilation and peak airway pressure (peak Paw) and cause the development of auto-positive end-expiratory pressure (auto-PEEP). We tested the hypothesis that TGI-induced auto-PEEP alters ventilatory variables. We predicted that TGI-induced auto-PEEP offsets the beneficial effects of TGI on CO2 elimination and that keeping total PEEP (ventilator PEEP + auto-PEEP) constant enhances the CO2 elimination efficiency afforded by TGI. Design: Prospective study of two series of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome receiving mechanical ventilation. Setting: Intensive care units at a university medical center. Patients: Each series consisted of eight sequential hypercapnic patients. Interventions: In series 1, we examined the effect of continuous TGI at 0 and 10 L/min on Paco2, without compensating for the development of auto-PEEP. In series 2, we examined this same effect of continuous TGI while reducing ventilator PEEP to keep total PEEP constant. TGI-induced auto-PEEP was calculated based on dynamic compliance measurements during zero TGI flow conditions (ΔV/ΔP) after averaging the two baseline values for peak Paw and tidal volume and assuming compliance did not change between the zero TGI and TGI flow conditions (ΔV(TGI)/ΔP(TGI)). Measurements and Main Results: In series 1, total PEEP increased from 13.2 ± 3.2 cm H2O to 17.8 ± 3.5 cm H2O without compensation for auto-PEEP (p = .01). Paco2 decreased (p = .03) from 56.2 ± 10.6 mm Hg (zero TGI) to 52.9 ± 9.3 mm Hg (TGI at 10 L/min), a 6% decrement. In series 2, total PEEP was unchanged (p = NS). Paco2 decreased (p = .03) from 59.5 ± 10.4 mm Hg (zero TGI) to 52.2 ± 8.3 mm Hg (TGI at 10 L/min), a 12% decrement. There was no significant change in Pao2; there were no untoward hemodynamic effects in either series. Conclusions: These data are consistent with the hypothesis that mechanical ventilation + TGI causes an increase in auto-PEEP that can blunt CO2 elimination. In addition to the ventilator modifications necessary to keep ventilatory variables constant when TGI is used, it is also necessary to reduce ventilator PEEP to keep total PEEP constant and further enhance CO2 elimination efficiency

    Tracheal gas insufflation improves ventilatory efficiency during methacholine-induced bronchospasm

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    Introduction: Barotrauma and cardiovascular insufficiency are frequently encountered problems in patients with acute bronchospastic disease who require mechanical ventilation. Permissive hypercapnia is a recognized strategy for minimizing these adverse effects; however, it has potential risks. Tracheal gas insufflation (TGI) has been shown to increase carbon dioxide elimination efficiency and thus could permit mechanical ventilation at lower peak airway pressures without inducing hypercapnia. However, caution exists as to the impact of TGI on lung volumes, given that expiratory flow limitation is a hallmark of bronchospastic disease. Purpose: To examine these issues, we studied ventilatory and hemodynamic effects of continuous TGI as an adjunct to mechanical ventilation before and after methacholine-induced bronchospasm. Materials and Methods: Ten anesthetized, paralyzed dogs were ventilated on volume-controlled mechanical ventilation during administration of continuous TGI (0, 2, 6, and 10 L/min) while total inspired minute ventilation (ventilator-derived minute ventilation plus TGI) was kept constant. In an additional step, with TGI flow of 10 L/min, total inspired minute ventilation was decreased by 30%. Results: Paco2 decreased (44 ± 7 mm Hg at zero flow to 34 ± 7 mm Hg at 6 L/min and 31 ± 6 mm Hg at 10 L/min, respectively, P < .05), as did the dead space to tidal volume ratio at TGI of 6 and 10 L/min compared with zero flow. There were no significant changes in end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure, mean arterial pressure, or cardiac output. During the highest TGI flow (10 L/min), with a 30% reduction of total inspired minute ventilation, both Paco2 and peak airway pressure remained less than during zero flow conditions. Conclusion: We conclude that TGI increases carbon dioxide elimination efficiency during constant and decreased minute ventilation conditions without any evidence of hyperinflation or hemodynamic instability during methacholine-induced bronchospasm