390 research outputs found

    Integroitu liiketoimintasuunnittelu

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    TiivistelmÀ. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia integroitua liiketoimintasuunnittelua. KÀsitteelle pyritÀÀn löytÀmÀÀn kuvausta sekÀ tieteellisistÀ ettÀ yritysjulkaisuista. LisÀksi pyritÀÀn selvittÀmÀÀn, eroaako integroitu liiketoimintasuunnittelu perinteisestÀ S&OP:sta (Sales & Operations Planning) ja jos eroaa niin miten. TyössÀ kÀytetÀÀn tutkimusmenetelmÀnÀ kirjallisuuskatsausta. Työn alussa kÀydÀÀn lÀpi integroituun liiketoimintasuunnitteluun liittyviÀ kÀsitteitÀ. NÀitÀ ovat S&OP, IoT (Internet of Things) ja CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment). TÀmÀn jÀlkeen kÀsitellÀÀn integroitua liiketoimintasuunnittelua, ensin tieteellisten julkaisujen pohjalta, ja sitten yritysjulkaisujen pohjalta. Lopuksi vielÀ kÀsitellÀÀn integroituun liiketoimintasuunnitteluun osoitettua kritiikkiÀ. Tuloksena työssÀ selviÀÀ, ettÀ tieteelliset- ja kÀytÀnnön toimijoiden julkaisut integroidusta liiketoimintasuunnittelusta eroavat toisistaan paljon. Myös yksittÀisten julkaisujen vÀlillÀ esiintyy eroavaisuuksia. integroidulle liiketoimintasuunnittelulle ei löydy selkeÀÀ yksiselitteistÀ mÀÀritelmÀÀ. Eroja S&OP:iin löytyy, mutta kÀsite vaati enemmÀn tutkimusta. Toisaalta integroitu liiketoimintasuunnittelu voi tulevaisuudessa olla potentiaalinen korvaaja S&OP:lle, sillÀ se voi ottaa paremmin huomioon teknologian, sidosryhmÀt ja strategisen pÀÀtöksenteon.Integrated business planning. Abstract. The purpose of the thesis is to study Integrated Business Planning. The aim is to find a description for the concept by using both scientific and commercial sources. In addition, the aim is to find out if Integrated Business Planning differs from the traditional S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning) and if so, how. The thesis is done by using literature review as a research method. In the first part of the thesis, concepts related to Integrated Business Planning will be introduced. These include S&OP, IoT (Internet of Things) and CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment). After that, Integrated Business Planning is discussed, first from the perspective of scientific sources, and then from the perspective of commercial sources. Finally, criticism addressed to Integrated Business Planning will be discussed. As a result, for the thesis, it becomes clear that the scientific and commercial sources of Integrated Business Planning differ a lot. There are also differences within the source categories. It seems that there is no clear, unequivocal definition for Integrated Business Planning. There are differences to the traditional S&OP, but the concept still requires more research. On the other hand, Integrated Business Planning could be a potential replacement for S&OP in the future, as it better takes technology, different stakeholders, and strategic decision-making into account

    Vaatimushallinnan soveltamismahdollisuudet ydinturvallisuuden parantamisessa Suomessa

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    Nanoscale phase-engineering of thermal transport with a Josephson heat modulator

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    Macroscopic quantum phase coherence has one of its pivotal expressions in the Josephson effect [1], which manifests itself both in charge [2] and energy transport [3-5]. The ability to master the amount of heat transferred through two tunnel-coupled superconductors by tuning their phase difference is the core of coherent caloritronics [4-6], and is expected to be a key tool in a number of nanoscience fields, including solid state cooling [7], thermal isolation [8, 9], radiation detection [7], quantum information [10, 11] and thermal logic [12]. Here we show the realization of the first balanced Josephson heat modulator [13] designed to offer full control at the nanoscale over the phase-coherent component of thermal currents. Our device provides magnetic-flux-dependent temperature modulations up to 40 mK in amplitude with a maximum of the flux-to-temperature transfer coefficient reaching 200 mK per flux quantum at a bath temperature of 25 mK. Foremost, it demonstrates the exact correspondence in the phase-engineering of charge and heat currents, breaking ground for advanced caloritronic nanodevices such as thermal splitters [14], heat pumps [15] and time-dependent electronic engines [16-19].Comment: 6+ pages, 4 color figure

    Value of flow cytometry for MRD-based relapse prediction in B-cell precursor ALL in a multicenter setting

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    PCR of TCR/Ig gene rearrangements is considered the method of choice for minimal residual disease (MRD) quantification in BCP-ALL, but flow cytometry analysis of leukemia-associated immunophenotypes (FCM-MRD) is faster and biologically more informative. FCM-MRD performed in 18 laboratories across seven countries was used for risk stratification of 1487 patients with BCP-ALL enrolled in the NOPHO ALL2008 protocol. When no informative FCM-marker was available, risk stratification was based on real-time quantitative PCR. An informative FCM-marker was found in 96.2% and only two patients (0.14%) had non-informative FCM and non-informative PCR-markers. The overall 5-year event-free survival was 86.1% with a cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR5y) of 9.5%. FCM-MRD levels on days 15 (HzR 4.0, p 10(-4) associated with a CIR5y = 22.1%. In conclusion, FCM-MRD performed in a multicenter setting is a clinically useful method for MRD-based treatment stratification in BCP-ALL.Peer reviewe

    A nonsynonymous SNP within PCDH15 is associated with lipid traits in familial combined hyperlipidemia

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    Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) is a common lipid disorder characterized by the presence of multiple lipoprotein phenotypes that increase the risk of premature coronary heart disease. In a previous study, we identified an intragenic microsatellite marker within the protocadherin 15 (PCDH15) gene to be associated with high triglycerides (TGs) in Finnish dyslipidemic families. In this study we analyzed all four known nonsynonymous SNPs within PCDH15 in 1,268 individuals from Finnish and Dutch multigenerational families with FCHL. Association analyses of quantitative traits for SNPs were performed using the QTDT test. The nonsynonymous SNP rs10825269 resulted in a P = 0.0006 for the quantitative TG trait. Additional evidence for association was observed with the same SNP for apolipoprotein B levels (apo-B) (P = 0.0001) and total cholesterol (TC) levels (P = 0.001). None of the other three SNPs tested showed a significant association with any lipid-related trait. We investigated the expression of PCDH15 in different human tissues and observed that PCDH15 is expressed in several tissues including liver and pancreas. In addition, we measured the plasma lipid levels in mice with loss-of-function mutations in Pcdh15 (Pcdh15av-Tg and Pcdh15av-3J) to investigate possible abnormalities in their lipid profile. We observed a significant difference in plasma TG and TC concentrations for the Pcdh15av-3J carriers when compared with the wild type (P = 0.013 and P = 0.044, respectively). Our study suggests that PCDH15 is associated with lipid abnormalities

    Research priorities for freshwater mussel conservation assessment

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    Freshwater mussels are declining globally, and effective conservation requires prioritizing research and actions to identify and mitigate threats impacting mussel species. Conservation priorities vary widely, ranging from preventing imminent extinction to maintaining abundant populations. Here, we develop a portfolio of priority research topics for freshwater mussel conservation assessment. To address these topics, we group research priorities into two categories: intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are indicators of organismal or population status, while extrinsic factors encompass environmental variables and threats. An understanding of intrinsic factors is useful in monitoring, and of extrinsic factors are important to understand ongoing and potential impacts on conservation status. This dual approach can guide conservation status assessments prior to the establishment of priority species and implementation of conservation management actions.NF-R was supported by a post-doctoral fellowship (Xunta de Galicia Plan I2C 2017-2020, 09.40.561B.444.0) from the government of the autonomous community of Galicia. BY was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (no. 0409-2016-0022). DLS was supported by the G. E. Hutchinson Chair at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies. AO was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (no. 17-44-290016). SV was funded by European Investment Funds by FEDER/COMPETE/POCI- Operacional Competitiveness and Internacionalization Programme, under Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958 and National Funds by FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UID/AGR/04033/2013. NF-R is very grateful to the University of Oklahoma Biological Survey for providing space to work in the U.S. and especially to Vaughn Lab members. Authors are very grateful to Akimasa Hattori, Allan K. Smith, Andrew Roberts, Daniel Graf, David Stagliano, David T. Zanatta, Dirk Van Damme, Ekaterina Konopleva, Emilie Blevins, Ethan Nedeau, Frankie Thielen, Gregory Cope, Heinrich Vicentini, Hugh Jones, Htilya Sereflisan, Ilya Vikhrev, John Pfeiffer, Karen Mock, Mary Seddon, Katharina Stockl, Katarzyna Zajac, Kengo Ito, Marie Capoulade, Marko Kangas, Michael Lange, Mike Davis, Pirkko-Liisa Luhta, Sarina Jepsen, Somsak Panha, Stephen McMurray, G. Thomas Watters, Wendell R. Haag, and Yoko Inui for their valuable contribution in the initial selection and description of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. We also wish to thank Dr. Amanda Bates, Chase Smith, and two anonymous reviewers for comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government

    Common Missense Variant in the Glucokinase Regulatory Protein Gene Is Associated With Increased Plasma Triglyceride and C-Reactive Protein but Lower Fasting Glucose Concentrations

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    OBJECTIVE—Using the genome-wide association approach, we recently identified the glucokinase regulatory protein gene (GCKR, rs780094) region as a novel quantitative trait locus for plasma triglyceride concentration in Europeans. Here, we sought to study the association of GCKR variants with metabolic phenotypes, including measures of glucose homeostasis, to evaluate the GCKR locus in samples of non-European ancestry and to fine- map across the associated genomic interval

    Polygenic Hyperlipidemias and Coronary Artery Disease Risk

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    Background:Hyperlipidemia is a highly heritable risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). While monogenic familial hypercholesterolemia associates with severely increased CAD risk, it remains less clear to what extent a high polygenic load of a large number of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol (LDL-C) or triglyceride (TG)-increasing variants associates with increased CAD risk.Methods:We derived polygenic risk scores (PRSs) with approximate to 6M variants separately for LDL-C and TG with weights from a UK Biobank-based genome-wide association study with approximate to 324K samples. We evaluated the impact of polygenic hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia to lipid levels in 27 039 individuals from the National FINRISK Study (FINRISK) cohort and to CAD risk in 135 638 individuals (13 753 CAD cases) from the FinnGen project (FinnGen).Results:In FINRISK, median LDL-C was 3.39 (95% CI, 3.38-3.40) mmol/L, and it ranged from 2.87 (95% CI, 2.82-2.94) to 3.78 (95% CI, 3.71-3.83) mmol/L between the lowest and highest 5% of the LDL-C PRS distribution. Median TG was 1.19 (95% CI, 1.18-1.20) mmol/L, ranging from 0.97 (95% CI, 0.94-1.00) to 1.55 (95% CI, 1.48-1.61) mmol/L with the TG PRS. In FinnGen, comparing the highest 5% of the PRS to the lowest 95%, CAD odds ratio was 1.36 (95% CI, 1.24-1.49) for the LDL-C PRS and 1.31 (95% CI, 1.19-1.43) for the TG PRS. These estimates were only slightly attenuated when adjusting for a CAD PRS (odds ratio, 1.26 [95% CI, 1.16-1.38] for LDL-C and 1.24 [95% CI, 1.13-1.36] for TG PRS).Conclusions:The CAD risk associated with a high polygenic load for lipid-increasing variants was proportional to their impact on lipid levels and partially overlapping with a CAD PRS. In contrast with a PRS for CAD, the lipid PRSs point to known and directly modifiable risk factors providing additional guidance for clinical translation.</div

    Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Cures Adenosine Deaminase 2 Deficiency: Report on 30 Patients.

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    Deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2) is an inherited inborn error of immunity, characterized by autoinflammation (recurrent fever), vasculopathy (livedo racemosa, polyarteritis nodosa, lacunar ischemic strokes, and intracranial hemorrhages), immunodeficiency, lymphoproliferation, immune cytopenias, and bone marrow failure (BMF). Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) blockade is the treatment of choice for the vasculopathy, but often fails to reverse refractory cytopenia. We aimed to study the outcome of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in patients with DADA2. We conducted a retrospective study on the outcome of HCT in patients with DADA2. The primary outcome was overall survival (OS). Thirty DADA2 patients from 12 countries received a total of 38 HCTs. The indications for HCT were BMF, immune cytopenia, malignancy, or immunodeficiency. Median age at HCT was 9 years (range: 2-28 years). The conditioning regimens for the final transplants were myeloablative (n = 20), reduced intensity (n = 8), or non-myeloablative (n = 2). Donors were HLA-matched related (n = 4), HLA-matched unrelated (n = 16), HLA-haploidentical (n = 2), or HLA-mismatched unrelated (n = 8). After a median follow-up of 2 years (range: 0.5-16 years), 2-year OS was 97%, and 2-year GvHD-free relapse-free survival was 73%. The hematological and immunological phenotypes resolved, and there were no new vascular events. Plasma ADA2 enzyme activity normalized in 16/17 patients tested. Six patients required more than one HCT. HCT was an effective treatment for DADA2, successfully reversing the refractory cytopenia, as well as the vasculopathy and immunodeficiency. HCT is a definitive cure for DADA2 with &gt; 95% survival
