44 research outputs found

    Percepción estética del margen gingival del canino y la sonrisa entre cirujanos dentistas, estudiantes de estomatología y personas comunes. Trujillo - 2016

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    El presente estudio tuvo como propósito comparar la percepción estética del margen gingival del canino y la sonrisa entre cirujanos dentistas, estudiantes de Estomatología de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego en el año 2016 y personas comunes. El estudio, prospectivo, transversal, comparativo y observacional incluyó un total de 120 sujetos entre ellos 40 de cada grupo, 55 fueron mujeres y 65 hombres escogidos al azar. Para la evaluación de la percepción estética del margen gingival del canino y la sonrisa, se les mostró 11 fotografías diseñadas para el estudio y el encuestado tuvo que evaluar y ponerle una puntuación del 1- 10. Se entregó un cuestionario cuyas respuestas se registraron en una ficha elaborada específicamente para el estudio. Para determinar la comparación de la percepción estética del margen gingival del canino y la sonrisa entre cirujanos dentistas, estudiantes de estomatología y personas comunes, La comparación de la percepción estética del margen gingival del canino y la sonrisa entre cirujanos dentistas, estudiantes de Estomatología y personas comunes se realizó empleando la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, al igual que la comparación según año de estudio en los estudiantes de estomatología. Se utilizó la prueba U Mann-Whitney para la comparación según el sexo, edad y también para realizar comparaciones 2 a 2 al encontrar significancia estadística con Kruskal-Wallis. Para la comparación general entre imágenes dentro de cada grupo en estudio se empleó la prueba de Friedman (k muestras pareadas) y Signo-Rango de Wilcoxon para las comparaciones 2 a 2. Los resultados muestran que Si existe relación significativa en la comparación del margen gingival del canino y la sonrisa entre cirujanos dentistas, estudiantes de estomatología y personas comunes.The present study was to compare the esthetic perception of the gingival margin of the canine and the smile dental surgeons, student of Stomatology of the Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego in the year 2016, and ordinary people. The study, cross-sectional, prospective, observational and comparative included a total of 120 subjects including 40 in each group, 55 were women and 65 men chosen at random from the first to the fifth year of studies. Fort he evaluation of the perception esthetic the margin gingival of the canine and the smile, is les showed 11 pictures designed for the study and the respondent had that evaluate and put you a score of the 1- 10. A questionnaire whose answers were recorded on a tab made specifically for the study was given. To determine the comparison of the aesthetic perception of the gingival margin of the canine and the smile among surgeons dentists, dentistry student and common people, was carried out using the Kruskal- Wallis test, as well as the comparison according to year of study in dentistry students. Is used the test U Mann – Whitney for the comparison 2 to 2 to the find significance statistics with Krustal – Wallis. The Friedman test was used for the general comparison between images within each group in study (k samples paired) and Signo-Rango of Wilcoxon for comparison 2-2. Results show that if there is a significant relationship in the comparison of the gingival margin of the canino and the smile between surgeons dentists, dentistry students and ordinary people.Tesi

    Infección por helicobacter pylori como factor asociado a enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico

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    Determinar que la infección por Helicobacter pylori es un factor asociado a enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico en el Hospital Militar Central “Coronel Luis Arias Schreiber” en el periodo 2015 - 2019. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: El presente estudio es de tipo observacional, analítico, retrospectivo, de corte transversal. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 377 pacientes con H. pylori, según criterios de inclusión y exclusión establecidos distribuidos en dos grupos: con y sin enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico. Se utilizó la prueba estadística Chi cuadrado para variables cualitativas. Se realizó el análisis bivariado y multivariado utilizando la regresión logística con la finalidad de calcular el Odds Ratio (OR), ajustado con IC al 95%, La asociación del factor y el evento fue significativa para un valor p< de 0.05. RESULTADOS: En el análisis bivariado, identifico como variables asociadas a la infección por H. pylori (OR: 2,90; IC 95% (1,813 - 4,638); p 0,000), Diabetes tipo 2 (OR 1,66; IC 95% (1,10 - 2,49); p 0.015), hipertensión arterial (OR 2,52; IC 95% (1,66 - 3,81); p 0.001), hipercolesterolemia (OR 2,30; IC 95% (1,52 - 3,48); p 0.001) y trombocitopenia (OR 5,64; IC 95% (3,55 - 8,97); p 0.001). El análisis multivariado se evidencio la infección por H. pylori (p 0,000) que esta significativamente asociado a enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico. CONCLUSIONES: La infección de H. pylori está asociado a enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico en pacientes atendidos por consultorio externo de gastroenterología en el periodo 2015 – 2019.To determine if Helicobacter pylori infection is an associated factor to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, at the Central Military Hospital ""Coronel Luis Arias Schreiber"" in the period 2015 – 2019. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is an observational, analytical, retrospective, cross-sectional study. Our population consisted of 377 patients with H. pylori infection, according to established inclusion and exclusion criteria were distributed in two groups: with and without non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The Chi square test was used for qualitative variables. Bivariate and multivariate analysis was performed using logistic regression in order to calculate the Odds Ratio (OR), adjusted with 95% CI. The association of the factor and the event was significant for a p value of <0.05. RESULTS: In the bivariate analysis, we identified as associated variables such as H. pylori infection (OR: 2.90; 95% CI (1,813 - 4,638); p 0.000), Diabetes type 2 (OR 1.66, 95% CI (1, 10 - 2.49); p 0.015), arterial hypertension (OR 2.52; 95% CI (1.66 - 3.81); p 0.001), hypercholesterolemia (OR 2.30; 95% CI (1.52 - 3.48); p 0.001) and thrombocytopenia (OR 5.64, 95% CI (3.55 - 8.97); p 0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that H. pylori infection (p 0.000), is significantly associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. CONCLUSIONS: Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, in patients attended at outpatient gastroenterology clinic in the period 2015-2019.Tesi

    Do pulsar timing arrays observe merging primordial black holes?

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    In this letter we evaluate whether the gravitational wave background recently observed by a number of different pulsar timing arrays could be due to merging primordial supermassive black hole binaries. We find that for homogeneously distributed primordial black holes this possibility is inconsistent with strong cosmological and astrophysical constraints on their total abundance. If the distribution exhibits some clustering, however, the merger rate will in general be enhanced, opening the window for a consistent interpretation of the PTA data in terms of merging primordial black holes.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Hunting WIMPs with LISA: Correlating dark matter and gravitational wave signals

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    The thermal freeze-out mechanism in its classical form is tightly connected to physics beyond the Standard Model around the electroweak scale, which has been the target of enormous experimental efforts. In this work we study a dark matter model in which freeze-out is triggered by a strong first-order phase transition in a dark sector, and show that this phase transition must also happen close to the electroweak scale, i.e. in the temperature range relevant for gravitational wave searches with the LISA mission. Specifically, we consider the spontaneous breaking of a U(1)U(1)^\prime gauge symmetry through the vacuum expectation value of a scalar field, which generates the mass of a fermionic dark matter candidate that subsequently annihilates into dark Higgs and gauge bosons. In this set-up the peak frequency of the gravitational wave background is tightly correlated with the dark matter relic abundance, and imposing the observed value for the latter implies that the former must lie in the milli-Hertz range. A peculiar feature of our set-up is that the dark sector is not necessarily in thermal equilibrium with the Standard Model during the phase transition, and hence the temperatures of the two sectors evolve independently. Nevertheless, the requirement that the universe does not enter an extended period of matter domination after the phase transition, which would strongly dilute any gravitational wave signal, places a lower bound on the portal coupling that governs the entropy transfer between the two sectors. As a result, the predictions for the peak frequency of gravitational waves in the LISA band are robust, while the amplitude can change depending on the initial dark sector temperature.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures + appendice

    Comparison of the Blended and Face-to-Face Delivery Method for Fire Fighter Training

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    In the fire service industry, training has primarily been offered in the face-to-face format due to lack of leadership support and inability to keep fire fighters in service during required training. The purpose of this quantitative, ex post facto study was to compare the effectiveness of the blended and face-to-face delivery methods for fire fighter training by examining student performance on written certification exams within two fire fighter training programs. The specific problem addressed was the uncertainty of the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service leadership concerning which of its fire fighter training programs was more effective, the blended or face-to-face program. Archival data from a series of five test scores for 1,100 fire fighter recruits completing training through blended and face-to-face delivery were collected. Comparative analysis using a one-way MANOVA for hypotheses 1, 2, and 5 indicated a significant difference favoring the face-to-face modality (p < .001), and a significant difference favoring the blended modality for hypotheses 3 and 4 ( p < .001). Findings are considered mixed. Examination of MANOVA group means indicated an average difference of 2.72 points between scores in the two delivery methods. Recommendations for future research include (a) replication of the study to include collection and analysis of demographic data, (b) a survey of students to assess satisfaction and knowledge transfer following completion of training, and (c) a survey of employers to assess perceptions of knowledge acquisition and transfer for new hires completing the training programs

    Cognitive Impairment And Long-Term Health Outcomes In Patients With Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction

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    We hypothesized that patients in the Yale CMD registry with coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD) would have worse cardiac outcomes and lower cognition at follow-up when compared with patients with normal hearts. At enrollment, participants were administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Participants were administered a symptom questionnaire, the telephone Montreal Cognitive Assessment (T-MoCA) and the oral trail-making test parts A & B (OTMTA & OTMTB). Chart review was conducted to determine long-term outcomes. Outcomes of interest included death, myocardial infarction (MI), reperfusion with coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA), hospitalization for heart failure exacerbation, hospitalization for unstable angina, hospitalization and ED visits for cardiac reasons, and all hospitalization and ED visits. We found that participants with CMD had lower scores on MoCA compared with normal heart participants (median score 22 vs. 25, p \u3c 0.05) and were less likely to pass (27% vs 75%, p \u3c 0.05). The association was statistically significant even when adjusting for age, sex, Hispanic ethnicity, race, educational level, MI risk as measured by Thrombolytics in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score and Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) score. At follow-up, CMD participants had a lower T-MoCA score (17 vs. 18) and were less likely to pass (50% vs. 64%) but these results were not statistically significant. CMD participants when compared with normal heart or coronary artery disease (CAD) participants were more likely to experience a major adverse cardiac event (MACE), had greater all-cause mortality, were more likely to visit the ED, and were more likely to be hospitalized during the course of the follow-up period but these results were not statistically significant. Failing MoCA at enrollment was associated with a statistically significantly longer time to first MACE or other cardiac hospitalization (median 935 days vs 319 days, p \u3c 0.05). Failing MoCA at enrollment had greater all-cause mortality, greater ED utilization, and greater rates of hospitalization throughout the study period but these associations were not shown to be statistically significant. We conclude that CMD is an independent risk factor for cognitive impairment. We are the first study to report this finding. Additionally, we conclude that cognitive impairment may be a predictor of poor cardiac outcomes in patients who present to the ED with chest pain and that close follow-up of patients with chest pain but without evidence of obstructive CAD is warranted