7 research outputs found

    OPTIMUS: Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution with Ensemble of Mutation Strategies for Grasshopper Algorithmic Modeling

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    Most of the architectural design problems are basically real-parameter optimization problems. So, any type of evolutionary and swarm algorithms can be used in this field. However, there is a little attention on using optimization methods within the computer aided design (CAD) programs. In this paper, we present Optimus, which is a new optimization tool for grasshopper algorithmic modeling in Rhinoceros CAD software. Optimus implements self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm with ensemble of mutation strategies (jEDE). We made an experiment using standard test problems in the literature and some of the test problems proposed in IEEE CEC 2005. We reported minimum, maximum, average, standard deviations and number of function evaluations of five replications for each function. Experimental results on the benchmark suite showed that Optimus (jEDE) outperforms other optimization tools, namely Galapagos (genetic algorithm), SilverEye (particle swarm optimization), and Opossum (RbfOpt) by finding better results for 19 out of 20 problems. For only one function, Galapagos presented slightly better result than Optimus. Ultimately, we presented an architectural design problem and compared the tools for testing Optimus in the design domain. We reported minimum, maximum, average and number of function evaluations of one replication for each tool. Galapagos and Silvereye presented infeasible results, whereas Optimus and Opossum found feasible solutions. However, Optimus discovered a much better fitness result than Opossum. As a conclusion, we discuss advantages and limitations of Optimus in comparison to other tools. The target audience of this paper is frequent users of parametric design modelling e.g., architects, engineers, designers. The main contribution of this paper is summarized as follows. Optimus showed that near-optimal solutions of architectural design problems can be improved by testing different types of algorithms with respect to no-free lunch theorem. Moreover, Optimus facilitates implementing different type of algorithms due to its modular system.Design Informatic

    Optimal Design of new Hospitals: A Computational Workflow for Stacking, Zoning, and Routing

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    The paper proposes a generative design workflow for three major hospital layout planning steps to satisfy multiplex configurational requirements. The initial step is stacking through clustering functional spaces into floor plans, for which a spectral method is presented. Subsequently, a novel simultaneous process of zoning and routing is proposed as a Mixed-Integer Programming problem-solving task; performed on a quadrilateral mesh whose faces and edges are allocated respectively to the rooms and the corridors. The paper situates the workflow in the context of an Activity-Relations-Chart for a general hospital while demonstrating, explaining, and justifying the generated optimal floor plans. The conversion of the hospital layout problem to a Mixed-Integer Programming problem enables the use of existing Operations Research solvers, allowing for the generation of optimal solutions in a digital design environment. The comprehensive problem formulation for a real-world scenario opens a new avenue for utilization of mathematical programming/optimization in healthcare design.Design Informatic

    A Methodology for daylight optimisation of high-rise buildings in the dense urban district using overhang length and glazing type variables with surrogate modelling

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    Urbanization and population growth lead to the construction of higher buildings in the 21st century. This causes an increment on energy consumption as the amount of constructed floor areas is rising steadily. Integrating daylight performance in building design supports reducing the energy consumption and satisfying occupants’ comfort. This study presents a methodology to optimise the daylight performance of a high-rise building located in a dense urban district. The purpose is to deal with optimisation problems by dividing the high-rise building into five zones from the ground level to the sky level, to achieve better daylight performance. Therefore, the study covers five optimization problems. Overhang length and glazing type are considered to optimise spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) and Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE). A total of 500 samples in each zone are collected to develop surrogate models. A self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm is used to obtain near-optimal results for each zone. The developed surrogate models can estimate the metrics with minimum 98.25% R2 which is calculated from neural network prediction and Diva simulations. In the case study, the proposed methodology improves daylight performance of the high-rise building, decreasing ASE by approx. 27.6% and increasing the sDA values by around 88.2% in the dense urban district.Design Informatic

    Multi-zone optimisation of high-rise buildings using artificial intelligence for sustainable metropolises. Part 2: Optimisation problems, algorithms, results, and method validation

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    High-rise building optimisation is becoming increasingly relevant owing to global population growth and urbanisation trends. Previous studies have demonstrated the potential of high-rise optimisation but have been focused on the use of the parameters of single floors for the entire design; thus, the differences related to the impact of the dense surroundings are not taken into consideration. Part 1 of this study presents a multi-zone optimisation (MUZO) methodology and surrogate models (SMs), which provide a swift and accurate prediction for the entire building design; hence, the SMs can be used for optimisation processes. Owing to the high number of parameters involved in the design process, the optimisation task remains challenging. This paper presents how MUZO can cope with an enormous number of parameters to optimise the entire design of high-rise buildings using three algorithms with an adaptive penalty function. Two design scenarios are considered for quad-grid and diagrid shading devices, glazing type, and building-shape parameters using the setup, and the SMs developed in part 1. The optimisation part of the MUZO methodology reported satisfactory results for spatial daylight autonomy and annual sunlight exposure by meeting the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards in 19 of 20 optimisation problems. To validate the impact of the methodology, optimised designs were compared with 8748 and 5832 typical quad-grid and diagrid scenarios, respectively, using the same design parameters for all floor levels. The findings indicate that the MUZO methodology provides significant improvements in the optimisation of high-rise buildings in dense urban areas.Teachers of Practice / AE+TDesign Informatic

    Multi-zone optimisation of high-rise buildings using artificial intelligence for sustainable metropolises. Part 1: Background, methodology, setup, and machine learning results

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    Designing high-rise buildings is one of the complex tasks of architecture because it involves interdisciplinary performance aspects in the conceptual phase. The necessity for sustainable high-rise buildings has increased owing to the demand for metropolises based on population growth and urbanisation trends. Although artificial intelligence (AI) techniques support swift decision-making when addressing multiple performance aspects related to sustainable buildings, previous studies only examined single floors because modelling and optimising the entire building requires extensive computational time. However, different floor levels require various design decisions because of the performance variances between the ground and sky levels of high-rises in dense urban districts. This paper presents a multi-zone optimisation (MUZO) methodology to support decision-making for an entire high-rise building considering multiple floor levels and performance aspects. The proposed methodology includes parametric modelling and simulations of high-rise buildings, as well as machine learning and optimisation as AI methods. The specific setup focuses on the quad-grid and diagrid shading devices using two daylight metrics of LEED: spatial daylight autonomy and annual sunlight exposure. The parametric model generated samples to develop surrogate models using an artificial neural network. The results of 40 surrogate models indicated that the machine learning part of the MUZO methodology can report very high prediction accuracies for 31 models and high accuracies for six quad-grid and three diagrid models. The findings indicate that the MUZO can be an important part of designing high-rises in metropolises while predicting multiple performance aspects related to sustainable buildings during the conceptual design phase.Teachers of Practice / AE+TDesign Informatic

    Hospital layout design renovation as a Quadratic Assignment Problem with geodesic distances

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    Hospital facilities are known as functionally complex buildings. There are usually configurational problems that lead to inefficient transportation processes for patients, medical staff, and/or logistics of materials. The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is a well-known problem in the field of Operations Research from the category of the facility's location/allocation problems. However, it has rarely been utilized in architectural design practice. This paper presents a formulation of such logistics issues as a QAP for space planning processes aimed at renovation of existing hospitals, a heuristic QAP solver developed in a CAD environment, and its implementation as a computational design tool designed to be used by architects. The tool is implemented in C# for Grasshopper (GH), a plugin of Rhinoceros CAD software. This tool minimizes the internal transportation processes between interrelated facilities where each facility is assigned to a location in an existing building. In our model, the problem of assignment is relaxed in that a single facility may be allowed to be allocated within multiple voxel locations, thus alleviating the complexity of the unequal area assignment problem. The QAP formulation takes into account both the flows between facilities and distances between locations. The distance matrix is obtained from the spatial network of the building by using graph traversal techniques. The developed tool also calculates spatial geodesic distances (walkable, easiest, and/or shortest paths for pedestrians) inside the building. The QAP is solved by a heuristic optimization algorithm, called Iterated Local Search. Using one exemplary real test case, we demonstrate the potential of this method in the context of hospital layout design/re-design tasks in 3D. Finally, we discuss the results and possible further developments concerning a generic computational space planning framework.Design Informatic

    Optimising High-Rise Buildings for Self-Sufficiency in Energy Consumption and Food Production Using Artificial Intelligence: Case of Europoint Complex in Rotterdam

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    The increase in global population, which negatively affects energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and arable land, necessitates designing sustainable habitation alternatives. Self-sufficient high-rise buildings, which integrate (electricity) generation and efficient usage of resources with dense habitation, can be a sustainable solution for future urbanisation. This paper focuses on transforming Europoint Towers in Rotterdam into self-sufficient buildings considering energy consumption and food production (lettuce crops) using artificial intelligence. Design parameters consist of the number of farming floors, shape, and the properties of the proposed façade skin that includes shading devices. Nine thousand samples are collected from various floor levels to predict self-sufficiency criteria using artificial neural networks (ANN). Optimisation problems with 117 decision variables are formulated using 45 ANN models that have very high prediction accuracies. 13 optimisation algorithms are used for an in-detail investigation of self-sufficiency at the building scale, and potential sufficiency at the neighbourhood scale. Results indicate that 100% and 43.7% self-sufficiencies could be reached for lettuce crops and electricity, respectively, for three buildings with 1800 residents. At the neighbourhood scale, lettuce production could be sufficient for 27,000 people with a decrease of self-sufficiency in terms of energy use of up to 11.6%. Consequently, this paper discusses the potentials and the improvements for self-sufficient high-rise buildings.Design Informatic