103 research outputs found

    Efficiency of the traditional practice of traps to stimulate black truffle production, and its ecological mechanisms

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    The black truffle Tuber melanosporum was disseminated all over the world, propelled by the development of a wide variety of empirical practices. A widespread practice, called ‘truffle trap’, consists of placing pieces of truffles into excavations dug under host trees, and of collecting truffle in these traps in the next years. This research aims at (1) evaluating the effect of this practice on fruitbody production based on the analysis of 9924 truffle traps installed in 11 orchards across T. melanosporum native area in France and (2) exploring the mechanisms involved in fruitbody emergence using traps where the genotypes of introduced truffles were compared with those of fruitbodies collected in the same traps. We confirmed that truffle traps provide a major and highly variable part of truffle ground production, representing up to 89% of the collected fruitbodies. We evidenced a genetic link between introduced spores and collected fruitbodies, and then demonstrated that truffle growers provide paternal partners for mating with local maternal mycelia. We also highlighted that soil disturbance stimulate the vegetative development of established maternal mycelia. This research supports that a widely used traditional practice enhances fruitbody production by shaping favorable conditions and providing sexual partners required for fruiting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Discovery of long-distance gamete dispersal in a lichen-forming ascomycete

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    Accurate estimates of gamete and offspring dispersal range are required for the understanding and prediction of spatial population dynamics and species persistence. Little is known about gamete dispersal in fungi, especially in lichen-forming ascomycetes. Here, we estimate the dispersal functions of clonal propagules, gametes and ascospores of the epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria. We use hierarchical Bayesian parentage analysis, which integrates genetic and ecological information from multiannual colonization and dispersal source data collected in a large, oldgrowth forest landscape. The effective dispersal range of gametes is several hundred metres to kilometres from potential paternal individuals. By contrast, clonal propagules disperse only tens of metres, and ascospores disperse over several thousand metres. Our study reveals the dispersal distances of individual reproductive units; clonal propagules, gametes and ascospores, which is of great importance for a thorough understanding of the spatial dynamics of ascomycetes. Sexual reproduction occurs between distant individuals. However, whereas gametes and ascospores disperse over long distances, the overall rate of colonization of trees is low. Hence, establishment is the limiting factor for the colonization of new host trees by the lichen in old- growth landscapes.Peer reviewe

    Mycorrhization of fagaceae forests within mediterranean ecosystems

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    Mediterranean Fagaceae forests are valuable due to their ecological and socioeconomic aspects. Some profitable plant species, such as Castanea (timber and chestnut), Quercus (timber and cork), and Fagus (timber), encounter in this habitat the excellent edaphoclimatic conditions to develop. All Fagaceae plants are commonly associated to ECM fungal species, which are found in these forests in quite stable communities, mainly enriched in Russulaceae and Telephoraceae species. Currently, the Mediterranean Basin is considered as one of the global biodiversity hotspots, since many of their endemic plant species are not found elsewhere and are now under threat. Due to climate changing and introduction of disease agents, Fagaceae forests are facing an adaptation challenge to both biotic and abiotic threats. Although ECM communities are highly disturbed by climate factors and tree disease incidence, they could play an important role in increasing water availability to the plant and also improving plant tree defense against pathogens. Recent advances, namely, on genomics and transcriptomics, are providing tools for increasing the understanding of Fagaceae mycorrhization process and stress responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Such studies can provide new information for the implementation of the most adequate management policies for protecting threaten Mediterranean forests.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sculpture: From the renaissance to the Present Day from the fifteenth to the twentirth century (part 3)

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    Mulai dari patung kuno sampai kontemporer, buku ini merupakan studi pertama sejarah patung untuk menyajikan pendekatan yang orisinil dan menyeluruh. Mengambil patung-patung dari konteks museum (dan dengan demikian terlepas dari tiang pepatah mereka), buku ini menyajikan pandangan yang sama sekali baru yang memberikan perbandingan yang mencerahkan antara era dan genre. Karya yang luar biasa ini sangat diperlukan untuk pecinta seni dari semua selera dan disiplin ilmu. Penulis yang berkontribusi Xavier Barral I Altet, GeneviÚve Bresc-Bautier, Philippe Bruneau, Bernard Ceysson, Jean-Luc Daval, Georges Duby, Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco, Sophie Guillot de Suduiraut, Reinhold Hohl, Antoinette Le Normand-Romain, Friedrich Meschede, Anne Pingeot, Barbara Rose, François Souchal, dan Mario Torelli

    Bercelona: Shops & More

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    Buku ini berisi informasi tempat-tempat perbelanjaan di kota Bercelona. Buku ini dibagi menjadi 3 bagian; El Raval, Barri Gotic El Born La Ribera dan L'Eixample Gracia sant Gervasi. El raval berisi tulisan tentang: market hall, coffee roasters, architectural & art books, bakery, herbalst, haberdashery & interior & cooks 'apparel. Barri Gotic El Born La Ribera berisi tentang; chocholate shope, boutique & tea salon, candles & devotional articles dll. Sedangkan L'Eixample Graca Sant Gervasi berisi tentang travel books,Spanish leather goods, Spanish fashion dan masih banyak artikel lain

    Biotic interactions and reproductive biology of the Black Truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) : from spontaneous to planted truffle grounds

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    La Truffe noire (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) est un champignon ectomycorhizien spontanĂ©ment prĂ©sent dans les groupements vĂ©gĂ©taux ouverts en cours de reforestation. Alors que ces milieux ont fortement rĂ©gressĂ© au XXĂšme siĂšcle dans la zone mĂ©diterranĂ©enne, 80 % de la production actuelle provient de boisements artificiels oĂč des arbres inoculĂ©s par la Truffe sont plantĂ©s. MalgrĂ© un grand corpus de connaissances empiriques, la production reste souvent alĂ©atoire et les connaissances fondamentales d'Ă©cologie et de biologie de la Truffe restent fragmentaires. Dans ce travail, nous avons d'abord Ă©tudiĂ© la distribution de la diversitĂ© fongique ectomycorhizienne sur les diffĂ©rents hĂŽtes prĂ©sents dans les garrigues prĂ©-forestiĂšres Ă  Truffe. Nous avons ensuite testĂ© les interactions entre la Truffe et les plantes endo- ou non-mycorhiziennes, qui se matĂ©rialisent par la crĂ©ation d'un brĂ»lĂ©, oĂč la flore est localement affectĂ©e. Dans un troisiĂšme volet, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  mieux comprendre la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique des populations de Truffes, et plus spĂ©cifiquement l'appariement sexuel et la dispersion de cette espĂšce Ă  vie vĂ©gĂ©tative haploĂŻde et Ă  fructification hypogĂ©e. Par une approche comparative entre truffiĂšres plantĂ©es et spontanĂ©es, nous avons finalement Ă©valuĂ© les modifications liĂ©es au processus de proto-domestication en cours. Ainsi, en combinant Ă©cologie des communautĂ©s, expĂ©riences en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es et gĂ©nĂ©tique des populations, nous avons montrĂ© qu'en rĂ©gion mĂ©diterranĂ©enne :1) La Truffe est prĂ©sente de façon fugace dans des communautĂ©s ectomycorhiziennes riches, avec de nombreuses espĂšces multi-hĂŽtes, mais oĂč la Truffe montre une prĂ©fĂ©rence d'hĂŽte marquĂ©e pour le chĂȘne vert (Q. ilex). 2) Certaines plantes endo- ou non-mycorhiziennes, dont l'effet positif sur la Truffe a empiriquement Ă©tĂ© observĂ© par les trufficulteurs, favorisent le dĂ©veloppement du mycĂ©lium de Truffe dans le sol, agissant indirectement sur les interactions plante-plante (chĂȘne – plantes endomycorhiziennes). L'effet inhibiteur de la Truffe observĂ© sur la germination des graines peut-ĂȘtre une des causes prĂ©coces du brĂ»lĂ©. Par ailleurs, la Truffe semble effectivement coloniser les racines de plantes herbacĂ©es non-ectomycorhiziennes.3) Les flux de gĂšnes sont limitĂ©s Ă  l'Ă©chelle de la truffiĂšre, l'appariement sexuel rĂ©unit des individus proches gĂ©nĂ©tiquement et physiquement, et bien que la Truffe soit probablement hermaphrodite, les parents paternels sont peu dĂ©tectables, probablement de taille plus rĂ©duite que les parents maternels (formant la glĂ©ba). Les pratiques culturales pourraient entraĂźner un brassage gĂ©nĂ©tique plus important en plantation, mais Ă  l'Ă©chelle rĂ©gionale, aucune diffĂ©rence de diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique n'a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©e entre populations spontanĂ©es et cultivĂ©es. Ce travail montre la richesse des interactions biotiques impliquant la Truffe et les diversitĂ©s vĂ©gĂ©tale et fongique des truffiĂšres artificielles et spontanĂ©es de la rĂ©gion mĂ©diterranĂ©enne. Les rĂ©sultats acquis contribuent Ă  lever le voile sur sa biologie reproductive, et jalonnent le chemin pour des pratiques intĂ©gratrices de la diversitĂ© biologique des truffiĂšres, ainsi que pour le dĂ©veloppement de futures expĂ©rimentations in situ. Mots clĂ©s : appariement sexuel, Arbutus unedo, Cistus albidus, domestication, Ă©cologie des communautĂ©s, forĂȘts mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes, gĂ©nĂ©tique des populations, isolement par la distance, ITS, microsatellites, mĂ©socosmes, mycorhizes, pratiques empiriques, qPCR, Quercus coccifera, Quercus ilex, successions secondairesThe Black Truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) is an ectomycorrhizal fungus spontaneously growing in open woodlands before canopy closure. Such open landscapes drastically regressed during the last century in the Mediterranean regions, and nowadays 80% of the production comes from man-made plantations where the Truffle is inoculated. Despite a large corpus of local knowledge and empirical practices, the production remains largely sporadic and unpredictable, and our knowledge of the biology and ecology of the Truffle is still fragmentary. In this work, we first analyzed the distribution of the ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity among host plants co-existing in the shrub-dominated landscapes where Truffle naturally occurs. We then analyzed the interactions between the Truffle and endo- or non-mycorrhizal plants, as they typically occur in the so-called brĂ»lĂ©s, zones with scarce vegetation. A third part aimed at better understanding the genetic diversity of Truffle populations, with special focus on fertilization and dispersal process of this fungus with haploid lifecycle and hypogeous fruiting. In a multi-scale approach combining community ecology, experimentation and population genetics, we found that in the Mediterranean region:1) The Truffle is transiently present in rich ectomycorrhizal communities, showing a significant host preference for Q. ilex, in assemblies made of numerous multi-host fungal species. 2) Some endo- or non-mycorrhizal plants species, that were supposed to provide beneficial effect on the Truffle, can be experimentally shown to stimulate the development of T. melanosporum mycelium in soil, and indirectly trigger plant-plant interactions (between oak and endomycorrhizal plants). The early brĂ»lĂ© symptoms could at least partially result from a Truffle's inhibitor effect on seed germination.3) At truffle ground scale, gene flow is limited, and mating occurs between genetically and physically close parents. Despite probable hermaphroditism of the Truffle, paternal parents are poorly detectable, certainly of smaller size than maternal ones (these forming nourishing tissue of the ascocarp). Cultural practices could favor genetic mixing/diversity at brĂ»lĂ© scale, but at the regional scale, no difference in genetic diversity was found between spontaneous and planted compartments.This work revealed the richness of biotic interactions involving the black Truffle and the plant as well as the fungal diversity in both artificial and spontaneous truffle-ground of the Mediterranean region. These results enlighten the reproductive biology of the species, and pave the way for practices integrating the biological diversity of truffle-grounds and the development of further in situ experimentations. Key words: Arbutus unedo, Cistus albidus, community ecology, domestication, empirical practices, local knowledge, experimental approach, inbreeding, isolation by distance, ITS, Mediterranean forests, mesocosms, microsatellites, mycorrhiza, population genetics, qPCR, Quercus ilex, Q. coccifera, secondary successions

    Taschen\u27s Berlin: Hotels, Restaurant & Shops

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    Bamboo style

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