13 research outputs found

    Problems of soil boning in Zaporizhzhia region in modern land resources assessment

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    На основі власних польових досліджень, даних лабораторії моніторингу ґрунтів і якості продукції рослинництва Таврійського державного агротехнологічного університету імені Дмитра Моторного, матеріалів Запорізької філії ДУ «Інститут охорони ґрунтів України», а також аналізу ґрунтових карт, картограм агровиробничих груп ґрунтів, даних фізико-хімічних властивостей і морфологічних ознак ґрунтів представлено якісну оцінку ґрунтів області за районами та здійснено класифікацію їх угрупувань за вмістом гумусу, що дало можливість скласти відповідні карти

    Spatial Organization of the Micromollusc Community under Recreational Load

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    The recreational load is an important factor in transforming the living conditions of living organisms in the urban environment. This article examines the role of recreation as a driver of the changing habitat of soil micromolluscs in the park environment in an urban landscape. The hypothesis that recreational exposure changes the hierarchical organization of the spatial distribution of the micromollusc community was tested. An experimental polygon was located in Novooleksandrivskiy Park (Melitopol, Ukraine) and represented 7 transects with 18 test points in each. The set of soil properties explained 24.7% of the variation in the mollusc community. The distance from trees was able to explain 6.8% of mollusc community variation. The distance from recreational pathways was able to explain 12.2% of the variation in the mollusc community. The spatial eigenfunctions were able to explain 54.2% of mollusc community variation. The spatial patterns of variation in the structure of the assemblage of molluscs were found to be due to various causes. Thus, the broad-scale component was due to the distance from trees and the distance fro m the recreational pathways and was associated with the variability of soil penetration resistance, aggregate structure, electrical conductivity, soil moisture and density. The recreational load is the cause of this pattern formation. In turn, the medium-scale component reflected the influence of soil aggregate composition on the mollusс community and components independent of soil properties. The fine-scale component reflected the variability of the mollusc community, which was independent of soil properties

    Ingibirovanie reproduktsii virusa immunodefitsita cheloveka v kul'ture kletok 5'-fosfitami 2'-3'-didezoksinukleosidov]

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    5'-Phosphites (5'-hydrogenphosphonates) of 2',3'-dideoxynucleosides (T, A, G, C) were synthesized and studied as inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in MT4 and CEM13 cell cultures. It was shown that all 5'-phosphites effectively inhibit the production of viral antigens and protect cells from the cytotoxic effect of HIV infection. 5'-Phosphites were more active antiviral compounds than the corresponding nucleoside

    Podavlenie virusa immunodefitsita cheloveka v kul'ture kletok 5'-fosfitami 3'-azido-2',3'-didezoksinukleozidov

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    5'-Phosphites (5'-hydrogenphosphonates) of 3'-azido-2'-, 3'-dideoxynucleosides are shown to be effective inhibitors of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) in MT4 cell culture. 5'-Phosphite of 3'-azido-2', 3'-dideoxythymidine was the most active among these compounds and even a little more active as compared to the well-known anti-AIDS drug 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxythymidine; at the same time 5'-phosphites of 3'-azido-2',3' -dideoxynucleosides with adenine, guanine and cytosine bases were more active than the corresponding nucleosides. The toxicity of all four phosphites was comparatively low and the equimolar mixture of all four phosphites was 2-3 fold less toxic than each of them separately. Data on the decreased toxicity of the phosphite mixture are explained from the viewpoint of a decreased pool disbalance of natural 2'-deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphates in cells; a significant pool disbalance is developed in the case of 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxythymidine actio