173 research outputs found

    Class, Sectoral, or Self-interest? The Collective Action of Large Manufacturing Firms in Response to Protest

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    When social movements protest large corporations, are they taking on just the targeted firm or is their target part of an organized sector or the larger corporate class? Put differently, are large corporations purely atomistic entities or are they collective actors, organized at the level of their sector or the capitalist class? Extant research finds class-wide networks often unify the political behavior of connected firms, including in their responses to protests. Yet, other studies find the declining significance of these networks, suggesting the corporate class is now fractured. Given the mixed findings, a key aspect of the debate has remained understudied: the shift to narrower sectoral coalitions that are neither indicative of a fractured business nor a unified class. This study assesses the impact of class-wide and sectoral networks in unifying the response strategies of Fortune 500 corporations targeted for protest over six years. I test the influence of business-wide policy networks against the trade association network for manufacturing firms. Results suggest that large corporations are not fractured, atomistic actors nor are they constrained to sector-level organizing. Rather, while sectoral differences do exist, class-wide networks continue to unify the responses of firms across sectors

    Phytoremediation of Arsenic Contaminated Water

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    The present investigation deals with the detoxification of arsenic contaminated water using phytoremediation technique. Three macrophytes Azolla pinnata, Lemna minor, and Hydrilla verticillata were exposed to 1.0 ppm of an arsenic salt (sodium arsenite) separately as well as in combination (ALH) for 10 days. The concentration of arsenic in control (wild) macrophytes was below detectable limit. Following exposure, the concentration of arsenic increased steadily in all the plants, and after 10 days, the efficacy of arsenic depletion in phytoremediated media was in the order: A. pinnata (88.06%) > L. minor (82.56%) > H. verticillata (77.53%) and 85.50% when applied in combination (ALH). It was found that A. pinnata can detoxify the arsenic contaminated water most efficiently

    Toksični učinak letalne koncentracije olovnog nitrata na škrge indijskog smeđeg soma Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch).

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    Toxicopathological impact of lethal concentration (925 mg/l) of lead nitrate on the gills of air-breathing catfish Heteropneustes fossilis was analysed. Following exposure the gills exhibited rapid alterations that include detachment and lifting of the epithelial linings from the surfaces of the gill filament (primary, PL) and respiratory (secondary, SL) lamellae. This led to extensive haemorrhage from the gills. Thus the quantity of blood flowing across the gills decreased substantially. Simultaneously, uncontrolled regeneration of the PL and SL occured, leading to extensive hyperplasia of the epithelial cells lining the PL, and SL. Consequently, the gill filaments appeared as a cylindrical solid mass of cells with very little or almost no free surface left on the SL for gaseous exchange. The goblet mucous cells also exhibited periodic fluctuations in their density and staining behaviour. The chloride cells showed periodic fluctuation in their number at different stages of exposure. The density of the chloride cells is inversely proportional to the thickness of the epithelial lining of the PL and SL. Due to prolonged exposure, the neighbouring SL fused together and the entire gills appeared as solid mass of undifferentiated cells. Subsequently, the ladder-like arrangement of the pillar cells-blood capillaries of the gills also collapsed, causing asphyxiation and the death of the fish.Analiziran je toksopatološki učinak letalne koncentracije (925 mg/l) olovnog nitrata na škrge indijskog smeđeg soma Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). Ubrzo nakon izloženosti olovnom nitratu na škrgama je utvrđeno odvajanje i podizanje epitelnog sloja od površine škržnog filamenta (primarno, PL) i respiratornih lamela (sekundarno, SL). To je dovelo do opsežnog krvarenja na škrgama pa se bitno smanjila količina krvi što protječe kroz njih. Istodobno je došlo do nekontrolirane regeneracija PL i SL što je dovelo do snažne hiperplazije epitelnih stanica koje okružuju PL i SL. Škržni filamenti su izgledali kao cilindrične nakupine stanica s vrlo malo ili gotovo bez slobodne površine preostale za izmjenu plinova na SL. Promjene su bile utvrđene i na vrčastim stanicama s obzirom na njihovu gustoću i svojstva bojenja. U različitim fazama izloženosti utvrđene su i povremene promjene u broju kloridnih stanice. Gustoća kloridnih stanica bila je obrnuto proporcionalna debljini epitelnog sloja PL i SL. Nakon produžene izloženosti spojile su se susjedne SL pa su škrge izgledale poput čvrste mase nediferenciranih stanica. Kao posljedica toga kolabirale su stupnjevito poredane stanice krvnih kapilara škrga što je dovelo do uginuća ribe

    Toksični učinci natrijeva arsenata (Na2HAsO4x7H2O) na pousminu soma dvodihalice Clarias batrachus (L.)

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    The toxicopathological effects have been investigated of a sublethal concentration (1 ppm) of sodium arsenate on the epidermis of the skin of air-breathing catfish Clarias batrachus L. The skin that acts as an accessory respiratory organ in this fish, faces direct contact stress of the toxicants and exhibits extensive damage, including massive wear and tear, sloughing of the epithelial cells (ECs) along with degeneration of the club cells (CCs) whose contents get squeezed out onto the body surface. This causes altered histomorphology of the epidermis. The mucous cells (MCs) show great hyperplasia and hypertrophy at most exposure periods. The staining properties of MCs also showed periodic alterations exhibiting more affinity for sulphate moieties. A thick layer of slime very often protects the surface of the skin. The epidermis also exhibits periodic but independent fluctuations in its protein, RNA and DNA contents. This is due to periodic synthesis, accumulation and sloughing of the slime, along with degeneration followed by regeneration of its different cellular elements, especially in the earlier stages of the treatment.Istraženi su toksopatološki učinci subletalne koncentracije (1 ppm) natrijeva arsenata na pousminu soma dvodihalice Clarias batrachus (L.). Na koži, koja u te ribe ima ulogu akcesornoga dišnoga organa, izravni dodirni stress uzrokovan toksinom očituje se u obliku jakoga oštećenja, uključujući obilno propadanje i ljuštenje epitelnih stanica s degeneracijom vrčastih stanica čiji se sadržaj istisnuo na površinu tijela. Sluznične stanice pokazivale su jaku hiperplaziju i hipertrofiju većim dijelom tijekom izloženosti. Njihova sposobnost primanja boje također se periodično mijenjala iskazujući veći afinitet za sulfatne dijelove. Debeli sloj sluzi zaštićivao je kožu. Epiderma (pousmina) također je pokazivala povremene i neovisne promjene u sadržaju svojih bjelančevina, RNA i DNA. To se pripisuje periodičnoj sintezi, nakupljanju i odbacivanju sluzi s degeneracijom i posljedičnom regeneracijom različitih staničnih sastojaka, osobito u ranom stupnju obrade

    Amidinate Ligands in Zinc coordination sphere: Synthesis and structural diversity

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    A one-pot reaction involving neosilyllithium and three different carbodiimides (RN=C=NR, R=cyclohexyl, isopropyl and tert-butyl) in diethyl ether, followed by the addition of anhydrous ZnCl2, afforded, in high yield, corresponding homoleptic zinc amidinate complexes having the molecular formulae [Zn{CyN =C(CH2SiMe3)NCy}2] (1), [Zn{ i PrN =C(CH2SiMe3)N i Pr}2] (2) and [Zn{ t BuN =C(CH2SiMe3) N t Bu}2] (3), respectively, and amidinato moieties in the zinc coordination sphere. Solid state structures of complexes 1-3 are reported thereafter - all the three complexes are isostructural, and each of them consists of two four-membered metallacycles

    Alkali Metal Complexes Having Sterically Bulky Bis-Iminopyrrolyl Ligands – Control of Dimeric to Monomeric Complex

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    We report the syntheses and structural diversity of three different bis-iminopyrrole ligands and their alkali metal (Li, Na, K) complexes featuring a shift from dimeric to monomeric nature by a simple tuning of the steric control of the imine nitrogen substitutions. The bis-iminopyrrole ligands having molecular formula [(ArN=CH)2C4H2NH] [Ar = CHPh2 (1-H), Ad (2-H), Ad = adamentyl, and CPh3 (3-H)], were prepared through the reaction of 2,5-pyrrole-dicarbaldehyde with corresponding amines (ArNH2) in 1:2 molar ratio and under acidic conditions. Using ligand 1-H, the lithium [{Li(Ph2CHN=CH)2C4H2N}2] (1-Li), sodium [{Na(Ph2CH-N=CH)2C4H2N}2(THF)] (1-Na) and potassium [{3-(Ph2CHN=CH)2C4H2N}-K(THF)2] (1-K) complexes were obtained through either alkane elimination (for Li) or amine elimination (for Na, K). The alkali metal complexes [{2-(Ph3CHN=CH)2C4H2N}M(THF)n] [n = 2, M = Li (3-Li), Na (3-Na); n = 3, M = K (3-K)] were synthesized using the ligand 3-H. Molecular structures of ligands 1-3-H, and alkali metal complexes 1-Li, 1-Na, 1-K, 3-Li, 3-Na and 3-K, in solid state were established. The complexes 1-Li and 1-Na were found to be dimeric in the solid state whereas the complexes 1-K, 3-Li, 3-Na and 3-K were all monomeric – either due to a larger ionic radius (for 1-K) or because of the presence of the bulky triphenylmethyl group in the imine nitrogen

    Constraints on Fluid Dynamics from Equilibrium Partition Functions

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    We study the thermal partition function of quantum field theories on arbitrary stationary background spacetime, and with arbitrary stationary background gauge fields, in the long wavelength expansion. We demonstrate that the equations of relativistic hydrodynamics are significantly constrained by the requirement of consistency with any partition function. In examples at low orders in the derivative expansion we demonstrate that these constraints coincide precisely with the equalities between hydrodynamical transport coefficients that follow from the local form of the second law of thermodynamics. In particular we recover the results of Son and Surowka on the chiral magnetic and chiral vorticity flows, starting from a local partition function that manifestly reproduces the field theory anomaly, without making any reference to an entropy current. We conjecture that the relations between transport coefficients that follow from the second law of thermodynamics agree to all orders in the derivative expansion with the constraints described in this paper.Comment: Typos corrected, References adde