26 research outputs found

    L’adenocarcinoma dell’appendice ileo-ciecale: presentazione di un caso clinico e revisione della letteratura

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    L’adenocarcinoma dell’appendice ileo-ciecale è una neoplasia di rara osservazione rappresentando meno dello 0,5% di tutti i tumori dell’apparato gastrointestinale. Nella maggior parte dei casi viene diagnosticato all’esame istologico definitivo di un’appendice asportata per flogosi, talora invece rappresenta un reperto del tutto inatteso, documentato da biopsie estemporanee, in corso di intervento chirurgico eseguito per sospetta appendicite acuta o altra patologia non appendicolare. La storia naturale di tale neoplasia è fortemente condizionata dalle peculiari caratteristiche anatomiche del viscere che ne favoriscono la precoce diffusione e una notevole tendenza alla perforazione. Si associa frequentemente ad altre neoplasie primitive, sincrone o metacrone, a localizzazione colo-rettale o extraintestinale. Il trattamento chirurgico oncologicamente corretto è l’emicolectomia destra che può essere eseguita come prima procedura, nei casi in cui la neoplasia venga diagnosticata pre- o intraoperatoriamente, o come seconda procedura, due-tre settimane dopo l’appendicectomia, qualora soltanto l’esame istologico dell’appendice asportata riveli la presenza dell’adenocarcinoma. L’emicolectomia destra è il trattamento chirurgico più idoneo in tutti gli istotipi (colico, mucinoso, adenocarcinoide), in presenza di perforazione ed anche nelle neoplasie allo stadio A di Dukes. Durante l’atto operatorio è necessario effettuare un’accurata esplorazione della cavità addominale per la ricerca di neoplasie sincrone, mentre dopo l’intervento i pazienti dovranno essere sottoposti ad un follow-up regolare e prolungato nel tempo onde diagnosticare precocemente eventuali neoplasie metacrone. Riportiamo il caso di una donna di 78 anni con adenocarcinoma dell’appendice scoperto casualmente in corso di intervento chirurgico eseguito per un quadro di occlusione intestinale da sospetta neoplasia del cieco

    Evaluation of Clinicopathological and Molecular Parameters on Disease Recurrence of Papillary Thyroid Cancer Patient: A Retrospective Observational Study

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    The American Joint Committee on Cancer has revised the Tumor-Node-Metastasis (TNM) staging system for papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) patients. We examined the impact of this new classification (TNM-8) on patient stratification and estimated the prognostic value of clinicopathological features for the disease-free interval (DFI) in a cohort of 1148 PTC patients. Kaplan-Meier analyses showed that all clinicopathological parameters analyzed, except age and multifocality, were associated significantly with DFI. Cox regression identified tall cell PTC variant and stage as independent risk factors for DFI. When the stage was replaced with age, tumor size, and lymph node (LN) metastases in the set of covariates, the lateral LN metastases stood out as the strongest independent predictor of DFI, followed by tall cell variant and age. A noteworthy result emerging from these analyzes is that regression models had lower Akaike and Bayesian information criterions if variables were categorized based on the TNM-7. In addition, we examined data from a different PTC patient cohort, acquired from The Cancer Genome Atlas database, to verify whether the DFI prediction could be enhanced by further clinicopathological and molecular parameters. However, none of these was found to be a significant predictor of DFI in the Cox model

    [Surgical staplers in colorectal surgery: 10 years of experience].

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    The Authors dissert on some technical details for a correct use of staplers in colorectal surgery. Surgical skill and technology assure always better results, nevertheless the experience and knowledge of the single surgeon must be a guide for further research

    Adenocarcinoma insorto dopo proctocolectomia restaurativa per rettocolite ulcerosa: presentazione di un caso clinico e revisione della letteratura

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    La proctocolectomia restaurativa con pouch ileale è il trattamento chirurgico di scelta per la maggior parte dei pazienti affetti da rettocolite ulcerosa. L’insorgenza di un adenocarcinoma in tutta prossimità o all’interno della pouch ileale è un evento raro. Finora ne sono stati descritti solo 19 casi. Gli Autori riportano il caso di un uomo di 67 anni con adenocarcinoma in un piccolo moncone rettale residuo, insorto 12 anni dopo una proctocolectomia restaurativa con anastomosi pouch-rettale distale con doppia sutura meccanica incrociata, eseguita per rettocolite ulcerosa resistente a terapia medica. Dopo una revisione della letteratura, gli Autori analizzano alcuni aspetti tecnici dell’intervento e concludono sottolineando ancora una volta l’importanza di sottoporre tutti i pazienti operati di proctocolectomia restaurativa per rettocolite ulcerosa ad un follow-up clinico-strumentale regolare e prolungato nel tempo

    Clinical examination, endosonography, and MR imaging in preoperative assessment pf fistula in ano: comparison with outcome-based reference standard

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    PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate the relative accuracy of digital examination, anal endosonography, and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for preoperative assessment of fistula in ano by comparison to an outcome-derived reference standard. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ethical committee approval and informed consent were obtained. A total of 104 patients who were suspected of having fistula in ano underwent preoperative digital examination, 10-MHz anal endosonography, and body-coil MR imaging. Fistula classification was determined with each modality, with reviewers blinded to findings of other assessments. For fistula classification, an outcome-derived reference standard was based on a combination of subsequent surgical and MR imaging findings and clinical outcome after surgery. The proportion of patients correctly classified and agreement between the preoperative assessment and reference standard were determined with trend tests and kappa statistics, respectively. RESULTS: There was a significant linear trend (P < .001) in the proportion of fistula tracks (n = 108) correctly classified with each modality, as follows: clinical examination, 66 (61%) patients; endosonography, 87 (81%) patients; MR imaging, 97 (90%) patients. Similar trends were found for the correct anatomic classification of abscesses (P < .001), horseshoe extensions (P = .003), and internal openings (n = 99, P < .001); endosonography was used to correctly identify the internal opening in 90 (91%) patients versus 96 (97%) patients with MR imaging. Agreement between the outcome-derived reference standard and digital examination, endosonography, and MR imaging for classification of the primary track was fair (kappa = 0.38), good (kappa = 0.68), and very good (kappa = 0.84), respectively, and fair (kappa = 0.29), good (kappa = 0.64), and very good (kappa = 0.88), respectively, for classification of abscesses and horseshoe extensions combined. CONCLUSION: Endosonography with a high-frequency transducer is superior to digital examination for the preoperative classification of fistula in ano. While MR imaging remains superior in all respects, endosonography is a viable alternative for identification of the internal opening

    Effect of MRI on clinical outcome of recurrent fistula-in-ano

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    Lymph node excision in cancer of the stomach.

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