5 research outputs found
Skicross (SX) is a winter sports discipline that consists of racing across an uneven track with jumps, banked turns and other obstacles. The 56 heats of the 2010 most important competitions were studied: Vancouver Olympic Winter Games (OWG) and Sierra Nevada World Cup Final (WCF). In both races we analyzed the skiers rank at each heatâs first turn as well as their final rank at the finish. A great percentage of riders that were ahead
at the first turn of the race, classified in the top two positions and reached the next round: OWG, (87,5%) ♂ and ♀; WCF, ♂ (81,25%) and ♀ (87,5% ). These results suggest that a
fast first section of the course can contribute to race success. Specific start training becomes necessary to compete at SX high level
Sex Differences in Maintaining the Requested Handgrip Force Enhanced by Auditory or Visual Feedback
Thus far, the differences in effect of auditory or visual feedback in motor learning have presented results derived from mixed groups and sex differences have not been considered. However, perception and processing of auditory stimuli and performance of visual motor tasks appear to be sex-related. The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning of the simple motor task of maintaining a requested handgrip force in separate male and female groups. A total of 31 volunteers (15 males, 16 females) were randomly assigned to one of four experimental groups with defined sex and training conditions (audio or visual feedback). Participants performed training sessions over a period of six days, for which auditory or visual feedback was provided, and the effectiveness of both types of signals was compared. The evident learning effect was found in all groups, and the main effect of sex was significant among visual groups in favor of the males (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the main effect of feedback conditions was found to be significant among females, beneficially in the case of auditory displays (p < 0.05). The results lead to the conclusion that an equal number of males and females in mixed experimental groups may be supportive to obtain reliable results. Moreover, in motor-learning studies conducted on females only, a design including auditory feedback would be more suitable
The Influence of Proprioceptive Training with the Use of Virtual Reality on Postural Stability of Workers Working at Height
The aim of the study was to assess the impact of proprioceptive training with the use of virtual reality (VR) on the level of postural stability of high–altitude workers. Twenty-one men working at height were randomly assigned to the experimental group (EG) with training (n = 10) and control group (CG) without training (n = 11). Path length of the displacement of the center of pressure (COP) signal and its components in the anteroposterior and medial–lateral directions were measured with use of an AccuGaitTM force plate before and after intervention (6 weeks, 2 sessions × 30 min a week). Tests were performed at two different platform heights, with or without eyes open and with or without a dual task. Two–way ANOVA revealed statistically significant interaction effects for low–high threat, eyes open-eyes closed, and single task-dual task. Post-training values of average COP length were significantly lower in the EG than before training for all analyzed parameters. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the use of proprioceptive training with use of VR can support, or even replace, traditional methods of balance training
Intra- and Inter-Device Reliability of the Change-of-Direction Angles Using a Smartphone Application for Sailing
The smartphone has recently become a commonly used tool for satellite navigation. The reliability of built-in smartphone Global Navigation Satellite Systems receivers was analyzed in terms of distance, velocity/speed and acceleration, but little is known about the accuracy of angular change-of-direction measurements. This might be important in the assessment of usefulness in sailing navigation. The aim of the study was to assess the reliability of the calculated change-of-direction angles, measured with the built-in smartphone Global Navigation Satellite Systems technology using the SoniSailing application. One individual completed five trials in an urban open space (sports ground), wearing six identical Samsung Galaxy J5 smartphones. The trials simulated an upwind sailing race (127 m), including two consecutive courses at 45° angle to the line of the tacking leg. To assess the reliability of change-of-direction angle measures the intra- and inter-device correlation coefficients were calculated. The analysis showed excellent reliability in change-of-direction angle measures—no less than 0.95 and 0.93 in case of correlation coefficients for inter- and intra-device, respectively. Correlation coefficients for average measures were no less than 0.99 in both cases. The study confirmed high reliability of the calculated change-of-direction angles, measured with the Global Navigation Satellite Systems technology using the SoniSailing application for smartphones