14 research outputs found

    Quantitative visualization assessment of the vascular wall in patients with surgical pathology of the aortic valve, aorta and brachiocephalic arteries

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    Objective: Identification of the quantitative characteristics of changes in the arterial wall according to ultrasound, CT and MRI; development of the roadmap for the use of radiology diagnostic methods.Material and methods: 548 studies of 483 patients with atherosclerosis were analyzed (15 ultrasound studies, 483 – CTA and 50 – MRI). In the comparison group (n = 17) in patients without atherosclerosis, an analysis of MRI data of the aortic wall was performed. According to CTA, signs of atherosclerotic degeneration were assessed. According to the MRI data, indicators of aortic distensibility, Young’s modulus of the aortic wall (MPa), systolic distension of the aorta (ml), aortic wall enhancement index during contrast enhancement were calculated.Results: During the performance of ultrasound in all cases (n = 15), the analysis of the elastic properties of the aortic wall is difficult due to the artifact from calcification. Adverse CT signs of the occurrence of intraoperative vascular complications: the presence of an intraluminal thrombus, an uneven internal aortic contour of more than half of the circumference with an aortic wall thickness of more than 5 mm. According to MRI data in patients with atherosclerosis, aortic distensibility was reduced to 14.42 ± 2.95%, Young’s modulus for the aortic wall was 0.77 ± 0.26 MPa, the index of contrast enhancement of the aortic wall was 1.73 ± 0.5, the volume of systolic aortic distension was 11.48 ± 1.84 ml. In patients with vascular events in the perioperative period, systolic aortic dilatation was 9.2 ml.Conclusion: The signs which are expedient to consider when making a decision on surgical treatment have been identified. Significant limitations were identified in the assessment of elasticity by ultrasound. The wider use of MRI in atherosclerotic lesions looks promising

    Клинико-экспериментальное обоснование выбора платформы первого отечественного стента с лекарственным покрытием

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    Background.The availability of drug-eluting stents with evidence-based clinical safety and efficacy produced in the Russian Federation is one of the relevant goals for successful treating of patients with coronary artery disease, including acute coronary syndrome. Aim To confirm clinical rationale and experimental feasibility of the first Russian drugeluting stent, Calypso (Angioline, LLC, Russian Federation), for the clinical practice.Methods.The study included four phases. The first phase was aimed at selecting the optimal stent platform with superior healing properties. Then, the selected Russian coronary stents based on the optimal platforms underwent preclinical studies. The third phase included the clinical assessment using optical coherence tomography (OCT) in order to confirm the preclinical results. The last phase was focused on assessing clinical safety and efficacy of the Russian coronary stent based on the comparative analysis of angiographic findings within the 12-months follow-up.Results.At the first phase, biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent showed superior healing properties in comparison with the healing score of 18±14.97 for Orsiro stents (Biotronik, Germany) versus 25.6±1.0 for Xience stents (Abbott Vascular, USA) versus 32.5±20.3 for Synergy (Boston Scientific, USA), p<0.001. The Russian stent consistently demonstrated a high healing profile in preclinical and OCT clinical studies. The results of the comparative clinical study proved the clinical safety and efficacy of the Russian stent that was similar to the best foreign stents. None of the differences in the incidence of binary restenosis were found between the groups (p<0.05).Conclusion.The biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent Calypso manufactured in the Russian Federation demonstrated superior neointimal healing pattern with no signs of chronic inflammation in the experiment. This stent reported high neointimal healing properties according to the clinical OCT study. According to the angiographic findings, the incidence of binary restenosis between the Russian biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent and durable polymer everolimuseluting stents was similar at the 12-months follow-up (p>0.05).Актуальность.Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью доступных российских лекарственных стентов с доказанной клинической безопасностью и эффективностью для лечения пациентов с ишемической болезнью сердца, в том числе острым коронарным синдром.Цель.Клинико-экспериментальное обоснование внедрения в широкую клиническую практику отечественного коронарного стента «Калипсо» (ООО «Ангиолайн», Россия).Материалы и методы.Научно-исследовательская работа выполнена в четыре этапа. Первый этап включал исследование, направленное на поиск платформы стента с наилучшими показателями заживления. Далее проведено доклиническое исследование отечественных коронарных стентов, в основе которых лежала платформа, показавшая наилучший результат на первом этапе. В рамках третьего этапа с целью подтверждения доклинических результатов проведено клиническое исследование с использованием оптической когерентной томографии. Финальная часть работы, целью которой было подтверждение эффективности и безопасности российского стента в клинической практике, включала сравнительный анализ ангиографических данных через 12 мес. после начала исследования.Результаты.На первом этапе платформа стента с биодеградируемым покрытием, выделяющим сиролимус, показала наиболее высокий профиль заживления в сравнении с другими исследуемыми платформами: показатель шкалы неоинтимального заживления для группы стента Orsiro (Biotronik, Германия) составил 18,0±14,97 в сравнении с группой Xience (Abbott Vascular, США) 25,6±1,0 и Synergy (Boston Scientific, США) 32,5±20,3 (p<0,001). Отечественный аналог последовательно продемонстрировал высокий профиль заживления в доклиническом и клиническом исследованиях с применением оптической когерентной томографии. Результаты финального, сравнительного, клинического исследования показали, что российский стент обладает сопоставимым профилем безопасности и эффективности в сравнении с одним из лучших зарубежных стентов (статистически значимой разницы по частоте бинарного рестеноза между группами не выявлено, p>0,05).Заключение.Отечественный сиролимус-покрытый стент с биодеградируемым полимером «Калипсо» продемонстрировал показатели полного неоинтимального заживления без признаков хронического воспаления в эксперименте. Данный стент характеризовался высоким уровнем неоинтимального заживления по данным клинического исследования с использованием ОКТ. По данным ангиографического контроля не выявлено статистически значимой разницы в частоте бинарного рестеноза между российским сиролимус-выделяющим стентом с биодеградируемым покрытием и эверолимус-выделяющим стентом с постоянным полимером через 12 мес. после имплантации (р>0,05)


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    The bleeding of intraoperative period is one of the actual problem in surgery. There aren’t any universal hemostatic means in spite of large variety of modern hemostatic methods. An experimental research studied the results of hemostatic activity of different forms of materials on the basis of oxidize cellulose (a gauze, a powder) as compared with their foreign analog (a hemostatic gauze «Surgicel»). Median of hemostasis time consisted of (120±59,9) and (73±46,8) s, in case of application of gauze and powder preparations, respectively. The rate of group using the hemostatic gauze «Surgicel» was (142±77,4) s. The authors made a conclusion on the basis of given research, that the hemostatic material based on oxidize cellulose (the powder form) showed a more expressed hemostatic activity and reliably twice reduced the time of hemostasis as compared with their analog forms of gauze (


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    Aim. To evaluate perfusion and functioning of myocardium in occluded coronary artery with various types of collateral blood flow.Material and methods. Ninety patients with three-vessel disease and obligate occlusion of the right coronary artery (RCA) according to the type of collateral flow development, were selected to 2 groups: first — 44 patients (49%) with I and II grades by Rentrop, second — 46 patients (51%) with grade III Rentrop collaterals. Perfusion scintigraphy data was analysed, with echocardiography and tissue Doppler.Results. Worsening of perfusion of myocardium inferior wall was found in patient of group 2 with non-significant defect of perfusion in 1st group patient. Stable perfusion defect in group 1 was 9,8±3,5%, in group 2 — 4,1±1,7%. While comparing tissue Doppler values, change in longitudinal deformation of inferior wall in the group with worse collaterals was -4,1±2,6, in group 2 -6,8±2,7. While assessing segmentary contractility of the inferior wall of the left ventricle, lower number of hypokinesis segments was found in group 2.Conclusion. Chronic occlusion of coronary artery with a weak collaterals is followed by worse parameters of local perfusion and function of myocardium. In a good condition of collaterals, regardless the non-significant perfusion disorders in myocardium at rest, there are prominent stress-defects and local contractility disorders of myocardium

    Telehealth in cardiac rehabilitation: a review of current applications and future prospects for practical use

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    The article provides an overview of actual studies on cardiac rehabilitation using telehealth technologies, presents the types of telerehabilitation in clinical practice. The physiological mechanisms of exercise effects in rehabilitation programs in cardiovascular patients are considered in most detail. Telerehabilitation areas with potential for further study are presented

    Results of endovascular treatment of aortic valve disease in patients with intermediate surgical risk

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    Aim. To assess the results of a one­year follow­up after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients with intermediate surgical risk with severe aortic stenosis.Material and methods. The study included 42 patients with hemodynamically significant aortic stenosis and intermediate surgical risk. We assess the incidence of prosthesis­associated complications, one­year survival, clinical and hemodynamic characteristics, as well as the dynamics of the quality of life and social adaptation in the early postoperative period and one year after the intervention.Results. In patients with intermediate surgical risk prosthesis­associated complications were not registered in the early postoperative period and one year after TAVI, the survival rate was 97,6% and 88%, respectively. The hemodynamic effect of the operation according to the results of echocardiography persisted a year after the intervention with the positive dynamics of the myocardial contractile function. The quality of life a year after the TAVI increased on the scale of the physical health of the SF­36 questionnaire from 25 (22;29) to 42 (28;46) points (p=0,031), on the mental health from 42 (33;50) up to 53 (48;57) points (p=0,025). The level of social adaptation has increased significantly; score of the Holmes and Rahe scale decreased from 250 (198;300) to 200 (180;220) (p=0,027). Conclusion. The hemodynamic efficacy of TAVI in patients with intermediate surgical risk with severe aortic stenosis is associated with a significant improvement of life quality and the level of social adaptation one year after the endovascular correction of valve defect