2,400 research outputs found

    Dynamical differential equations compatible with rational qKZ equations

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    For the Lie algebra glNgl_N we introduce a system of differential operators called the dynamical operators. We prove that the dynamical differential operators commute with the glNgl_N rational quantized Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov difference operators. We describe the transformations of the dynamical operators under the natural action of the glNgl_N Weyl group.Comment: 7 pages, AmsLaTe

    Pure Stationary States of Open Quantum Systems

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    Using Liouville space and superoperator formalism we consider pure stationary states of open and dissipative quantum systems. We discuss stationary states of open quantum systems, which coincide with stationary states of closed quantum systems. Open quantum systems with pure stationary states of linear oscillator are suggested. We consider stationary states for the Lindblad equation. We discuss bifurcations of pure stationary states for open quantum systems which are quantum analogs of classical dynamical bifurcations.Comment: 7p., REVTeX

    Dynamics of Fractal Solids

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    We describe the fractal solid by a special continuous medium model. We propose to describe the fractal solid by a fractional continuous model, where all characteristics and fields are defined everywhere in the volume but they follow some generalized equations which are derived by using integrals of fractional order. The order of fractional integral can be equal to the fractal mass dimension of the solid. Fractional integrals are considered as an approximation of integrals on fractals. We suggest the approach to compute the moments of inertia for fractal solids. The dynamics of fractal solids are described by the usual Euler's equations. The possible experimental test of the continuous medium model for fractal solids is considered.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Fractional Variations for Dynamical Systems: Hamilton and Lagrange Approaches

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    Fractional generalization of an exterior derivative for calculus of variations is defined. The Hamilton and Lagrange approaches are considered. Fractional Hamilton and Euler-Lagrange equations are derived. Fractional equations of motion are obtained by fractional variation of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian that have only integer derivatives.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Phase-Space Metric for Non-Hamiltonian Systems

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    We consider an invariant skew-symmetric phase-space metric for non-Hamiltonian systems. We say that the metric is an invariant if the metric tensor field is an integral of motion. We derive the time-dependent skew-symmetric phase-space metric that satisfies the Jacobi identity. The example of non-Hamiltonian systems with linear friction term is considered.Comment: 12 page

    Fractional Generalization of Gradient Systems

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    We consider a fractional generalization of gradient systems. We use differential forms and exterior derivatives of fractional orders. Examples of fractional gradient systems are considered. We describe the stationary states of these systems.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Fractional Derivative as Fractional Power of Derivative

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    Definitions of fractional derivatives as fractional powers of derivative operators are suggested. The Taylor series and Fourier series are used to define fractional power of self-adjoint derivative operator. The Fourier integrals and Weyl quantization procedure are applied to derive the definition of fractional derivative operator. Fractional generalization of concept of stability is considered.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    Quasi-Exact Solvability in Local Field Theory. First Steps

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    The quantum mechanical concept of quasi-exact solvability is based on the idea of partial algebraizability of spectral problem. This concept is not directly extendable to the systems with infinite number of degrees of freedom. For such systems a new concept based on the partial Bethe Ansatz solvability is proposed. In present paper we demonstrate the constructivity of this concept and formulate a simple method for building quasi-exactly solvable field theoretical models on a one-dimensional lattice. The method automatically leads to local models described by hermitian hamiltonians.Comment: LaTeX, 11 page

    Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation for Fractal Media

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    We consider the fractional generalizations of equation that defines the medium mass. We prove that the fractional integrals can be used to describe the media with noninteger mass dimensions. Using fractional integrals, we derive the fractional generalization of the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation (Smolukhovski equation). In this paper fractional Fokker-Planck equation for fractal media is derived from the fractional Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. Using the Fourier transform, we get the Fokker-Planck-Zaslavsky equations that have fractional coordinate derivatives. The Fokker-Planck equation for the fractal media is an equation with fractional derivatives in the dual space.Comment: 17 page