3 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh status sosio-ekonomi dan demografi terhadap probabilitas status kesehatan yang direpresentasikan oleh penyakit jantung dan tuberculosis (TB). Penelitian ini menggunakan data dari Survei Aspek Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Indonesia (SAKERTI), sebuah survei longitudinal yang masih berlangsung di indonesia. Terdapat beberapa variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini seperti jumlah konsumsi rokok, status gizi dan juga tekanan darah, dengan efek marginal sebagai ukuran hubungan. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua variabel dependen yaitu penyakit jantung dan TB dengan variabel independen yang sama, hal ini dilakukan untuk mengukur dan membandingkan seberapa besar pengaruh variabel independen terhadap kedua model variabel dependen. Jumlah observasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 8.895 individu. Studi ini menemukan bahwa faktor sosial ekonomi seperti jenjang pendidikan memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap risiko individu terkena penyakit jantung dan TB. Individu yang dikategorikan miskin tidak signifikan memengaruhi probabilitas seseorang risiko terkena penyakit jantung sebesar 0,13 persen dan TB sebesar 0,33 persen. Berbagai faktor lain seperti status gizi dan tekanan darah juga memiliki pengaruh terhadap risiko terkena penyakit jantung dan TB
The Probability of Socioeconomic Status and Demographics Effect on Birth Weight Babies
Low Birth Weight (LBW) can lead to stunting and the impact of stunting in long term. Socioeconomic status and demographic factors can be a cause of baby’s low birth weight. The study aims to analyze the probability of a household giving birth to a baby with low birth weight. The data used in the research uses data from the 2021 National Socio-economic Survey (Susenas). The model used in this study is a logit model with a total of 2,203,472. The result shows poor households, household partners with low education, and household members who smoke have a significantly lower probability of giving birth to normal baby’s weight Meanwhile, households who work in the formal sector and live in urban areas have a significantly higher probability of giving birth to normal-weight babies. Households with a good socioeconomic status will provide optimal nutrition. Households in urban areas still have a better level of health than those in rural areas and households that do not smoke will give birth to healthier babies with normal weight
Analysis of The Influence of Socio-Economic Status and Demographics on Depression Symptoms in Marriage
More than 19 million people experience mental and emotional disorders, and more than 12 million people aged over 15 years’ experience depression in Indonesia, one of which is experienced in marriage. Symptoms of depression in a marriage are influenced by demographic and socio-economic status. This research aims to analyze the possibility of depressive symptoms occurring in marriage using several variables including income level, happiness, number of children, and education. This research uses a logit model to analyze the probability of an event. The number of observations used in the research was 2,685 using data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey 5. The results of the study showed that income level had a significant negative relationship of 30.3 percent to depression in marriage. Other factors such as education can also have an influence and satisfaction in the family also has a positive impact on the quality of marital relationships. From this research, results were obtained that show factors that influence depression in marriage to reduce the probability of experiencing depression in marriage