21 research outputs found

    Radiolytic Reduction of Aqueous Solutions of a Commercial Reactive Dye in the Range 0-100KGY by CO60 Gamma Radiation Source

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    Gamma dosimetric behavior of the aqueous solutions of the Sandalfix Golden Yellow CRL (SGY-145) dye was studied. The sample solutions of two chemical natures i.e., Acidic and Alkaline; were irradiated by Co60 γ-sources in the range 0-100kGy. The “Control samples” were remained un-irradiated and also chemically neutral. The dosimetry was done in three phases i.e., Low, Intermediate and High, ranging from 100-1000Gy, 1-10kGy and 10-100kGy respectively. The found values of the “λmax” and the molar extinction coefficient “ε” of the dye were 467 nm and 3.4×103 mol-1cm-1respectively. The absorbance (A) of the aqueous solutions was studied at the absorption band maxima (λmax). The behavior of “Alkaline and Acidic solutions” was checked with the help of curve fittin

    Radiolytic Reduction of Aqueous Solutions of a Commercial Reactive Dye in the Range 0-100KGY by CO60 Gamma Radiation Source

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    Gamma dosimetric behavior of the aqueous solutions of the Sandalfix Golden Yellow CRL (SGY-145) dye was studied. The sample solutions of two chemical natures i.e., Acidic and Alkaline; were irradiated by Co60 γ-sources in the range 0-100kGy. The “Control samples” were remained un-irradiated and also chemically neutral. The dosimetry was done in three phases i.e., Low, Intermediate and High, ranging from 100-1000Gy, 1-10kGy and 10-100kGy respectively. The found values of the “λmax” and the molar extinction coefficient “ε” of the dye were 467 nm and 3.4×103 mol-1cm-1respectively. The absorbance (A) of the aqueous solutions was studied at the absorption band maxima (λmax). The behavior of “Alkaline and Acidic solutions” was checked with the help of curve fittin

    The Feasibility of Reactive Dye in PVA Films as High Dosimeter

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    The gamma dosimetric response of the Methylene Blue (MB) in Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) films was investigated. The spectrophotometric analysis was done to observe the changes in these films at pre and post irradiation. The PVA based films were irradiated using Cs137 γ-source within dose range (100-200) kGy. The effect of concentration of dyes, pH of the dyed solutions and thickness of dyed films were employed as the dosimetric parameters in this study. The stability of MB-PVA films before and after irradiation was examined at ambient temperature. MB-PVA films were found to be light sensitive. Owing to simple preparation and absence of any toxic solvents during preparation, PVA based films were found to be docile for large-scale production and application for routine irradiation processes of medical equipments

    The Feasibility of Reactive Dye in PVA Films as High Dosimeter

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    The gamma dosimetric response of the Methylene Blue (MB) in Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) films was investigated. The spectrophotometric analysis was done to observe the changes in these films at pre and post irradiation. The PVA based films were irradiated using Cs137 γ-source within dose range (100-200) kGy. The effect of concentration of dyes, pH of the dyed solutions and thickness of dyed films were employed as the dosimetric parameters in this study. The stability of MB-PVA films before and after irradiation was examined at ambient temperature. MB-PVA films were found to be light sensitive. Owing to simple preparation and absence of any toxic solvents during preparation, PVA based films were found to be docile for large-scale production and application for routine irradiation processes of medical equipments

    Gamma Dosimetric Response of Sandalfix Golden Yellow CRL Dye Solutions for Gamma Dosimetry Using Cs137 in the Range 0-1KGy

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    The effect of gamma radiation source (Cs137) on the aqueous solutions of the Sandalfix Golden Yellow CRLdye was determined in the range 0-1kGy. ?max of the dye was determined by UV/VIS spectrophotometer before the exposure of gamma radiations and was found to be 422 nm. Absorbance of the sample solutions was studied at ?max of the dye at pre and post irradiation. It was determined that the Absorbance of the sample solutions was decreased with increasing absorbed dose. The exposed dye solutions were found to be discolored due to the structural changes in the dye solutions and the discoloration of the dye was found linear with respect to absorbed dose

    Radiation Exposure to Nuclear Medicine Technologists During Different Diagnostic Techniques

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    Nuclear Medicine is being widely used, now a days, for different diagnostic purposes. The present study was planned to find out the radiation exposure to nuclear medicine technologists from radioactive patients who have gone through different diagnostic techniques. This study was carried out at Punjab Institute of Nuclear Medicine (PINUM), Faisalabad (Pakistan). In order to carry out this activity, data was collected from the nuclear medicine diagnostic techniques i.e., heart scans (Rest and Stress MIBI), bone scans, renal scans, liver scans, thyroid scans and Thallium heart scans. The radiation exposure was recorded using pen dosimeter (Arrow-Tech W138) having range 0-200mR. Heart scan (Stress MIBI) was taken as standard as it showed maximum exposure (0.584 mR) and equivalent dose corresponding to this exposure (5.85μSv) amongst all scans

    Radiation Exposure to Nuclear Medicine Technologists During Different Diagnostic Techniques

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    Nuclear Medicine is being widely used, now a days, for different diagnostic purposes. The present study was planned to find out the radiation exposure to nuclear medicine technologists from radioactive patients who have gone through different diagnostic techniques. This study was carried out at Punjab Institute of Nuclear Medicine (PINUM), Faisalabad (Pakistan). In order to carry out this activity, data was collected from the nuclear medicine diagnostic techniques i.e., heart scans (Rest and Stress MIBI), bone scans, renal scans, liver scans, thyroid scans and Thallium heart scans. The radiation exposure was recorded using pen dosimeter (Arrow-Tech W138) having range 0-200mR. Heart scan (Stress MIBI) was taken as standard as it showed maximum exposure (0.584 mR) and equivalent dose corresponding to this exposure (5.85μSv) amongst all scans

    Gamma Dosimetric Response of Sandalfix Golden Yellow CRL Dye Solutions for Gamma Dosimetry Using Cs137 in the Range 0-1KGy

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    The effect of gamma radiation source (Cs137) on the aqueous solutions of the Sandalfix Golden Yellow CRLdye was determined in the range 0-1kGy. ?max of the dye was determined by UV/VIS spectrophotometer before the exposure of gamma radiations and was found to be 422 nm. Absorbance of the sample solutions was studied at ?max of the dye at pre and post irradiation. It was determined that the Absorbance of the sample solutions was decreased with increasing absorbed dose. The exposed dye solutions were found to be discolored due to the structural changes in the dye solutions and the discoloration of the dye was found linear with respect to absorbed dose

    Radiation Induced Decoloration of Reactive Dye in PVA Films for Film Dosimetry

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    The investigation of film dosimeters made from polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) films dyed with methyl orange (MO) to enable their use in high dose radiation processing applications was studied. The dosimetric change in these films at pre and post irradiation was studied spectrophotometrically. Radiolytic bleaching was observed in PVA aided films exposed with Cs137 γ-source in dose range of 100-200kGy. The effects of pH, dye concentration and film thickness on the radiation response of the film dosimeters were discussed. The stability of MO-PVA films before and after exposure of radiation was also examined at ambient temperature and was found to be higher for long times at pre and post irradiation stages

    Radiation Induced Decoloration of Reactive Dye in PVA Films for Film Dosimetry

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    The investigation of film dosimeters made from polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) films dyed with methyl orange (MO) to enable their use in high dose radiation processing applications was studied. The dosimetric change in these films at pre and post irradiation was studied spectrophotometrically. Radiolytic bleaching was observed in PVA aided films exposed with Cs137 γ-source in dose range of 100-200kGy. The effects of pH, dye concentration and film thickness on the radiation response of the film dosimeters were discussed. The stability of MO-PVA films before and after exposure of radiation was also examined at ambient temperature and was found to be higher for long times at pre and post irradiation stages