107 research outputs found

    Račun Raynal-Revaijevih koeficijenata za hipersferični pristup problemu tri tijela

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    The calculation of matrix elements of two-body interactions needed in the hyperspherical harmonics method for a three-body system is greatly simplified by expanding the bra- and ket-vector states in the hyperspherical harmonics basis states appropriate for the partition corresponding to the interacting pair. This involves the Raynal-Revai coefficients (RRC) which are the transformation coefficients between the hyperspherical harmonics bases corresponding to the two partitions. In this work, we present a fast algorithm for an accurate numerical computation of RRC. We have used this technique for two-electron atoms where the two-body interactons are purely Coulombic, and compared the results with the direct numerical integrations. Both the individual matrix element of the total interaction potential as well as the calculated binding energy agree within the computational error.Račun matričnih elemenata dvočestičnih međudjelovanja, potreban za metodu hipersferičnih harmonika u sustavu tri tijela, bitno se pojednostavi razvojem bra i ket vektora u bazi hipersfreričnih harmonika koja je prikladna za razdjelu koja odgovara paru koji međudjeluje. To uključuje Raynal-Revaijeve koeficijente (RRC) koji su transformacijski koeficijenti između baza hipersferičnih harmonika koje odgovaraju dvjema razdjelama. U ovom se radu izlaže brz algoritam za točno računalno određivanje RRC. Primijenili smo tu tehniku za dvoelektronske atome sa čistim Coulombovim međudjelovanjem parova, te usporedili dobivene ishode s ishodima izravnih numeričkih integracija. Kako pojedini matrični elementi, tako i energije vezanja slažu se do na pogrešku računanja

    Otkrivanje i karakterizacija rotavirusa genogrupe 5 povezanog s proljevom prasadi u sjeveroistočnoj Indiji

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    Rotaviruses have been recognized as an important etiological agent of non-bacterial acute gastroenteritis in young children and animals of several species worldwide, including diarrhoea in weaning and post-weaning piglets. In this study, we report the prevalence and molecular epidemiology of rotaviruses detected from piglets in different regions of the north-eastern hilly region of India. A total of 457 faecal samples (339 diarrhoeal and 118 non-diarrhoeal) were collected from piglets from local (n = 130) and cross breed (n = 327) piglets between July 2013 to June 2015 in different seasons of the year. All the samples were subjected to RNA-PAGE and RTPCR analysis. Rotaviruses were detected in 4.81% animals by RNA-PAGE and 7.43% animals by RT-PCR, with the highest prevalence (9.67%) from Meghalaya state. All the isolates were recorded as GARV and genogroup 5. The prevalence was higher in unorganized farms (10.77%) compared to organized farms (4.0%) with higher detection from diarrhoeic (9.14%) compared to non-diarrhoeic animals (2.54%). A higher prevalence was also recorded during the summer (12.5%) and winter (9.09%) seasons. On the basis of the sequence analysis, all the isolates were placed in a unique single cluster, different from other Indian isolates from humans and animals, which were in close proximity with human isolates. This is the first report of the detection of G5 Rotavirus associated with piglet diarrhoea in India.Rotavirusi su prepoznati kao važan etiološki čimbenik nebakterijskog akutnog gastroenteritisa kod male djece i različitih vrsta životinja. Kod prasadi to uključuje i proljev koji se pojavljuje pri odbiću i nakon odbića. U ovom je radu prikazana prevalencija i molekularna epidemiologija rotavirusa otkrivenih kod prasadi iz različitih dijelova sjeveroistočnog, brdovitog područja Indije. U razdoblju od srpnja 2013. do lipnja 2015. godine, tijekom različitih sezona, prikupljeno je ukupno 457 uzoraka fecesa (339 proljevastih i 118 neproljevastih). Uzorci su potjecali od prasadi lokalnih (n = 130) i križnih pasmina (n = 327). Svi su uzorci podvrgnuti RNA-PAGE i RT-PCR analizama. Rotavirusi su otkriveni u 4,81 % životinja pomoću RNA-PAGE i 7,43 % životinja pomoću RT-PCR analize. Najveća prevalencija (9,67 %) utvrđena je u državi Meghalaya. Svi su izolati registrirani kao GARV i genogrupa 5. Prevalencija je bila viša u slabo organiziranim farmama (10,77 %) u usporedbi s dobro organiziranim farmama (4,0 %), s većom učestalošću otkrivanja kod životinja koje su imale proljev (9,14 %) u odnosu na životinje bez proljeva (2,54 %). Također, veća je prevalencija utvrđena tijekom ljetnih (12,5 %) i zimskih (9,09 %) sezona. Na temelju analize sekvencija svi su izolati smješteni u jedinstveni pojedinačni skup (klaster). Taj je skup različit od drugih indijskih izolata ljudi i životinja u kojima je bio u neposrednoj blizini izolata ljudi. Ovo je prvo izvješće o otkrivanju rotavirusa G5 povezanih s proljevom prasadi u Indiji

    Methyl directed DNA mismatch repair in Vibrio cholerae

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    Mismatches in DNA occur either due to replication error or during recombination between homologous but non-identical DNA sequences or due to chemical modification of bases. The mismatch in DNA, if not repaired, result in high spontaneous mutation frequency. The repair has to be in the newly synthesized strand of the DNA molecule, otherwise the error will be fixed permanently. Three distinct mechanisms have been proposed for the repair of mismatches in DNA in prokaryotic cells and gene functions involved in these repair processes have been identified. The methyl-directed DNA mismatch repair has been examined inVibrio cholerae, a highly pathogenic gram negative bacterium and the causative agent of the diarrhoeal disease cholera. The DNA adenine methyltransferase encoding gene (dam) of this organism which is involved in strand discrimination during the repair process has been cloned and the complete nucleotide sequence has been determined.Vibrio cholerae dam gene codes for a 21.5 kDa protein and can substitute for theEscherichia coli enzyme. Overproduction ofVibrio cholerae Dam protein is neither hypermutable nor lethal both in Escherichia coli andVibrio cholerae. WhileEscherichia coli dam mutants are sensitive to 2-aminopurine,Vibrio cholerae 2-aminopurine sensitive mutants have been isolated with intact GATC methylation activity. The mutator genesmutS andmutL involved in the recognition of mismatch have been cloned, nucleotide sequence determined and their products characterized. Mutants ofmutS andmutL ofVibrio cholerae have been isolated and show high rate of spontaneous mutation frequency. ThemutU gene ofVibrio cholerae, the product of which is a DNA helicase II, codes for a 70 kDa protein. The deduced amino acid sequence of themutU gene hs all the consensus helicase motifs. The DNA cytosine methyltransferase encoding gene (dam) ofVibrio cholerae has also been cloned. Thedcm gene codes for a 53 kDa protein. This gene product might be involved in very short patch (VSP) repair of DNA mismatches. The vsr gene which is directly involved in VSP repair process codes for a 23 kDa protein. Using these information, the status of DNA mismatch repair inVibrio cholerae will be discussed

    Izdvajanje, molekularna obilježja i otpornost na antibiotike enterotoksigenih (ETEC) i nekrotoksigenih sojeva E. coli izdvojenih iz zdravih azijskih vodenih bivola.

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    The present study was undertaken to detect the prevalence, virulence gene profile and antibiotic resistance of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) and Necrotoxigenic E. coli (NTEC) in healthy water buffalo in West Bengal. Out of the 363 E. coli isolates from 165 faecal samples, 18 (4.95%) and 7 (1.9%) isolates were found to possess genes for ETEC (LT or STa or STb) and NTEC (cnf1 or cnf2), respectively in PCR. Among the 18 ETEC isolates, 13 (72.22%), 12 (66.67%), and 1 (5.56%) isolates were found to harbour STa, LT, and STb genes respectively. However, among the 7 NTEC isolates, 3 (42.85%) and 4 (57.14%) were detected to possess cnf1 and cnf2 genes, respectively. Further, among the five isolates possessing the EAST 1 gene, four were detected with the STa gene and one (1) with the LT gene. However, the majority of the F41 strains possessed ST genes, and F5 strains harboured both LT and ST. In addition, one out of three cnf1 NTEC isolates was detected to harbour the papC gene and all the four cnf2 NTEC isolates contained the cdt gene. The ETEC isolates belonged to 11 different serogroups (O11, O53, O71, O84, O88, O103, O112, O120, O128, O153, and O158), while, four NTEC isolates belonged to the OUT serogroup and the remaining 3 were disseminated among the O2, O4, and O6 serogroups. The RAPD of the ETEC isolates produced different electrophoretic profifi les. The antibiotic resistance of ETEC and NTEC isolates was observed most frequently to amikacin (56%), kanamycin (44%), gentamicin (40%), neomycin (36%). The study thus revealed water buffalo as a reservoir of multi drug resistant ETEC/NTEC for the first time in India.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem da se ustanovi prevalencija, geni za virulenciju i otpornost na antibiotike enterotoksigenih (ETEC) i nekrotoksigenih (NTEC) sojeva bakterije Escherichia coli izdvojene iz zdravih vodenih bivola iz Zapadnog Bengala. Od 363 izolata E. coli iz 165 uzoraka fecesa, 18 (4,95%) je posjedovalo neki od gena za ETEC (LT ili STa ili STb), a sedam (1,9%) izolata imalo je gene za NTEC (cnf1 ili cnf2) dokazane PCR-om. Od 18 izolata ETEC, 13 (72,22%) je imalo gen STa, 12 (66,67%) gen LT i jedan (5,56%) gen STb. Međutim, od sedam NTEC izolata, tri (42,85%) su imala gen cnfl , a četiri (57,14%) gen cnf2. Nadalje, od pet izolata koji su posjedovali gen EAST 1, četiri su imala gen Sta, a jedan gen LT. Većina sojeva F41 posjedovala je gen ST, a sojevi F5 i LT i ST gen. Nadalje, jedan od triju cnf1 NTEC izolata imao je i gen papC, a sva četiri izolata cnf2 NTEC sadržavala su gen cdt. Izolati ETEC pripadali su u 11 različitih seroloških skupina (O11, O53, O71, O84, O88, O103, O112, O120, O128, O153 i O158). Četiri izolata NTEC pripadala su serološkoj skupini OUT, a preostala tri skupinama O2, O4 i O6. RAPD izolata ETEC davao je različite elektroforetske profile. Izolati ETEC i NTEC najčešće su bili otporni na amikacin (56%), kanamicin (44%), gentamicin (40%) i neomicin (36%). Ovim istraživanjem prviput je u Indiji ustanovljeno da su vodeni bivoli rezervoar multiplo rezistentnih sojeva ETEC/NTEC

    Prevalencija i otpornost na lijekove šiga-toksigenih (STEC), enteropatogenih (EPEC) i enterotoksigenih (ETEC) izolata bakterije Escherichia coli u slobodno držanih jakova s proljevom i bez proljeva u pokrajini West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, Indija.

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    Food producing animals are the major reservoirs of Shiga-toxin producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). The yak (Poephagus grunniens) is a unique multipurpose bovid, reared by highlanders in the Himalayan region. A total of 67 STEC, 5 EPEC and 22 ETEC strains were isolated from 256 rectal swabs of free ranging yaks from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Among the STEC isolates, shiga toxin producing genes stx2 was predominant, followed by stx1. Of all the stx variants, stx1c, stx2d, stx2c, stx2e and stx2f were detected in 23, 11, 2 and 1 isolates, respectively. Further, genes such as eaeA, ehxA, saa, iha and toxB were detected in 16, 35, 28, 10 and 2 isolates, respectively. One of the EPEC isolates possessed a bfpA gene and was categorized as typical EPEC. Among the ETEC isolates, genes such as LT, STa, STb, F41 and K99 were detected in 14, 5, 13, 2 and 2 isolates, respectively. The majority of the STEC, EPEC and ETEC isolates exhibited multi-drug resistance. The study revealed the presence of multi-drug resistant diarrhoea genic E. coli in free ranging yaks from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh. Moreover, the presence of STEC/EPEC can be a potential public health risk for tribal highlanders residing in close proximity of the reservoir yaks.Životinje koje služe za proizvodnju hrane mogu biti rezervoar šiga-toksigenih (STEC) i enteropatogenih (EPEC) sojeva bakterije Escherichia coli. Jak (Poephagus grunniens) je jedinstveni multipari bovid kojeg uzgajaju gorštaci na Himalaji. Ukupno je bilo izdvojeno 67 STEC sojeva, 5 EPEC sojeva i 22 ETEC soja iz 256 rektalnih obrisaka slobodno držanih jakova na području West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, Indija. Među izolatima STEC prevladavao je gen stx2 za prizvodnju šiga-toksina, a slijedio ga je gen stx1. Od svih varijanata gena stx, stx1c bio je dokazan u 23 izolata, stx2d u 11 izolata, stx2c u dva izolata, a stx2e i stx2f u jednog izolata. Nadalje gen eaeA dokazan je u 16 izolata, gen ehxA u 35, gen saa u 28, gen iha u 10 te gen toxBu dva izolata. Jedan od izolata EPEC posjedovao je gen bfpA i svrstan je u tipične EPEC izolate. Gen LT dokazan je u 14 ETEC izolata, gen Sta u pet, gen STb u 13, gen F41 u dva i K99 također u dva izolata. Većina izolata STEC, EPEC i ETEC pokazivala je otpornost na više lijekova. Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji višestruka otpornost bakterije E. coli izdvojene iz slobodno držanih jakova s proljevom na području West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh. Povrh toga, prisutnost STEC/EPEC može predstavljati rizik za javno zdravstvo za gorštačka plemena koja dolaze u bliski dodir s jakovima

    Prevalencija i otpornost na lijekove šiga-toksigenih (STEC), enteropatogenih (EPEC) i enterotoksigenih (ETEC) izolata bakterije Escherichia coli u slobodno držanih jakova s proljevom i bez proljeva u pokrajini West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, Indija.

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    Food producing animals are the major reservoirs of Shiga-toxin producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). The yak (Poephagus grunniens) is a unique multipurpose bovid, reared by highlanders in the Himalayan region. A total of 67 STEC, 5 EPEC and 22 ETEC strains were isolated from 256 rectal swabs of free ranging yaks from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Among the STEC isolates, shiga toxin producing genes stx2 was predominant, followed by stx1. Of all the stx variants, stx1c, stx2d, stx2c, stx2e and stx2f were detected in 23, 11, 2 and 1 isolates, respectively. Further, genes such as eaeA, ehxA, saa, iha and toxB were detected in 16, 35, 28, 10 and 2 isolates, respectively. One of the EPEC isolates possessed a bfpA gene and was categorized as typical EPEC. Among the ETEC isolates, genes such as LT, STa, STb, F41 and K99 were detected in 14, 5, 13, 2 and 2 isolates, respectively. The majority of the STEC, EPEC and ETEC isolates exhibited multi-drug resistance. The study revealed the presence of multi-drug resistant diarrhoea genic E. coli in free ranging yaks from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh. Moreover, the presence of STEC/EPEC can be a potential public health risk for tribal highlanders residing in close proximity of the reservoir yaks.Životinje koje služe za proizvodnju hrane mogu biti rezervoar šiga-toksigenih (STEC) i enteropatogenih (EPEC) sojeva bakterije Escherichia coli. Jak (Poephagus grunniens) je jedinstveni multipari bovid kojeg uzgajaju gorštaci na Himalaji. Ukupno je bilo izdvojeno 67 STEC sojeva, 5 EPEC sojeva i 22 ETEC soja iz 256 rektalnih obrisaka slobodno držanih jakova na području West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, Indija. Među izolatima STEC prevladavao je gen stx2 za prizvodnju šiga-toksina, a slijedio ga je gen stx1. Od svih varijanata gena stx, stx1c bio je dokazan u 23 izolata, stx2d u 11 izolata, stx2c u dva izolata, a stx2e i stx2f u jednog izolata. Nadalje gen eaeA dokazan je u 16 izolata, gen ehxA u 35, gen saa u 28, gen iha u 10 te gen toxBu dva izolata. Jedan od izolata EPEC posjedovao je gen bfpA i svrstan je u tipične EPEC izolate. Gen LT dokazan je u 14 ETEC izolata, gen Sta u pet, gen STb u 13, gen F41 u dva i K99 također u dva izolata. Većina izolata STEC, EPEC i ETEC pokazivala je otpornost na više lijekova. Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji višestruka otpornost bakterije E. coli izdvojene iz slobodno držanih jakova s proljevom na području West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh. Povrh toga, prisutnost STEC/EPEC može predstavljati rizik za javno zdravstvo za gorštačka plemena koja dolaze u bliski dodir s jakovima