6 research outputs found

    The Philippine Revolution of 1896. Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times, Florentino Rodao & Felice Noelle Rodriguez (eds.)

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    Most often, historical research deals with major events, big-name statesmen, or heroes of wars and revolutions. Some, however, dwells on smaller aspects of life. In the latter genre, the historian is able to look deeper into situations, people, and locales, and enables the reader to relate specific events to the larger societal picture. This book does just that: It looks into sections of Philippine society affected by the 1896 revolution, describing lives beyond Bonifacio and Aguinaldo, exami..

    The Philippine Revolution of 1896. Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times,
Florentino Rodao & Felice Noelle Rodriguez (eds.)

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    Most often, historical research deals with major events, big-name statesmen, or heroes of wars and revolutions. Some, however, dwells on smaller aspects of life. In the latter genre, the historian is able to look deeper into situations, people, and locales, and enables the reader to relate specific events to the larger societal picture. This book does just that: It looks into sections of Philippine society affected by the 1896 revolution, describing lives beyond Bonifacio and Aguinaldo, exami..

    Recherche en sciences humaines sur l'Asie du Sud-Est

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    Moussons porte son regard sur le Sud-Est asiatique (insulaire et continental) et ses marges indiennes et chinoises. Revue comparative et interdisciplinaire, elle accueille l'ensemble des sciences humaines et sociales, plus particulièrement l’anthropologie, la sociologie et l’histoire contemporaine. Revue biannuelle, Moussons publie, en français et en anglais, des articles, des notes de recherche et des comptes rendus d’ouvrages