130 research outputs found
Topological Gauge Theories on Local Spaces and Black Hole Entropy Countings
We study cohomological gauge theories on total spaces of holomorphic line
bundles over complex manifolds and obtain their reduction to the base manifold
by U(1) equivariant localization of the path integral. We exemplify this
general mechanism by proving via exact path integral localization a reduction
for local curves conjectured in hep-th/0411280, relevant to the calculation of
black hole entropy/Gromov-Witten invariants. Agreement with the
four-dimensional gauge theory is recovered by taking into account in the latter
non-trivial contributions coming from one-loop fluctuations determinants at the
boundary of the total space. We also study a class of abelian gauge theories on
Calabi-Yau local surfaces, describing the quantum foam for the A-model,
relevant to the calculation of Donaldson-Thomas invariants.Comment: 17 page
Multi - instantons, supersymmetry and topological field theories
In this letter we argue that instanton-dominated Green's functions in N=2 Super Yang-Mills theories can be equivalently computed either using the so-called constrained instanton method or making reference to the topological twisted version of the theory. Defining an appropriate BRST operator (as a supersymmetry plus a gauge variation), we also show that the expansion coefficients of the Seiberg-Witten effective action for the low-energy degrees of freedom can be written as integrals of total derivatives over the moduli space of self-dual gauge connections
BPS Quivers of Five-Dimensional SCFTs, Topological Strings and q-Painlevé Equations
We study the discrete flows generated by the symmetry group of the BPS quivers for Calabi–Yau geometries describing five-dimensional superconformal quantum field theories on a circle. These flows naturally describe the BPS particle spectrum of such theories and at the same time generate bilinear equations of q-difference type which, in the rank one case, are q-Painlevé equations. The solutions of these equations are shown to be given by grand canonical topological string partition functions which we identify with τ-functions of the cluster algebra associated to the quiver. We exemplify our construction in the case corresponding to five-dimensional SU(2) pure super Yang–Mills and Nf= 2 on a circle
Quantum curves and q-deformed Painlev\ue9 equations
We propose that the grand canonical topological string partition functions satisfy finite-difference equations in the closed string moduli. In the case of genus one mirror curve, these are conjectured to be the q-difference Painlev\ue9 equations as in Sakai\u2019s classification. More precisely, we propose that the tau functions of q-Painlev\ue9 equations are related to the grand canonical topological string partition functions on the corresponding geometry. In the toric cases, we use topological string/spectral theory duality to give a Fredholm determinant representation for the above tau functions in terms of the underlying quantum mirror curve. As a consequence, the zeroes of the tau functions compute the exact spectrum of the associated quantum integrable systems. We provide details of this construction for the local P1
7 P1 case, which is related to q-difference Painlev\ue9 with affine A1 symmetry, to SU(2) Super Yang\u2013Mills in five dimensions and to relativistic Toda system. \ua9 2019, Springer Nature B.V
Counting Yang-Mills Instantons by Surface Operator Renormalization Group Flow
We show that the nonperturbative dynamics of N=2 super-Yang-Mills theories in a self-dual ω background and with arbitrary simple gauge group is fully determined by studying renormalization group equations of vacuum expectation values of surface operators generating one-form symmetries. The corresponding system of equations is a nonautonomous Toda chain, the time being the renormalization group scale. We obtain new recurrence relations which provide a systematic algorithm computing multi-instanton corrections from the tree-level one-loop prepotential as the asymptotic boundary condition of the renormalization group equations. We exemplify by computing the E6 and G2 cases up to two instantons
Exact solution of Kerr black hole perturbations via CFT2 and instanton counting: Greybody factor, quasinormal modes, and Love numbers
We give explicit expressions for the finite frequency greybody factor, quasinormal modes, and Love numbers of Kerr black holes by computing the exact connection coefficients of the radial and angular parts of the Teukolsky equation. This is obtained by solving the connection problem of the confluent Heun equation in terms of the explicit expression of irregular Virasoro conformal blocks as sums over partitions via the Alday, Gaiotto, and Tachikawa correspondence. In the relevant approximation limits our results are in agreement with existing literature. The method we use can be extended to solve the linearized Einstein equation in other interesting gravitational backgrounds
Circular quiver gauge theories, isomonodromic deformations and WN fermions on the torus
We study the relation between class S theories on punctured tori and isomonodromic deformations of flat SL(N) connections on the two-dimensional torus with punctures. Turning on the self-dual Ω -background corresponds to a deautonomization of the Seiberg–Witten integrable system which implies a specific time dependence in its Hamiltonians. We show that the corresponding τ-function is proportional to the dual gauge theory partition function, the proportionality factor being a nontrivial function of the solution of the deautonomized Seiberg–Witten integrable system. This is obtained by mapping the isomonodromic deformation problem to WN free fermion correlators on the torus
N=2 gauge theories on unoriented/open four-manifolds and their AGT counterparts
We compute the exact path integral of N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories with general gauge group on RP4 and a Z(2)-quotient of the hemi-S-4. By specializing to SU(2) superconformal quivers, we show that these, together with hemi-S-4 partition functions, compute Liouville correlators on unoriented/open Riemann surfaces. We perform explicit checks for Riemann surfaces obtained as Z(2) quotients of the sphere and the torus. We also discuss the coupled 3d-4d systems associated to Liouville amplitudes with boundary punctures
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