4 research outputs found

    Electronic absorption spectra of selenocarbonyl and thiocarbonyl compounds

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    Electronic absorption spectra of a variety of thiocarbonyl and selenocarbonyl compounds have been compared to point out their similarities. Interesting correlations between the absorption maxima and electronegativities of substituents in both the seleno- and thio-carbonyl compounds have been reported

    Non-bonded interactions in 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanedithione and 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-3-thio-1,3-cyclobutanedione

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    Electronic absorption and emission spectra as well as He(I) photoelectron spectra of 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-,3-cyclobutanedithione and 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1-3-thio-1,3-cyclobutanedione have been interpreted on the basis of molecular orbital calculations. The results show that the non-bonded orbital of the dithione is split owing to through-bond interaction, the magnitude of splitting being 0.4 eV. The π* orbital of the dithione appears to be split by about 0.2 eV. Electronic absorption spectra show evidence for the existence of four n—π* transitions, arising out of the splitting of the orbitals referred to above, just as in the case of 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanedione. Electronic and photoelectron spectra of the thio-dione show evidence for weak interaction between the C=S and C&.zdbnd;O groups, probably via π* orbitals. Infrared spectra of both the dithione and the thio-dione are consistent with the planar cyclobutane ring; the ring-puckering frequency responsible for non-bonded interactions is around 67 cm−1 in both the dithione and the thio-dione, the value not being very different from that in the dione. The 1,3-transannular distance is also similar in the three molecules

    A study of the nature of coordination in metal monothiocarbamates based on infrared spectroscopy and the HSAB concept

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    The nature of coordination in metal monothiocarbamates is shown to depend on the hardness or softness of the metal ton. Thus, the monothiocarbamate ion acts as a monodentate ligand with metal-sulphur bending when the metal ion is a soft acid while it acts as a bidentate ligand when the metal ion is a hard acid; it can exhibit either behaviour when the metal ion is a borderline acid. In dialkyltin and dialkylmonocholorotin complexes, the monothiocarbamate ion acts as a bidentate ligand with strong Sn-S bonding while in trialkyl-or triaryl-tin complexes it acts essentially as a monodentate ligand. Thus, R3Sn(I) seems to be a soft or borderline acid while R2Sn(II) is a hard acid

    Non-bonded interactions in cyclobutane-thiones

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    Using UVPES and electronic spectral data the presence of an interaction between thd 1,3-thiocarbonyl groups in Image has been identified. EHT calculations also predict such an interaction. Presence of weak interaction between 1,3-carbonyl and thiocarbonyl groups in Image has been inferred from electronic absorption and emission spectra