11 research outputs found


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    This study focuses on Industry 4.0 in developing countries and, in particular, that of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is one of the least competitive economies in the Region. A review of the literature on Industry 4.0 and the current prospect of it in the developing countries will be presented and then collecting the required data from the secondary data. This study aims to explore the main challenges along with some opportunities to apply Industry 4.0 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The challenges that will be tested include poor infrastructure, harmonization of the education system and labour market, expensive installation of technologies, lack of government supports and growing trend of depopulation. Through insight into the structure of world trade and technology achievement, we will also look at the fact that the new industrial revolution will bring an even greater gap between developed and developing countries and try to answer the question of why such a disproportion in development occurs. As this is one of the first research projects regarding Industry 4.0 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the findings of the study will generate some recommendations and propose some alternatives to be considered that could be useful for the decision-makers both in government and the private sector


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    Odnosi između medicinskog osoblja i studenata koji dođu na praktičnu nastavu potrebno je da se temelje na konstruktivnoj komunikaciji; uzajamnom poštovanju; povjerenju; osjetljivosti prema drugima i zajedničkoj vrijednosti što će olakšati proces transfera znanja (Higginson, 2010). Svrha ovoga istraživanja leži u proučavanju metoda razmjene i transfera znanja, s ciljem boljeg povezivanja strukturnih teoretskih znanja sa praktičnim radom studenata. Menadžment znanja ili razmjena znanja između osoba, predstavlja oblik organizacijske inovacije koja može stvarati nove ideje i razvijati nove poslovne prilike kroz socijalizaciju i proces učenja (Muller, 2014). Ljudski kapital/faktor igra važnu ulogu u apsorbiranju novih tehnologija i inovacija. Kako znanje boravi samo u ljudskom umu, ono se može najbolje iskoristiti povećanjem ljudskih sposobnosti putem povećane komunikacije, suradnje i povezanosti, kako unutar poduzeća, tako i kroz poduzeća i organizaciju koja proizvodi znanje (Kharbanda, 2004). Uz teorijsku konceptualizaciju, u radu je prikazano kvantitativno empirijsko istraživanje koje potvrđuje važnost transfera znanja između medicinskog osoblja i praktikanta u svrhu dobivanja kvalitetnog zdravstvenog kadra što se u konačnici odražava na temeljnu svrhu pružanja zdravstvenih usluga, a to je - zadovoljstvo pacijenata


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    Primarni cilj ovog rada je poboljšati razumijevanje razlike između četiri dijagnostičke komponente analize konkurencije prema Michaelu Porteru (budući ciljevi, trenutna strategija, pretpostavke i mogućnosti) i tehnika korištenih u industrijskoj špijunaži. Analizirat će se i opisati tehnike prikupljanja znanja i informacija s natjecanja, što je posebno važno u doba široke upotrebe društvenih medija i mobilne tehnologije u organizacijama. Granica između analize konkurencije i korporativne špijunaže granica je između legalnog i ilegalnog, etičkog i neetičkog. Budući da je ova linija često nejasna, svrha istraživanja je u konačnici dati preporuke za prikupljanje vrijednih informacija o konkurenciji na pravni i etički način. U radu se koristi teorijski pristup i pregled literature iz područja strateškog upravljanja i konkurentnih strategija kako bi se istražio taj kritični proces i analiziralo kako se njime može učinkovito upravljati. Ovaj konceptualni okvir pruža sredstvo za razumijevanje tehnika prikupljanja informacija od konkurencije koje postaju osnova za razvoj konkurentske prednosti


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    Primarni cilj ovog rada je poboljšati razumijevanje razlike između četiri dijagnostičke komponente analize konkurencije prema Michaelu Porteru (budući ciljevi, trenutna strategija, pretpostavke i mogućnosti) i tehnika korištenih u industrijskoj špijunaži. Analizirat će se i opisati tehnike prikupljanja znanja i informacija s natjecanja, što je posebno važno u doba široke upotrebe društvenih medija i mobilne tehnologije u organizacijama. Granica između analize konkurencije i korporativne špijunaže granica je između legalnog i ilegalnog, etičkog i neetičkog. Budući da je ova linija često nejasna, svrha istraživanja je u konačnici dati preporuke za prikupljanje vrijednih informacija o konkurenciji na pravni i etički način. U radu se koristi teorijski pristup i pregled literature iz područja strateškog upravljanja i konkurentnih strategija kako bi se istražio taj kritični proces i analiziralo kako se njime može učinkovito upravljati. Ovaj konceptualni okvir pruža sredstvo za razumijevanje tehnika prikupljanja informacija od konkurencije koje postaju osnova za razvoj konkurentske prednosti

    Aflatoxin M1 contaminations in different types of cheese in Serbia

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    Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is excreted into milk as the main metabolite of aflatoxin B1 and as such it poses a potential risk to human health. Accordingly, the analysis of AFM1 in milk and milk products is of great importance. The aim of this research was to investigate the AFM1 level in different types of cheese (soft cheese, processed cheese, fresh cheese, semi-hard cheese, parmesan, mozzarella, hard cheese) on the Serbian market. A total of 42 samples of cheese of different producers were collected from the domestic market. After extraction with dichlor-methane, cheese samples were prepared and analysed by ELISA test. Among the analysed 42 samples, 17 (40.5 %) were contaminated by AFM1 at levels ranging from 156.0 ng/kg to 810.0 ng/kg. The 15 samples (35.7 % of the samples) were contaminated by AFM1, at levels ranging from 54.0 ng/kg to 83.0 ng/kg and 10 samples (23.8 % of the samples) had undetectable AFM1 levels (<50 ng/kg). Based on these results, it could be concluded that 28.6 % (12/42) cheese samples had AFM1 concentration higher than EU maximum level (250 ng/kg), with concentrations between 263.0 and 810.0 ng/kg. The percentage of cheese samples with AFM1 levels exceeding the EU maximum AFM1 level was relatively high, indicating that the presence of AFM1 is still a big problem for producers in Serbia. The testing of raw milk used for cheese production is important for the protection of public health. Stricter measures should be taken to reach a satisfactory level of concentration. In addition, optimum storage conditions for animal feed should be provided, and animal feeding should be monitored for the presence of AFM1 and other aflatoxins

    Five years study of seasonal variations of milk composition

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    Serbia has the largest dairy sector in the Balkan region, producing about 1.55 million tons of milk per year. However, farms are still very small and fragmented, with 600,000 cows on 220,000 farms, giving an average herd size of 2.7 animals. The composition of cows' milk is of the greatest importance for the dairy industry. Compositional parameters were of interest from a nutritive and a technological point of view. In this study, 5945 milk samples were collected in Srem district in Vojvodina and analysed during 5 years (2010-2014) for milk fat, protein and non fat dry matter contents. Statistical analysis and estimates of the significance of the variation due to month and season was performed with the Kruscal-Wallis test. The mean milk fat content was 3.85%, the protein content 3.23% and non fat dry matter 8.46%. All investigated parameters showed significant seasonal variation (p<0.01). As expected, all three parameters were the lowest during summer months while the highest values were found during winter. Factors influencing the composition of milk are numerous including cows breed, feeding systems, milking frequency and milking systems. Compared with a previous investigation (1976) of milk composition in same part of country, milk fat and non fat dry matter contents increased, while protein content stayed constant. Data from developed countries indicated a higher fat and protein contents meaning that there is space for improvement of milk quality in our country

    Seasonal Variation Of Aflatoxin M1 In Dairy Products During 2015 In Serbia

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    During the last two years, official regulations about aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) level in milk are periodically changed. The cause of the variation in the concentration levels of AFM1 in milk during different seasons. The Serbian Government does not have the required regulations for the level of AFM1 in dairy products. The official regulations exist only for raw and heat treated milk. The aim of this study was to monitor the level of AFM1 concentration in two groups of commercial dairy products (fermented dairy products and milk drinks) during different seasons (autumn, spring, winter and summer) in 2015 year. The level of AFM1 varied during the season and the higher level of AFM1 recorded during the autumn, while during the summer period AFM1 level is much lower. However, level of AFM1 in different seasons was not significantly different and generally is much less than in previous years. The study indicates that current level of AFM1 in fermented dairy products and milk drinks is satisfactory. As it known, changes in the concentration of AFM1 in dairy products are a direct result of changes in the concentration of AFM1 in raw milk. However, based on literature data and results of this study it could be concluded that raw milk could be contaminated due to improper feed of cows, but is not accepted by dairy processors. These results indicate that situation regarding safety of dairy products has been improved, but still is essential to introduce monitoring programs for primary milk producers in order to avoid their losses

    Conflict management strategies in family business: A case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to determine, theoretically and empirically, which strategies are most commonly used to manage conflict situations and to what extent conflict management strategies have an effect on knowledge transfer between owners and successors in family businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This research empirically establishes a link between conflict management strategies and knowledge transfer. Methodology: In addition to theoretical conceptualization, the paper presents quantitative empirical research confirming the validity of the proposed hypothesis. Results: The results of the research show that owners who tend to use the integrating, obliging and compromising conflict management strategies, attach more importance to succession planning and transfer of knowledge and experience to successors. In contrast, dominant leaders are less willing to plan for succession, as they would prefer to retain all the crucial information and decision-making authority and are therefore reluctant to share their knowledge and power. Conclusion: Relevant conflict management strategies can be implemented to help maintain family relationships and ensure business continuity. Learning effective conflict management techniques is important for anyone involved in a family business. Thus, managing conflict is important for the success and longevity of family businesses