75 research outputs found

    Oksidacijski stres u toksičnosti triazinskih pesticida - pregled glavnih biomarkera

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    This review article provides a summary of the studies relying on oxidative stress biomarkers (lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in particular) to investigate the effects of atrazine and terbuthylazine exposure in experimental animals and humans published since 2010. In general, experimental animals showed that atrazine and terbuthylazine exposure mostly affected their antioxidant defences and, to a lesser extent, lipid peroxidation, but the effects varied by the species, sex, age, herbicide concentration, and duration of exposure. Most of the studies involved aquatic organisms as useful and sensitive bio-indicators of environmental pollution and important part of the food chain. In laboratory mice and rats changes in oxidative stress markers were visible only with exposure to high doses of atrazine. Recently, our group reported that low-dose terbuthylazine could also induce oxidative stress in Wistar rats. It is evident that any experimental assessment of pesticide toxic effects should take into account a combination of several oxidative stress and antioxidant defence biomarkers in various tissues and cell compartments. The identified effects in experimental models should then be complemented and validated by epidemiological studies. This is important if we wish to understand the impact of pesticides on human health and to establish safe limits.Ovaj pregledni članak daje sažetak studija objavljenih od 2010. godine o djelovanju atrazina i terbutilazina na parametre oksidacijskog stresa (osobito lipidnu peroksidaciju i antioksidacijske enzime) u eksperimentalnih životinja i ljudi. Općenito je utvrđeno da izloženost eksperimentalnih životinja atrazinu i terbutilazinu najviše utječe na njihovu antioksidacijsku obranu i u manjoj mjeri na lipidnu peroksidaciju, ali učinci variraju ovisno o vrsti, spolu, dobi, koncentraciji herbicida i trajanju izlaganja. Većina studija uključivala je vodene organizme kao korisne i osjetljive bio-pokazatelje onečišćenja okoliša i važan dio prehrambenog lanca. U laboratorijskih miševa i štakora promjene u markerima oksidacijskog stresa bile su vidljive samo nakon izloženosti visokim dozama atrazina. U svojem smo nedavnom izvješću iznijeli podatak da niske doze terbutilazina također mogu inducirati oksidacijski stres u Wistar štakora. Očigledno je da pri svakoj eksperimentalnoj procjeni toksičnih učinaka pesticida treba uzeti u obzir kombinaciju nekoliko biomarkera oksidacijskog stresa i antioksidacijske obrane u različitim tkivima i stanicama. Učinci identificirani u eksperimentalnim modelima trebaju se nadopunjavati i potvrditi epidemiološkim istraživanjima. To je važno ako želimo razumjeti utjecaj pesticida na ljudsko zdravlje i uspostaviti sigurnu granicu izloženosti

    Books and reading in children with visual impairments

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    Slobodan pristup informacijama kao imperativ suvremenog društva postavlja pred knjižnice izazov kako osigurati dostupnost informacija svim korisnicima uvažavajući njihove različite potrebe. U ovom radu prikazano je istraživanje čitateljskih navika u djece i mladih s oštećenjima vida provedeno 2013. godine. Istraživanje se temelji na pretpostavkama da dostupnost informacija na mediju prilagođenom potrebama djeteta oštećena vida utječe na čitateljske navike ove djece te da u narodnim i školskim knjižnicama u Hrvatskoj nema dovoljno usluga namijenjenih djeci oštećena vida. Analizirajući dobivene rezultate, navedene su se pretpostavke pokazale točnima. One otvaraju niz pitanja i čimbenika koje treba uvažiti u rješavanju ove problematike, ali i temelj za daljnja istraživanja u području ove složene teme.Free access to information as an imperative of modern society confronts libraries with the challenge how to provide access to information for all users, considering their different needs. This paper gives an overview of research in reading habits in children and young people with visual impairments in Croatia carried out in 2013. The research is based on hypotheses that the availability of information in the media tailored to the needs of a child with impaired vision affects the reading habits in the children, and that public and school libraries in Croatia do not offer enough services for children with visual impairments. The results of the research have proven these hypotheses to be correct. This research has opened a range of questions on factors when considering these issues. It might also be the basis for further research in the area of this complex issue

    Unexpected abnormal coagulation test results in a 2-year-old child: A case report

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    Rejection of the sample with repeated blood withdrawal is always an unwanted consequence of sample nonconformity and preanalytical errors, especially in the most vulnerable population – children. Here is presented a case with unexpected abnormal coagulation test results in a 2-yearold child with no previously documented coagulation disorder. Child is planned for tympanostomy tubes removal under the anaesthesia driven procedure, and preoperative coagulation tests revealed prolonged prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time, with fibrinogen and antithrombin within reference intervals. From the anamnestic and clinical data, congenital coagulation disorder was excluded, and with further investigation, sample mismatch, clot presence and accidental ingestion of oral anticoagulant, heparin contamination or vitamin K deficiency were excluded too. Due to suspected EDTA carryover during blood sampling another sample was taken the same day and all tests were performed again. The results for all tests were within reference intervals confirming EDTA effect on falsely prolongation of the coagulation times in the first sample. This case can serve as alert to avoid unnecessary loss in terms of blood withdrawal repetitions and discomfort of the patients and their relatives, tests repeating, prolonging medical procedures, and probably delaying diagnosis or proper medical treatment. It is the responsibility of the laboratory specialists to continuously educate laboratory staff and other phlebotomists on the correct blood collection as well as on its importance for the patient’s safety

    Non-linear frequency response analysis of the kinetics of electrochemical reactions: a case study – ferrocyanide oxidation kinetics

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    In general, electrochemical (EC) systems are non-linear, which means they respond nonlinearly to a frequency-dependent periodic input perturbation of high amplitude imposed around a steady-state. In addition, the kinetics of EC reactions are quite complex and different rivalling model presentations can be formulated for certain EC reaction. While standard electrochemical methods (steady-state and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) showed low sensitivity towards the model discrimination, non-linear frequency response analysis (NLFRA) of EC kinetics can appear advantageous for this purpose. In this work, NLFRA is applied in experimental and theoretical study of ferrocyanide oxidation as a model EC reaction.Belgrade, Serbia, June 6-10, 2010Related to the published paper in the Proceedings of the Second Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, [http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3539

    Non-linear frequency response analysis of the kinetics of electrochemical reactions: a case study – ferrocyanide oxidation kinetics

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    In general, electrochemical (EC) systems are non-linear, which means they respond nonlinearly to a frequency-dependent periodic input perturbation of high amplitude imposed around a steady-state. In addition, the kinetics of EC reactions are quite complex and different rivalling model presentations can be formulated for certain EC reaction. While standard electrochemical methods (steady-state and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) showed low sensitivity towards the model discrimination, non-linear frequency response analysis (NLFRA) of EC kinetics can appear advantageous for this purpose. In this work, NLFRA is applied in experimental and theoretical study of ferrocyanide oxidation as a model EC reaction.Belgrade, Serbia, June 6-10, 2010Related to the published paper in the Proceedings of the Second Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, [http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3539

    Specifičnosti metodskog postupka u obradi regionalno-geografskih sadržaja u VII razredu osnovne škole

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    The institutionalized and hierarchically structured system that covers elementary, secondary and university education represents the framework of the sphere of formal education within whish the geographical education of every individual is developed. The system is formed by legal acts, curriculum and educational standards in a domain of student's achievements binding for all participants in the teaching process. With the aim of improving the teaching practice and achieving better effects the paper represents the specificities of methodical procedure in the treatment of the regional-geographical contents in the seventh grade of elementary school.Institucionalizovani i hijerarhijski struktuirani sistem koje pokriva osnovno, srednje i visoko obrazovanje predstavlja okosnicu sfere formalnog obrazovanja u čijim okvirima se obavlja geografsko obrazovanje i vaspitanje svakog pojedinca. Sistem je oblikovan pravnim aktima, nastavnim planom i programom i vaspitno-obrazovnim standardima koji su obavezujući za sve aktere nastavnog procesa. U cilju unapređivanja nastavne prakse i postizanja boljih efekata u radu su prezentovane specifičnosti metodskog postupka u obradi regionalno­geografskih sadržaja u sedmom razredu osnovne škole

    Specifičnosti metodskog postupka u obradi regionalno-geografskih sadržaja u VII razredu osnovne škole

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    The institutionalized and hierarchically structured system that covers elementary, secondary and university education represents the framework of the sphere of formal education within whish the geographical education of every individual is developed. The system is formed by legal acts, curriculum and educational standards in a domain of student's achievements binding for all participants in the teaching process. With the aim of improving the teaching practice and achieving better effects the paper represents the specificities of methodical procedure in the treatment of the regional-geographical contents in the seventh grade of elementary school.Institucionalizovani i hijerarhijski struktuirani sistem koje pokriva osnovno, srednje i visoko obrazovanje predstavlja okosnicu sfere formalnog obrazovanja u čijim okvirima se obavlja geografsko obrazovanje i vaspitanje svakog pojedinca. Sistem je oblikovan pravnim aktima, nastavnim planom i programom i vaspitno-obrazovnim standardima koji su obavezujući za sve aktere nastavnog procesa. U cilju unapređivanja nastavne prakse i postizanja boljih efekata u radu su prezentovane specifičnosti metodskog postupka u obradi regionalno­geografskih sadržaja u sedmom razredu osnovne škole

    Does the Serum Metallothionein Level Reflect the Stage of Testicular Germ Cell Tumor?

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    Increased levels of metallothionein (MT) have recently been found in the blood serum of men with newly diagnosed testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT). In light of previously published results, the aim of this study was to investigate the difference in serum MT levels among patients with different stages of TGCT and compare MT with commonly used markers (α- fetoprotein, β-human chorionic gonadotropin and lactate dehydrogenase). The concentration of total MT was determined in the serum of 25 men with TGCT (seminoma or non-seminoma) by differential pulse voltammetry. Serum samples were obtained prior to chemotherapy, after two cycles of chemotherapy and 1 year after chemotherapy. A statistically significant difference in MT levels in patients with different stages of TGCT was observed in the serum of patients with non-seminoma obtained before chemotherapy. Although not significant, an increase in serum MT levels commensurate with the disease stage increase was also observed in patients with seminomatous TGCT. The results indicate that, in combination with the existing markers, MT could be useful for the identification of the histological type of tumor and stage of the disease before biopsy diagnosis

    The concentration of tumor necrosis factor alpha in periapical lesions

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    Introduction. The balance between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines plays an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic periapical lesions. The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of TNF-α in tissue homogenates of periapical lesions and analyze its levels in relation to the symptomatology and the size of lesions. Materials and Methods. 93 samples of chronic periapical lesions were obtained after extraction of teeth. Samples were classified according to the clinical presentation as symptomatic and asymptomatic, and according to the size as large and small. The concentration of TNF-α was analyzed using ELISA. Results. The results showed increased production of TNF-α in symptomatic lesions compared to asymptomatic. Higher concentration of TNF-α was demonstrated in large lesions compared to small. Large symptomatic lesions showed greater concentration of TNF-α compared to small symptomatic lesions, while bigger asymptomatic lesions demonstrated higher amount of the cytokines compared to small asymptomatic lesions. Conclusion. Higher concentration of TNF-α in large symptomatic lesions indicates that TNF-α is an important factor responsible for the progression of lesions

    Genetic characterization of pathogenic fluorescent pseudomonads isolated from necrotic cherry and plum buds in Serbia

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    During past few years a symptoms of plum and cherry bud necrosis were observed in some regions with significant cherry production in Serbia. Gram negative, fluorescent, oxidative bacterial strains were isolated from the margin of necrotic tissue. All investigated strains are levan and HR positive, while negative results are recorded in oxidase, pectinase and arginin dihydrolase tests (LOPAT+---+). Symptoms similar to those observed in natural infection were obtained after artificial inoculation of cherry leaf scares and dormant one year old cherry shoots. Investigated strains as well as reference strain of P. syringae pv. morsprunorum cause the superficial necrosis on artificially inoculated immature cherry fruits, but negative results were recorded in immature pear and lemon fruit tests as well as syringae leaves and bean pods. Gelatin and aesculin tests were negative and tyrosinase and tartrate were positive. Investigated strains isolated from necrotic cherry buds had identical REP-PCR pattern with reference strain of P. syringae pv. morsprunorum. On the basis of obtained results, it was concluded that this bacterium is causal agent of cherry trees bud necrosis in Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 31018 i br. 173026