4 research outputs found

    Tapping Into Actinobacterial Genomes for Natural Product Discovery

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    The presence of secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) makes actinobacteria well-known producers of diverse metabolites. These ubiquitous microbes are extensively exploited for their ability to synthesize diverse secondary metabolites. The extent of their ability to synthesize various molecules is yet to be evaluated. Current advancements in genome sequencing, metabolomics, and bioinformatics have provided a plethora of information about the mechanism of synthesis of these bioactive molecules. Accessing the biosynthetic gene cluster responsible for the production of metabolites has always been a challenging assignment. The genomic approach developments have opened a new gateway for examining and manipulating novel antibiotic gene clusters. These advancements have now developed a better understanding of actinobacterial physiology and their genetic regulation for the prolific production of natural products. These new approaches provide a unique opportunity to discover novel bioactive compounds that might replenish antibiotics’ exhausted stock and counter the microbes’ resistance crisis

    Genetic Engineering: Altering the Threads of Life

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    Over the past 30 years, the field of genetic engineering has grown in a spectacular manner. The methods involved in genetic engineering which were earlier considered cumbersome and involved sophisticated instrumentation have now became a common drill within the laboratories throughout the world. This rising technology is now involved in almost every aspect of biological research. Its application includes medical diagnosis, paternity disputes, forensic analysis, genome sequencing, etc. In the recent years, this technology has attained a large-scale attention, and now the commercial products developed using genetic engineering are known worldwide. The technique of genetic engineering is solely based on genetic information, which is encoded by the DNA in the form of genes. Through genetic engineering the genes can be introduced or manipulated within the host to develop products of value and importance, for treatment of genetic disorders, and to achieve other goals. The present chapter explains the techniques involved in genetic engineering and rDNA technology and its importance in revolutionizing different fields. The objective of this chapter is to highlight the basic principle and methodology involved in genetic engineering and its role in human welfare

    Molecular surveillance of dengue virus in field-collected Aedes mosquitoes from Bhopal, central India: evidence of circulation of a new lineage of serotype 2

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    IntroductionDengue fever is hyperendemic in several Southeast and South Asian countries, including India, with all four serotypes (DENV 1–4) circulating at different periods and in different locations. Sustainable and improved virological and entomological surveillance is the only tool to prevent dengue and other vector-borne diseases.ObjectivesThe present study has been carried out to detect and characterize the circulating dengue virus (DENV) in field-collected Aedes mosquitoes in Bhopal, Central India.MethodsAedes mosquitoes were collected from 29 localities within Bhopal city during October 2020 to September 2022. DENV infection was assessed in the individual head and thorax regions of Aedes mosquitoes using reverse transcriptase PCR. Positive samples were sequenced, and the circulating serotypes and genotypes were determined using phylogenetic analysis.ResultsDENV RNA was detected in 7 Aedes aegypti and 1 Aedes albopictus, with infection rates of 0.59 and 0.14%, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis revealed all the isolates belonged to DENV serotype 2 and distinctly clustered with the non-Indian lineage (cosmopolitan genotype 4a), which was not recorded from the study area earlier. The time to most common recent ancestor (TMRCA) of these sequences was 7.4 years old, with the highest posterior density (HPD) of 3.5–12.2 years, indicating that this new lineage emerged during the year 2014. This is the first report on the DENV incrimination in both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitoes collected from Bhopal, Central India.ConclusionThe observed emergence of the non-Indian lineage of DENV-2 in Bhopal, which again is a first report from the area, coincides with the gradual increase in DENV cases in Bhopal since 2014. This study emphasizes the importance of DENV surveillance and risk assessment in this strategically important part of the country to decipher its outbreak and severe disease-causing potential

    Corona Virus (COVID-19) Symptoms Prevention and Treatment: A Short Review

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    There is a new world health crisis threatening the public with spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019). Since 2019 when Covid-19 emerged in Hunan seafood market at Wuhan, South China and rapidly spread throughout the world, the virus outbreak has been declared a public health emergency by the WHO. Corona virus causes respiratory infection including pneumonia, cold, sneezing and coughing while in animal it causes diarrhea and upper respiratory diseases. Corona virus transmitted human to human or human to animal via airborne droplets. Patient shows various symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat, breathlessness and fatigue. The disease is being cured through general treatment, symptomatic treatment and by other methods. This review outlines the Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Management and prevention of this fatal disease. Keywords: Coronavirus disease-2019, COVID-19, Respiratory Syndrome, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment